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Created March 2, 2011 04:59
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Save storborg/850511 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Baidu is the shit. They made a super-awesome SimCity style map. To see it, go
to and zoom in on Beijing, then click the alternate modal
button in the top center of the maps area.
Once you're down marveling in the awesomeness you will surely be inspired to
make a giant wall-sized mural with the tiles.
Use this.
import os
import os.path
import urllib
import Image
import ImageChops
tile_dim = 256
def filename(x, y, zoom):
work_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'baidu-work')
return os.path.join(work_dir, '%d-%d,%d.jpg' % (zoom, x, y))
def check(fname):
return os.path.exists(fname) and (os.stat(fname).st_size > 0)
def download(x, y, zoom):
Downloader tries to be a good internet citizen by only downloading tiles
serially (one connection at a time) and caching tiles locally.
fname = filename(x, y, zoom)
if not check(fname):
url = ',%d.jpg'
webf = urllib.urlopen(url % (zoom, x, y))
localf = open(fname, 'w')
def join(start, end, zoom):
print "Joining from %r to %r @ %d" % (start, end, zoom)
width = end[0] - start[0]
height = end[1] - start[1]
im ='RGB', (tile_dim * width, tile_dim * height))
blank_tile_im =, 'blank-tile.jpg'))
watermark_antimask = make_watermark_antimask(blank_tile_im)
for xoff, x in enumerate(xrange(start[0], end[0])):
for yoff, y in enumerate(xrange(start[1], end[1])):
tile_im =, y, zoom))
tile_im = ImageChops.subtract(tile_im, watermark_antimask)
im.paste(tile_im, (xoff * tile_dim, yoff * tile_dim))
return im
def make_watermark_antimask(im):
Starting with an "empty" tile with watermark, generate a mask that can be
applied to other tiles to remove the watermark.
original_tile ='RGB', (tile_dim, tile_dim),
im.getpixel((0, 0)))
return ImageChops.subtract(im, original_tile)
def main(center_x, center_y, zoom, width, height):
center = center_x, center_y
start = (center[0] - (width / 2), center[1] - (height / 2))
end = (center[0] + (width / 2), center[1] + (height / 2))
num_tiles = width * height
so_far = 0
for x in xrange(start[0], end[0]):
for y in xrange(start[1], end[1]):
so_far += 1
print ("Downloading (%d, %d) at %d - %d/%d" %
(x, y, zoom, so_far, num_tiles))
download(x, y, zoom)
im = join(start, end, zoom)
joined_fname = ('joined-z%d-%dx%d-%d,%d.jpg' %
(zoom, width, height, center[0], center[1])), joined_fname))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Centered on the forbidden city, tightest zoom level.
# If you want to go somewhere else, browse around the web interface and
# watch the URLs of the tiles being downloaded.
center = (2508, 2278)
zoom = 1
width = 60
height = 40
main(center[0], center[1], zoom, width, height)
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