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Christoph Khouri stoph

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stoph / gist:8b4bc89650678d76e7e2
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Aol PHP Developer

The AOL Media Platform team is growing

We are searching for top notch Software Engineers with expertise in PHP, jQuery, JavaScript, OOP. Location flexible (Remote, with some travel to Dulles, VA)

Are you interested in working on a platform that has a billion hits a month? How about in a day? Or an hour? Yeah! We’ve done that, and will do it again and again. AOL is looking for an all-around superstar to work on the Blogsmith platform, which powers sites like Engadget, Autoblog, Joystiq and many others.

How We Work…

Our Developers typically own the entire process, from concept to architecture, implementation, testing, pushing live to support and maintenance. We don’t get orders from above, hide in the corner and code for a while, then lob it over the fence for testing and consider our job done. In our eyes, Quality Assurance is a matter of personal pride versus mandated testing…although it is important to understand that typos in pushed code can BRING DOWN EMPIRES! We also work very closely with OPS an

stoph / notify
Created November 21, 2014 19:13
Add osx notifications to CLI scripts
# Save this as /usr/local/bin/notify
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/notify
# Usage:
# sleep 2;notify "I'm awake" Sleepy
if [ "$1" ]
stoph / gist:6929be425a3879f5be93
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Publish Senior Front End Engineer @ Aol

The AOL Media Platform team is growing

Are you interested in working on a publishing platform that has a billion hits a month? How about in a day? Or an hour? Yeah! We’ve done that, and will do it again and again. AOL is looking for an all-around superstar to work on the AOL Media Platform, which powers sites like Engadget, Autoblog, Joystiq and many others.

How We Work…

Our Developers typically own the entire process, from concept to architecture, implementation, testing, pushing live to support and maintenance. We don’t get orders from above, hide in the corner and code for a while, then lob it over the fence for testing and consider our job done. In our eyes, Quality Assurance is a matter of personal pride versus mandated testing…although it is important to understand that typos in pushed code can BRING DOWN EMPIRES! We also work very closely with DevOps and our DBAs to help plan and tune all parts of the application.

Our extended team is a tight group but spread out over a few locations. We a

stoph / Raspberry Pi rebooter
Created February 27, 2015 03:32
Simple script to quickly reboot your Raspberry Pi
# Reboot script
# mine lives in /usr/local/bin/rb
# be sure to 'sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rb'
read -r -p "Are you sure you want to reboot? [y/N] " response
if [[ $response =~ ^(yes|y)$ ]]
stoph / Raspberry Pi shutdowner
Created February 27, 2015 03:32
Simple script to quickly shutdown your Raspberry Pi
# Shutdown script
# mine lives in /usr/local/bin/sd
# be sure to 'sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sd'
read -r -p "Are you sure you want to shutdown? [y/N] " response
if [[ $response =~ ^(yes|y)$ ]]
stoph /
Created December 16, 2015 06:27
Princ Software Engineer (PHP)
Company Description

Do you want to make the Internet better? We do too. And we’re always looking for people with great ideas. We need free spirits and straight shooters. Creatives and critics. Nerds with nerve. People who love the Internet, but can see its cracks… and future, too. At AOL we’re focused on radically redefining the world of online communications. We are transforming how people around the globe connect with information, entertainment and one another by bringing together award winning journalists and innovative technologies to create rich and engaging consumer experiences. We look for people who are exceptionally imaginative, collaborative, and truly excited about our mission - to inform, entertain and connect the world.

Job Description

The AOL Media Platform team is growing!

We are looking for experienced and dedicated senior Software Engineers with expertise in PHP, JavaScript, and related web technologies. Location is flexible.

Are you interested in working on a platform that ser

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define LED_PIN D6
#define LED_COUNT 60
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip(LED_COUNT, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
int state = 3;
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR button_press() {
stoph /
Created January 25, 2021 14:11
Pi Bluetooth Media Control
import dbus, dbus.mainloop.glib, sys
from gi.repository import GLib
def on_property_changed(interface, changed, invalidated):
if interface != 'org.bluez.MediaPlayer1':
for prop, value in changed.items():
if prop == 'Status':
print('Playback Status: {}'.format(value))
elif prop == 'Track':
stoph / github1s-new-window.js
Created February 12, 2021 21:07
Opens a new window for github1s from a github page.
javascript: if(window.location.hostname=="")'', ''));
stoph / Car_and_Driver-full_screen_image.js
Created November 2, 2021 00:40
Bookmarklet to view a gallery image from Car and Driver full screen
javascript:void%20function(){function htmlToElement(e){var t=document.createElement("template");return e=e.trim(),t.innerHTML=e,t.content.firstChild}var img=document.getElementsByClassName("active")[0].getElementsByClassName("slide-image-wrap")[0].getElementsByTagName("picture")[0].getElementsByTagName("img")[0],img_src=img.src.split("?")[0];document.body.appendChild(htmlToElement('<div id="view_image" style="display:flex;position:fixed; max-width: 100%;max-height: 100%;z-index:999; top: 0; left:0;" onclick="this.remove()"><img style="object-fit: contain;width:auto;height:auto;object-fit: contain;" src="'+img_src+'"></div>'));}();