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Last active January 16, 2017 20:28
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The Setting

Set in an alternative timeline of the Stargate the series. So characters of the show will not be present in this setting, but they might be parallel characters.

Stargate Command was formed upon the discovery of an ancient alien artifact discovered under a pyramid in Egypt. This device, known as the Stargate, can transport objects instantly across the galaxy to other Stargates. The SGC's primary mission is to seek out alien technology in order to progress and protect humanity.

The SGC has only been involved in full offworld operations for the last 8 months with over a dozens missions under it's belt. Much about the Stargate Network, alien technology, and other races is unknown.

You have been recruited to join SG-6, the SGC's newest team. You have been selected because of your extraordinary skills and talents. The SGC is always seeking exceptional individuals in the fields of strategy/tactics, diplomacy, physics/engineering, and languages/history/archaeology.

Character Creation in SGX

0. Affiliation

The first step is to decide if your character is affiliated with the military or is a civilian. If military, think about what branch of the military you were recruited from; Navy, Air Force, Army, Intelligence, etc. You will have access to more gear during deployments, but will also be compelled to follow the Chain of Command. If civilian, think about what field you accel in and what you did to make the SGC take notice of you. Whichever you pick you should also think about how your character feels about being part of a top-secret military organization and what their motives are within it.

1. Core Aspect

The next step to building your character is picking their "Core Aspect". This is a descriptive sentence that describes what your character is about. A good place to start is answering the question, "Why were you recruited by the SGC?". When you think about your Core Aspect, try to think of two things: how this aspect could help you, and how it might make things harder for you. Good Core Aspects do both. Feel free to create some lore while doing this.

Examples: "Best sharpshooter Easy Company has ever seen.", "I wrote the book on Ancient Civilizations", or maybe you "Called in a favour from 'Upper Management'".

2. Trouble

A trouble is an aspect that gets you into trouble. Maybe it's a personal weakness, a recurring enemy, or an important obligation. You can embellish the details behind your trouble in your backstory, but you should be able to make it a succinct aspect.

Examples: "Shoot first; Ask questions later", "A sucker for a sob story", "General Lansdow wants me to resign", or "I have to save my dying sister"

3. Approaches

Next you pick how your character likes to approach situations. There are 6 in the game and they are a lot like stats from D&D. They are: Careful, Clever, Flashy, Forceful, Quick, and Sneaky. Pick one approach to have a +3 (your best) and one approach that has a +0 (your worst). Then two that have a +2 (good at) and two 2 that have a +1 (okay at).


  • The Brute: Forceful +3, Careful and Flashy +2, Sneaky and Quick +1, Clever +0
  • The All-Star: Quick +3, Forceful and Flashy +2, Clever and Careful +1, Sneaky +0
  • The Trickster: Clever +3, Sneaky and Flashy +2, Forceful and Quick +1, Careful +0
  • The Guardian: Careful +3, Forceful and Clever +2, Sneaky and Quick +1, Flashy +0

4. Stunt (Optional)

And lastly you can pick a 'stunt'. Stunts are tricks, maneuvers, or techniques your character has that change how an approach works for your character. Generally this means you get a bonus in certain situations, but sometimes it gives you some other ability or characteristic. A stunt can also reflect specialized, high-quality, or exotic equipment that your character has access to that gives them a frequent edge over other characters. In FAE abilities, gear, and feats are all modeled as stunts. Stunts come in two flavours:

A. "Because I [describe some way that you are exceptional, have a cool bit of gear, or are otherwise awesome], I get a +2 when I [pick one: Carefully, Cleverly, Flashily, Forcefully, Quickly, Sneakily] [pick one: attack, defend, create advantages, overcome] when [describe a circumstance]"


  • Because I am a Smooth Talker, I get a +2 when I Sneakily create advantages when i’m in conversation with someone.
  • Because I am a World-Class Duelist, I get a +2 when I Flashily attack when engaged in a one-on-one gun fight.
  • Because I am a savant with Alien Tech, I get a +2 when I Cleverly Overcome situations when dealing with non-human technologies.

B. "Because I [describe some way that you are exceptional, have a cool bit of gear, or are otherwise awesome], once per game session I can [describe something cool you can do]"


  • Because I am Well Connected, once per game session I can find a helpful ally in just the right place.
  • Because I am Quick on the Draw, once per game session I can choose to go first in a physical conflict.
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