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Created September 30, 2018 16:34
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gist to show how to get hiragana x romaji dictionary
def get_hiragana():
"""Returns a dictionary of hiragana and their romaji."""
import textwrap
data = u"""
a i u e o
∅ あ い う え お
k か き く け こ
s さ し す せ そ
t た ち つ て と
n な に ぬ ね の
h は ひ ふ へ ほ
m ま み む め も
y や ゆ よ
r ら り る れ ろ
w わ ゐ ゑ を
hiragana_table = textwrap.dedent(data)
hiragana_dict = {}
for i in hiragana_table.split("\n"):
items = i.strip().split()
if len(items) == 5:
header = items
elif len(items) == 6:
key = items[0]
hiragana = items[1:]
for h, letter in zip(header, hiragana):
romaji = u"{}{}".format(key, h)
hiragana_dict[romaji] = letter
# also, need to add 'n'
hiragana_dict["n"] = u"ん"
return hiragana_dict
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