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Created February 8, 2017 16:10
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get_gci_fcn <- function(mymeansqsvec, MC = 100000, B, L, R, alpha = 0.05) {
# Precondition: mymeansqsvec is a vector of mean squares from
# the ANOVA fit of a two-way crossed models. B>2
# is the number of levels of the first factor and
# L>2 is the number of levels of the second factor and
# R>0 is the number of replicates per cell. A two-way
# balanced layout without interaction is assumed.
# MC is the number of Monte Carlo used to construct the
# GCI, with default one-hundred thousand.
# Postcondition: The returned vector contains the upper and lower
# limits of a (1-alpha)*100% confidence interval.
bioloms <- mymeansqsvec[1];
labpms <- mymeansqsvec[2];
errorems <- mymeansqsvec[3];
W11 <- rchisq(MC, df = L - 1);
W21 <- rchisq(MC, df = B - 1);
W31 <- rchisq(MC, L * B * R - B - L + 1);
piv_q_sosq <- rep(NA, MC);
piv_q_gamy <- rep(NA, MC);
for (m in 1:MC) {
piv_q_sosq[m] <- max(c(0, (B - 1) * bioloms / (L * R * W21[m]) -
(L * B * R - L - B + 1) * errorems / (L * R * W31[m])));
piv_q_gamy[m] <-
(L - 1) * labpms / (B * R * W11[m]) +
(B - 1) * bioloms / (L * R * W21[m]) +
(B * L * R - B - L) * (B * L * R - B - L + 1) *
errorems / (B * L * R * W31[m]);
piv_q_icc <- piv_q_sosq / piv_q_gamy;
lower <- quantile(piv_q_icc, alpha / 2);
upper <- quantile(piv_q_icc, 1 - alpha / 2);
c(lower, upper);
# Precondition: mymeansqsvec is a vector of mean squares from
# the ANOVA fit of a two-way crossed models. B>2
# is the number of levels of the first factor and
# L>2 is the number of levels of the second factor and
# R>0 is the number of replicates per cell. A two-way
# balanced layout without interaction is assumed.
# type is a type of a confidence interval to be constructed.
# Postcondition: The returned list contains the upper and lower
# limits of a (1-alpha)*100% confidence interval and an estimated ICC.
get_mls_ci <- function(mymeansqsvec, B, L, alpha = 0.05, type = "two.sided") {
MS <- mymeansqsvec
S12 <- MS[1] # mean square subject
S22 <- MS[2] # mean square rater
S32 <- MS[3] # mean square residual error
df1 <- B - 1 # df for subject
df2 <- L - 1 # df for rater
df3 <- df1 * df2 # df for residual error
d2 <- (df2 + 1) / (df1 + 1)
d3 <- (df2 + 1) - 1 - d2
# calculate estimated ICC (NOTE: the answer is the same as what REML
# => produces in lmer)
est.icc <- (S12 - S32) / (S12 + d2 * S22 + d3 * S32)
if (type == "two.sided"){
alpha <- alpha / 2
} else {
alpha <- alpha
# calculate quantities in the Appendix of Cappelleri & Ting
H1 <- (1 / qf(alpha, df1, Inf)) - 1
H2 <- (1 / qf(alpha, df2, Inf)) - 1
H3 <- (1 / qf(alpha, df3, Inf)) - 1
G1 <- 1 - (1 / qf(1 - alpha, df1, Inf))
G2 <- 1 - (1 / qf(1 - alpha, df2, Inf))
G3 <- 1 - (1 / qf(1 - alpha, df3, Inf))
H12 <- ( (1 - qf(alpha, df1, df2)) ^ 2 -
(H1 * qf(alpha, df1, df2)) ^ 2 - G2 ^ 2) /
(qf(alpha, df1, df2))
H13 <- ( (1 - qf(alpha, df1, df3)) ^ 2 -
(H1 * qf(alpha, df1, df3)) ^ 2 - G3 ^ 2) /
(qf(alpha, df1, df3))
G12 <- ( (qf(1 - alpha, df1, df2) - 1) ^ 2 -
(G1 * qf(1 - alpha, df1, df2)) ^ 2 - H2 ^ 2) /
(qf(1 - alpha, df1, df2))
G13 <- ( (qf(1 - alpha, df1, df3) - 1) ^ 2 -
(G1 * qf(1 - alpha, df1, df3)) ^ 2 - H3 ^ 2) /
(qf(1 - alpha, df1, df3))
# 100(1-alpha) per cent upper confidence limit U
Au <- (1 - H1 ^ 2) * (S12 ^ 2) + (1 - G2 ^ 2) * (d2 ^ 2) * (S22 ^ 2) +
(1 - G3 ^ 2) * (d3 ^ 2) * (S32 ^ 2) + (2 + H12) * d2 * S12 * S22 +
(2 + H13) * d3 * S12 * S32 + 2 * d2 * d3 * S22 * S32
Bu <- (-2) * (1 - H1 ^ 2) * (S12 ^ 2) + 2 * (1 - G3 ^ 2) * d3 * (S32 ^ 2) -
(2 + H12) * d2 * S12 * S22 - (2 + H13) * (d3 - 1) * S12 * S32 +
2 * d2 * S22 * S32
Cu <- (1 - H1 ^ 2) * (S12 ^ 2) + (1 - G3 ^ 2) * (S32 ^ 2) -
(2 + H13) * S12 * S32
Q1 <- max(0, (Bu ^ 2 - 4 * Au * Cu))
U <- (-Bu + sqrt(Q1)) / (2 * Au)
# 100(1-alpha) per cent lower confidence limit L
Al <- (1 - G1 ^ 2) * (S12 ^ 2) + (1 - H2 ^ 2) * (d2 ^ 2) * (S22 ^ 2) +
(1 - H3 ^ 2) * (d3 ^ 2) * (S32 ^ 2) + (2 + G12) * d2 * S12 * S22 +
(2 + G13) * d3 * S12 * S32 + 2 * d2 * d3 * S22 * S32
Bl <- (-2) * (1 - G1 ^ 2) * (S12 ^ 2) + 2 * (1 - H3 ^ 2) * d3 * (S32 ^ 2) -
(2 + G12) * d2 * S12 * S22 - (2 + G13) * (d3 - 1) * S12 * S32 +
2 * d2 * S22 * S32
Cl <- (1 - G1 ^ 2) * (S12 ^ 2) + (1 - H3 ^ 2) * (S32 ^ 2) -
(2 + G13) * S12 * S32
Q2 <- max(0, (Bl ^ 2 - 4 * Al * Cl))
L <- (-Bl - sqrt(Q2)) / (2 * Al)
if (type == "two.sided"){
out <- list(ICCest = est.icc, upper = U, lower = L)
} else if (type == "upper"){
out <- list(ICCest = est.icc, upper = U, lower = 0)
} else {
out <- list(ICCest = est.icc, lower = L, upper = 1)
} # End get_mls_ci
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