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A primer for playing Minecraft UHC for players with little experience with Minecraft.

Minecraft UHC

Ultra Hardcore is amode of Minecraft that closely resembles the Hunger Games. Players are dropped randomly in a bounded landscape with nothing. From there you make scanvenge, build tools, and hunt down other players Battle Royal style.

The two major modifications to Vanilla Minecraft are firstly we're disabling the night/day cycle and secondly disabling health regeneration. The former to allow for more player interaction and less deaths from aggressive mobs. The latter so every point of damage is permanent, so running away to regen health is not viable, and small things, like fall damage, must be accounted for.

This primer will cover the basics, new additions to the game that are useful, PvP advice, and some more advance tactics yourself and other players may use.


When the game starts you'll be dropped in a random location with nothing. Your first goal should be to get full iron armor, a decent supply of food, and an iron sword. There's some new things you may have not seen before.

New Stuff

The two big things you'll notice is the hunger bar and the experience bar. Everything you do in minecraft reduces your hunger bar. If it is low you can't sprint anymore (sprinting is done by double tapping forward), if it becomes empty you'll take damage. It's very important to keep this near full. Eat food to replenish it.

Killing mobs, cooking food, smelting ores, and mining rare ores all give you experience. This experience is used for adding enchantments and repairing your weapons and armor. This is covered more in the Blacksmith section of advanced tactics. For now, you can just ignore this.


Once you get damaged there are only two ways to heal. Both are quite difficult to obtain, it it's best to start working towards getting at least one gold apple from the start of the game.

Golden Apples are made from surrounding an apple with 8 gold ignots. Apples are dropped from leaves, but are quite rare. This will heal only 2 hearts of damage. Try to get an apple early, and look for gold while caving. It's best to get at least one of these.

Health potion are much harding to make and also heal 2 hearts. To make one requires a brewing stand stand, then brewing an awkward potion, then brewing that with a golden melon, (a melon slice surrounded by gold nuggets). Not only are melons and gold hard to find, the materials required to make an awkward poition, and brewing stand can only be found in the nether, which is a very dangerous place which requires to build a portal to reach it, which is rather expensive.


Here's a short list of recipes you should know. Make a little cheat sheet for ones you're not familar with.

Your First 30 minutes

First get wood. Collect 10-16 wood blocks, these will be used to build work benches, first pickaxe to get stone, and is used in nearly every other recipe in the game. Make your first pickaxe, collect some stone, then upgrade to a full set of stone tools (pick, shovel, sword and axe).

From here I would hunt a bit for food. Nearly every animal drops food, so look around for cows, chickens, and pigs. Cooked food fills your hunger bar far more efficiently then raw food, so you'll probably want to make a furnance and cook your food.

From here it's best to head under ground to get iron armor and weapons through caving.


The goal here should be to collect coal and as much iron as you can get your hands on. A full set of iron armor and sword takes 26 iron. The most efficient way to find iron is to go caving. Basically dig down til you find a cave and explore it. If it runs into a dead end, find your way out and go to another one.

Caving can be dangerous as mobs will be spawning all around you, so be cautious and only cave as much as you need. Be sure to use torches constantly so mobs don't spawn from behind as you progress.

In addition to iron, look for gold and diamond. Gold is used to make one of the only two items that can heal you in UHC, a Golden Apple. Diamond is used to create better sets of armor and weapons, although it is much harder and more dangerous to find, as it located around lava.

Branch mining, a technique of simply mining in straight lines avoiding caves, is safer then caving, but much less efficient and is generally frowned upon in most UHCs as it leads to very little player interaction.

After you're decked out and can head back to the surface to try and track down other players for a quick early kill, or move on to one of the Advance Tactics below.


Player verus Player, or PVP is combat. In older versions of Minecraft combat was a random spam-fest of clicks in hopes of landing a sword hit on opponents. However with the additions of armor, critical hits, sneaking, sprinting, and bow drawback, combat has been much more tactical then random.


Bows now have a drawback which will determine it's firing distance. While pulling back your bow, your movement is slowed, so proper timing while in a bow shoot out is critical. The path of an arrow is quite arched, just practice a bit to get a feel for how you should aim.

Bows require arrows which can be tricky to get in UHC. They require sticks, feathers, and flint. The latter is acquired from breaking gravel with a chance to drop it. Be sure to stock up on close to a stack of arrows if you want to focus on bow combat.

Critical Hits

Critical hits deal extra damage to your target. With a sword this can be accomplished by hitting someone while you are jumping. With a bow firing an arrow when the bow sparkles during the drawback with make it a crit.


At all times players will be able to see your name tag floating above you. Holding shift to sneak will reduce your speed, but hid this. Very useful for sneaking up on players, or confusing opponents during combat when you get cover. Sneaking will also stop you from falling off of edges. Useful for when you're around high ledges or lava.


Holding the right mouse button will hold your sword up to block. Blocking will reduce damage and knockback of attacks.

Cover and Highground

Try to keep some blocks (dirt or stone) in your hotbar for building cover quickly. Using half slabs is also benefical as it gives you more cover without effecting your firing.

Highground is incredibly important when fighting. It allows you to leap down to your opponent to land a critical hit with your sword, or give you a better view to hit them with your bow if they retreat. Tyr to obtain the highground as often as possible.

Advanced Tactics

You want a leg up on the competition. You know everyone will have iron sword and armor, but you want more. A lot has been adding to minecraft that allows for some very interesting and varied play. We'll be covering 4 types of next level tactics. These can be quite time/resource intensive and sometimes dangerous to try, but the pay-offs are worth it.

Don't feel resistricted by only doing one of these. The best UHC players I've seen will often to two or three of these as the match goes on.


Here we are focusing on using your experience to add enchantments to our weapons. This requires an enchanting table and books, which are rather expensive. Luckily villages can have all the resources needed to build these. A blacksmith player will try to gain as much expereince as possible early on, and after reaching iron armor, hunts down villages. Here they can trade with the villagers for more resources and build the enchanting table, using books from the chapel to fuel their enchantments.

Enchantments can be placed on all armor and weapons, giving more protection, resistance to fire, more knockback, increased damage, added fire damage. Having enchanted weapons can easily trun the tides of a battle.


A hunter focus on finding and taming wolves to fight for them. As well as building areas of cover to where they can retreat to and fight. Wolves can be found roaming in forests and are tamed with bones. A tamed wolf will now follow you and fight anyone you fight. Although weak, having more then just one target for your opponent to deal with will usually overwhelm them.

Note that wolves are not the smartest and will wander into lava, hit cacti, drown, or will fight other mobs if you get too close. A wolf's tail will rise and lower depending on its health. You can heal your wolf by feeding it any meat.


A Rogue focuses on using redstone, tnt, pistions, lava, tripwires, and pressure plates to build traps. Be wary of areas that look inhabited. They are great for sneaking up on someone mining or smelting getting a surpirse attack, howeever they might have left a trap for you. Rogues will spend extra time caving to collect the needed redstone and extra iron to build their traps. Smelting cobblestone to turn it back into smoothstone is a must for covering your tracks.

Complex traps are usually too difficult to build, requiring too much planning or redstone. The best traps are simple ones, using pressure plates to activate pistons to push players into hole, or tripwires to turn on dispensers filled with lava.


The most ambitious of speacilzaitons, rushes to the Nether to make potions. Brewing stand and basic potions all require blaze rods and nether wart, which are only found in the nether. They also need glass bottles, water, and a variety of ingredients to brew.

Such investment is worth it though as potions can be used to heal you, make you faster, strogner, even invisible. Throw in a bit of redstone, and now you can throw your potions like grenades, giving opponents instant damage, weakness, or slow them down.

Brewing is rather involved, so you can check it out here for details.

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i want to play uhc how do you found uhc

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