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Last active May 5, 2021 16:56
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Polychoric correlations with Stan (accounts for missingness)
HS9 <- HolzingerSwineford1939[, paste0("x", 1:9)]
# Pearson correlations
# ordinal version, with three categories
HS9ord <-, cut, 5, labels = FALSE))
# Data must have minimum values of 1
# Create data format for Stan
dat.list <- create_dat_list_miss(HS9ord)
# Create Stan script
create_poly_stan_miss(dat.list$Ni, dat.list$n_ord, "stan_scripts/hs9.stan")
# Compile script
hs9_example <- cmdstan_model("stan_scripts/hs9.stan") <- hs9_example$sample(
data = dat.list, seed = 12345, iter_warmup = 5e2,
iter_sampling = 5e2, chains = 3, parallel_chains = 3)$cmdstan_diagnose() <- read_stan_csv($output_files())
# View thresholds
print(, paste0("cutpoints_", 1:dat.list$Ni), probs = c(.025, .5, .975), digits_summary = 3)
lavCor(HS9ord, ordered = names(HS9ord), output = "th") # Results from lavaan
# View correlation matrix
print(, c(
apply(which(lower.tri(matrix(NA, dat.list$Ni, dat.list$Ni)), arr.ind = TRUE), 1,
function (x) { paste0("R[", paste0(x, collapse = ","), "]") })),
probs = c(.025, .5, .975), digits_summary = 3)
lavCor(HS9ord, ordered = names(HS9ord), output = "est")[10:45, ] # Results from lavaan
# Show correlation matrix
filter_interval(, "R"), interval = .001)
# Show correlation matrix setting to 0 correlations whose 95% intervals exclude 0
filter_interval(, "R"), interval = .95)
# View partial correlation matrix
print(, c(
apply(which(lower.tri(matrix(NA, dat.list$Ni, dat.list$Ni)), arr.ind = TRUE), 1,
function (x) { paste0("P[", paste0(x, collapse = ","), "]") })),
probs = c(.025, .5, .975), digits_summary = 3)
# Partial correlation matrix
filter_interval(, "P"), interval = .001)
# Partial correlation matrix setting to 0 correlations whose 95% intervals include 0
filter_interval(, "P"), interval = .95)
# Sample Gaussian graphical model
qgraph::qgraph(filter_interval(, "P"), interval = .95))
# -------
# HS9 with missing
HS9ord_miss <- apply(HS9ord, 2, function (x) { x[sample(1:length(x), 20)] <- NA; x })
HS9ord_miss[5, ] <- NA # sample row completely missing, gets dropped
dat.list.miss <- create_dat_list_miss(HS9ord_miss)
hs9_example <- cmdstan_model("stan_scripts/hs9") <- hs9_example$sample(
data = dat.list.miss, seed = 12345, iter_warmup = 5e2,
iter_sampling = 5e2, chains = 3, parallel_chains = 3)$cmdstan_diagnose() <- read_stan_csv($output_files())
# View thresholds
print(, paste0("cutpoints_", 1:dat.list$Ni), probs = c(.025, .5, .975), digits_summary = 3)
print(, paste0("cutpoints_", 1:dat.list.miss$Ni), probs = c(.025, .5, .975), digits_summary = 3)
lavCor(HS9ord, ordered = names(HS9ord), output = "th") # Results from lavaan
# View correlation matrix
print(, c(
apply(which(lower.tri(matrix(NA, dat.list.miss$Ni, dat.list.miss$Ni)), arr.ind = TRUE), 1,
function (x) { paste0("R[", paste0(x, collapse = ","), "]") })),
probs = c(.025, .5, .975), digits_summary = 3)
lavCor(HS9ord, ordered = names(HS9ord), output = "est")[10:45, ] # Results from lavaan
# Show correlation matrix
filter_interval(, "R"), interval = .001)
# Show correlation matrix setting to 0 correlations whose 95% intervals exclude 0
filter_interval(, "R"), interval = .95)
# View partial correlation matrix
print(, c(
apply(which(lower.tri(matrix(NA, dat.list.miss$Ni, dat.list.miss$Ni)), arr.ind = TRUE), 1,
function (x) { paste0("P[", paste0(x, collapse = ","), "]") })),
probs = c(.025, .5, .975), digits_summary = 3)
# Partial correlation matrix
filter_interval(, "P"), interval = .001)
# Partial correlation matrix setting to 0 correlations whose 95% intervals exclude 0
filter_interval(, "P"), interval = .95)
# Sample Gaussian graphical model
qgraph::qgraph(filter_interval(, "P"), interval = .95))
create_poly_stan_miss <- function (Ni, n_ord, file = "stan_scripts/polychoric_varying_cut.stan") {
code <- "// Script produced by other script based on number of levels per item and number of items
functions {
matrix cov2cor (matrix C_mat) {
int p = dims(C_mat)[1];
vector[p] S_i = 1 ./ sqrt(diagonal(C_mat));
matrix[p, p] R_mat = -quad_form_diag(C_mat, S_i);
for (i in 1:p) R_mat[i, i] = 1;
return R_mat;
data {
real<lower = 0> shape_phi_c; // lkj prior shape for phi
int<lower = 0> Np; // N_persons
int<lower = 0> Ni; // N_items
int n_ord[Ni]; // number of levels per item
int<lower = -1> input_data[Np, Ni]; // input matrix, -1 for missing, real data begin at 1
int count_ord[Ni, max(n_ord) + 1];
int<lower = 0, upper = 1> ggm;
transformed data {
int Ni_ggm = 0;
int N_miss = sum(count_ord[, max(n_ord) + 1]);
if (ggm) Ni_ggm = Ni;
parameters {
cutpoints <- paste(sapply(1:Ni, function (i) {
paste0(" ordered[n_ord[", i, "] - 1] cutpoints_", i, ";")
}), collapse = "\n")
code <- paste0(code, " // cutpoints\n", cutpoints)
# writeLines(code)
z.vars <- "\n // latent variables"
for (i in 1:Ni) {
for (j in 1:n_ord[i]) {
if (j == 1) {
z.vars <- paste0(
z.vars, "\n",
paste0(" vector<upper = cutpoints_", i, "[", j, "]>[count_ord[", i, ",", j, "]] z", i, "_", j, ";"))
} else if (j == n_ord[i]) {
z.vars <- paste0(
z.vars, "\n",
paste0(" vector<lower = cutpoints_", i, "[", j - 1, "]>[count_ord[", i, ",", j, "]] z", i, "_", j, ";"))
} else {
z.vars <- paste0(
z.vars, "\n",
paste0(" vector<lower = cutpoints_", i, "[", j - 1, "], upper = cutpoints_", i, "[", j, "]>[count_ord[", i, ",", j, "]] z", i, "_", j, ";"))
rm(i, j)
# writeLines(z.vars)
code <- paste0(code, z.vars)
# writeLines(code)
code <- paste0(code, "\n vector[N_miss] z_miss; // latent missing data")
code <- paste0(code, "\n cholesky_factor_corr[Ni] R_chol; // Cor_mat cholesky")
# writeLines(code)
code <- paste0(code, "\n}
model {
int pos[sum(n_ord)] = rep_array(0, sum(n_ord));
int pos_miss = 0;
int loc1;
int loc2;
vector[Ni] z[Np];
z.consolidate <- ""
for (i in 1:Ni) {
part.1 <- paste0(" vector[sum(count_ord[", i, ", 1:n_ord[", i, "]])] z", i, " = ")
for (j in n_ord[i]:2) {
if (j == n_ord[i]) {
mid <- paste0("append_row(z", i, "_", j - 1, ",z", i, "_", j, ")")
} else {
mid <- paste0("append_row(z", i, "_", j - 1, ",", mid, ")")
z.consolidate <- paste0(z.consolidate, paste0(part.1, mid, ";\n"))
rm(part.1, mid, i, j)
# writeLines(z.consolidate)
code <- paste0(code, z.consolidate)
# writeLines(code)
code <- paste0(code, "\n R_chol ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(shape_phi_c);\n")
# writeLines(code)
cutpoints.prior <- paste(sapply(1:Ni, function (i) {
paste0(" cutpoints_", i, " ~ std_normal();")
}), collapse = "\n")
code <- paste0(code, cutpoints.prior)
# writeLines(code)
fill_lat_var <- "\n\n for (i in 1:Np) {"
for (j in 1:Ni) {
part.1 <- paste0("loc1 = ", ifelse(j == 1, "0;", paste0("sum(n_ord[1:", j - 1, "]);")))
part.2 <- paste0("pos[loc1 + input_data[i, ", j, "]] += 1;")
part.3 <- paste0("loc2 = sum(count_ord[", j, ", 1:input_data[i, ", j, "]]) - count_ord[", j, ", input_data[i, ", j, "]] + pos[loc1 + input_data[i, ", j, "]];")
part.4 <- paste0("z[i, ", j, "] = z", j, "[loc2];")
fill_lat_var <- paste0(
"\n if (input_data[i, ", j, "] == -1) {",
"\n pos_miss += 1;",
"\n z[i, ", j, "] = z_miss[pos_miss];",
"\n } else {",
paste0("\n ", part.1, "\n ", part.2, "\n ", part.3, "\n ", part.4),
"\n }\n")
rm(part.1, part.2, part.3, part.4, j)
fill_lat_var <- paste0(fill_lat_var, " }")
# writeLines(fill_lat_var)
code <- paste0(code, fill_lat_var)
# writeLines(code)
code <- paste0(code,
"\n\n z ~ multi_normal_cholesky(rep_vector(0, Ni), R_chol);
generated quantities {
matrix[Ni, Ni] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(R_chol);
matrix[Ni_ggm, Ni_ggm] P;
if (ggm) P = cov2cor(inverse_spd(R));
# writeLines(code)
if (file.exists(file)) {
old_code <- paste0(readLines(con = file), collapse = "\n")
if (old_code != code) {
writeLines(code, con = file)
} else {
writeLines(code, con = file)
create_dat_list_miss <- function (data, ggm = 1) {
X <- apply(data, 2, function (x)
X <- X[rowSums(X, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, ]
res <- list(
shape_phi_c = sqrt(ncol(X)), Np = nrow(X), Ni = ncol(X),
n_ord = unname(apply(X, 2, function (x) length(na.omit(unique(x))))),
input_data = X, ggm = ggm)
res$count_ord <- t(apply(X, 2, function (x) {
sapply(1:max(X, na.rm = TRUE), function (m) sum(x == m, na.rm = TRUE))
res$count_ord <- cbind(res$count_ord, apply(X, 2, function (x) sum(
res$input_data[$input_data)] <- -1
filter_interval <- function (post, interval = .95, mdn = 0) {
n_var <- sqrt(ncol(post))
ll <- (1 - interval) / 2
ul <- 1 - ll
q.lo <- apply(post, 2, quantile, probs = ll)
if (mdn) {
q.mdn <- apply(post, 2, median)
} else {
q.mdn <- colMeans(post)
q.hi <- apply(post, 2, quantile, probs = ul)
q.mdn[(q.lo * q.hi) < 0] <- 0
matrix(q.mdn, n_var)
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stonegold546 commented Jan 12, 2021

create_poly_stan.R contains needed functions. Other file is example use with command Stan.

  • Works for binary and ordinal variables
  • A single dataset can contain both binary and ordinal data
  • Also returns the partial correlation matrix
  • May break sometimes :).
  • Should account for missing data, assumes missing data are latent variables without bounds.

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