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Last active September 21, 2015 08:00
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Get all unique products of a specific catalogue and its children
<!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Name: Hierarchical catalogue iterator
Note: This will not run as a standalone, please see get-all-children-of-catalogue.liquid
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- Let's get the catalog ID, we will use it to find the childrens children ... -->
{% capture itemID %}{{}}{% endcapture -%}
<!-- Create the boolean variable that will tell us if the snippet should iterate again -->
{% assign hasChildren = false -%}
<!-- Add the IDs to the string -->
{% capture stringCatalog -%}{{}},{{stringCatalog}}{% endcapture -%}
<!-- Get the childrens children -->
{module_data resource="catalogs" version="v3" fields="id,name,parentId,url" skip="0" limit="100" where="\{'parentId':{{itemID}}\}" order="id" collection="children"}
<!-- If we find children that have the parentId as itemID -->
{% if children.items != null -%}
<!-- Set the variable as true -->
{% assign hasChildren = true -%}
{% endif %}
<!-- Now just a matter of checking the flag to see if it's true, meaning it has children, this will make sure we don't hit an infinite loop -->
{% if hasChildren == true -%}
{% for item in children.items %}
<!-- Run again the snippet until the flag is false -->
{% include '/_System/_Includes/catalogue-hierarchical-iteration.liquid' %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Name: Gets all children IDs of a parent catalog and makes an array out of them
Note: Important that catalogue-hierarchical-iteration.liquid is really an include file
Without it, the code will not iterate hierarchical into the catalogs childrens children
and so on.
- catalogue-hierarchical-iteration.liquid needed.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
{% assign stringCatalog = "" -%} <!-- String var that will hold all catalog IDs -->
<!-- Get children of primary catalogue, globals.get.CatalogueID can be used if on a catalogue page -->
{module_data resource="catalogs" version="v3" skip="0" limit="100" where="\{'parentId':{{primaryCatalogue}}\}" order="id" collection="children"}
<!-- Let's make sure the catalogue really has children -->
{% if children.totalItemsCount > 0 -%}
<!-- Loop through the items -->
{% for item in children.items %}
<!-- Include the snippet that will do all the heavy lifting -->
{% include '/_System/_Includes/catalogue-hierarchical-iteration.liquid' %}
{% endfor -%}
{% endif -%}
<!-- The array that will have our catalogue IDs
e.g [ "176691","176854","176855","315673","315674","315675","315676"]
{% assign catalogIdsArray = stringCatalog | split: "," | sort -%}
<!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Name: Get all products from array of catalog IDs
Note: Run as a standalone, this snippet will not take in account duplicate products
if they are found in 2 ore more catalogs.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- The array name catalogIdsArray
e.g ["176691","176854","176855","315673","315674","315675","315676"]
{% if catalogIdsArray == null -%}
{% assign catalogIdsArray = '176691,176854,176855,315673,315674,315675,315676' | split: "," -%}
{% endif -%}
{% assign stringProduct = "" -%} <!-- String var that will hold all our product IDs -->
<!-- Loop through the array -->
{% for catalogId in catalogIdsArray -%}
<!-- Get products of every catalogue -->
{module_data resource="catalogproducts" version="v3" fields="product" skip="0" limit="100" where="\{'catalogueId':{{catalogId}}\}" order="catalogueId" collection="catProducts"}
<!-- Let's make sure the catalogue really has products -->
{% if catProducts.items -%}
<!-- Loop through the items -->
{% for item in catProducts.items -%}
<!-- Add the IDs to stringProduct variable -->
{% capture stringProduct -%}{{}},{{stringProduct}}{% endcapture -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
<!-- The array that will have our product IDs, duplicates may appear like in the example below
Don't forget about the sort filter, it will help us get only unique IDs if you use the following
snippet: print-unique-products-from-array-of-product-ids.liquid
e.g ["9683555","9683556","9683557","9683558","9683559","9683560","9683561","9683562","9683563","9692748","9750323","9750323","9750324","9750324","9750325","9750325","9750326","9750326"]
{% assign productIdsArray = stringProduct | split: "," | sort -%}
<!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Name: Get all unique products of a specific catalogue and its children
Story: We want to show all the products from a specific catalogue but we also want the
products of the catalogs children. It may be possible that you would have the same
product in two or more categories so for that, we need to be sure the products that
we print at the end are unique.
Notes: - this tutorial has been split into separate files as you could use each included
file as a standalone liquid snippet/helper.
- the location and file extension does not matter, just be sure the path is correct
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- Our main catalogue, this ID can be taken from globals.get.CatalogueID if need be -->
{% assign primaryCatalogue = "-1" -%}
Get all children catalogs of a specific catalogue
returns an array of IDs
{% include "/_System/_Includes/get-all-children-of-catalogue.liquid" -%}
Get all products from the given array of catalog IDs
returns an array of IDs
{% include "/_System/_Includes/get-all-products-from-array-of-catalogue-ids.liquid" -%}
Print uniques products from an array with duplicate products
returns html
{% include "/_System/_Includes/print-unique-products-from-array-of-product-ids.liquid" -%}
<!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Name: Print unique products from an array of product IDs
Note: Run as a standalone, this snippet will not take in account duplicate products
if they are found in 2 ore more catalogs.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- The array that will have our product IDs named productIdsArray
e.g ["9683555","9683556","9683557","9683558","9683559","9683560","9683561","9683562","9683563","9692748","9750323","9750323","9750324","9750324","9750325","9750325","9750326","9750326"]
{% if productIdsArray == null -%}
{% assign productIdsArray = '9683558,9683557,9750325,9750325,9750325,9750326,9750326' | split: "," | sort -%}
{% endif -%}
{% assign index = 0 -%} <!-- Assigned an integer variable to help us get unique products -->
{% assign counter = 0 -%} <!-- Unique products counter -->
<!-- Loop through the array -->
{% for productId in productIdsArray -%}
{% assign allCounter = forloop.length -%}<!-- All products counter -->
<!-- Convert the IDs to numbers -->
{% assign resourceId = productId | convert: "number" -%}
<!-- If the previous index was the same as the current product ID it means it was the same product, so let's skip it -->
{% if resourceId != index -%}
<!-- Just in case everything ok with our productIdsArray -->
{% unless resourceId == null -%}
<!-- Get product collection -->
{module_data resource="products" version="v3" resourceId="{{resourceId}}" skip="0" limit="100" order="id" collection="product"}
<!-- Let's make sure we have the collection -->
{% if product -%}
<p><a href="{{product.canonicalUrl}}">{{}} - {{}}</a></p>
{% assign counter = counter | plus: 1 %} <!-- Add to counter (counter++) -->
{% endif -%}
{% endunless -%}
{% endif -%}
<!-- Let's change the index to the last used product ID -->
{% assign index = resourceId -%}
{% endfor -%}
<p>We had <strong>{{allCounter}}</strong> products.</p>
<p>But only <strong>{{counter}}</strong> are unique.</p>
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