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Created March 17, 2019 14:40
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Binary Search on x8085 ASM
; Just for test purposes it would be nice to automatically generate test array (haystack) in which to find a needle.
; Fill memory with 8 elements: 0, 1.. 7 and value of element corresponds to it's addresses.
mvi b, 7 ; last index to fill untill
mvi h, 0 ; set up HL as memory pointer
mvi l, 0 ; set up HL as memory pointer
loop: inr l ; increase l by one
mov m, l
mov a, l
cmp b
jm loop
; Binary search
; Alghorithm is about like this
; low = 0
; high = length(haystack) - 1
; result = 0xFF
; while high > low {
; // average between high and low
; var average = (low + high) >>> 1
; // index of middle element
; var middle = average + low
; var element = haystack[middle]
; if needle == element {
; result = middle
; exit
; } else if needle > element {
; low = middle + 1
; } else {
; high = middle - 1
; }
; }
; Initialization block
mvi b, 0 ; low@b - index from which to start search i.e. 0
mvi c, 7 ; high@c - index where to stop search. Our haystack has 8 elements so index of last elemnt is 7
mvi d, 7 ; needle@d - value to find
mvi l, 9 ; result will be stored to memory at address 9
mvi m, 255 ; clear result, 255 i.e. 0xFF means not found
while: mov a, c
cmp b ; high > low
jm exit
; ((low + high) >>> 1) + low;
add c ; a already have low@b so let's add high@c
rar ; shift to right i.e. divide by 2 so we can get an average
add b ; average + low
mov e, a ; middle@e
; get element from memory
mov l, e ; memory address@l is middle@e
mov a, m ; get to element@a from memory@m by index@l
cmp d ; is element@a > needle@d?
jz equals ; jz - jump on zero
jm less ; jm - jump on negative
jp greater ; jp - jump on positive
equals: mvi l, 9 ; store middle@e to memory on 9
mov m, e
jmp exit
less: mov a, e
inr a
mov b, a
jmp while
greater: mov a, e
dcr a
mov c, a
jmp while
exit: hlt
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stokito commented Mar 17, 2019

Tested on GNUSim8085

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