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Last active November 3, 2018 15:41
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  • Save stoqn4opm/22307d936749ea19295dca0db6c9ac7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save stoqn4opm/22307d936749ea19295dca0db6c9ac7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple script that generates html documentation for XCode projects with the help of 'jazzy' ( and opens it in browser.
# A simple script that generates html documentation with the help of 'jazzy' ( and opens it in browser.
# Best way to use it:
# 1. Inside your project folder, create folder called 'Scripts'
# 2. Put this file '' inside it.
# 3. In XCode, go to your project settings where targets are listed, and tap the '+' button to add new target.
# 4. Select the template Cross-platform > Other > Aggregate.
# 5. Name the target as you wish, appropriate name would be 'Generate Docs`.
# 6. Select the new target, and open its build phases pane.
# 7. Tap the "+" to create new run script phase.
# 8. Expand the newly appeared run script section and type in the following code:
# ```
# # pass as first argument the folder name in which you want your documentation to be placed.
# # pass as second argument the visibility level you want to be seen. (private | internal | public | open)
# # pass as third argument where is your README file in your repo from the locality of the directory that holds this project file.
# sh ./Scripts/ ./Documentation private ../
# ```
# 9. Now in XCode you can select this target and build it, and your browser should open the generated docs.
# Expecting first parameter to be the directory in which you want the docs to be generated.
# The level of visibility in your documentation. Can be (private | internal | public | open)
# The path to the readme in your project.
# Checks whether the 'jazzy' tool is installed.
jazzyIsInstalled=$(gem list '^jazzy$' -i)
rm -rf $documentationDirectory
if [ $jazzyIsInstalled == true ]; then
jazzy --min-acl $visibilityLevel --output $documentationDirectory --readme $readmePath &&
cd $documentationDirectory &&
open index.html
mkdir $documentationDirectory
cd $documentationDirectory &&
echo "<h1 style=\"color: #5e9ca0;\">&#x1F989 Error while trying to build documenation.<hr></h1>
<h2>It&nbsp;seems like you don't have 'jazzy' installed.</h2>
<h2>How to install it &#x1F9D0 :</h2>
<p><code>sudo gem install jazzy</code></p>
<p>The Xcode command-line developer tools must be installed to successfully build the gems that <code>jazzy</code> depends on: try <code>xcode-select --install</code> if you see build errors.</p>
<p><em>jazzy is a command-line utility that generates documentation for Swift or Objective-C</em></p>
<p><em>You can read more about it <a href=\"\">in this on GitHub</a></em></p>
<p>&nbsp;</p>" >> index.html &&
open index.html
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