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Last active August 16, 2019 13:57
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Holzinger Swineford Bayesian CFA example
summary(m0 <- cfa(
"F1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x9\n F2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6\n F3 =~ x7 + x8 + x9\n x3 ~~ x5\n x2 ~~ x7\n x4 ~~ x7",
HolzingerSwineford1939, = TRUE, meanstructure = TRUE))
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
# Cov mat decomp
# saveRDS(stan_model(stanc_ret = stanc(file = "stan_scripts/cfa_decomp.stan")),
# "stan_scripts/cfa_decomp.rds")
cfa.decomp.stan <- readRDS("stan_scripts/cfa_decomp.rds")
# Cov mat decomp w/ residual covariances
# saveRDS(stan_model(stanc_ret = stanc(file = "stan_scripts/cfa_decomp_pe.stan")),
# "stan_scripts/cfa_decomp_pe.rds") <- readRDS("stan_scripts/cfa_decomp_pe.rds")
X <- HolzingerSwineford1939[, paste0("x", 1:9)]
(loading_pat <- matrix(c(
rep(1, 3), rep(0, 5), 1, rep(0, 3), rep(1, 3), rep(0, 9), rep(1, 3)), 9, 3))
dat <- list(
Np = nrow(X), # number respondents
Ni = ncol(X), # number items
Nf = ncol(loading_pat), # number factors
Nl = sum(loading_pat), # number loadings
input_data = X, # input data matrix
loading_pattern = loading_pat, # Loading patterns
g_alpha = 1, g_beta = 1, # Inverse gamma priors for residual variances
shape_phi_c = 2, # LKJ prior for interfactor correlation matrix
# Column matrix with items containing items with loadings constrained to be positive
# Useful for identifying the factors
markers = matrix(c(1, 4, 7)),
# Remaining items are only relevant if you want to model residual covariances
v = 3, # number residual covariances
# matrix of residual covariances
# each row contains a pair and the numbers are the item positions in the input data matrix
error_mat = matrix(c(3, 5, 2, 7, 4, 7), 3, byrow = T),
beta_par = 2 # Symmetric beta prior for residual correlations
# Initialize all loadings to 1
initf <- function() list(loadings_mark = rep(1, dat$Nf), loadings = rep(1, dat$Nl - dat$Nf))
fit.decomp <- sampling(cfa.decomp.stan, data = dat, init = initf) <- sampling(, data = dat, init = initf)
print(fit.decomp, pars = c(
"loadings_mark", "loadings", "item_res_vars", "intercepts",
"phi_mat[1, 2]", "phi_mat[1, 3]", "phi_mat[2, 3]", "sigma_loadings"),
probs = c(.025, .975), digits_summary = 3)
stan_hist(fit.decomp, pars = c(
"loadings_mark", "loadings", "item_res_vars", "intercepts",
"phi_mat[1, 2]", "phi_mat[1, 3]", "phi_mat[2, 3]", "sigma_loadings"))
print(, pars = c(
"loadings_mark", "loadings", "res_cov", "item_res_vars", "intercepts",
"phi_mat[1, 2]", "phi_mat[1, 3]", "phi_mat[2, 3]", "sigma_loadings"),
probs = c(.025, .975), digits_summary = 3)
stan_hist(, pars = c(
"loadings_mark", "loadings", "res_cov", "item_res_vars", "intercepts",
"phi_mat[1, 2]", "phi_mat[1, 3]", "phi_mat[2, 3]", "sigma_loadings"))
(hs <- loo(fit.decomp))
( <- loo(
// No residual covariances
data {
real g_alpha; // prior for inv_gamma
real g_beta; // prior for inv_gamma
int<lower = 1> shape_phi_c; // lkj prior shape for phi
int<lower = 0> Np; // N_persons
int<lower = 0> Ni; // N_items
int<lower = 0> Nf; // N_factors
int<lower = 0> Nl; // N_non-zero loadings
matrix[Np, Ni] input_data; // input matrix
matrix[Ni, Nf] loading_pattern;
int markers[Nf, 1]; // markers
transformed data {
vector[Ni] dat_mv[Np];
for (i in 1:Np) {
dat_mv[i] = input_data[i, ]';
parameters {
vector<lower = 0>[Nf] loadings_mark; // loadings
vector[Nl - Nf] loadings; // loadings
real<lower = 0> sigma_loadings; // sd of loadings, hyperparm
vector<lower = 0>[Ni] item_res_vars; // item residual vars heteroskedastic
cholesky_factor_corr[Nf] phi_mat_chol;
vector[Ni] intercepts;
transformed parameters {
matrix[Ni, Nf] loading_matrix = rep_matrix(0, Ni, Nf);
corr_matrix[Nf] phi_mat;
matrix[Ni, Ni] lamb_phi_lamb;
matrix[Ni, Ni] delta_mat;
matrix[Ni, Ni] Sigma;
int pos = 0;
for (i in 1:Ni) {
for (j in 1:Nf) {
if (loading_pattern[i, j] != 0) {
if (i == markers[j, 1]) {
loading_matrix[i, j] = loadings_mark[j];
} else {
pos = pos + 1;
loading_matrix[i, j] = loadings[pos];
phi_mat = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(phi_mat_chol);
lamb_phi_lamb = quad_form_sym(phi_mat, loading_matrix');
delta_mat = diag_matrix(item_res_vars);
Sigma = lamb_phi_lamb + delta_mat;
model {
loadings ~ normal(0, sigma_loadings);
loadings_mark ~ normal(0, sigma_loadings);
sigma_loadings ~ student_t(3, 0, 1);
item_res_vars ~ inv_gamma(g_alpha, g_beta);
phi_mat_chol ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(shape_phi_c);
intercepts ~ normal(0, 10);
dat_mv ~ multi_normal(intercepts, Sigma);
generated quantities {
vector[Np] log_lik;
for (i in 1:Np) {
log_lik[i] = multi_normal_lpdf(dat_mv[i] | intercepts, Sigma);
// Residual covariances via parameter expansion
functions {
int sign(real x) {
if (x > 0)
return 1;
return -1;
data {
real g_alpha; // prior for inv_gamma
real g_beta; // prior for inv_gamma
real beta_par; // prior for correlations
int<lower = 1> shape_phi_c; // lkj prior shape for phi
int<lower = 0> Np; // N_persons
int<lower = 0> Ni; // N_items
int<lower = 0> Nf; // N_factors
int<lower = 0> Nl; // N_non-zero loadings
int<lower = 1> v; // N_correlated errors
int error_mat[v, 2]; // cor error matrix
matrix[Np, Ni] input_data; // input matrix
matrix[Ni, Nf] loading_pattern;
int markers[Nf, 1]; // markers
transformed data {
vector[Ni] dat_mv[Np];
for (i in 1:Np) {
dat_mv[i] = input_data[i, ]';
parameters {
vector<lower = 0>[Nf] loadings_mark; // loadings
vector[Nl - Nf] loadings; // loadings
real<lower = 0> sigma_loadings; // sd of loadings, hyperparm
vector<lower = 0>[Ni] item_res_vars; // item residual vars heteroskedastic
cholesky_factor_corr[Nf] phi_mat_chol;
vector[Ni] intercepts;
vector<lower = 0, upper = 1>[v] cor_errs_01; // correlated errors on 01
transformed parameters {
matrix[Ni, Nf] loading_matrix = rep_matrix(0, Ni, Nf);
matrix[Nf, Nf] phi_mat;
matrix[Ni, Ni] lamb_phi_lamb;
matrix[Ni, Ni] delta_mat_ast;
matrix[Ni, Ni] delta_mat;
matrix[Ni, Ni] Sigma;
matrix[Ni, v] loading_par_exp;
vector<lower = -1, upper = 1>[v] cor_errs; // correlated errors
vector[v] res_cov; // residual covariances
int pos = 0;
for (i in 1:Ni) {
for (j in 1:Nf) {
if (loading_pattern[i, j] != 0) {
if (i == markers[j, 1]) {
loading_matrix[i, j] = loadings_mark[j];
} else {
pos = pos + 1;
loading_matrix[i, j] = loadings[pos];
phi_mat = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(phi_mat_chol);
lamb_phi_lamb = quad_form_sym(phi_mat, loading_matrix');
delta_mat = diag_matrix(item_res_vars);
cor_errs = cor_errs_01 * 2 - 1;
int pos = 0;
loading_par_exp = rep_matrix(0, Ni, v);
for (i in 1:v) {
res_cov[i] = cor_errs[i] * sqrt(prod(item_res_vars[error_mat[i, ]]));
loading_par_exp[error_mat[i, 1], i] = sqrt(
fabs(cor_errs[i]) * item_res_vars[error_mat[i, 1]]);
loading_par_exp[error_mat[i, 2], i] = sign(cor_errs[i]) * sqrt(
fabs(cor_errs[i]) * item_res_vars[error_mat[i, 2]]);
matrix[Ni, Ni] loading_par_exp_2;
loading_par_exp_2 = tcrossprod(loading_par_exp);
delta_mat_ast = diag_matrix(item_res_vars - diagonal(loading_par_exp_2));
Sigma = lamb_phi_lamb + loading_par_exp_2 + delta_mat_ast;
model {
loadings ~ normal(0, sigma_loadings);
loadings_mark ~ normal(0, sigma_loadings);
sigma_loadings ~ student_t(3, 0, 1);
item_res_vars ~ inv_gamma(g_alpha, g_beta);
phi_mat_chol ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(shape_phi_c);
intercepts ~ normal(0, 10);
cor_errs_01 ~ beta(beta_par, beta_par);
dat_mv ~ multi_normal(intercepts, Sigma);
generated quantities {
vector[Np] log_lik;
for (i in 1:Np) {
log_lik[i] = multi_normal_lpdf(dat_mv[i] | intercepts, Sigma);
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Feel free to acknowledge, if you prefer to cite:

Uanhoro, J. O. (2019). Holzinger Swineford Bayesian CFA example. Retrieved ..., from

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