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Last active January 28, 2025 21:13
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Bluetooth LE Programming On Raspberry Pi

Bluetooth LE Programming On Raspberry Pi

I'm looking at building up some Bluetooth LE programming expertise on Linux, specifically for use with Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and Pi Zero W models.

This is a compendium of libraries and tools that I'm looking at to build that skill on.


On the Raspberry Pi Zero W, a user must be a member of the bluetooth group to work with tools like bluetoothctl. Set this up with:

$ usermod -aG bluetooth [username]



To get pybluez installed, I had to increase the size of the system swapfile (the gattlib dependency wouldn't compile). See this for info on how to change the swapfile size.

Also has to fix a gattlib dependency, as described here:

Because pybluez requires root access, and because of the aforementioned issues, here's how I installed everything:

pip3 download gattlib
cd gattlib-0.20150805
sed -ie 's/boost_python-py34/boost_python-py35/'
sudo pip3 install .
sudo pip3 install pybluez\[ble\]

This ensures that root can see the packages, and that we get gattlib installed before pybluez.


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