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Working notes for getting Seeed WIO Terminal WiFi & BLE working with CircuitPython

CircuitPython support for WiFi and Bluetooth LE on Seeed WIO Terminal


The Seeed WIO Terminal is generally supported by CircuitPython, but there is no implementation for access to the WiFi or Bluetooth LE networking functions on the board. After taking a look at the Arduino support for these features, I can see that the RealTek RTL8720D is set up to be driven by a UART connection from the SAMD51 that acts as the main controller for the WIO Terminal. In other words, the RTL8720D is set up as a co-processor, similar to the ESP32 in Adafruit's Airlift modules.

The UART driver is based on an embedded remote procedure call (eRPC) library on the Arduino side. This is good news, because it means that there is a chance that the driver can be implemented in CP! In theory, this can be built on busio.UART, though it's not a simple RX/TX protocol. There seems to be some framing around the data coming in and out of the RTL8720D.

There are some higher-level libraries, like Seeed Arduino rpcWiFi and Seeed Arduino rpcBLE that provide the user-facing APIs. For details on their usage, see:

Interestingly, if this can be made to work, it seems like simultaneous WiFi and BLE is possible, since the underlying RT8720D firmware suppports it, as does the Arduino eRPC driver.


Pins for RTL8720D on the WIO Terminal

Based on the WIO Terminal CircuitPython config, here are the pins/pads for talking to the RTL8720D:

    // RTL8720D
    { MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(MP_QSTR_RTL_PWR),  MP_ROM_PTR(&pin_PA18) },       // CHIP_PU
    { MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(MP_QSTR_RTL_READY),  MP_ROM_PTR(&pin_PC20) },     // IRQ0
    { MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(MP_QSTR_RTL_DIR),  MP_ROM_PTR(&pin_PA19) },       // SYNC

See for more.

A TRAP?! (I have been trying to use the wrong pins)

Well, no, not a trap but an issue with my understanding of how to talk to the RTL chip. As noted above, the CircuitPython config for the WIO Terminal has two pins RTL_TXD and RTL_RXD that are implied to be the UART pins for comms with the module. The Seeed schematic doesn't make this clear at all (it refers to those pins as UART_LOG_TXD and UART_LOG_TXD in brief note on the schematic). However, I was looking at issues in the Seeed RPC Unified repo, and noticed this:


Looking at the comments there, is looks PC24 (pad 2) is meant to be TX and PB24 (pad 0) is meant to be RX. In the CP config, that's RTL_MISO and RTL_MOSI pins! So it may be that I've been using the wrong pins (the ones that seem like they're the UART, rather than the repurposed SPI pins). Ugh.

Great news though is that this was the blocker that was keeping me from talking to the RTL chip. As noted at the bottom of this gist, once I realized this was the issue, I was able to send an eRPC request and get a valid reponse. Yay!


The Adafruit PyPortal's CP networking implementation follows a couple of patterns. On the BLE side, it uses adafruit_airlift as an implementation to pass to adafruit_ble (and relies on _bleio at a low level) (see CircuitPython BLE). On the Wifi side, there's a dedicated driver adadfruit_esp32spi that is compatible with adafruit_requests (see Internet Connect). This feels a little messy, but it's the pattern that's currently followed by the CP-compatible device that's closest to the WIO Terminal. I need to take a look at these patterns and see how to best implement this for the WIO Terminal.

The reliance on UART may be an issue. CP doesn't support interrupts, and I think that's probably the most efficient way to handle checking to see if the RTL8720D has data. I'm going to have to dig into the Arduino eRPC implementation a bit more to see what's what.


The connectivity between the SAMD51 chip and the RealTek on the WIO is based on eRPC, which is an open RPC implementation designed for chip-to-chip communication. And it turns out that the erpcgen tool can generate Python code! Still looking at this, but it might be good news, as it may enable me to get the basis for a CircuitPython implementation without having to rewrite the WIO's ePRC implementation from the ground up.

For details on eRPC, a good place to start is on the development wiki.

Generating eRPC shims for Python

The .erpc files, which contain the IDL (interface definition language) descriptions are available in the seeed-ambd-firmware repository. To build the eRPC shims for Python, do this (need to install erpcgen first):

git clone
cd seeed-ambd-firmare/erpc_idl
erpcgen -g py -o [some path] rpc_system.erpc

This will generate all of the shims for an eRPC client and server for the firmware. This is a huge step, since it means we have the full client side API in Python! Of course, it relies on a CPython implementation of eRPC, so the next step is to get something that works on CircuitPython. Fortunately, this seems like it might be somewhat straigtforward.

eRPC Client for CircuitPython

I've done a little porting of the CPython eRPC core and I think I've got a working version. It's at I've sort of confirmed that this works, using some modified shims for the RTL WiFi API, but I haven't really got the chip to talk me yet. It seems that the eRPC implementation is pretty big, and the chip is running into MemoryError issues when I try to import it. On to the next step… I have got eRPC working, along with the first of the RPC shims. This means I can talk to the RTL and get it to give me a couple of basic acknowledgements. Next up is to get something that works for WiFi, BLE, or both. The IDL-generated code for those might be a bit on the hefty side, though…

eRPC baseline is working!

After realizing that my assumption about which pins should be used for the UART to the RTL was wrong, I was able to get the most basic eRPC function working, which is a big step! This confirms that the basic transport and encoding seem to be correct.

Here's what I tried (and that worked!)

import board
import busio
from time import sleep
from digitalio import DigitalInOut

import erpc
from erpc_shim import rpc_system, rpc_wifi_api

# Reset RTL8720
def rtl_init():
    pwr = DigitalInOut(board.RTL_PWR)
    pwr.value = False
    pwr.value = True

rdy = DigitalInOut(board.RTL_READY)

log_uart = busio.UART(board.RTL_TXD, board.RTL_RXD, baudrate=614400)
uart = busio.UART(board.RTL_MOSI, board.RTL_MISO, baudrate=614400)
xport = erpc.transport.SerialTransport(uart)
manager = erpc.client.ClientManager(xport, erpc.basic_codec.BasicCodec)

    test_byte = 0xF
    system_client = rpc_system.client.rpc_systemClient(manager)
    ver = system_client.rpc_system_version()
    ack = system_client.rpc_system_ack(test_byte)
    print(f"OH MY GAWD: version: {ver}, ack({test_byte}): {ack}")
except TypeError:
    print("Well damn")
# OH MY GAWD: version: 2.1.3, ack(15): 15

That OH MY GAWD: 2.1.3 result confirms that I was able to enable the RTL from CircuitPython, then send it an eRPC message requesting the system version, and get back a clean response. Oh man, that feels good. And the ack means I can make a simple call to echo back a byte.

The next challange: working within a limited memory footprint

I was able to use erpcgen to generate python code for the WiFi and BLE client apis that sit on top of ERPC. This is great, in theory, becuase it means that I should be able to use those APIs to talk to the server running on the RTL. The reality is less than awesome, though.

The auto-generated Python implemention is not exaclty svelte. It's a pretty chatty API, with a whole lot of methods that can be implemented. And the SAMD51 in the WIO Terminal is roomy, but not that roomy, especially when CircuitPython is already eating up some of the memory headroom. To resolve this, I am going to have to take a hard look at slimming down the API into something that will fit and still leave enough space to do anything useful. Also, there's another, high level pair of APIs for WiFi and BLE support implemented on top of that in the Arduino version of this code. That's clearly going to need some slimming down.

See Also

I've got a gist that covers other usage of the WIO Terminal with CircuitPython. It's still a WIP.

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Hi @bill88t,

It's been a few months since I've touched this. I'll get you want I can get to everything built and you can take a pass at it. The biggest challenge is that the eRPC code is memory intensive, and CircuitPython already puts a big load on the M4.

Let me dig up what I had and I'll post back.

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I pushed the branch with_shim to The core eRPC implementation works, as I noted above, so you should be able to test out activating and getting version from the chip.

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bill88t commented Mar 6, 2024

@stonehippo I got everything and loaded up the board.

Adafruit CircuitPython 9.0.0-beta.2-21-gbf423ffbc6 on 2024-03-05; Seeeduino Wio Terminal with samd51p19
>>> import board, busio, erpc
>>> from digitalio import DigitalInOut
>>> from erpc_shim import rpc_system
>>> from time import sleep
>>> uart = busio.UART(board.RTL_MOSI, board.RTL_MISO, baudrate=614400)
>>> pwr = DigitalInOut(board.RTL_PWR)
>>> pwr.switch_to_output()
>>> pwr.value = 0
>>> sleep(.3)
>>> pwr.value = 1
>>> sleep(.3)
>>> xport = erpc.transport.SerialTransport(uart)
>>> manager = erpc.client.ClientManager(xport, erpc.basic_codec.BasicCodec)
>>> system_client = rpc_system.client.rpc_systemClient(manager)
>>> system_client.rpc_system_version()

Your startup snippet as-is didn't work. Floating UART made the chip panic and not respond to any further commands.
Moving the uart init up, and clearing it made it work.

I will try to compact down the code and optimize it before adding anything in the next few days and decide from there.

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stonehippo commented Mar 6, 2024

@bill88t interesting re the floating uart. No such issues on my current install, but I see that it's rev 2.1.2 on my unit and 2.1.3 on yours, so something may have changed in the eRPC code since I last updated. Or it could be the something in the CP 9 beta (I'm still using 8.x on the WIO).

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@bill88t hmm. I did realize I left out importing sleep in the code above (doh, it's in my working code; fixed above) but otherwise, what I posted before works fine on both the latest CP 8.x and 9 beta 2. Maybe I'll see if I can update to 2.1.3 on the RTL.

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stonehippo commented Mar 6, 2024

@bill88t still no issues with the UART for me. I've updated to CP 9 beta 2 and the 2.1.3 RTL firmware (and the latest bootloader, just for kicks). I had a couple of updates in my current, and I've updated this gist to reflect that. But this code works fine for me at boot or from the repl. The repo is up to date with my working code, not sure what's going on.

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bill88t commented Mar 6, 2024

9.x isn't at fault here, since on 7.x it did the exact same thing. (I did test 7.3.3 and 8.x as I was trying to get any output)

I first updated the chip today, so Idk about any previous firmwares.

Updating the chip does not affect the CP filesystem, so just flash back CP once it's done.

In either case, initing uart first costs us nothing, so it's probably better to do it like this.

If you are interested in having back and fourth about development we should probably set up a open discussion thread / channel in either Adafruit's discord server or my Beryllium OS discord server.
I'm fine with either, I just want to keep it open so others may join in at anytime.
If you don't wanna use le discorb, that's also fine with me.

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I'm on the Adafruit discord. Same handle as here.

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