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Created July 23, 2016 15:40
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Web sequence diagram for canvas visualisation API
title Using our API: details at /api/v1/routes
note over API: LOGIN
note right of API: GET /api/v1/client_id
Dev->API: Request for Google OAuth Client ID
API->Dev: Returns Google OAuth Client ID as URL Dev can call
Dev->*Google: Request callback code from Google
Google-->Dev: Returns callback code
destroy Google
note right of API: GET /api/v1/use_callback_code
Dev->API: Sends callback code to API
API->Dev: Returns "Email"
note over Dev: To login new users/users with forgotten passwords
note right of API: POST /api/v1/save_password
Dev->API: Save password with API
API->Dev: Returns "RegularToken"
note over Dev: To login returning users
note right of API: GET /api/v1/verify_password
Dev->API: Verify password with API
API->Dev: Returns "RegularToken"
note over API: TOKENS
note right of API: POST /api/v1/tokens
Dev->API: Save canvas url and canvas token with API
API->Dev: Returns message stating whether token was saved or not
note right of API: GET /api/v1/tokens
Dev->API: Request saved tokens
API->Dev: Returns array of saved "Tokens"
note right of API: DELETE /api/v1/tokens
Dev->API: Delete all tokens
API->Dev: Returns 200/OK if all tokens are deleted
note right of API: DELETE /api/v1/token
Dev->API: Delete a specific token
API->Dev: Returns 200/OK if specific token is deleted
note over API: CANVAS
note right of API: GET /api/v1/courses
Dev->API: Request course list from Canvas
API->Dev: Returns array of "Courses"
note right of API: GET /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/{data}
Dev->API: Request specific course data from Canvas
API->Dev: Returns data, could be hash or an array
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