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Forked from bagder/
Created December 21, 2021 15:53
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Setup a local HTTP/3 test server to toy with

Setup a local HTTP/3 test server to toy with

... and run curl against it.

This is not advice on how to run anything in production. This is for development and experimenting.


An existing local HTTP/1.1 server that hosts files. Preferably also a few huge ones. You can easily create huge local files like truncate -s=8G 8GB - they are huge but do not occupy that much space on disk since they're just a big hole.

In my Debian setup I just installed apache2. It runs on port 80 and has a document root in /var/www/html. I can get the 8GB file from it with curl localhost/8GB -o dev/null



Get, build and install quictls:

git clone
cd openssl
./config enable-tls1_3 --prefix=$HOME/build-quictls
make && make install

Get, build and install nghttp3:

git clone
cd nghttp3
autoreconf -fi
./configure --prefix=$HOME/build-nghttp3 --enable-lib-only
make && make install

Get, build and install ngtcp2:

git clone
cd ngtcp2
autoreconf -fi
./configure PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/build-quictls/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/build-nghttp3/lib/pkgconfig LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,$HOME/build-quictls/lib" --prefix=$HOME/build-ngtcp2 --without-gnutls
make && make install


Get, build and install nghttp2:

git clone
cd nghttp2
autoreconf -fi
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/home/daniel/build-quictls/lib/pkgconfig:/home/daniel/build-nghttp3/lib/pkgconfig:/home/daniel/build-ngtcp2/lib/pkgconfig  LDFLAGS=-L/home/daniel/build-quictls/lib CFLAGS=-I/home/daniel/build-quictls/include ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix=/home/daniel/build-nghttp2 --disable-shared --enable-app --enable-http3 --without-jemalloc --without-libxml2 --without-systemd
make && make install


Get, build and install curl:

git clone
cd curl
LIBS="-ldl" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,$HOME/build-quictls/lib -Wl,-rpath,$HOME/build-curl/lib" ./configure --with-nghttp2=$HOME/build-nghttp2 --prefix=$HOME/build-curl --with-openssl=$HOME/build-quictls --with-ngtcp2=$HOME/build-ngtcp2 --with-nghttp3=$HOME/build-nghttp3
make && make install

(Alternative ways to build curl with HTTP/3 support are documented here)



Run the local h3 server on port 9443, make it proxy all traffic through to HTTP/1 on localhost port 80. For local toying, we can just use the test cert that exists in curl's test dir.

$HOME/bin/nghttpx $CERT $CERT --backend=localhost,80 \


Get the 8GB file over HTTP/3 using our h3-enabled curl:

$HOME/build-curl/bin/curl --http3 https://localhost:9443/8GB -o /dev/null
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