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  • Save stories-with-dice/df4b24f5ec8fdaff57a55677d9626699 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Worlds without Number Tags

A shortcut to run commands through the Dice Roller plugin.


^dice (.+)$


// Get the diceroller plugin (or exit if not available)
const diceRollerPlugin = app.plugins.getPlugin("obsidian-dice-roller");
if (!diceRollerPlugin)
	return expText("Command not run.  Dice Roller plugin not available.");

// Roll the command parameter with the plugin
const diceRoller = await diceRollerPlugin.getRollerSync($1);
result = await diceRoller.roll(true);
return "🎲 " + diceRoller.inlineText + result;

__ dice {command: text} - Runs {command} through the Dice Roller plugin and expands to the result.


^table (.+)$


// Get the diceroller plugin (or exit if not available)
const diceRollerPlugin = app.plugins.getPlugin("obsidian-dice-roller");
if (!diceRollerPlugin)
	return expText("Command not run.  Dice Roller plugin not available.");

// Roll the command parameter with the plugin
const diceRoller = await diceRollerPlugin.getRoller($1, "");
result = await diceRoller.roll(false);
return "🎲 " + diceRoller.inlineText.split("]]")[0] + "]]: " + result + "\n";

__ table {command: text} - Runs {command} through the Dice Roller plugin and expands to the result.


^header (.+)$


// Get the diceroller plugin (or exit if not available)
const diceRollerPlugin = app.plugins.getPlugin("obsidian-dice-roller");
if (!diceRollerPlugin)
	return expText("Command not run.  Dice Roller plugin not available.");

// Roll the command parameter with the plugin
const diceRoller = await diceRollerPlugin.getRoller($1, "");
result = await diceRoller.roll(false);
return "🎲 " + diceRoller.inlineText.split("]]")[0] + "#" + diceRoller.transformResultsToString().replace(/#/, "").trim() + "]]\n";

__ header {command: text} - Runs {command} through the Dice Roller plugin and expands to the result.

Ancient Infrastructure

The community still has access to some sort of functioning ancient infrastructure, whether it's an array of wall-mounted arcane energy projectors, running water, moving roadways, community-wide climate control, or some other inherited luxury. This infrastructure may be the result of a still-functional Working, or it could be the product of some venerable occult engine that's still operational, or it may be the fruit of the labors of some specially-designed organism or Blighted populace. E Abusive ruler overusing the infrastructure, Foreign agent seeking to cause havoc, Reckless sorcerer seeking to steal its power F Harried chief of the maintainers, Fascinated foreign scholar, Merchant reliant on its use C The infrastructure's cruelly-costly maintenance is coming up, The infrastructure is starting to fray, The infrastructure was actually meant for a much more sinister purpose T Irreplaceable infrastructure component, Spare parts worth vast sums on the market, Secret artifact that can control the infrastructure P Dangerously energetic working zone, Secret hideout inside the infrastructure, Sanctified and holy control center

Blood Feud

Two or more groups of citizens within the community hate each other. Their neighbors or the local law have kept things from too-overt violence, but members of the groups will constantly interfere with their rivals and cause whatever misery they can get away with. This hate may spring from recent events, or it may be an inherited spite from old wrongs. E Wholly unsympathetic group leader, Schemer seeking to exploit the feud, Ruler going to brutal excess to tamp it down F Reluctant participant in the feud, Local digging for the real truth of the quarrel, Merchant who'd profit by a new peace C The groups were formerly the closest of allies, One group is favored by local rulers, One side is getting completely out of hand T A treasure the groups are fighting over, Object of exculpating evidence, Lost symbol of peaceful unity P Bloody back alleyway, Sabotaged business, Group-dominated tavern

Bad Neighbors

The community has a conflict with a neighboring community. This usually isn't part of a larger war, but is instead a personal animosity between them. It may be the community has suffered at their enemy's hands, or they may have been the ones applying the suffering. Constant low-level skirmishes and troublemaking go on between the two. E Foreign lord profiting by the quarrel, Bitter zealot who demands violent action, Real culprit seeking to hide their offense F Despairing peacemaker of a shared faith, Local with family from the rival, Frustrated but helpless ruler C One side seems at fault but is actually less blameworthy, The rulers of both use the quarrel to distract their populace, It was a minor dispute that is spiraling out of control T Proof of the culprit's guilt, Weapons cache meant to start real bloodshed, Treasure that would erase the cause of the dispute P Dangerous no-man's-land between the communities, Burnt home of a sympathizer, Religious festival turned into a semi-riot

Brilliant Innovation

Some local has come up with a wonderful new idea; it may be a magical innovation, a new industrial process, a new agricultural product, a new use for what was thought to be ancient garbage, or some other very useful, profitable idea. Everyone around them is fighting for the chance to exploit this clever new plan. E Grasping guildmaster, Overbearing local ruler, Local leader whose power is threatened by the innovation F Visionary supporter of the innovator, Outside merchant seeking to profit by enabling the innovation, Local leader whose constituency would profit from it C The innovation requires ingredients only adventurers can get, The innovation is riskier than it seems, The innovator is actually a con artist T Critical component for the innovation, Trove of profit from the innovation's test run, Vital planning and design documents P Ambitious test zone for the innovation, Guildhall of upset locals, Tavern with locals fighting over the change

Broken Spirits

The locals are in a state of despair and dull apathy. They've lost the things that used to give them pride and hope, with the best among them carrying on out of habitual duty and the worst giving ready hands to shameful deeds and ignoble acts. No one really believes the future can be better, and most seek only to satisfy immediate appetites. E Cruel tyrant who broke them, Slaver trading on the hopeless, Merchant of despair and its costly escapes F Determined young local leader, Proud old rememberer of better days, Furious rebel against the world C An outside power wants to keep them safely broken, Their fall was due to their own sins and errors, They could be very dangerous if they regain their spirit T Symbolic item of former glory, Resources to kick-start a new source of pride, Treasure laid up in splendid times P Crumbling monument to a past victory, "Wealthy" town area that's shabby and ill-kept, Empty temple to a once-loved god

Criminal Bosses

One or more crime bosses have a powerful influence on the community. They may control crime within the community itself, or they may use it simply as a safe haven from which to direct their minions elsewhere. Local law enforcement may know all about them, but lack the strength to confront them and their paid or intimidated henchmen. E Blatantly overt criminal chief, Well-controlled head of law enforcement, Crime boss bent on using the PCs as catspaws F Victim of an untouchable boss, Determined bounty hunter, Ambitious criminal seeking to make room above C The crime boss' support is what keeps the community prosperous, Local government is almost openly staffed by cartel members, The locals will deal with PC troublemakers for fear of the boss' anger T A boss' secret stash of wealth, A treasure stolen elsewhere and brought here by a boss, Evidence proving one boss is betraying another P Uncharacteristically opulent home in the slums, Sleepy law enforcement headquarters, Dangerous tavern for local minions

Corrupt Laws

What law exists here is for sale, or does not apply to certain favored groups or castes. While some degree of corruption and noble license exists almost everywhere, this community lacks any shred of impartiality. Strangers might be fleeced by local lawmen, evildoers can be absolved by a payment, and powerful gentry do as they please. E Immensely venal magistrate, Local lord who fails to see any problem with the "natural" order, Crime boss taking blatant advantage of the corruption F A crusading law enforcer, Royal investigating censor, Victim of a cruel injustice C The favored class are vital to the community's security, The natives would rather pay predictable bribes than risk facing real justice, The real law is enforced by a secret group of natives T An uncollected pile of bribe money, Stolen goods yet unsold, Blackmail evidence on the chief magistrate P A courtroom where the law is sold, Crime scene with an unconcerned criminal, Site of brutal vigilante justice

Cultural Center

The community produces some wonderful cultural artifact or trains famous artists. The product might be some exceptional cloth, or artistic luxury good, or the scholarly fruits of a famous academy. Trained artists might be students of a particular school, or the apprentices of the current masters of a long artistic tradition who dwell here. E Master artist who suffers no rivals, "Visionary" who wants to tear down the old art for their own new one, Merchant who is trying to control the production for profit F Ambitious young artist of profound talent, Wild genius of very difficult temperament, Aged master proud of his tradition C The art requires resources that are running low, Some other group is cheaply and poorly mimicking the art, Their main market has somehow been cut off T A famous and ancient work of art, An art object made of some priceless substance, An art object encoded with a precious secret P Busy studio or academy hall, Mercantile emporium where the cultural products are traded, Renegade artist's hovel

Cursed Circumstances

The community has been cursed with some blight that makes life difficult, albeit not impossible. An offended sorcerer's vengeful Working, an outraged god's wrath, a local distortion of the Legacy, or a simple history of bad feng shui in the area may have brought the curse about. If you include this tag, you'll want to devise not only the curse, but the reason why the locals haven't left for better lands. E Charlatan offering false hope, Local demagogue blaming a useful culprit, Native profiting from the curse F Scholar seeking details of the blight, Stubborn curse survivor, Aspiring curse-lifter with a secret weapon C It has a profitable side effect, It was meant to be a blessing, It can be aimed by willing conspirators T A personal anti-curse ward, Hidden wealth of a curse victim, A means to lift the curse P Enterprise blighted by the curse, Festival held to pray for mercy, Ruin of a curse victim's home

Decaying Working

A great magical Working has been a critical part of the community since its creation, but now it's beginning to decay. It may function only intermittently, now, or its effects may have curdled into something double-edged. The locals have no idea how to fix it, and indeed, it may not be possible to repair it with modern knowledge of sorcery. E Saboteur from an enemy community, Scavenger stealing critical components, Overconfident wizard attempting a ruinous repair F One of the Working's hereditary keepers, Native dependent on the Working's effects, Desperate researcher of repairs C Part of the community would greatly profit by the Working's failure, The Working risks catastrophic eruption, The rulers punish any talk of it failing T A critical repair text for the Working, Valuable broken Working components, Precious resources crystallized from the Working's energies P Control nexus for the Working, Enterprise dependent on the Working, Site of a Working failure or accident

Decadent Locals

The locals enjoy repulsive vices and shameful appetites. They may have religious sanction for their evils, or neighbors might trade with them for such things, or they could be followers of some ideology that blesses such pursuits. Their economy or their social organization is usually heavily reliant on such traffic, and to ensure its continuance they may have made bargains with things worse than humans. E Trader in hideous sins, Bored gentry in search of a cruel thrill, Once-prey that has become an even worse predator F Local who has secret doubts about the vice, Crusader from outside, Escaped victim seeking vengeance C The victims of the vice are a class or type that their neighbors don't care about in the slightest, They have ways to make their vices give them power, Their society is attractive aside from this hideous urge T A stolen victim of great value to someone else, Proof of an outside noble's trade with them, Precious regalia used in the vice P Salon of hideous beauty, Stinking slave pit, Mundane locale of ordinary business tainted by their evil

Demihuman Populace

A particular breed of demihuman are either the majority here or have the dominant positions in the community. Architecture, local laws, and social customs are all tuned to suit them, and they may not be particularly forgiving or friendly to humans. Communities that are not outright independent usually make an arm's-length submission to a local lord. E Demihuman official who grudges baselines, Baseline local who grudges the demihumans, Outsider preying on the demihumans F Curious young native, Canny local diplomat to humans, Native with a need for baseline help C Their human suzerain wants to erase all independence from them, Something's legal here that's forbidden in baseline communities but natural to them, Their independence is enforced with something they have T Precious demihuman-made goods, Ancient relic revered by the natives, Wealth of a prosperous outside trader P Holy site forbidden to humans, House built to demihuman preferences, Business unique to demihuman needs

Dueling Lords

Two different major powers are fighting over control of the community. Two rival lords, a baron and a merchant-price, the mayor and a local high priest, or some other combination struggle to achieve dominance. They may both have justifiable claim on running the community, or one may be a greedy interloper. E Third party profiting by the strife, Traitor to one of the rivals, Outsider vulture wanting both rivals to fail F Harried local peacemaker, Impotent judge appointed by a disinterested higher authority. Appealing partisan of one rival C The rival with the most legitimate claim is the least suitable to rule, A vital civic task is left undone until a ruler is determined, Both rivals have terrible plans T Token of legitimate rule, Bribe meant for a powerful local, Proof of a rival's malfeasance P Deadlocked city hall, Site of mob violence between rival groups, Tavern full of well-armed partisans

Faded Remnant

This community used to be much larger and more prosperous, but something happened relatively long ago that left it a shrunken shadow of its former self. Only a tithe of citizens remain on the site, and much of its former architecture is crumbling and abandoned. A few weathered tokens of old glory remain, and some may be jealously maintained, but there simply aren’t enough locals left to keep up what they’ve inherited. E Looter seeking to plunder the remains, Zealot with a plan to return to glory, Outsider strongman who wants to coerce the locals into obedience F Learned scholar of the noble past, Hard-scrabble present survivor, New citizen who sees hope in the place C They don’t fully understand what they’ve inherited, They were crushed because of their past evils, They’re not the actual heirs but merely squatters who moved into the empty place T Artifact of the prior golden age, Wealth hidden away long ago, Secret key to unlocking new glory P Near-abandoned city center, Massive decaying monument, Partially fallen town wall

Enemy Within

The locals are convinced that there is some terrible threat against them working from within their society. It may be a matter of dark sorcerers, foreign spies, traitorous neighbors, shapeshifting monsters, or some other hidden evil. This evil may be a recent fear, or it may be an inherited peril they’ve always had to guard against. The danger itself may or may not exist, or if it exists it may not justify the steps being taken. E Local inquisitor targeting his personal enemies, Leader of the sinister evil, Traitorous local in service to the evil F Unjustly accused victim, Local ruler trying to restrain the mob, Skilled and discerning hunter of the evil C The evil is real but actually running the inquisition, The hunters are creating the evil whether intentionally or no, The evil really is exactly as bad as the hunters say it is T Confession naming perpetrators of the evil, Wealth taken from condemned sinners, Resources gathered by the agents of the evil P Confiscated home of an evildoer, Public execution site for the wicked, Courtroom where the evil is being tried

Fallen Prosperity

The community used to be much richer, but something happened recently to crush its source of prosperity. Different factions of the community might be trying to grasp at the remaining dregs of wealth, others might try to restart the failed industry, and some might look for a new livelihood. Any group or entity thought responsible for the collapse is likely to be treated very harshly, and some locals might find profit in shifting the blame to their enemies. E Outside profiteer squeezing the newly-poor, Local monopolizing the remaining income, Demagogue blaming everything on their enemy F Plucky local trying to make a new go of things, Harried disburser of limited charity, Riches-to-rags native trying to maintain their dignity C Their loss is a rival’s gain, Someone’s offering them a new industry at a terrible price, The leadership is refusing to accept the new reality T Priceless relic of their former wealth, Supplies vital to a budding industry, Resources once held lightly that now are very precious here P Ill-maintained but splendid public building, Mansion marked by genteel poverty, Empty shop once catering to the rich

Foreign Enclave

Either most or a substantial minority of the locals are descended from foreigners alien to their local neighbors. They may have been religious exiles, economic migrants, indigenous locals surrounded by the existing polity, or a foreign city conquered within the relatively recent past. The locals may not be enthusiastic about being ruled by others not of their kind, and their neighbors may look askance at the way foreign customs or even laws may be maintained. E Ruthless independence fighter, Outsider ruler with no regard for the locals, Local grandee preaching contempt for outsider ways F Peacemaking local leader, Local in love with an outsider, Pragmatic-minded outsider magistrate C Secessionists are being supported by their co-ethnics, The polity’s leaders don’t want them here, They’re hated by their co-ethnics for some reason T Precious relic brought from the homeland, Wealth hidden away for fear of outsiders, Valuable good made as a cultural tradition P Public building in an aggressively different architectural style, Outsider home surrounded by local-style buildings, Civic gathering place of a kind specific to the locals

Heavy Fortification

The community is remarkably well-fortified for a site of its size and role. Tall, stout walls, strongpoints inside the community, concentric defenses, a strategic terrain location, or a large body of standing troops might be present. Some threat is thought to exist that makes maintaining this fortification worthwhile, though it may come at a dear cost to the locals. The community’s suzerain may be uncomfortable with these defenses, as they could just as easily be used to defy the ruler. E Outside enemy seeking to pierce the defenses, Rebel trying to declare independence, Heavy-handed local ruler demanding protection money F Industrious maintenance chief, Ruler’s appointed local military commander, Local warning of some sudden impending danger C The threat is gone but those who profit by the defenses keep them going, The defenses are impractical, The community can no longer bear the expense of the defenses T Components of a powerful fixed weapon, Payroll for the soldiers, Precious and specialized maintenance components P Oversized weapon emplacement, Top of a looming city wall, Stronghold keep at the center of the community

Guild Oligarchy

While the community might ostensibly be ruled by some other power, real control lies with the senior members of the local craft and labor guilds. Their decisions have the practical weight of law, and much of their time and effort is spent squeezing out competitors and parceling out economic opportunities in the community. Some guilds might have little or nothing to do with their original trade, and now exist purely as shells for political influence. E Profoundly corrupt guild boss, Ambitious newcomer with brutal methods, Ruthless leader of a guild of criminals F Hard-bitten elder among the workers, Outsider trying to make room here, Reformer seeking to oust the corrupt guild heads C The guilds have intermarried or entangled themselves with the ostensible rulers, The guilds offer protection from a real or imagined threat, They guilds hate each other only slightly less than the competition T Priceless symbolic guild regalia, Wealth hidden by the former ruler of the community, Money earned by shady business practices P Bustling guild hall, Purely decorative ruler’s court, Shabby worker’s housing

Hidden Ruler

While the community has a public leader, the real authority is hidden from outsiders. This ruler may draw their authority from rationales unacceptable to outsiders, they may have cowed the public authority into obedience, or they may have a mutually beneficial private arrangement with the official ruler. E Secret cult-backed leader, Nefarious agent of an enemy power, Minor functionary who is actually the hidden master F Frustrated outside authority, Local seeking better government, Victim of the hidden leader’s will C Most people know that the real authority is concealed, The hidden ruler is a mortal enemy of the legitimate authority, The hidden ruler’s effective authority is over a large affiliated group rather than the whole community T Information on the hidden government, Bribe money paid to the public authority, Blackmail material on important locals P Unassuming tavern that’s a secret headquarters, Tense court of the official ruler, Hidden site where the secret government meets

Hostile Terrain

The community is surrounded by dangerous terrain: miasmatic swamps, perilous crevasses, radioactive badlands, a pocket of arratu, or some other harmful topography. The community might prefer the defensive potential of the terrain here, or have found a precious resource worth the danger. The terrain might have formed at some time since the founding, with the citizens struggling to make terms with the new danger. E Bandit chief hiding in the terrain, Monstrous leader in the badlands, Local who’s made a secret deal with the terrain’s vile inhabitants F Canny badland guide, Innocent researcher eager to explore, Grizzled chief engineer of the community’s anti-terrain measures C The terrain is growing somehow, The terrain offers some special profit as well as danger, The community is being crushed by the terrain T Treasure lost within the terrain, Device that generates or protects against the terrain, Precious resource found within the terrain P Edge of the community overtaken by the environment, Building fortified against the terrain, Tavern favored by terrain guides and explorers

Inherited Architecture

Many of the community’s structures date back to the ancient past and a long-vanished culture. They have unique architectural traits, perhaps being made of some strange substance or with uncanny qualities. The locals find them too useful or too durable to destroy, but the buildings often have unpleasant little surprises in their under-explored corners, and there may be greater structures still buried by long ages beneath the community’s streets. E A Thing from Below, Outside pillager bent on sacking the structures, Reckless explorer opening up things best left sealed F Heir to the ancient arts of maintenance, Chief of the local structure guard patrol, Keeper of a particularly useful structure C The locals mine treasures from the buried depths, The structures were built by Outsiders, They require dark sacrifices to keep functioning T Key to unlock a sealed structure, Artifact of the ancient lost people, Map to a hidden structure P Mundane business in a remarkable building, Ancient structure retrofitted into a habitation, Buried ancient street within a cavern

Incompetent Leaders

The community is led by one or more incompetents. While they must have been very good at something to have acquired the position, they are fundamentally incapable of leading. Uncontrolled passions or lusts, commitment to a hopelessly impractical ideal, pig-headed obstinacy in the face of failure, a total lack of charisma or interpersonal skills, or profound laziness might all unfit them for their post. E Heir who is totally unsuited to their new rule, Disinterested ruler forced on them by their overlord, Charismatic ninny with ridiculous plans F Deposed former leader, Desperate local elder, Victim of one of their bungled plans C An outside rival is backing the fool, The idiot has tremendous institutional legitimacy, They provide a critical skill or ability unrelated to ruling T Embezzled funds from a failed plan, Precious artifact lost through incompetence, Regalia of critical importance to the ruler’s legitimacy P Chaotic and ill-kept court, Site of abject disaster, Plaza full of grumbling locals

Inhuman Cooperation

The locals have a deal with some manner of inhuman power, either remnant Outsiders, eldritch entities, nearby monstrous beings, or some other creature generally feared or hated by humans. It may actually be a peaceful exchange, but more likely it involves acts and sacrifices that other humans would refuse. If not secret, this deal is valuable enough to make the community’s suzerain avert their eyes, or it may be a bargain so old that time has sanctified it to their neighbors. E Sinister overseer of the bargain’s price, Local magnate growing rich off the dark bargain, Alien entity seeking to expand the terms of the deal F Victim of the bargain’s price, Outside investigator seeking the truth, Inveterate hunter of the entity’s type come to purge the evil C The bargain is actually reasonably fair and decent, The locals don’t want the bargain but their neighbors profit by it and so force them into it, However bad the creatures are they’re actually better than the human lord T Valuable alien goods, Wealth offered as a sacrifice, Treasure gained by cooperation P Secret meeting hall for the creatures, Prosperous front business, Sinister ritual of sacrifice

Lawless Class

Some class of citizen is either tacitly or explicitly above the law. They may only be subject to punishment for crimes against their own kind, or they may be entirely immune to legal prosecution. In some cases, this immunity may be the product of official indifference rather than high status; some untouchable classes may be considered so lowly that their slaughter of each other isn’t worth punishing unless it inconveniences their betters. E Professionally immune provocateur, Cruelly indulgent elite, Grasping mercantile oligarch F Hapless magistrate, Avenger outside the law, Victim of an unpunishable crime C The lawless themselves enforce the law, The immune are most dangerous to each other, Special servants of the immune also are immune T Wealth stolen from a hapless victim, Evidence that an abuser is not legitimately part of the class, Token that grants the bearer the same immunity P Courtroom where some cases are swiftly dismissed, Site of a gaudily obvious exercise of immunity, Shop where the business was ruined by their excesses

Magical Academy

While private tutelage of worthy apprentices can sometimes be had even in remote villages, this community is unusual in that it has an actual school dedicated to teaching magic. Such schools are usually small, with no more than a few dozen pupils, most of whom will fail for lack of talent or discipline. The instructors are rarely first-rate, usually serving only for the pay and status, but sometimes a genius sorcerer will find a reason to observe likely apprentices here. Given the unfortunate accident potential of the school, it’s probably isolated or well-fortified. E Amoral headmaster, Secretly monstrous school patron, Unpleasantly talented yet vicious elite student F Plucky young apprentice, Harried but earnest teacher, Instructor with useful side obsession C The academy is patronized by the ruling class, The community grew around the academy, The rulers don’t trust the wizards but find them too useful to get rid of them T Long-lost grimoire of power, Brilliant artifice of a genius student, Magical key to a dark power the academy keeps locked up P Battered magical laboratory, Architecturally impossible chamber, Grubby student lodgings

Martial Tradition

The natives have a long tradition of martial expertise. This may be a crisply-organized history of skilled native levies, or it may be a natural belligerence in the people that leaves them familiar with bloodshed. While their neighbors and liege doubtless respect their talents, this very aptitude might make them more willing to turn to steel than prudence would advise. E Ruthlessly amoral military leader, Obsessive martial academy master, Outsider using the locals as brute muscle F Determined local defender, Petitioner in need of their prowess, Keeper of the local martial way C They use weapons only they are able to employ, They’ve bled themselves white in gaining glory, They’re eager to conquer their neighbors T Enchanted weapon related to their way, Plunder taken in a victorious war, Venerated battle harness of a legendary hero P Busy training ground, Cemetery with many memorials, City hall decorated with the banners of the vanquished

Mistreated Blighted

Not all Blighted are violent; many are simply cursed with disabilities or mental compulsions implanted in them by their creators. The locals here have a useful kind of Blighted that provides some valuable service; brute labor, companionship, or more awful fates for those with precious organic components. The locals treat them as nothing but expendable chattel, but the Blighted are unable to effectively defend themselves or survive without the support of their tormentors. E Bloodless local slaver, Faux-benevolent overseer, Reformer seeking a complete purge of them F Blighted leader, Troubled local, Native seeking to take over the work niche the Blighted are filling C The Blighted are emotionally addicted to this kind of servitude, The Blighted could be very dangerous if they got free, Criminals and the unwanted are transformed into the Blighted T Device that imposes the Blight on a victim, Wealth earned by Blighted suffering, Key to the method used to control the Blighted P Workhouse full of cruelly-used Blighted, Stately mansion with rigidly-disciplined Blighted servants, Sinister establishment staffed by disposable Blighted

Miserable Penury

Life is hard in the Latter Earth, but it is exceptionally hard here. People are deprived of all but the barest necessities, and even the local gentry are impoverished compared to their peers elsewhere. Something is making the locals stay, however, whether fear of the alternative, hope for a better future, or a stubborn attachment to their ancestral lands. E Rapacious beggar-lord oppressing even poorer lessers, Outsider who’s siphoning off wealth, Brutal gang leader determined to take what they want F Plucky young entrepreneur, Charitable cleric, Suzerain’s envoy seeking to improve things C They could be richer if they abandon a defining cultural tradition, They’re being bled dry by outsiders, They’re hopelessly resigned T A stash of wealth that would be minor elsewhere, Desperately needed resources, A cherished relic that had to be sold for survival’s sake P Miserable slum of shanties, Unprofitable fields, Tavern with only the barest minimum of fare

Monstrous Tribute

The locals have cut a deal with some unspeakable entity, trading some vile tribute in exchange for the being’s forbearance or assistance. Outsiders may be ignorant of the bargain, or they may know that the community is in thrall but be too fearful of its master to take action against them. The creature likely serves as a protector as well as a tyrant, so the locals may be content with the deal even if it doesn’t offer any further inducement or aid. E Ancient artificial intellect-tyrant, Cruel sorcerer-lord, Monstrous quasi-god F Secret rebel against the deal, Investigator looking for evidence, Monstrous rival of the tyrant C They seize the tribute from their neighbors or enemies, The deal is getting progressively worse, Their neighbors are thinking of making their own deals T Ritual instruments forged via atrocity, Forbidden book of hideous truths, Precious resource generated by the entity P Secret shrine to their unholy master, Prison where the tribute is kept, Bustling town street full of sinister prosperity

Neglectful Ruler

The community can’t rely on its ostensible suzerain. Whatever lord claims ownership of the place is indifferent to its troubles and pays no attention to its civic disorder. The lord may be incapable of giving help, or convinced their representative can handle it alone, or actively seeking to punish the community for some rebellion or failure of service. E A viceroy sending back false reports, Local grandee seizing control by violence, Cruel local lord who keeps the ruler pacified with tax money F Inspector from the suzerain, Local judge seeking justice, Harried representative in need of help C The ruler has too many problems to care about this place, The ruler would actually make things worse if they paid heed, The ruler’s authority is being hindered by some rival power T Tax money not yet sent, A “gift” meant to draw the lord’s help, Proof of a plot to seize control of the community P Deserted courtroom, Street crawling with local vigilante groups, Burnt-out home of a political loser

Pilgrimage Site

The community is centered around a major pilgrimage site. This may be a religious location of importance to a major faith, or it may be a more secular institution that draws the traffic, like a famous academy or the remains of some wondrous ancient work. Considerable local tension likely exists over controlling the access to the site and maximizing the profits from foreign visitors. E Outsider boss seeking to seize control of the site, Corrupt hereditary site controller, Rival saboteur bent on despoiling the site F Well-meaning pilgrim, Scholar with dangerous historical theories, Earnest caretaker of the site C The site can only handle so many visitors without degrading, The pilgrimage site is dangerous, The keepers don’t fully understand the site T Precious relic of the site, Beautifully-made fake of some critical relic, Secret true history of the site P Expensive pilgrim lodgings, Street full of hawkers of pilgrimage tokens, Alien and wondrous pilgrimage site

New Industry

The natives have established a new industry here, and it’s making them a great deal of profit. Old patterns of authority and wealth are being disrupted, and the old gentry are unlikely to be pleased about it. They may be trying to take over the industry, or they may have been the ones to enable it in the first place and are using it to crush the life out of any rival power bases. Outsiders might be playing a major role as well, and it could be they plot to siphon off the profits. E Arrogant and ruthless new oligarch, Scheming old-money grandee, Grasping and heartless industrial magnate F Hopeful new entrepreneur, Local elder trying to deal with the change, Innocently naive outside investor C The gentry would prefer poverty to losing power, The gentry are split on the industry, The industry comes with severe and unequally-distributed downsides T Profit from the industry, A valuable device to improve the industry, Tools of sabotage P Retrofitted old workshop, Resource-extraction site, Crowded worker housing

Plagued City

The community is cursed with recurrent spells of some troublesome disease. The affliction isn’t so fatal as to make living there impossible, but it adds suffering and expense to local lives. The plague might be the product of an ancient curse, the results of long-lost toxic remains, or an unavoidable byproduct of whatever industry or purpose justifies the city. It’s probably not overly contagious, but visitors may be in some peril all the same. E Charlatan selling false hope, Merciless grandee gladly worsening the plague for profit, Dark sorcerer seeking to weaponize the sickness F Traditional healer wise in the plague’s ways, Appealing waif struck down by the illness, Impassioned healer seeking a real cure C The plague has a positive side-effect, Only certain classes suffer the plague, Passage into or out of the community is strictly controlled T A real cure for the plague, Hidden wealth of a plague victim, The key to halting the cycle P Worn-down sickhouse full of locals, Cemetery overflowing with the dead, Business based on providing for a sufferer’s special needs

Population Boom

A vast influx of newcomers has recently rushed into the community. They may have been drawn by economic opportunities, or fled some pursuing peril, or been forcibly moved there by a ruler who wanted to dilute the existing native cohesion. The natives may not have the resources or opportunities to integrate these newcomers, and it may be that the new population has no desire to stay longer than is necessary. E Viciously xenophobic grandee, Newcomer leader who despises the locals and their ways, Grasping merchant exploiting one or both groups F Local trying to bridge differences, Newcomer trying to make a new life, Local official trying to keep the peace C The newcomers act like conquerors, Their cultures are extremely imiscible, The natives are now highly dependent on newcomer industry T Precious relic brought by the newcomers, Loot confiscated or extracted from the newcomers, Riches earned from newcomer labor P Jarringly different newcomer quarter, Market with informally segregated areas, Tavern welcoming to only one group

Rebel Stronghold

The community is in tacit or open revolt against their supposed overlord. If it’s distant from their suzerain’s power centers or exceptionally well-fortified, they might be an open nest of rebels and provide overt support to their ruler’s enemies. More vulnerable communities will provide shelter, secret support, and a base of supply for hidden bands of insurgents. Loyalist locals must keep their sympathies hidden or suffer the consequences. E Psychopathic but charismatic rebel leader, Savage rebel-suppressing general, Traitor leading the rebels to their doom F Idealistic young rebel, Frightened local just trying to survive, Sympathetic outside mediator C One side of the dispute is correct but profoundly unsympathetic, A rebel victory would ultimately be catastrophic, The lord can’t afford the disruption that violent suppression would create T Cache of valuable rebel supplies, Tax money stolen by the rebels, Secret rebel identities and plans P Rebel base hidden outside the community, Tavern full of sympathizers, Burnt house of a loyalist

Raider Scourge

Almost every community has some problem with bandits and highwaymen, but this community is seriously plagued with raiders. One or more groups of persistent plunderers are hitting the community repeatedly, and they lack the necessary resources to fend them off or protect all their holdings. E Would-be ruler turned bandit chief, Rival agent backing the bandits, Traitorous native wielding the bandits against their enemies F Runaway ex-bandit, Embittered victim of their plundering, Merchant desperate for help C The bandits are cooperating with a local power bloc, The bandits are a direct consequence of some local political decision, Mustering military force would have dire political consequences T Plunder stolen by the bandits, A shipment of some vital good that was waylaid, Evidence of corroborators or informers P Scene of gory slaughter on the road, Burnt farmstead outside the community, Makeshift and dirty bandit camp

Rigid Castes

The locals are divided into several castes. They may be organized by social role, by imputed nobility of birth, by ethnic origins, or any other dividing principle, but they cannot imagine any other way of organizing themselves. A hierarchy of castes is not inevitable, but there will be social and legal limits applied to ensure that each caste remains fixed in its function. The outside world may or may not respect these distinctions when dealing with the locals. E Conqueror seeking to impose “civilized” castes on outsiders, Impostor who’ll commit any crime to conceal their true caste, Abusive upper-caste grandee F Unfairly mistreated caste member, Determined reformer with a “better” caste plan, Outsider trying to undo the caste system C The castes are marked by ancient physiological alterations, Even the low caste locals are convinced the tradition is right, Exceptional money or talent can change a person’s caste T Proof of a group’s real caste, Goods created by a caste’s unpaid labors, Sacred regalia only a certain caste can touch P Caste-divided residential quarters, Temple dedicated to a caste, Workshop of a caste

Scars of War

The community is still bloodied by a recent violent conflict. A crushing bandit raid, a lost siege, getting caught at the periphery of a major battle, or some other calamity has inflicted severe damage on the place. Some communities may suffer a longer-term version of this, their youths lost in a grinding, endless battle against some perpetual threat. E Savage tyrant left over from the fight, Outsider taking advantage of their weakness, Native driven to extremes by their losses F Bedraggled survivor, Outsider who’s come to help, Relative of someone lost in the battle C The damage was mostly taken by one group, The losses have thrown the old social order into chaos, The locals are desperate to make the losses “worth it” T Plunder taken during the fight, Wealth left behind by the dead, A cache of treasure concealed by looters P Damaged half-occupied house, Burnt-down civil structure, Fields pocked with torched cottages

Secret Treachery

The community is in secret rebellion against their ostensible liege, having cut deals with his enemies, plotted to betray him for their own gain, or bridled under his tyranny and sought a better lord. The community’s leadership is all in on this plot, and outside viceroys or representatives are being kept carefully ignorant of the reality. The common folk may be oblivious to the truth, though they’ll doubtless have felt the same motivations and promptings that convinced their leaders to turn traitor. E Suspicious investigator from the tyrant, Scheming local chief who plans to be the new lord, Monstrous thing that they made a pact with F Local being cruelly mistreated by the tyrant, Honest representative trying to resolve the tension, Local grandee trying to stay out of it all C One of the leaders is a double agent waiting to roll all the traitors up, The leaders disagree on methods, There’s more than one group of traitors who don’t know about the others T Proof of the conspiracy, Bribes intended for the leadership, Relic smuggled in by an outside supporter P Smoky back room, Sullen public gathering, Secret chamber in a leader’s home

Seat of Rule

Some important ruler or leading figure resides in the community. This may be the seat of a regional lord, or it could be the traditional residence of a high priest, great magus, merchant house, or other wielder of influence. The community itself may or may not be under their direct control, but the wishes of the august figure must be acknowledged by the locals. E Corrupted and venal ruling figure, Conspiring usurper of the role, Vicious rebel against the ruler F Worried advisor to the ruler, Petitioner seeking help, Rebel against an unjust ruler C The ruler is a figurehead controlled by someone else, The community is struggling to keep the seat, The ruler is not legally recognized but everyone knows the reality of their influence T Riches brought to petition the ruler, Ancestral ruling regalia, Treasure hidden by a ruler of old P Grand and ancient audience hall, Elaborate edifice now no longer used, Public building related to the ruler’s role

Sinking City

The community was built atop something unstable, and now that substrate is crumbling. It may be swampy ground or a decaying coastline, or it could be an ancient buried city that’s now giving way. In the case of some antique habitation, the denizens that once lived there might be boiling upward as their home is collapsing, or new opportunities may be revealed even as the community’s present structure is ruined. E Unspeakable evil from below, Ruthless local causing damage for the sake of profit, Outside exploiter preying on the displaced F Struggling local defender, Native made homeless by the collapse, Curious explorer bent on discovering what lies beneath C The collapse was caused by someone, Only the slums or the noble quarter collapsed, The collapse hasn’t happened yet but it’s going to T Recently-uncovered treasure, Vault buried when the building became a sinkhole, Key to halt the collapse P Pit where a manor once was, Fallen city wall, Freshly-exposed underworks

Theocratic Authorities

Religious leaders are influential in almost any community, but here they make up the final authorities. It may be an explicit theocracy, with rule by the clerics of a particular faith, or a temple might be so important and powerful that the official leaders are helpless to resist its will. The locals can be expected to be loyal adherents to the faith, or else the less pious majority is deeply intimidated by the religion’s believers. E Rebel backed by a rival religion, Heretical priest trying to usurp authority, Eldritch being masquerading as a heavenly envoy F Well-meaning but zealous priest, Insurgent against a wicked theocracy, Harried town leader trying to please the clerics C The theocrats are divided into struggling factions, The theocracy is the result of the former regime’s complete failure, The priests don’t want to lead but nobody else is acceptable to the people T Religious relic conferring the right to rule, Precious sacred scripture, Tithe gathered for the temple P Ornate and splendid temple, Shrine room within an ordinary house, Magistrate-priest’s courtroom

Trade Hub

The site is a major trade hub, connecting several important cities or resource production areas. It’s probably at an important river juncture, ancient crossroads, or occupying the only safe path through some perilous wilderness. Its position may be important enough that it can survive on trade alone, despite being unable to feed itself with the surrounding land. Such hubs are usually heavily garrisoned by the lord who profits from their tariffs and taxes. E Cheating merchant prince, Corrupt judge or trade official, Grasping ruler with heavy taxes F Confused foreigner with strange ways, Dealer in some vital adventuring good, Exotic stranger in need of help C The locals trade with Outsiders or other entities normally shunned by humans, The merchants effectively rule the city, There are pockets of exotic cultures found nowhere else in the kingdom T Precious goods not produced in this land, Map to some fabulous foreign treasure, Gift intended for a local ruler P Bazaar full of alien speech, Caravansary built in a foreign fashion, Palace of conspicuous opulence

Toxic Economy

The community is reliant on an industry or product that has toxic or negative side-effects as part of its production. The good is extremely valuable, or the community is extremely desperate, and the side-effects are endured as a necessary evil. It may be that their neighbors or lord are forcing them to produce the good so that they aren’t the ones suffering the cost. E Cruel sorcerer-merchant, Indifferent magnate wringing more production out of people, Trader in flesh who profits by the sick and feeble F Healer trying to cure the side-effect, Crippled local maimed by the product, Outside trader trying to soften the consequences of the trade C The side-effect only harms an expendable class of people, The afflicted are isolated from the healthy, The side-effect are social or economic rather than physical T A temporary protection from the toxin, A load of the precious good, A device that worsens the toxin but creates more of the good P Pesthouse full of the crippled, Splendid mansion built off the product’s profits, Factory full of lethal fumes and effects

Unique Product

The community produces something unique, a good or service that cannot be had anywhere else in the kingdom. This may be due to some unique resource found only there, or some carefully-guarded craft, or it may be a special service that can only be provided by the locals, who are somehow unique in their forms or abilities. E Magnate forcing more production at a grim cost, Ruler demanding more tribute, Rival saboteur planning to turn the product dangerous F Naive but superbly talented artisan, Innovator seeking to improve the product, Outside trader trying to protect their deal C The product involves a vile component that outsiders can’t accept handling, The product is extremely useful to very unpleasant entities, Multiple rulers claim rights over the community T A cache of the product, The secret method of its production, Valuable components used to make the product P Factory full of busy creators, Resource extraction field where a vital component is gathered, Market crowded with traders from far places

Upstart Faith

There’s a relatively new religion in the community which is rapidly gaining power. It might be a sectarian offshoot of a major faith, the unique product of a new prophet, or an outside faith backed by wealthy and powerful foreign supporters. Depending on the demands made on believers, the new faith may be a matter of concern only to the existing clergy, or it might be a major flashpoint for conflict in the community. E False prophet gathering thralls, Hostile native cleric with dark plans, Outside manipulator profiting by the strife F Sincere new priest, Local trying to keep out of the crossfire, Existing cleric trying to make peace C The faith has very different teachings for inner and outer members, The secular leadership backs the new faith to weaken the existing temples, The faith has both sympathetic and unpleasant traits T Sacred relic of the new faith, Temple relic stolen by new convert to the faith, Tithe offered up by wealthy new convert P Hastily-made new temple, Now-empty existing shrine, Market with informal religious segregation

Widespread Prosperity

The community is uncommonly rich, not only for the gentry but for the common citizens as well. They may produce a valuable good, oversee precious resource extraction, have special economic favors from the ruler, or simply have inherited a vast body of infrastructure. Their neighbors likely view them with envy, and outside raiders and exploiters find them an ideal target. E Cunning raider chieftain, Greedy overlord, Arrogant local ruler over-proud of their wealth F Local being exploited for their wealth, Agent of the local prosperity’s maintenance, Outside trader trying to make an honest profit C The prosperity is coming at another community’s cost, Their rivals claim their prosperity is wholly undeserved, The impending end of the prosperity is visible to all T Casually-stored riches, Device that creates some critical infrastructure, Cache of weapons meant to defend the wealth P Commoner neighborhood as opulent as that of the gentry of elsewhere, Market full of luxuries, Edifice of unusually advanced infrastructure

Warring Council

There’s more than one leader in the community, but at least some of them are at each other’s throats. It might be a conflict between formal leadership and informal authorities, or it could be a struggle among civil officials. Their interests might diverge sharply, or it could be a personal grudge that’s boiled over. Outside threats and internal problems are likely being ignored until the power struggle is resolved. E Shadowy kingmaker bent on breaking resistance, Megalomaniacal new leader, “Owned” leader forced to fight for his backers F Neutral leader seeking a resolution, Outside investigator looking to understand the situation, Local suffering from some trouble that’s being ignored C The most capable leader is also most at fault, The struggle is being incited by an outside rival, They’re arguing over a problem that seems insoluble T Blackmail on a leader, Treasure being fought over, Item that would resolve the struggle P Now-abandoned council room, Site of a steadily-increasing problem, Tavern stronghold of one of the combatants

Xenophobic Locals

The locals despise outsiders. For some “outsiders” may be natives of foreign lands, while others might have a grudge against anyone from outside the community. Almost every community in the Latter Earth has some degree of wariness toward strangers, but these locals have an active loathing, and the few outsiders allowed to trade or interact with them do so at a heavy disadvantage. E Utterly unfair local magistrate, Local magnate who abuses outside laborers, Leader who always paints outsiders in the worst possible light F Secretly curious local, Cruelly mistreated outsider living there, Grudging diplomat seeking a modus vivendi C They have a very good reason for hating strangers, Their outsider neighbors hate them just as much, They’re the last remnant of their kind and fear being absorbed T Prized symbol of their people, Wealth confiscated from an outsider, Forbidden outsider objects kept sealed away P Cultural edifice devoted to the local past, Tightly-guarded city walls, Architecture that only makes sense to the locals

Affliction’s Mark

Some sort of persistent, incurable illness is gnawing at the court. The principle leader might have been felled by it, or a beloved member, or it may be a spreading curse within its circles. Acute diseases will likely have the sufferers desperate to find some cure, while chronic illnesses might need regular infusions of some costly or morally-dubious remedy. E Manipulative quack, Amorally desperate parent, Secret spreader of plague F Appealing victim, Struggling physician, Worried spouse-to-be of a victim C The sickness is a direct result of their choices, A faction would profit enormously if the current victims died, The only known cure comes with a dire moral or material cost T Palliative that can slow or ease the disease, Proof of its source or cause, The price gathered to pay for a perhaps-real cure P Hushed and shadowed sickroom, Gathering place with an air of forced gaiety, Untouched quarters of the recently dead

Awesome Legitimacy

The things that are certain in life are death, taxes, and this court. They are important, they have always been important, and they always will be important. They may wax and wane, but no one in their society can imagine them ever ceasing to exist, and at most the locals can only think of seizing control of the court or compelling its cooperation. Its destruction is unthinkable. It may have absolute control of some critical social function, have members of legendary awe, or be viewed as the personal property of some divinity or godlike entity. E Implacable tyrant consecrated by custom, Manipulator who cloaks his will in the court’s legitimacy, Outsider who’ll ruin the court despite the chaos such a thing would create F Court member keenly aware of their responsibility, Local haplessly oppressed by the court, Outsider who deals cautiously with the court C The court really is as indispensable as it seems, The source of its untouchability is weakening, If it goes down it’s taking much of local society with it T Regalia of ancient authority, Dusty deed to a rich property, Wealth of a failed rebel against it P Long-forgotten spare throne room, Ancient archive, Gathering place in use for ages

Ancestral Obligation

The court was impressed with some great task, duty, or role by its founder, and much of its influence or moral authority hinges on continuing to carry out that task. Its traditions and structure revolve around being able to carry out the work. Failure means disgrace and perhaps tangible penalties as old pacts are broken. Aside from this, neglecting the duty may result in other negative consequences, perhaps to parties other than the court itself. E Schemer who’d profit by the duty’s disruption, Rebel who hates the duty and care nothing for the consequences, Tyrannical leader who forces others to bear the duty’s cost F Grimly-determined keeper, Sympathetic member who suffers from the work, Outsider desperately reliant on the work being done well C No one fully understands the duty’s meaning any more, The duty comes at a terrible cost, Recent calamity has left them too weak for the work T Vital tool for carrying out the job, Ancient payment for the work, Key to lifting the burden P Ancient work-chamber, Hall emblazoned with symbols of the work, Training hall for carrying on the work

Awkward Birth

A pregnancy is roiling the court and causing severe problems. It may be that a member is pregnant by the wrong man, or a pairing took place that was shocking to society, or a newly-born heir is showing signs of inherited Blight, or a new heir suddenly excludes a displeased prior incumbent. The court can’t hush it forever, and abortion is either impractical, unacceptable, or too dangerous to the mother. This may not stop certain members from trying. E Elder who would see the problem “solved”, Murderously suspicious husband, Demoted heir F Naive young lover, Desperate hidden paramour, Worried sire of the unwanted child C Secret accusations of illegitimacy are being passed through the court, The disgraced husband’s family is enraged, The pregnancy is just a tool the mother is using to get her way T Proof of the real father, Blackmail material on the court’s leadership, Wealth stolen away by the former presumptive heir P Nursery much worse-appointed than expected, Prison-like room for the expectant mother, Stronghold estate of the disappointed former heir

Blandished Leadership

The leadership has been led astray by one or more pretty girls or boys. They dote on their paramours, granting them extravagant favors and imperiling the court with the lengths they go to in order to please their beloved. Those not given to romantic dizziness may be enraptured by more physical talents, so occupied in the business of night that nothing is done in the day. E Rival who sent them the playthings as gifts, Ruthlessly manipulative lover, Murderously angry neglected spouse F Sadly displaced former favorite, Frustrated underling, Disapproving moralist C The paramours have a supernatural edge in their charms, Their spouse likes them distracted so as to carry out their own plans, The court is fighting over influence with the paramours rather than the leadership T Priceless luxury demanded by a lover, Trinket of great worth abandoned by them, Wealth gathered to build some pleasure for them P Seraglio of constant liveliness, Court hall abandoned by the leadership, Pleasure-garden redolent of luxury

Capricious Orders

The court is issuing unreasonable orders to those under its authority, demanding excessive tribute, unreasonable obediences, or similar sacrifices. The court leader may be new and over-confident of their power, or the court may be in dire trouble and needs more resources, or rival forces may be goading or manipulating the court into overplaying its hand out of recklessness or ignorance of the true state of affairs. E Arrogant new lord, Mentally unstable or bewitched ruler, Scheming advisor in a rival power’s pay F Mistreated subject of the court, Frustrated moderate member, Reasonable rival of the current ruler C The demands are all to fulfill a great secret plan, The demands are punishment for a failed rebellion, The court doesn’t want to make the demands but is somehow forced to do so T Heavy load of tribute, Stolen treasure that the court demanded be produced, Privately-diverted wealth from the demands P Angry court reception hall, Public plaza with darkly-grumbling locals, Enterprise closed down due to a failure to deliver on the demands

Cadet Branches

The authority of the court is somewhat splintered, with multiple cadet branches of the family, enterprise, or department having their own share of its power. These branches are likely to struggle over control of the main court, with some of them perhaps preferring the court’s dissolution rather than allowing a hated rival to gain control of it. E Disgraced scion with a plan for revenge, Ruler who hates a particular branch, Scheming leader of a minor branch F Bastard offspring seeking recognition, Visionary from a cadet branch, Rightful leader denied their place C One “cadet” branch actually has a right to rule but is too weak to claim it, The main court plays the branches against each other, Outside rivals want the court to remain splintered T Proof of a branch’s illegitimacy, Bribe paid to get a branch to cooperate, Blackmail material on the main court’s ruler P Ostentatious branch estate, More modest but far older main estate, Court hall with places for all the branches

Cultural Insignia

The court produces some famously revered cultural product, such as literature, poetry, painting, sculpture, music, dance, or other art form. Their members may have a direct tradition of production, or they may be the critical patrons of a tradition of artists or a school that produces the product. The product wins them respect among the cultured, and many would be glad to assist them in exchange for the luster of association. E Ruler who would crush rival schools, Chief artist gone mad with jealousy or megalomania, Rival artist determined to destroy the tradition F Earnest young artistic genius, Poor court member determined to patronize as best they can, Unworldly aesthete concerned only with art C The art has actual magical powers when well-made, The art encourages or glorifies some reprehensible cause, The artists are savagely factional in their different schools T Lost legendary work of art, Proof that a famed piece of art is a forgery of the original, Hidden masterwork of a dead genius P Salon dedicated to appreciating the art, Workshop where the art is made, Grand public structure adorned with the art

Daring Ambition

The court has a grand ambition which is driving its actions, and it’s making a major bet on its ability to achieve its goal. Failure will mean catastrophe for the court, while success promises great rewards. Not all the members of the court are necessarily sharing the same risks and potential payoff, however, and some may be paying more than they’d ever profit. E Megalomaniacal leader, Well-meaning but hopelessly optimistic ruler, Secret manipulator driving the ambition F Sympathetic necessary sacrifice for the cause, Court member struggling to do their share, Ally who’d profit if the court succeeded C The court thinks the ambition is one thing but the leadership knows it’s another, The ambition’s success would be a poisoned gift, A faction plans to monopolize the benefit or shift all the loss T Critical material for the ambition, Costly remnants of a failed effort, A valuable result of progress in the ambition P Enterprise or establishment dedicated to the cause, Newly-constructed edifice, Hall optimistically prepared to celebrate victory

Decadent Court

The court is too absorbed in their pleasures and indulgences. Their cooperation is purchased with coin or flesh, their disports grow ever more costly and excessive, and even the minor members are getting accustomed to shameful enjoyments. Their power is being turned toward facilitating their membership’s appetites rather than fulfilling whatever role got them their status in the first place. E Jaded and sensation-starved ruler, Cruel panderer for the court’s hungers, Monstrous entity that sponsors or encourages vice F Escaped would-be subject, Inquisitive outside investigator, Frustrated native in need of the court’s execution of its duty C The court’s leadership is uninvolved and using the vices to blackmail and control their underlings, The court’s trying to spread its vices in its own social stratum and profit accordingly, A faction is taking things much too far even for their brethren and involving occult powers T Debt-slave contracts, Hideous but precious idol or art object, Valuable drug made from slaves P Debauched salon, Court public hall made sinister, Pit where the human chattel are kept

Dark Secret

The court has a dark secret that would cost it dearly if it were to be revealed. Loss of influence, station, money, or power might all be consequent. It may involve old treacheries, hidden crimes, secret illegitimacies, dark pacts, or harsh choices that were unavoidable at the time. The uppermost ranks likely know the truth, but the lesser members may have nothing but unpleasant suspicions. E The villain they’re allied with, Ruthless keeper of secrets, Amorally villainous ruler F Secretly worried lesser court member, Outside investigator, Bitter survivor of the court’s crime C The act was acceptable or normal at the time it was committed, Revealing it would implicate other important powers, The court’s leadership has tried to quietly make amends for it T Proof of the heinous crime, Precious treasure acquired through the sin, Valuable relic taken from a victim of the crime P Secret archive full of dark evidence, Noble monument built on a dark substrate, Private sanctum for only the inner circle

Devil’s Bargain

The court made a bargain that’s now coming back to haunt them. Some pact with an outside power gave them a crucial edge or a desperately-needed boost, but now it needs to provide services, favors, or help that could end up destroying it or costing its leadership dearly. The pact was probably secret at the time, and even revealing it exists could have dire repercussions. E Vile entity it pacted with, Ruler planning on foisting the price off on a victim, Heartless creditor who cares nothing for the damage it does F Undeserving victim of the price, Rival who suspects something is up, Enemy of the power they pacted with C Only a small faction of the court knows about the bargain, The current leadership didn’t know about the deal until it was threatened into compliance, The power they pacted with is a mortal enemy of their society T Blackmail material the pact granter is using to control them, Potent relic granted in the deal, Heavy tribute due to the pacting power P Monument to the victory the pact secretly gave them, Secret chambers for the pact’s granter, Shrine to the dark entity they propitiated

Diplomatic Demands

Some rival or outside power is making demands on the court that they cannot easily ignore. It might involve some prior offense in need of reparations, a past deal that’s come due, or a price required for a favor that the court desperately needs. These demands are more than the court can easily pay, and determining where the burden will fall most heavily is a matter of fierce internal politics. E Scheming shifter of burdens, Outside rival bent on beggaring the court, Incompetent diplomat who’s only making things worse F Victim of unfair exactions, Harried diplomat with no cards to play, Native who desperately needs the deal to go through C The exactions demanded are purely punitive, There’s a specific temporary reason the court has to acknowledge the demands, Another party could give a better deal if they were persuaded T Huge down payment on the demands, The precious object the court is trying to acquire, Proof that the demands are unjustified P Diplomatic retreat full of tense people, Site of the problem causing the demands, Hushed court hall full of whispers

Excess Heirs

While the ruler remains vigorous, they have too many legitimate heirs for the court to comfortably absorb. There’s not enough wealth or power to give the losers a dignified station, or else the losing heirs may expect to be executed, or the heirs are locked in a court-disrupting battle to force their desired outcome. Various heirs might be backed by rival outside powers searching for a convenient catspaw. E Cruel but talented crown prince, Scion in league with dark powers, Secretly murderous spare heir F Capable but hard-pressed candidate, Hapless ruler unable to enforce a choice, Vengeful retainer of a murdered heir C The ruler desires a Darwinian culling of heirs, The court desperately needs the heirs to cooperate to overcome a threat, Several heirs were formerly unknown T Proof of a candidate’s illegitimacy, Bribe from an enemy power, Relic meant to eliminate a rival P Well-fortified home of an heir, Court hall where the factions are well-separated, Ritual occasion of enforced amity

Disputed Inheritance

The court’s rule or property is due to pass on to the next generation, but there are multiple claimants to it. Each has some colorable legitimacy, and factions and secret supporters are doubtless rife in the court. They’re well-balanced enough that brute force seems a risky route to take, though matters are rapidly coming to a head as the need to establish a new leader is intense. E Cruel and vicious heir, Incompetent heir who has the best claim, Outside enemy backing the strife F Most talented heir but with the worst position, Hapless heir in dire need of protection, Loyal retainer trying to avert disaster C Legitimacy rests on possession of a now-lost relic, If the struggle lasts much longer the patrimony will be ruined or lost, A selfish regent is exploiting the court during the interregnum T Bribe intended for the faction leaders, Precious relic of legitimacy, The real and verified will P Tense and angry court meeting hall, Heir’s country estate, Court plaza where the factions don’t mingle

False Prize

The court is trying to obtain a goal or ambition that will actually be disastrous for it. Either through political miscalculation, ignorance of the truth, or willful blindness to the consequences, they’re plunging headlong towards calamity. Rivals might be secretly aiding them in their purpose, while factions within the court may be uselessly protesting the danger of the path they’ve chosen. E Foolhardy ruler with grand plans, Treacherous advisor encouraging disaster, Trickster leading the court to its ruin F Clear-sighted court member who is being ignored, Victim of the danger the court is facing, Disfavored faction leader warning of peril C The prize’s benefits will attract an overwhelming foe, The prize will corrupt or ruin the court’s leadership, The prize comes with secret problems or obligations that will plague the court T Proof that the prize would be a disaster, The key to unlocking the prize, Rich reward that seems to be a foretaste of the prize’s benefits P Edifice built as part of the effort, Ruined seat of a former holder of the prize, Secret facility where terrible prices are paid in pursuit of it

Fatal Extravagance

The court is exhausting itself on luxuries or displays of magnificence that it cannot truly afford. It may feel pressured to do so in order to maintain face before its rivals, or it may over-estimate its resources, or it may be being manipulated by whatever group they’re buying their luxuries from. Optimistic courts may be betting on a future windfall that may or may not come. E Smiling merchant of addictive drugs, Grandiose ruler, Selfishly hedonistic court member F Court member vainly trying to economize, Worried accountant, Client upset at the lack of expenditures on their vital need C The extravagance is serving a secret magical or ritual purpose, It’s being paid for with debt the court intends to never need to repay, The waste is the product of a new ruler who has different expectations of what they deserve T Shipment of precious luxuries, Payment meant for the next round of indulgences, Precious item that is to be pawned or sold to fund the luxuries P Gaudily-adorned court structure, Celebration of wild excess, Ostentatious and newly-built monument to their luxuries

Foreign Ties

The court has strong ties with some foreign power or organization, one that may or may not be hostile to their greater polity. The court draws some considerable advantage from this tie, but it’s also expected to assist its affiliate in their own local goals. If the affiliate is an enemy or rival of their people, this tie may be carefully hidden, or it may be a known scandal about the court. E Foreign spymaster with demands, Rival who despises the foreign power, Court member who’s a wholly-owned agent of the power F Appealing foreign petitioner, Harried court member trying to square their obligations, Outside inquisitor into suspicious doings C The power used to be friendly to the polity but has recently been viewed as a rival, The court is secretly reliant on the foreign power’s support, The support consists of the foreign power not doing something that they could do T Funding from the power, Precious item the court needs to turn over, The macguffin the power wants the court to obtain for them P Court hall in an architectural style like that of the power, Home with foreign-derived elements, Archive with documents in a foreign tongue

Forbidden Romance

Someone in the court is deeply in love with someone they shouldn’t be. It may be a rival from another court, a lowly commoner, an incestuous bond, an attraction to a forbidden demihuman, a fellow court member’s spouse, or a spectacularly horrible person who can only bring them misery. This love may or may not be reciprocated, and it may be an open secret to others. E Unreciprocated lover who won’t take no for an answer, Cruelly manipulative object of affection, Court elder bent on terminating the relationship F Earnest matchmaker friend, Appealing paramour, Aspiring peacemaker who wants the match C The reasons for opposing the match are extremely good, The court member is being exploited by the paramour or their manipulators, A rival court member wants the match to go through so the court member will be disgraced T Proof that the lover is not what they seem, A gift the enamored should not have given, A token that will legitimize the pairing P Secret rendezvous spot, Hidden prison for a reluctant lover, Court festival where unacceptable hints are given

Gate Keeper

The court controls access to some critical resource or social function. It might have an effective lock on the local law, or control the irrigation network for regional farms, or provide vital religious services to faithful believers. If it abuses this power too greatly, however, its rivals will combine against it and may seize control of the resource. E Reckless leader who’s overplaying their hand, Outside schemer planning to break their monopoly, Corrupt court member who’s undermining the control for their own benefit F Earnest outsider with a monopoly-breaking idea, Frustrated court member trying to reform the monpoly’s administration, Hard-pressed local mistreated by the monopoly C The next alternative monopolist is much worse, A monopoly-breaker has vile intentions, The monopoly rests with them for secret but very good reasons T Some good produced by the monopoly, License or leave to violate the monopoly, Device that greatly weakens the monopoly P Site where the monopoly is practiced, Secret wildcatter site of unlicensed production, Private production site of one of the court’s elites

Hidden Blight

One or more members of the court are afflicted with the Blight, but are concealing their condition. Their particular Blight is not physically obvious to onlookers, but may have severe psychological or hidden physical manifestations. At least some of the other court members have a good reason to aid this concealment, if only to avoid the scandal of being known to carry Blighted genetics. E Blight-demented leader being shielded by others, Ruthless investigator seeking answers, Murderous court member bent on “resolving” matters F Blighted struggling with their curse, Court member trying to protect the secret, Blighted parent trying to help their child C The Blight is light enough to be lifted somehow, The Blight is somehow useful to the afflicted, They disguise the Blight as a wildly excessive human inclination T Drug that ameliorates the Blight, Proof of a Blighted lineage, Bribe paid to hush the matter P Secret retreat for expressing Blighted urges, Hall of glorified ancestral memorials, Prison for badly-affected Blighted members

Impure Blood

Bloodline and lineage are important to the court, either because of a bloodline-dependent power or a society that places much importance on it. Despite this, the court’s lineage would be considered impure by others were it fully known, perhaps due to some secret pairings in the remote past. The court might have to go to extremes in order to mimic the powers appropriate to their supposed bloodline, or else go to similar extents to crush any hint of the truth. E Court assassin cleaning up loose ends, Rival prying into a dangerous leak, Court member making a terrible bargain to blot out the stain F Court member undeserving of the obloquy, Innocent threatened with disaster by the truth, Hunter seeking the entity they pacted with C The “impurity” was once celebrated in the hidden past, It’s an open secret but their rivals lack actionable proof, They’re privately working to overthrow the rules that would call them impure T Proof of their impurity, Device that gives them power they wouldn’t normally have, Inheritance from their hidden ancestry P Hidden site associated with their concealed blood, Proud monument to their social station, Secret graves of their real ancestors

Hopeless Rival

The court has a rival or enemy that bears a burning desire to destroy them. Unfortunately for them, they’re wholly incapable of doing so. This fanatical desire may be born of past crimes, cheated opportunities, or an ancient feud. In their desperation to strike at their enemy, it’s likely the rival will go to extreme and unwise lengths, perhaps making bargains they ought not to make. E Oft-beaten rival of the court’s ruler, Disgraced court member turned renegade, Spare heir with a grudge F Sympathetic enemy of the court, Rival’s associate trying to stop them from going too far, Inquisitor looking into nefarious dealings C The rival’s hate is very justifiable, The rival’s engineering a clash with a greater power, The rival is being set up as a kamikaze attack by a manipulative third party T Doomsday tool the rival means to use, Blackmail material on the court, Precious relic the rival paid dearly to acquire P Site of the rival’s past defeat, Location related to the hate, Structure built with the fruits of the court’s past victory

Inadequate Tools

The court’s authority and power have been sustained for a long time by a particular set of tools and tactics, such as violence, money, blackmail, legal rights, or perhaps by particular alliances with other powers. Recent events or clumsy missteps by the court have rendered these old tools no longer effective, but the leadership doesn’t have any better idea than to use them again, but harder this time. E Manipulator goading the ruler to excesses, Frustrated ruler with no new ideas, Court member scheming to restore their old power F Anguished victim of their overreach, Court member trying to find new footing, Member fearful of the consequences of their frustration C The tools are “working” but are building up a ruinous debt of resentment, Their efforts are only serving to strengthen their rivals, The tools are actually going to be completely successful if the ruler’s scheme to push them to an extreme works T Relic to empower their favorite tactic, Wealth needed to fuel their plans, Priceless implement necessary to effectively use their tactics P Structure dedicated to their favorite methods, Site where the method went awry, Site of the method currently in use

Inept Ruler

The court’s ruler is incompetent or debilitated, but there’s no practical way to remove them from power. The alternative might be utterly unacceptable, or the ruler’s bungling might be very much to the benefit of a powerful faction in the court. Rivals are doubtless making plans to take advantage of the situation, and internal factions may well be willing to take acceptable losses in order to profit by the chaos. E Insane ruler, Sincere but utterly unsuitable leader, Sinister manipulator influencing the puppet ruler F Competent but unsupported alternative ruler, Victim of the ruler’s bungling, Faction leader being crushed by the ruler’s ineptitude C The ruler seems like an idiot but is actually trying to achieve a secret goal with their actions, Rival courts are vigorously backing the leader, The leader’s deposition would result in a ruinous state of chaos for the court T Token that would legitimize a change of rule, Object that would cure the ruler’s incapacity, Wealth that was lost by the leader’s bungling P Damaged or decrepit structure owing to the ruler’s neglect, Chaotic and confused court hall, Building erected as a folly by the ruler

Lost Purpose

The court’s original formation revolved around a particular duty or role that has long since been forgotten. This may be a metaphorical forgetting, like a idealistic young businessman turning to cold-hearted avarice, or it may be a literal loss of some ancient charge or consecrated role. This forgetting may have left the court with ancestral obligations they no longer understand, or resources they no longer use in the intended way. E Leader wholly absorbed in their own ambitions, Outsider made hostile by the court’s failure to do their duty, Enemy who prospers by their forgetting F Earnest historian who knows the truth, Last stubborn upholder of the role, Petitioner who needs them to do their old duty C The purpose was a vile and terrible one, Their current prosperity depends on ignoring the purpose, The consequences of their forgetting are going to be dire T Proof of their original purpose, Potent artifact meant to aid their role, Treasure once given to them in repayment for their work P Forgotten chamber for the duty, Lost site of importance, Place damaged by the forgetting

Iron Law

There are troublesome or problematic laws to the court that its members simply cannot break. They may be enforced by magical curses, by an inborn predilection of the court’s members, or by a tradition that would unite all rivals against the offender. These laws are likely preventing them from resolving a problem that is currently growing worse. E Suicidally rigid ruler, Troublemaker who exploits the law, Traitor who is somehow immune to the law’s force F Innovator trying to work around the law or repeal it, Troubled defender of the law who sees the problem, Affiliate who can’t be helped because of the law C The law is there for a good reason and breaking it would be worse than the problem, The law can be changed if a certain great deed is done, The law’s enforcer is corrupt or mutable in judgment T Key object that gives the law its force, Token that allows the bearer to ignore or lift the law, Precious treasure that is unreachable as long as the law remains in force P Chamber of judgment, Punishment place for offenders, Site of the growing problem

Magical Subversion

Some member of the court is under magical influence by another, be it an outside enemy or internal rival. It may be mind-bending sorcery, a persistent magical curse, or an arcane blessing that will last only so long as they cooperate. The culprit has some means of ensuring this subversion is not easily detected, either through occult arts or simply ensuring that others never get curious enough to look for such things. E Harmless-seeming member who’s a secret mage, Mercenary sorcerer hired by rivals, Court favorite who induces that affection with magic F Suspicious local mage, Relative with suspicions but no proof, Victim of uncharacteristic behavior by the subverted member C The subversion is part of a known and accepted enchantment on the target, They’ll die or suffer horribly if the subversion is lifted, They’re consciously cooperating with the subverter T Charm to lift the curse or mindbending, Proof of magical interference, The artifact being used to subvert the target P Out-of-place location to find the target, Site that’s recently been changed to fit their new demands, Sinister lair where the enchantment was wrought

Ministerial Capture

The upper functionaries or senior household servants of the court have taken effective control of it. The members may be too distracted to realize what’s been done, or the servants may have irresistible blackmail on them, or they may have the unjustified but complete trust of the proper leadership. These functionaries are using the court’s resources to pursue their own aggrandizement and profit. E Colorless senior bureaucrat, Scheming butler, Spymaster or intelligence chief turned kingmaker F Minor court member who realizes the problem, Lesser functionary upset by the corruption, Proper leader made helpless by the situation C The ministers think the proper leadership is incompetent, The ministers are really serving a rival, The leadership honestly prefers to leave everything to the ministers T Documentation proving ministerial malfeasance, Malversated court resources, Blackmail evidence on the court leadership P Abandoned official audience chamber, Private residence of the ministerial kingmaker, Clerkly offices bustling with petitioners

New Opportunity

Some special new opportunity has been presented to the court, one that offers a great deal of personal wealth or glory. Only some of the court can take advantage of it, however, and it can be easily spoiled by dissent from within; they argue now over who is to be allowed to exploit the opportunity. New unexplored lands, royal monopoly patents, the hand of a very eligible spouse, or some other limited windfall awaits the winner. E Bitter enemy who had the opportunity taken from them and given to the court, Jealous internal spoiler who plots to ruin it, Leader who greedily seeks to keep all of it to themselves F Talented but ill-supported candidate, Outsider who wants the opportunity handled fairly, Disenfranchised true discoverer of the opportunity C It’s a trap and will ruin those who embrace it, The ease of any one spoiler ruining it has paralyzed deliberations, The opportunity has its own ideas about who should exploit it T Key to unlocking the opportunity, Rich treasure safeguarded by the opportunity, Token that will allow the holder to exploit the opportunity P Site where the new chance is brightest, Camp or building for preparations, Site of a failed effort

New Generation

The court’s prior leadership was recently decimated by age, sickness, misadventure, or political executions, leaving many leadership posts in the hands of much younger, less experienced members. Few of them have a firm grasp on practicalities, and they’re acting with a confidence and boldness that may not necessarily be justified by their actual skills. E Reckless spare heir turned ruler, Upstart using a role purely for their personal advantage, Outside rival pouncing on their untested leadership F Harried senior advisor who is ignored, Baffled new ruler who doesn’t understand how it works, Idealistic new office-holder with big dreams C The new generation is being held back by ossified existing members, They have magnificent plans that will fail spectacularly, They didn’t want the jobs but were forced into them by circumstances T Lost treasure or resources the old guard hid, Ceremonial regalia that imbues legitimacy, Secret plans or archives that the former ruler hid P Newly-remodeled court residence, Audience hall adorned with freshly-changed arms, Ministerial office full of confused and harried clerks

Outside Debts

The court owes something awful to a pitiless outside power, whether a rival court, an enemy of their homeland, a vile sorcerer, a merciless banker, or a grasping lord. The consequences of failing to repay the debt would be catastrophic, but the court can’t afford to do so without some members of them being ruined by the price, whether in coin, criminal conviction, disgrace, or eternal damnation. E Ruler who means to shift the debt to another, Savage enforcer of the debt, Culprit who brought the debt on them with their ambitions F Innocent being forced to pay the price, Suspicious investigator looking into the debt, Past victim of the creditor’s cruel ways C Revealing the debt’s existence would ruin the court, The creditor completely deserves to be paid, An old rival has bought the debt and now holds it T Riches needed to pay off the debt, Proof that the contract was invalid, The document or token that is needed to enforce the debt P Lair of the creditor, Court holding being sold or given away to help satisfy the debt, Great court ceremony made insultingly meager to save money

Overextended Grasp

The court has seized control of land, offices, noble roles, businesses, or some other valuable holding, but they do not hold it securely. Rival forces are pressing on them and they have exhausted their resources in simply gaining the prize, and have nothing left with which to keep it in the face of resistance. The rivals may simply be fighting to determine which of them is to overthrow the overextended court’s grip. E Foolishly ambitious ruler, Schemer who has profited by the reach even if it fails, Desperate leader who is abusing the prize to help keep it F Former holder of the prize trying to regain it, Earnest new owner in far over their head, Loyal retainer struggling with insufficient resources C The prize is a poisoned fruit that will destroy them if they don’t let it go, They gambled on support that has been somehow delayed or denied, They mean to destroy the prize rather than lose it T Riches meant for the owner of the prize, Device or document that will destroy the prize’s value, Treasure the rivals mean to use to seize the prize P Seat of the prize’s authority, Court holding that’s understaffed and under-resourced, Marginal prize holding that’s already been lost

Poisonous Cliques

The court is riven by at least two viciously hostile cliques, both of which are determined to ruin or kill the other. Nonaligned members of the court are forced to submit to one or the other lest they be enemies to both and all normal business of the court is paralyzed by their incessant quarreling. This hostility may be open and overt, or it may be veiled behind venomous courtesies and cruelly heartless protocols. E Outside rival who provoked the clique formation, Traitor seeking mutual destruction, Brutal clique leader who will do anything for victory F Unaligned member trying to stay alive, Outside ally distressed by the infighting, Weak leader unable to rein in the hostilities C One clique is sympathetic but just as determined to attain total victory as the other, The cliques are destroying the very prize they fight over, A secret internal faction waits to pick up the pieces T Treasure the cliques are fighting over, Tool or artifact meant to break the stalemate, Documents showing a traitor within one clique’s leadership P Well-separated court residences for the cliques, Holding ruined by their infighting, Destroyed former residence of a loser of the fighting

Priestly Influence

The court’s leadership is in the thrall of a particular religion or holy figure, and their wishes are given an undue weight. This influence may be a matter of perfectly sincere faith, or the religion might have some special grip on the court due to blackmail, services rendered, or special need. Such influence often brings the hostility of rival faiths until a more equitable arrangement is made. E Rasputin-esque holy figure, Zealously pious ruler, Spider-minded court chaplain with strings on everyone F Court member who favors a different god, Cast-off former house priest, Client abandoned so that resources could go to the faith C The faith is giving major help to the court, The sect the court follows is considered heretical by the main faith, The faith’s opponents in the court are being backed by a hostile outside group T Sacred relic of the faith, Costly tithe sum to be offered to the faith, Symbol of authority over the court’s religious practice P Grand newly-built chapel, Abandoned chapel of a former faith, Ritual site for a new ceremony

Rampant Corruption

The court is so corrupt that it’s crippling its ability to function. Even the most mundane exercises of authority require that the right people be bribed or induced, and its members have little or no interest in the overall good of the group. The leadership is hanging together only because the court is profitable and they will defend it only insofar as it remains so. E Hopelessly venal ruler, Greedy kingmaker behind the scenes, Colorless head bureaucrat with sticky palms F Member with an earnest loyalty to principle, Court member cast out for not playing along, Victim of some bribed crime the court committed C The court’s members actually desperately need the money, All the graft is going to only a few strong hands, Their enemies have multiple traitors on their payrolls T Great hoard of extracted pelf, Inescapable proof of a leader’s wrongdoing, Misdirected bribe payment P Grimy back room where deals are made, Court salon made a market for favors, Court structure clearly starved of its supposed funds

Proxy Speaker

The court’s leader communicates only through a particular proxy, be it a chief minister, spouse, heir, concubine, confessor, or other figure of importance. The leader may be too sick or enfeebled to lead or the proxy may have systematically cut all their other lines of control. The other members of the court may vie for influence over the proxy, perhaps while ignoring their ostensible real ruler. E Grasping favorite odalisque, Impatient heir-proxy, Scheming regent-minister F Worried child of the leader, Cast-off former advisor, Persecuted enemy of the proxy C The proxy is actually the cause of the leader’s incapacitation, The proxy is a much better leader than the real one, The proxy is really working for a rival or enemy power T Cure for the leader’s incapacitation, Proof of the proxy’s unsuitability, Wealth subverted by the proxy P Abandoned throne room, Sick chamber of incapacitated leader, Proxy’s office teeming with petitioners

Recent Brutality

Violence is an unfortunate commonplace in many courts, but something happened here recently that was beyond all usual bounds of polite assassination or genteel political execution. Some vast massacre of a whole family line, a berserk slaughter of an unlucky gathering, a humiliating and unthinkable execution of some grandee, or some other dramatic brutality has put everyone on edge and made many start thinking of some previously unthinkable courses of action. E Ruler with out-of-control bloodthirst, Spree-killing spymaster, Brutal court member with no one daring to check them F Heir to a recent victim, Helpless enforcer of the usual norms, Survivor of a recent massacre C The victims arguably deserved it, The source of the violence is being secretly controlled by a member, Everyone else is about to embrace the new norms of violence if it’s not punished soon T Device used to enable the killing, Treasure left behind by one of the slain, List of who is to die next P Haunted site of the killing, Secret memorial to the slain, Unbearably tense court ceremony

Regency Council

A council of powerful regents runs the court due to the youth, incapacity, or sickness of the legitimate ruler. Some of these regents may actually have the ruler’s interests in mind, but others are exploiting the court’s resources for their own benefit, taking it as no more than their just due for their services. Some may be making a point of ensuring that the regency is a permanent state of affairs. E Abusive prime minister, Selfish parent- or relative-regent, Self-absorbed great noble guardian F Loyal servant of the true ruler, Well-meaning member of the council, Deposed former regent who was too loyal C The regents are keeping a totally disastrous ruler from taking power, The strength of the regents is direly needed right now, One or more regents is in a rival power’s pay T Proof of the council’s treachery, Remedy for the ruler’s incapacitation, Resources necessary to make a loyalist strong enough to take control P Council chamber crowded with servants, Private villa for secret dealings, Ceremonial throne room where the ruler is ignored

Rival Dreams

The court has big dreams; unfortunately, they’re contradictory. Two or more major factions each have a grand plan for the court’s future success, but these plans are incompatible, and the factions are struggling to determine which of them the court will follow. The leader is either incapable of breaking the deadlock or else they support one of the plans but lack sufficient allies to impose it on the unbelievers. E Charismatic but wildly impractical dreamer-lord, Selfish purveyor of a plan that will chiefly aid them, Stubborn ruler who will brook no compromise with their dream F Genius with poor social skills, Inheritor of a familial dream, Would-be peacemaker between the factions C Both dreams are likely to damage the court, They agree on the goal but have contradictory ways of getting there, The dreams are irrelevant and only an excuse to eliminate a rival faction T Vital resources to achieve a plan, Critical device needed for a plan, Proof that a plan is hopeless P Salon or base where a faction schemes, Field where a partially-complete plan is being furthered, Half-completed monument to glory

Restive Lessers

The court’s servants and lesser officials are angry with the leadership. Old privileges may have been revoked, traditional rights and fees may have been curtailed, or particular sacrifices or dire perils may have been demanded of them. The court is confident that their lessers can do nothing but obey, but the minions are very close to a dramatic response. E Ruler who cares nothing for their displeasure, Arrogant chief minister, Outside rival backing disunity in the court F Aggrieved lesser official, Worried grandee who sees trouble coming, Client who needs the court’s unimpaired assistance C Traditional but corrupt perquisites were reformed and the minions were deprived of them, A much loved official or leader was killed or deposed, Other courts’ minions are getting perks or benefits that this court can’t afford to give T Subverted wealth traditionally due to the minions, Document proving old rights, Treasure taken from a leader of the minions P Quietly furious servant’s quarters, Ominously deserted hall, Far-too-crowded plaza where the minions gather

Rival Power

The official hierarchy of the court is being challenged by a second power source within the organization, one strong enough to stymie its official lord. This may be a faction formed by a powerful lord, a charismatic religious faction, an intrusive consul of a superior power, or an impatient heir with too many friends. Neither power source can act freely while the other exists, but destroying the rival may bring down the court in the process. E Unofficial pretender to the rulership, Secretive kingmaker, Incompetent leader with strong help F Court member trying to make peace, Victim of the rival factions’ infighting, Disillusioned former backer of a faction C The rival power has a very good but also very self-interested reason to seek control, The rival power has all the most competent people, The legitimate lord will bring down the court with him if he’s overthrown T Tokens of legitimate authority, Blackmail sufficient to ruin a faction, Resources suborned by a faction P Unofficial throne room of the rival faction, Court offices split into different groups, Unnaturally well-fortified country estate of a faction

Ruling Regalia

The court’s rulership rests on one or more ancient, powerful relics. Quite aside from any practical use they may have, they symbolize the leader’s right of rule, and any loss of them will throw the court into chaos. It’s not unknown for the court’s leadership to be suddenly changed when a new rival manages to seize them, whether by guile or brute force. E Master thief in the employ of a rival, Strong-arm court member plotting their chance, Outside figure who just wants the relics’ power F Traditional guardian of the relics, Ruler too weak to reliably safeguard them, Would-be thief trying to get them from an unworthy ruler C The relics were lost some time ago and are currently forgeries, The power of the relics is objectively necessary for the ruler to function, A bearer will die if the relics are removed for too long T Device that will destroy or nullify a relic, Perfect forgery of a relic, Another relic perfectly identical in all ways P Tightly-guarded repository for the relics, Ceremonial procession showing the relics, Court structure or edifice powered by the relics

Shining Successor

The impending heir to the court is a remarkable figure, gifted with tremendous aptitudes or personal capability. Everyone is convinced they will lead the court to new heights of glory, though existing powers may prefer that glory be postponed indefinitely rather than give up their current posts. E Bitter mother of a rival heir, Ruler who refuses to admit their capability, Vengeful former heir who was put aside F Worried mentor of the successor, Ruler who fears for their successor’s safety, Loyal minion of the successor C The successor is a genius but has truly horrible traits as well, The successor is being backed by a rival who thinks to use them, The successor’s talents are vast but are precisely the wrong skills for the situation they will face T Regalia due to the rightful heir, A marvelous work produced by the successor, Proof that the successor has no legitimate claim on rulership P Salon where the successor shines brilliantly, Site of a grand triumph by the successor, Throne room where the successor gets more attention than the ruler

Runaway Rule

Out of overwork, sloth, or carelessness, the court has devolved much of its authority on some subsidiary group or power, leaving it to do the dirty work of a critical function. That group has seized control of that authority, however, and now bids fair to claim leadership of the court itself using its newfound leverage. E Ambitious leader of the lesser group, Indolent and careless ruler, Greedy minister profiting by the devolution F Client suffering due to the subsidiary’s actions, Minister robbed of effective power by the group, People being oppressed by the group’s excesses C The group has considerable outside backing, The group really is doing something critical to the court’s function, The court is now actually incapable of handling the group’s duties T Wealth obtained by the group’s actions, Treasure given to the group originally to induce them, Powerful relic obtained by the group as a tool P Structure dedicated to the group’s devolved duty, Country estate of the group’s leader, Abandoned structure of the court that once handled it

Splendid Seat

This court operates from a seat of power far beyond the splendor of their peers. It may be some ancient Working full of magical powers and benefits, or an ancestral fortress famed in song and legend, or a complex built around some source of precious material or extracted good. Much of the authority of the court might derive from their control of this seat. E Ruler who is relying too heavily on the seat’s benefits, Saboteur seeking to destroy the seat, Hostile entity bound or associated to the seat F Caretaker of the seat’s benefits, Court member fascinated with the seat’s history and nature, Servant of a line with ancestral ties to the place C The seat exacts a cost from those who dwell there, The seat’s real power is misunderstood by all save the ruler’s inner circle, The seat is somehow a prison as well as a throne T Key to unlocking the seat’s secret powers, Precious relic of a former age, Wealth obtained through the seat’s qualities P Strange chamber of some long-lost purpose, Hidden room deep within the structure, Grand and magnificent structure embodying the site

Sublime Skill

The court is tremendously good at a particular role or function that their society finds important. Magnificent soldiers, legendary artists, famed diplomats, pious official-priests, or some other quality of note defines them. This skill may be the product of a venerable tradition of instruction, however harsh it may be, or it could be the result of a magical bloodline or inhuman admixture. E Ruler who takes the trait much too far in a bad direction, Renegade who uses the skill against the court, Outside power trying to manipulate the skill for their own benefits F Unworldly but extremely talented court member, Outsider curious about the nature of the skill, Friendly rival seeking to test their skill C The skill comes at some compensating cost, The court is fairly useless for anything but that skill, The court is abusing its skill for its own benefit T Relic or item that can confer the skill, Wealth obtained through the skill’s exercise, Magnificent trophy of some prior legendary feat of skill P Monument to prior exercise of the skill, Training hall where the skill is honed, Memorial hall full of tokens of past glory

Threatened Violence

The shadow of impending death hangs over the court. The ruler may be ordering capricious executions, assassins may be active, a particularly bloody custom may be in full effect, or the court’s superiors may be hunting for traitors. The court members are on edge and willing to do desperate things in order to avoid death or direct the killing toward their enemies. E Paranoid ruler seeing knives in every shadow, Master assassin with a grudge, Renegade who’s returned to take vengeance F Survivor of a murdered member, Worried bodyguard looking for help, Frightened member convinced they’re next C The violence is being blamed on the wrong source, People are using the killings to settle private scores, The victims were all part of a secret scheme T Poison suitable for eliminating anyone, List of those next to die, Document with information that will stop the killings P Gory scene of death, Unbearably tense court function, Trial full of panicked participants

Sudden Strength

A grand stroke of luck, a brilliant plan, or a feat of sublime diplomacy have resulted in a great influx of wealth, influence, or support from outside the court. The group now has access to a newfound strength that may be fleeting, and not all members may have equal access to the benefits. The existing structure of authority is unlikely to be well-equipped to exert this new influence in delicate or well-considered ways. E Power-drunk ruler pushing things to excess, Desperate rival trying to sabotage the court before it’s too late, Outside patron using this new strength as a lever to control the court F Official struggling to cope with the new situation, Old court friend now seeking help, Victim of a poorly-considered exercise of the strength C The new strength is causing damage each time it’s deployed, Their backers are just letting the court overextend itself before pulling the aid, The court’s agents are taking personal advantage T Money obtained by the good fortune, Potent relic that’s part of the new strength, Secret evidence of the real purpose of the help being given P Crushed rival’s estate, Gaudily-upgraded court holding, Confused site of sudden activity

Waning Wealth

The court is heading towards poverty, and its members know it. The source of their wealth is under attack, either by a rival, a greedy superior, an outside enemy, or sheer misfortune. If things continue as they are the court will be unable to maintain its place, and its members are contemplating desperate measures to shore up existing holdings or acquire new ones. E Ruler who’s making unreasonable demands for member sacrifices, Sinister creditor who demands repayment, Monstrous foe who’s ruining their holdings F Harried chancellor looking for money, Client left destitute by lack of support, Former manager of a now-ruined holding C They’re cutting secret deals with enemies of their land, Unpopular members are being beggared to support the others, Their clients are being squeezed dry just to keep the court solvent T Long-lost treasure the court is hunting, Deed to some profitable holding, Device that will revitalize or repair a ruined property P Threadbare throne room, Meager noble dining hall, Abandoned once-profitable holding

Ancient Archives

The site once housed archives or information that would be very interesting to certain modern powers. The utility or value of this information should be obvious to the players, even if they’re initially unaware of its existence. Known archival sites might have sealed their lore behind some fearsome guardian or a “puzzle” consisting of access procedures that were self-evident in the age it was constructed in. E Maddened archive keeper, Powerful figure who wants the information kept hidden, Secret-seeker who brooks no rivals F Helpful ancient archive attendant, Hired investigator, Seeker of some related lore C The information is conveyed in idioms or forms that are no longer clear, The information is very dangerous to know, The information is buried in seas of irrelevant data that need navigating T Index to the desired information, Key to decoding the data, Cultural work that elucidates the idioms or medium being used P Library full of not-book data storage items, Scriptorium or other scribal zone, Chamber related to the topic or field of the data involved

Automaton Servants

The ruin is still staffed by automaton servants or other immortal minions. Aside from obviously robotic servitors, magical golems, bound spirits, undead thralls, uplifted beasts, or other subject species might be found here. Such minions are usually magically bound to their roles, which may be causing them significant problems if their roles can no longer be carried out. It’s possible that some of them have re-interpreted their roles into something they can do, whether or not it’s something they should do. E Cruel immortal artificer, Automaton leader gone mad, Outsider seeking to suborn them to their sinister service F Helpful automaton minion, Fascinated outside investigator, Local native who fears the minions C Scrapped automatons are worth a great deal, The automatons are needed to maintain the ruin’s basic physical stability, The automatons have merged with or been altered by some outside power T Command key for the automatons, Cache of valuable spare parts, Item they desperately need in order to fulfill their function P Automaton maintenance area, Bank of unmoving figures, Place of endless automaton toil

Aspiring Conqueror

Some power within the ruin has ambitions of conquest, and plans to use the site as a base for dominating the surrounding lands. Such a warlord might be wholly reliant on the ruin’s denizens, or they could be recruiting minions from outcasts or renegades and so be willing to parley with adventurers. Not all the lieutenants of such leaders are always supportive of the plan. E Inhuman warlord, Fanatical cult leader, Embittered outlaw-noble F Hapless local village headman, Minion who reconsidered their allegiance, Former leader who was pushed aside by the new one C Some of the locals honestly think the conqueror would be a better ruler, The conqueror actually has a legitimate claim on the land, The conqueror is being backed by enemies of the local ruler T Cache of military supplies, Plunder taken from their first victims, Important hostage in their keeping P Ruin barracks whipped into order, Training field in use, Nearby village they’ve crushed

Birthing Cyst

A horrible thing is growing in the ruin and will eventually erupt into some catastrophic peril or awful creature. The ruin may have been originally designed to facilitate this thing’s creation, or it could have been infested or perverted by some outside power. Outsiders may not realize the nature of the peril, or even mistake its growth for some positive process. The growth could be the product of ancient science, a magical ritual, or a conflux of geomantic forces. E God-beast to be born for a long-dead faith, Obsessed ancient keeper, Outsider determined to provoke the catastrophe for their own ends F Worried local observer, Last surviving keeper of the ruin, Survivor of an early eruption of it C The thing’s growth provides some profitable byproduct, People are completely mistaken about what’s growing down there, People think it’s already hatched and was dispatched T Item needed to harm or kill the thing, Key to halt or abort the process, Precious offerings made to the unborn disaster by fearful observers P Arcane lab where it’s growing, Fortified chambers to guard it, Shrine depicting its eventual glory

Bitter Remnants

The ruin is not entirely abandoned, as a remnant of its former creators still occupies the place. These survivors are almost certainly hostile toward the outside world and the intruders who have sought to take the place or loot it for uncounted ages. They may or may not have a full understanding of their ancestors’ purpose in the ruin, but they likely use any secrets they do know to best effect against invaders. E Xenophobic remnant chief, Outside ruler determined to exterminate them, Powerful ruin rival that seeks their destruction F Open-minded remnant member, Eager scholar seeking their secrets, Escapee from the terrible cruelties of the remnants C The remnant society is genuinely and completely horrible, The remnants no longer or never did think like humans do, Certain outcasts have trade ties with the remnants T Precious ancient relic they preserved, Loot taken from dead invaders, Secret history of the ruin full of useful information P Ancient but meticulously-kept chamber, Ancestral place of rites unique to them, Maintained monument to past glory

Cyclical Doom

There’s a phenomenon to the ruin that makes it tremendously dangerous at certain intervals. Fluxes of ancient radiation, swarms of quick-breeding dangerous vermin, withering geomantic conjunctions, or cyclically-awakened preserved inhabitants might make the place exceedingly deadly for intruders there at that time. The natives may or may not know about the cycle, and if it’s a very long one, they might not have been around to see it happen. E Outsider determined to trigger the cycle, Native leader who wants to weaponize it, Outside researcher with no care for the consequences F Native aware of the impending disaster, Researcher trying to stop the cycle, Survivor of the last cycle C The cycle leaves behind a valuable byproduct, The cycle only threatens certain occupants, Outsiders have totally misinterpreted the cycle’s meaning or events T Key to trigger or halt the cycle, Device to protect users from the cycle, Object for controlling and directing the cycle P Place scarred by a past cycle’s effects, Control or observation center, Monument obscurely referencing the cycle

Civil War

There are at least two organized factions within the ruin that are at war with each other. They all have motives that make simply leaving the place an unappealing prospect, and some of them might be eager to enlist outside help in ousting their rivals. Given the low population of most ruins, the war is likely a restricted one of raids, ambushes, and murders of convenience, and the traps and snares they set might catch more than their foes. E Faction leader with dreams of conquest, Crazed warlord, Treacherous plotter who betrays their hired help F Faction leader with benevolent aims, Innocent local caught in the crossfire, Would-be peacemaker C They both want the same thing but in different ways, Both sides will unite swiftly against invaders, Neither side wants anything that outsiders are going to like much T The macguffin they’re fighting over, Weapon to destroy their rivals, Wealth to bribe other helpers P Site of a vicious ambush, Defaced monument or symbol of a rival faction, Dangerous no-man’s land zone within the ruin

Decrepit Structure

The ruin is falling apart, and is actively dangerous to its inhabitants. Navigating between areas may require careful progress, extensive rope and piton work, or avoidance of certain obvious-but-hazardous routes. Native inhabitants may have adapted to the hazards or they might be newcomers who are learning the hard way. Some areas in the ruin might provoke a general collapse if they are significantly damaged. E Outside plunderer with no care for the consequences, Outsider actively trying to destroy the place, Berserk native trying to repair things F Refugee forced to live there, Native dweller seeking help to fix things, Architectural researcher C Valuable materials can be looted by those indifferent to the increasing instability, The collapse would reveal or unleash a terrible thing, Many places in it can only be visited once T Resources that can repair the damage, Precious loot that will destabilize the place if taken, Treasure revealed by a structural collapse P Creaking bridge or gantry, Room with numerous holes in the floor, Tower leaning at a drunken angle

Desperate Hunger

Natives of the ruin just can’t get enough to eat, and their situation or the surrounding area makes it impractical to move somewhere else. Beasts may be extremely aggressive due to hunger, and intelligent natives might fight more for food than gold or glory. Many of the more savage types may have fallen back on cannibalism or hunting other sapients for food. E Obese cannibal chieftain, Native leader who’ll do anything to feed their people, Sorcerer who gives dark nourishment to their servitors F Starved urchin-native, Anxious group leader wanting to cut a deal, Innovator trying to open up a new food source C The overpopulation is being resolved by murder, The food-gathering areas were recently blocked off by something, Foodstuffs become toxic or inedible rapidly in the ruin T Cache of preserved food, Key to open new hunting areas, Great treasure that’s viewed as trifling compared to the worth of food P Pit of cracked and gnawed bones, Cages of meals-to-be, Viciously desperate feeding area for a group

Distant Gate

The ruin is connected to some interesting distant location, either through a magical gate, a portal of ancient technology, forgotten tube-cars in underground tunnels, or a more mundane hidden passage into an otherwise inaccessible place. The natives may know about and exploit this quality, or the gate may be sealed until some particular procedure or object is used to activate it. E Guardian of the gate, Hostile entity from the other side, Intruder determined to unlock the gate F Hapless intruder from the other side, Native gate-guide, Explorer seeking a route to the gate’s destination C The gate was sealed for a very good reason, The gate is one-way, Activating the gate risks destroying the ruin T Key to activate the gate, Codes to control its destination, Treasure from the far side of it P Mysterious transit-chamber with symbolism related to the destination, Room with objects or remains related to the destination, Dangerously energetic gate room

Dire Tombs

The ruin is characterized by a great many tombs or burial sites and a matching profusion of undead. The revenants may be mindless husks animated by dark magic or ambient power, or they could be intentionally created to act as guards or to continue “living” according to some long-lost death-god’s teachings. E Undead lord jealous of their solitude, Ravening undead hulk-thing, Necromancer eager for the raw materials F Descendant of the dead trying to keep them safe, Fascinated historical researcher, Undead-hunter trying to contain them C The undead are not all of the same motives, The locals revere and venerate them as ancestors, The undead are just symptoms of something worse entombed there T Burial goods left behind, Plunder taken from unfortunate adventurers, Once-commonplace good that’s now extremely valuable P Halls of silent coffin-niches or urns, Chapel to a god related to the burial process, Splendid tomb to a dead hero or ruler

Dungeon Heart

The ruin’s physical integrity is bound with a particular creature or object within the site, and if it is destroyed or removed the place will collapse. If the destruction is immediate, this danger should be clearly conveyed to the players unless the GM wants to risk a rapid campaign end. This relationship may be derived from an ancient magical curse, a sympathetic unity of magical power, or ancient self-destruct security mechanisms. E Outsider determined to kill or steal the heart, A heart-creature that would be very convenient or satisfying to kill, Native holding the heart hostage to force obedience F Guardian of the heart, Native eager to warn outsiders of the truth, Explorer with dire suspicions C The “destruction” is metaphorical or societal in nature, Only a specific part of the ruin will be destroyed, No one involved realizes that it will cause a somewhat slow-motion destruction T Device that will undo the link, The precious object that is the heart, Relic to control the linked things P Chamber where the heart’s connection is visible, Place that shifts in sympathy to the heart, Damaged room reflecting damage to the heart

Experimental Lab

A sorcerer or ancient artificer once used this place for their experiments, most of which were the sort that would never be tolerated in civilization. They may have been sponsored by some amoral power, or been independent theurges seeking the special resources, environment, or natives of this place to assist in their studies. E Still-surviving researcher, Hideous creation of the arcanist, Outsider bent on seizing all its dark lore F Sympathetic creation of the sorcerer, Witch-hunter bent on destroying the secrets, Local plagued by the lab’s emanations or castoffs C The lab is still in use, The lab’s patrons don’t realize what’s really going on there, The lab’s creations have gone out of control T Valuable research byproduct, Treasure once owned by a research victim, Potent magical lore related to the lab’s focus P Testing chamber for the lab’s research, Occult and sinister laboratory, Pens for holding research stock

Fallen Sanctuary

The ruin was a place of security within recent memory, until some event or invasion turned it into its present state. Some of the surrounding locals might have been associated with the site during its heyday and remember interesting facts about it. Others may still nurse dreams of returning it to its former glory once its current inhabitants are slain or driven away. E Dark warlord who overthrew the place, Traitor who arranged its downfall, Terrible creature unleashed in the site’s dying throes F Idealistic would-be reconstructor, Native trying to make peace with the locals, Aged keeper of the site’s old secrets C The site is fallen to the locals but a sanctuary now to a completely different group, The site is still dangerous and hostile to the interlopers, The locals desperately need to retake the site soon for some pressing reason T Treasures hidden by the former owners, The dark tool used to cast the site down, Token of rightful rule seized by the invaders P Hidden chamber unknown to invaders, Defaced and ruined room dedicated to the site’s original role, Chamber re-purposed for the invaders

Failed Intrusion

The ruin recently experienced a serious incursion of outsiders, whether adventurers, bandits, government forces, angry villagers, or other hostiles. These intruders were repulsed, perhaps with significant loss of native life, and the ruin was considerably disrupted by the fighting. Important native leaders might have been killed or wounded, treasures might have been looted, or slaves and hostages might’ve been taken. E Desperate intruder leader still in the ruin, Bloodthirsty native leader craving vengeance, Dead leader’s heir full of terrible ideas F Sympathetic intruder or native survivor, Escaped slave, Vengeful relative of the dead C The intruders are too desperate to have entirely given up, The two sides basically ruined each other, Outsiders have entered to take advantage of the chaos T Useful relic lost by the intruding forces, Stolen treasure of the natives, Tribal treasure now inaccessible due to the chief’s death P Site of a hideous battle, Larder where the dead intruders are being kept, Local beast lair full of dragged corpses

False Front

The site actually seems to be a completely different type of place than it really is. You might generate a second basic function for the site and bill it as its true purpose, or conceal it as a currently-functioning structure of some kind. Either it was built this way originally or more recent owners have concealed the truth about it for their own benefit. Others may not realize that the ruin they think they know is just a facade over something deeper. E Secret master of the hidden ruin, Cruel schemer who established the false front, Monstrous foe still buried below the facade F Clueless entrepreneur who means to exploit the false site, Explorer with curious references to the truth, Victim of something from the truth below C The false front is a lure to bait prey, The false front is to deflect interest, The false front is meant to be useful or profitable to the true lord of the place T Key to reveal the entrance to the real site, Incongruous treasure from below, Valuable goods used to maintain the facade P Chamber that doesn’t fit with the false front, Secret passage to the depths, Place full of costumes and props

Feral Magic

Some potent Working or other ancient magic has gone berserk or rotten in the ruin, tainting the occupants and making the place dangerous to inhabitants. Whatever the magic once did, it now does it too much, or in the wrong way, or at a grim cost to those within. The natives either cannot escape, or have no place better to go, or are somehow dependent on the twisted magic. E Magically mutated abomination, Native chieftain full of tainted power, Outside sorcerer making reckless use of the magic F Researcher trying to understand or fix things, Sympathetic magic-plagued native, Outside victim of the site’s magic C Valuable loot awaits those willing to break the magic further, The magic can be fixed if something dangerous is done, The decay is spreading outside the ruin T Item to ward off the magic, Valuable sorcerous byproduct, Ancient instructions on how to fix things P Thrumming power center of the magic, Lair of magic-twisted beasts, Native shrine to the power

Freshly Looted

The site has been recently plundered, either by adventurers, organized invaders, or a specific faction within the site itself. Many creatures are either dead or driven off, and the rewards for exploration are limited. But as the site is newly-emptied, numerous outside groups or warbands are likely in the process of moving in, cleaning out the remnants of surviving inhabitants and setting up their own bases there. E Conquering Blighted warchief, Ruthless bandit-adventurer who likes the place, Vengeance-mad chief of a rabble of survivors F Sympathetic native driven out of the site, Frustrated adventurer denied a chance to loot, Local official charged with investigating the place C The looters missed the most important treasure, A native faction was working with the looters, A group of natives successfully hid from the looters T Treasure hidden by dead natives, Relic lost by a slain looter, Valuable thing too big and heavy to carry out readily P Empty treasure vault, Ruler’s lair plundered and defaced, Hall choked with the recent dead

Flooded Halls

The ruin is largely flooded, perhaps with water and perhaps with some worse substance. Exploring it is difficult, and the heroes constantly risk being trapped by rising waters or flow-shifted obstacles. The natives are either creatures adapted to water or desperate enough to live where few others can pursue them. E Fish-thing with dark hungers, Cult priest of a watery evil, Chief of a piscid humanoid species F Luckless local boater, Hermit who’s tried to live there, Courageous treasure-diver C The flooding is cyclical, Water flow can be controlled somehow inside the site, The water is fetid with disease T Pearls or other water-fashioned valuables, Extremely precious relic that would be ruined by being soaked, Device to grant water-breathing P Splendid chamber now crusted by slime or coral, Half-filled room with an air bubble, Space full of totally opaque silty water

Friendly Foes

A group dwells here that would normally be very hostile to humans or outsiders, yet is perfectly willing to deal with adventurers. They may be an anomalous group of their kind, or have desperate need for outside help, or have religious reasons to be cooperative. Few outsiders are likely to take their friendliness at face value, but they should be given the chance to be visibly friendly by the GM so as to clue the players in to the likelihood of peaceful dealings. E Bloodthirsty adventurer who doesn’t believe them, Group leader with treacherous plans, Monstrous foe that threatens the group and outsiders both F Friendly being from the group, Local human with secret ties to them, Earnest outside missionary C They’re friendly because of a very large misunderstanding they have, They really are totally sincere in their good intent, They’ve got a problem that only long-term allies can solve T Group-made product normally never available to humans, Treasure they gathered from foes, Relic they’re using as a bargaining tool P Meeting space also furnished for humans, Separate dwelling area for outsiders, Chamber for obscure group rituals or worship

Hidden Within

The ruin is actually underneath a seemingly-ordinary structure or inhabited human settlement. Secret passages or long-forgotten portals lead down into it, and only a short space away from ordinary human life a ruin can seethe with sinister secrets. The ruin may have been built over accidentally, intentionally buried, or perhaps excavated by the current structure’s original builders. E Thing that creeps up from below at night, Long-buried evil, Reckless adventurer stirring up things beneath F Passage-wise urchin, Architect with too much curiosity, Hapless local sewer worker C The structure’s inhabitants have a secret deal with the ruin dwellers, The ruin dwellers masquerade as the structure’s inhabitants, Time-delayed catastrophe will happen after the ruin’s opened T Key to open the hidden passage below, Treasure hidden in the ruin in ages past, Ancient relic the ruin was made to contain P Passage hidden behind now-crumbling construction, Mundane room above a monstrous evil, Secret passages that have peepholes into the structure above

Hiveminded Natives

A multi-bodied intellect exists in the ruin, whether an ancient AI, hiveminded swarm, telepathic gestalt species, unified golem force, or some other manner of creature. Some such hiveminds are inclined to “recruit” intruders, willing or otherwise. Conflict with these creatures is apt to be very dangerous, as they’re capable of coordination at a level impossible to others, yet their single mind makes them more vulnerable to a single point of failure. E Crazed ancient eidolon, Magically warped insect queen, Fungus-infected colony organism F Escapee from the hivemind, Last survivor of a recruited group, Researcher keen to study it C The hivemind’s doubts are embodied in conflicting factions, It can focus only on so many bodies at once, It requires a connection to issue new orders T Device to break the hivemind’s control, Curative to free a recruit, Intricate treasure fabricated by unified hivemind effort P Living quarters with no private elements, Swarming chamber full of perfectly-synchronized motion, Fetid organic queen-lair of the ruling intellect

Hospitable Natives

While not all denizens of the ruin are friendly, there’s at least one faction that’s known to be willing to host guests and negotiate for favors. This group may be made up of bandits, exiles, hermits, or other social outcasts who find even the most dubious human visitors preferable to their neighbors, or they might be “civilized” humanoids who find it profitable to parley as well as raid. E Sinister chieftain with ulterior motives, Xenophobic rebel who hates outsiders, Outsider adventurer bent on exploiting their hospitality F Wide-eyed native urchin, Outsider gone native, Outsider envoy trying to make a pact with them C They’re hospitable because they desperately need allies, They recently were betrayed by a guest, Their hospitality comes at a high price T Trade goods gathered from the ruin, Map of the ruin interior, Key to unlock a route normally accessible only to ruin natives P Alien but friendly meeting-chamber, Makeshift guest lodgings, Ritual room for strange rites

Infectious Miasma

A contagious disease has infected the natives and might plague any intruders as well. The sickness isn’t fatal, but it may induce physical or mental changes that make life in the outside world difficult; the ruin itself might be an environment optimized for the afflicted. Conversely, the ruin might be a leprosarium or place of exile for those who catch some virulent plague or socially-despised illness. E Tyrant physician-chief who controls treatment, Ruler maddened by the illness, Plague priest determined to spread the disease F Innocent native suffering from the sickness, Outsider medical missionary, Hapless chieftain trying to hold things together C The ruin has been sealed off by the outside world, The plague turns the natives into living tools or slave-entities, Cures only temporarily suppress the disease’s symptoms T Research needed for a lasting cure, Treasures left by a dead sufferer, Vital resources needed for the sick to survive P Gathering-place full of the walking ill, Shrine to a healing god, Pits where disease-warped victims are exiled

Hostile Environment

Ruins are seldom comfortable, but this one is actively dangerous to those who enter it. Noxious fumes, radiation, magical miasmas, contagious diseases, poisonous liquids, or some other environmental hazard makes progress very risky. Natives are either immune to the peril or have means of negating it. The extreme defensibility of the site may be the reason they continue to lair there. E Sorcerer researching how to weaponize the hazard, Monstrous entity that emits the peril, Vile creature born of the toxic conditions F Explorer equipped with survival tools, Friendly native guide, Entrepreneur trying to exploit it C The hostile environment also produces a valuable resource, Surrounding locals consider it taboo because the hazard is somehow contagious, The hazard is very recent and the natives still don’t know exactly how to handle it T Protective gear against the hazard, Controls to shut off the hazard in some areas, Loot from hazard-slain intruders or natives P Mundane location caked in the hazard, Lair of a hazard-mutated beast, Perilous path that snakes through the hazard

Invincible Delusion

The natives of this ruin are totally convinced of something that is simply not the case: their ancient empire never fell, their god has commanded them to live a certain troublesome way, they are the only true humans left in the world, or some other delusion that’s likely to cause problems. They’ve developed rationalizations to explain obvious contradictions to their error, many of which involve hostile responses to bearers of iniquitous falsehood. There may be something about the ruin that’s enforcing this delusion. E Hypnotically charismatic leader, Crazed ancient lich-ruler, Leader who knows the truth but profits by the error F Native with suspicions, Outsider trying to convince them, Outsider whom they’ve mistakenly incorporated into their error C The delusion makes an otherwise unendurable life bearable, The delusion is true in some critical ways, The delusion is somehow infectious T Proof of the delusion’s falsehood, Precious goods piled up for a lost cause, Relic of a golden age P Ruin chamber made a pathetic mimicry of some greater place, Ritual chamber to celebrate the “truth”, Archive containing troublesome records

Lethal Treasure

The ruin has or produces a very valuable good, but that good is somehow extremely dangerous to acquire or possess. It may be toxic, or cursed, or the acquisition process may be predictably lethal. This danger may be the result of the creatures who create the good, the guardians that watch over it, or the surrounding locals who kill “smugglers” or “profaners” with zeal. E Monstrous beast that produces the good, Ancient construct guardian, Cruel tyrant who forces victims to make or acquire the good F Desperate young adventurer, Native good-maker trying to avoid disaster, Victim of the good’s hazards C Extended exposure to the good is harmful, The good is useful but somehow morally dubious in its production or nature, The good needs to be specially processed to make it safe T Large cache of unrefined good, Object to nullify or cure the good’s danger, Loot lost in an unsuccessful attempt to buy the good P Hellish processing or production area, Tightly-guarded vault of the good, Area made toxic by the good’s effects

Lingering Curse

The ruin is cursed, and everything in it is somehow tainted or troubled by the malediction. There must be a strong reason for the natives to remain, or else the curse itself induces them to stay. The curse may be the result of some ancient crime, a Working gone wrong, a lost war against a magical foe, or a “blessing” in one age that is less appreciated in the modern day. The curse usually takes some time to trigger on intruders, but it may be induced by certain actions. E Vile sorcerer feeding on the energies, Embittered chieftain hating all uncursed, Hapless victim made a monster by the curse F Native sorcerer trying to lift the curse, Outside researcher investigating it, Sympathetic native struggling with the curse’s effects C The curse grants a significant advantage as well as a blight, Those cursed need something here to survive, The curse is a mark of native belonging and viewed as proof of loyalty T Object that can lift the curse, Precious offering to the gods for mercy, Treasure left by a victim of the curse P Shrine to some protective god, Curse-warped place of twisted mundanity, Chokingly-blighted place where the curse was first invoked

Limited Access

The ruin can only be accessed at certain times or with certain special keys. Any natives are cut off from the outside world for long periods, and must either have no need for sustenance or sources within the ruin. The obstacle may be magical in nature, or the only access route to the ruin may be subject to natural cycles that make it impassable at most times. E Ruin tyrant who views all outsiders as enemies, Ruthless adventurer trying to block rivals, Mad power locked away in the ruin F Eager young scholar, Adventurer with the key to the site, Native yearning to escape C It’s been so long since the last opening that everyone’s forgotten about it, The access now opens in a very inconvenient place, The access can be forced by some terrible sacrifice T Key to open the access, Controls that permanently open the site, Loot from the last expedition to enter the site P Passage that opens on a time lock, Vast magical seal, Coastal portal revealed only during a particular low tide period

Living Dungeon

The ruin is alive, either in a literal or metaphorical sense. It may be animated by an ancient eidolon that looks through countless sensors, or infused with the spirit of some arcane mind, or made up of the tiny bodies of countless construction-organisms like some vast coral. Physical damage to the ruin usually brings some hostile response, however muted by age and disrepair, and the structure itself may be conscious enough to strike bargains with inhabitants. E Demented ruin spirit, Sorcerer trying to bend the site to their will, Native chieftain who worships the ruin’s genius as a god F Friendly ruin sub-organism, Native ruin-keeper, Explorer avid to learn of the place C It’s a colony creature with different minds in charge, The ruin is trying to grow at all costs, The ruin went berserk after its ruination and is now acting irrationally T Poison that can kill the ruin, Precious good created by the ruin’s life processes, Indigestible treasures left by prior intruders P Wetly organic passageway, Chamber with a giant maw for feeding, Room with tethered organic servitor-creatures

Lost Colony

The ruin was once a colony site for a now-vanished empire or people. Some of these pioneers might still survive within, albeit doubtless in much-changed form, or else their belongings might include objects or relics that would be very valuable today. The modern heirs to this lost domain might still consider the ruin to be their lawful property, and all within it to be theirs. E Degenerate colony leader, Outside conqueror seeking to seize the site, The hideous thing that destroyed the colony F Confused surviving pioneer-heir, New colonist trying to revive the place, Historian looking for relics C The colonists claimed to belong to the lost kingdom but were really of a much more sinister group, Local powers quarrel over site access, Something extremely precious was lost here T Once-commonplace item that is now precious, Ancient wealth of the colonists, Valuable goods they made before they died P Area decorated in their ancient style, Long-abandoned massacre site, Temple to a forgotten god

Monster Forge

The ruin somehow creates a particular type of monster by its simple existence. It might be an ancient spawning-pit for Blighted, a cloning facility gone berserk, an ancient agricultural complex with feral livestock, an open portal to an Iterum of monsters, a source of very infectious monster-creating plagues, or something in that vein. These monsters probably infest the surrounding area, unless something about their nature requires them to stay close to the ruin. E Alpha monster of the horde, Sorcerous would-be tyrant over the creatures, Terrible anomaly-beast that’s even worse than usual F Victim of a monstrous rampage, Grim monster-hunter trying to hold back the tide, Local lord overcome by the wave C The ruin has only recently started to belch forth the creatures, The monsters capture humans to make more of their kind, The monsters were once slaves or servants but have now broken free T Implement meant to destroy or control them, Plunder brought back by raiding creatures, Treasures lost by slain adventurers P Frenetic chamber of ever-blossoming life, Overcrowded living quarters, Re-purposed ancient chamber

Magical Wonder

An active Working in the site produces some wondrous effect; permanent summer, biological immortality, endless foodstuffs, visions of the future, or some other grand marvel. Unfortunately, it’s so decayed and ill-tuned that all of these wonders come with related serious negative effects and problems, ones that the natives must struggle to deal with. E Ancient half-mad keeper of the Working, Sorcerous monster born of the decay, Outsider determined to exploit the Working at any cost F Adventurer who seeks the Working’s benefits, Researcher who wants its secrets, Sorcerer convinced they can fix the Working C The objects and benefits it confers don’t exist outside the ruin, It will collapse disastrously if the ruin is seriously damaged, Nearby communities benefit from it and try to keep out intruders T Device to control the Working’s benefits, Ruined Working parts that are valuable still, Research notes that would allow it to be repaired P Chamber of dangerous magical fluxes, Sorcerous emission point where the blessing flows forth, Abandoned laboratory where it was made

Outsider Domain

This ruin was originally constructed to serve a race of Outsiders. It is possible that they were not even humanoid, and the atmosphere within the ruin may still be tainted with alien gases or hostile temperatures. The architecture and lighting was designed for alien bodies, and humans might find it difficult to navigate. Surviving inhabitants might be Outsider remnants or the alien flora and fauna that persisted long after their masters had died out. E Still-surviving alien leader, Monstrous alien “pet”, Cult priest revering the dead Outsiders F Surviving heir of human slave-servants, Outsider-hunter seeking prey, Researcher looking for lore C The site once produced something very important to the region at a terrible cost in lives, The alien atmosphere becomes unsurvivable in cycles, Humans Blighted by the Outsiders still live here T Alien artifact of great value, Human treasure collected by dead Outsiders, Alien device that does something very useful to modern humans P Inscrutably strange chamber, Living quarters re-dimensioned to fit non-humanoid bodies, “Garden” full of monstrous flora

Precious Resource

The ruin generates a resource or serves a function that is valuable to those around it. This may be a direct and literal generation, such as a Deep that still automatically extracts and refines silver, or it may be metaphorical, such as a ruin full of undead who are privy to ancient secrets sought by wizards. Completely purging the ruin of perils would probably somehow ruin the process, or else some greedy outsider would likely have cleaned it out by now. E Grasping outsider treasure-hunter, Monster attracted by the resource, Resource-maker using it to gain sinister influence and power F Earnest prospector, Luckless official charged with gathering the resource, Desperate fortune-hunter C The resource is cursed or dangerous, The resource can’t be accessed without some kind of agreement with the natives, The resource is sacred to the ruin’s dwellers T Hidden cache of the resource, Device that extracts it, Ultra-rare refined example of the resource P Place where the resource is extracted, Fortified zone around the extraction, Vault for the gathered resource

Recruiting Drive

At least one group of inhabitants in the ruin are actively adding to their numbers. This may involve bribes, kidnapping, proselytization, or just the prospect of a better life than their recruits currently have. This group is likely ideological or circumstantial in their ties, like a cult, a rebel group, or a bandit clan, and so new members can be added as quickly as they prove agreeable or profitable to the whole. Those who refuse to join in tend to meet less comradely fates. E Charismatic and ruthless conqueror, Heartless grandee hiring disposable muscle, Hypnotically persuasive cult leader F Unwilling recruit, Rival group’s leader, Local ruler worried about the new members C The group recruits under false pretenses and then traps the new recruits in some crime, The group really is offering a better deal than most recruits have, Resentment is building between old and new group members T Proof of some outside power’s involvement, Wealth meant to use to entice recruits, Rich gift given by an eager new recruit P Disordered and confused living quarters, Well-trod training area, Empty home of a now-vanished recruit

Raider Lair

Some ruins are dangerous only to intruders, but this one actively sends out raiding parties to plunder the surroundings. Many such lairs prefer to go relatively far afield to obscure their origins and avoid the hostility of their immediate neighbors. Others have specific grudges to nurse, or particular targets that have incurred their wrath. Hostages might be taken back for ransom, labor, or food, depending on the nature of the inhabitants. E Ambitious bandit chieftain, Embittered exiled lord, Monstrous ruler who hungers for outside wealth F Relative of a kidnapped victim, Escapee from the raiders, Local reeve trying to cope with the raids C The raiders are being backed by an outside power hostile to its neighbors, The raiders exact a brutal tribute for their “protection”, The raiders had or have a sympathetic cause T Priceless relic taken by the raiders, Cache of supplies they need badly, Loot hidden by the plunderers P Raucous and vile raider camp, Re-purposed room turned into the chief’s lair, Treasure chamber full of looted goods

Religious Zealots

Almost everyone has some degree of deference to the gods, but the natives of this ruin are outright fanatics of a particular religious or philosophical cause. They may have inherited from ages of ancestors, acquired it from the teachings of a charismatic prophet, or been persuaded of it by some profitable or terrifying display of divine will. The natives likely have at least one goal that makes no logical sense, but is related to their god’s nature or desires. E Frothingly intense high priest, Holy demon or sending of the god, Monstrous entity placated by the group’s worship F Member having second thoughts, Missionary of a rival faith, Cynical group member who wants to depose the current leadership in their favor C The god’s intervention seems real on some level, Their cult is an offshoot of the locally dominant faith, They have backing from a mother temple T Precious religious relic or regalia, Object blessed with divine powers, Wealth taken from unworthy unbelievers P Room fitted out as an ornate shrine, Chamber carved with religious symbolism, Place dedicated to some bloody or fearsome ritual

Rigid Hierarchy

Most ruins have little organization, with various groups or lone beasts vying with each other as their strength allows. In this one, however, there is a clear and recognized hierarchy of power and authority, and lesser groups and entities are likely to obey the greater even without an immediate threat of violence. Of course, those same groups are also quite likely to conspire with outsiders to remove their vexations. E Iron-fisted monster lord, Ambitious and scheming chieftain, Secret kingmaker working as a humble minion F Hapless outsider slave, Minion with ambition, Bitter native seeking systemic revenge C The current leader is the only one holding back the ruin’s denizens from raiding, The groups are being organized by an outside power, The subordinate groups are extremely bitter and restive over the state of affairs T Treasure used to pay off underlings, Potent artifact used to cow subordinates, Tribute extracted from unwilling inferiors P Barbarically luxurious throne room, Disciplined and organized watch post, Labor zone where the inferiors toil

Sacrificial Bargain

The natives of the ruin have made some kind of pact with a dread power or sinister force, receiving support or power in exchange for some sacrifice. This sacrifice might fall directly on the natives themselves or they might plunder their neighbors for wealth, human sacrifices, or such other resources as their patron demands in payment. Failure to hold up their end of the deal may be fatal to the inhabitants. E Malevolent high priest of a dark power, Envoy of a ruthless foe of the local inhabitants, Frantic leader driven to desperate bargains F Sacrificial victim who escaped, Foe of the patron power searching for its catspaws, Native from a rival group that’s being beaten down C The bargain seemed an innocent one at first, They‘re realizing that they can’t hold up the deal, The deal was made without the consent of the group’s ordinary members T Object that symbolizes and empowers the pact, Wealth granted by the patron, Precious object lost by a sacrificial victim P Terrible chamber of ritual offering, Local homestead ravaged by raiders, Storehouse or living area made abundant by the patron

Royal Refuge

Some exiled noble, unsuccessful pretender, hunted wizard, or other grandee of note remained here for a time, either willingly or under duress. They and their retinue left their traces behind, and remnants of the group might still be present. The principle figure probably died here, though some kinds of creatures or wizards may have been less susceptible to time. E Undead prince in exile, Royal agent convinced the PCs are allies of the rebel here, New usurper claiming the dead one’s mantle or name F Well-meaning servant of the royal, Local chief trying to keep his village out of the affair, Sympathetic exile in need of help C The royal tried to make a deal with the creatures here, The royal had secret ties or perhaps even was one of the natives here, The royal’s foes are in sudden need of proof of their death T Item proving the royal’s legitimacy, National treasure they stole away with them, Book full of blackmail material they recorded P Tattered but once-ornate chamber they occupied, Cache full of carefully-preserved noble regalia, Pathetic and coarsely-monumented grave site

Sealed Evil

The ruin serves as a prison for some terribly dangerous entity or power. It may have been originally designed to serve such a purpose, or retrofitted by later inhabitants due to a sudden need, or possibly even mistaken for some other kind of structure by innocent discoverers of a later era. Something about the evil makes it exceptionally hard to kill or permanently destroy, so imprisoning it “forever” seemed wiser. E Undead immortal sorcerer, Monstrous and nigh-unkillable creature, Arch-Outsider with a biology humans can’t be sure is dead F Hereditary warden of the prison, Innocently eager explorer, Ancestral hunter of the evil C The evil was actually a benign entity or is currently mistaken for one, Those who loose it will gain enormous power, It’s being tapped for power in a way that risks freeing it T Relic of the dark power’s evil, Seal on the creature that’s an extremely valuable item in itself, Valuable material created or generated by the prison as a byproduct P Exceedingly well-sealed prison area, Chamber with a temporal stasis cell, Hall full of warning iconography made inscrutable by time

Secret Alliance

The natives of the ruin have a secret deal or arrangement with some outside power, doing their bidding or providing some special service in exchange for considerations. It might be a corrupt ruler, a sinister cult, an Outsider lord, a backwater hamlet chief, or some other figure that wouldn’t wish the arrangement to become public. E Merchant with vile black market deals, Official who wants the ruin to remain a problem, Society grandee with sinister appetites F Suspicious noble investigator, Stern inquisitor from the local temple, Local who knows too much C The deal is maintaining a fragile peace, There’s an openly-acknowledged deal with them but the real bargain is far more sinister, One side is getting ready to betray the other T Proof of the alliance, Rich plunder taken from an ally’s enemy, Relic the mutual cooperation is meant to obtain P Secret meeting place in the wilds, Chamber for an envoy of the ally, Treasure chamber with goods from the ally

Spatial Flux

Space within the ruin has been folded, altered, or corrupted in some way, either by ancient magics, inauspicious geomancy, the depredations of a dimensional monster, failed Workings, fumbled sorcery, or some other woe. Some creatures may use the curdled space as a refuge from their enemies, while others might use it as a gate to some stranger and more terrible place. E Transdimensional abomination, Mad sorcerer making things worse, Obsessive seeker of some hidden grail within the spatial maze F Friendly xenodimensional, Adventurer lost and trapped within the place, Local citizen accidentally caught in a warp C The destinations of the warps can be controlled from within the ruin, The place’s architecture is only physically possible with spatial distortions, The warps lead to different times as well as places T Relic that creates or influences warps, Treasure shifted here from an alternate place or world, Wealth physically duplicated by the warps P Escher-like room, Chamber with physical locations split over vast differences, Featureless hall that really never ends

Shifting Interior

The interior of the ruin is not stable, and shifts and alters over time or through some enigmatic cycle. It may be composed of constantly-moving elements of some ancient megastructure, or be spatially distorted by a decaying Working, or infested with inhabitants that are constantly rebuilding or reworking the layout. The natives may have some key knowledge that lets them navigate the changes. E Transdimensional intruder entity, Berserk master of the rebuilders, Sinister exile using the place as a refuge F Friendly native guide, Relative of one lost in the labyrinth, Frustrated builder in need of help C The shifts encode an important secret, If the shifts are interrupted a catastrophe will ensue, The shifts are under the control of the ruin’s master T Key to control the shifts, Map of the alterations, The treasure within the labyrinth’s heart P Room that’s changed from the last time they saw it, Churning death zone of moving perils, Maze of twisty little passages all alike

Surfacer Hideout

Some surface power is using the ruin as a hideout or base of operations. While they may simply be bandits or refugees, they’re more likely agents of some greater power who need a discreet base, or some cult or criminal organization that needs a safe place to hide from the law. Friendly merchants or other associates might make contact with them there to provide for necessities, or they could be working to survive entirely separate from the hostile world outside. E Foreign spy chief, Cult high priest, Ruthless hunter of an innocent group that’s hiding here F Elder of a despised ethnic group hiding here, Government investigator of the ruin, Local who lives nearby and has seen suspicious things C Rather than displacing the monstrous natives the surfacers have dominated or co-opted them, The surfacers were killed or driven out of the ruin very recently and their effects remain, The surfacers have hidden so well that they no longer understand the situation above T Treasure brought from afar by the surfacers, Loot gathered up from displaced ruin natives, Some precious good crafted or extracted by surfacers P Room reminiscent of home, Carefully-hidden entrance to their zone, Remote meeting place

Taboo Place

The locals surrounding the ruin consider it taboo, and will kill or punish anyone who enters it without their permission. This may be the product of religious reverence, or it could be a holy place of their ancestors, or it could be disputed territory, or it may be that the last time adventurers went in a catastrophe came out. Objects looted from the place will be very hard to sell discreetly anywhere near it. E Relentless leader of the guardians, The monstrous thing within that must not be disturbed, Ruin raider who will cause chaos with their plundering F Earnest young treasure hunter, Native who doesn’t believe in the taboo, Local who desperately needs to get inside for some reason C The locals are absolutely right that meddling with the place will bring disaster on them, The ruin somehow marks those who profane it, The ruin can be entered lawfully under some special circumstance or by certain people T Pass to allow lawful entrance, Unsellably distinct treasure from the place, Device to overcome the watchfulness of the guardians P Exemplary warning-pike with heads attached, Long-sealed entrance portal, Vigilant guardpost

Useless Treasure

The ruin was once a carefully-guarded storehouse of some substance or information that was priceless at the time but is now largely worthless. Obscure materials, Outsider goods of no present use, exotic matter fashioned by sorcery and of forgotten purposes, and critical intelligence on empires long since dust might all be found here. E Tireless immortal guardian, Brutally relentless treasure seeker, Maddened sorcerer trying to unlock the “real value” of the treasure F Mistakenly optimistic adventurer, Seeker with a lost key to the wards, Native denizen who knows the treasure is worthless C The natives may prize the stuff even if the world outside doesn’t, The treasure really is valuable to the very few who know how to use it, The useless treasure is cased with then-useless material that is priceless now T Tremendously well-guarded dross, Text showing how to use the treasure, Key for suppressing the treasure’s security system P Vast vault full of garbage, Guard post manned by undying watchers, Ancient luxury area featuring the material or the wealth it brought them

Things Below

The ruin delved too deep, or opened too many doors to other realms, and things came boiling out that brought its destruction. Those things may have fallen asleep again, or returned to their realm, or yet remained here waiting for fresh prey. They may come and go based on particular time cycles, or when provoked by certain rituals or activities within the place. E Lovecraftian abomination from below, Alien-minded extraplanar conqueror, Cultist leader who reveres these eldritch powers F Historian seeking more truth about the things, Relative of a victim of the things, Eager explorer who doesn’t believe in the things C The things are associated with monstrous tides of dangerous vermin, The treasures to be had from delving are almost worth the risk, The treasures were actually living things that ruined the place T Precious object brought from below, The treasure that they were delving up, Wealth left behind by the suddenly-slain natives P Interrupted digging site, Vault laden with the wealth of below, Site of sudden terrible ruin

Wizard’s Lair

Wizards often require an emphatic degree of privacy to ward off importunate help-seekers, witch hunters, rivals in the art, or reckless thieves. This ruin is or once was a lair to one such wizard, who probably isn’t inclined to view visitors kindly. Even the dead ones may have left behind half-finished Workings and unaging automaton servitors to guard their venerable lore and precious magical relics. E Immortal and heartless wizard, Monstrous creation of a dead mage, Modern sorcerer exploiting the lair of a dead archmage F Well-meaning apprentice, Escapee from one of their experiments, Vengeful mage-hunter C They perform some service vital to the locals but at a terrible price, No one’s heard from them for so long that it’s thought they’re dead, It’s actually a lair for a school or cabal of wizards T Precious sorcerous grimoire, Magical item crafted there, Vast wealth given by petitioners P Chamber with a half-finished and dangerous Working, Pens for alchemical monstrosities, Living quarters that are physically impossible somehow

Abandoned Village

Wilderness villages tend to be unstable “gold rush” settlements in the best of times, attracting those who lack any sound place elsewhere. This village failed as rapidly as it was formed. It may have been overrun by marauders, depopulated by disease, hollowed out by a failed harvest, torn apart by civil strife, or just abandoned for better prospects elsewhere. E Bandit chief or sorcerer responsible for the ruin, Crazed village head turned hermit, Monstrous entity nesting in the remains F Last stubborn holdout, Lord’s bailiff looking for answers, Hapless pioneer who’s arrived to an empty ruin C It’s now populated by something inhuman, It was built on top of a place abandoned for good reason, The wilderness is reclaiming it in a dangerous way T Heirloom left behind in the flight, Buried treasure of the villagers, The relic that caused the ruin P Overgrown village meeting hall, Home with everything left just as it was at that moment, Burnt-out shrine to the local god

Ancient Monument

A grand monument to some ancient polity is found here. While its actual meaning and significance may be inscrutable, it’s probably big enough and dramatic enough to dominate the hex, even if it’s collapsed or been defaced by the ages. The remains of the civilization that raised it might be found at its base, along with whatever heirs to it remain. Some monuments still have active enchantments or guardians to prevent defacement. E Zealous modern cultist of the vanished polity, Last bitter heir of them, Vile monster that nests in the monument F Eager archaeologist, Weary old hereditary keeper of the place, Friendly creature that’s made the monument a home C The monument is a powerful Working, The monument served a secular or residential purpose, The bulk of the monument is underground or in an extradimensional pocket Iterum T Costly decorations or ornaments on the monument, The precious core of the work, Ancient offerings made to it by vanished supplicants P Before some towering megastructure-monument, Amid the cyclopean wreckage of its fall, Secret passages within the monument

Ancient Guardians

There are guardians in this site derived from some ancient polity, whether constructs built to protect some long-forgotten place here or the restless shades of the dead who once dwelled in the location. They may have a simple hatred towards “invaders” or they may be confused, thinking interlopers are part of some ancient enemy group. What they once guarded may not even exist any more in any perceptible way. E Unrelenting golem leader, Maddened sorcerer-lord shade, Sinister heir seeking to suborn the guardians to their service F Diplomatic guardian entity, Greedy treasure-hunter, Local who got trapped in the place C The guardians are to keep something in, A local group uses the guardians as a trap for outsiders, The guardians were never meant to be harmful but what they do to intruders is very damaging T Key to shut down or ward off the guardians, The precious relic they were guarding, Ritual garb that makes the wearer invisible to the guardians P Place of ominously martial statuary, Ghostly street-image of a vanished place, Broken remnant of an ancient landmark

Arratu Land

There is a large pocket of arratu at the site, even though it may be too small to show up on the hex map. Such a pocket might be the last remnant of a formerly-great swath, or it could just be a localized tumor created by an Outsider device, a malevolent sorcerer, or a magical disaster. Something about the arratu’s placement likely forces the party to go well out of their way to bypass it safely; it might command a narrow pass or be flanked by dangerous terrain on either side. E Outsider beast within the waste, Half-human marauder chief lairing inside, Crazed Outsider wizard who made the wasteland F Foolish explorer who tried to cross it, Wretched slave taken by raiders, Not-too-homicidal native C The wasteland is being contained by a potentially-breakable object here, Locals know how to get through it safely, It’s a very new wasteland and the locals haven’t adjusted to it yet T Equipment to survive the hostile atmosphere within, Precious Outsider relic, Wealth seized by raiders from the waste P Blasted village overrun by alien life, Desolate plain with an unearthly sky above, Lakeshore of a pool filled with a noxious chemical

Bandit Lair

Bandits lair in this hex, which is presumably close enough to civilized lands to serve as a base for their operations. Not every bandit lair is a hidden cave; some operate out of subverted or cowed villages, others hide among remote monasteries, and some just camp in convenient glades long enough to rest, refit, and trade with black marketeers. It might be a seasonal lair as well, with local peasants turning bandit at certain profitable times of the year. E Ruthlessly pragmatic bandit chief, Wealthy grandee wielding the bandits against rivals, Heartless slaver gathering stock F Hapless missionary of a kinder way, Local taken as a slave, Runaway bandit who repents C They have a traditional prey and don’t usually rob others, They’re the degenerate remnants of a once-noble cause, They’re a confederacy of thieving groups that often quarrel T Loot taken from a recent success, Priceless heirloom owned by a noble-turned-bandit, Precious relic the bandits don’t realize is so valuable P Raucous glade full of drink and debauchery, Re-purposed estate, Makeshift palisaded camp

Blighted Tribe

A tribe of Blighted live in the hex. They may be violent war-creatures naturally hostile to normal humanity or beings cursed with some trait or nature that makes it impossible for them to live in civilization. Relations are unlikely to be warm in either case, but the latter might be persuaded to parley if the party can work around their limitations and win their trust. E Brutal Blighted war-chief, Outsider using them as living tools, Human hunter bent on slaughtering inoffensive Blighted F Native not so Blighted as their brethren, Human trader who deals with them, Local human who knows their ways C Their blight was once very useful to the ancient polity that existed here, They’re only Blighted because they lack something to temper it that this site once provided, They’re dying out and desperate to win allies against their many predators T Valuable Blighted-made product, Relics of those who twisted them, Trophies taken from their prey P Human structure reworked to fit their nature, Site of a gruesome massacre, Shrine or monument honoring their creators

Beast Swarm

There is a swarm of some dangerous beast in the area, whether it consists of a tide of minuscule vermin or a pack of magically-warped predators. Some of these swarms may serve more as environmental hazards than monsters to be fought; sweeping carpets of mutated radioactive fire ants might be something for the PCs to dodge rather than engage. If the beasts have some mundane value, they might have attracted suitably reckless interest from the locals. E Supernaturally intelligent god-beast, Mad wizard who spawned them, Brutal hunt master driving his wretched minions on F Victim of a beast attack, Animal collector on a mission, Hunter in search of vengeance C The beasts are usually harmless but have recently changed, The beasts are the only thing holding a worse peril back, The beasts gain magical powers in sufficiently large groups T Poison that is very lethal to the beasts, Relic that can control the swarms, Priceless treasure held by a luckless hunter P Site of a bestial massacre, Fetid den of a swarm, Overrun hunter’s camp

Broken Infrastructure

There is a ruin here that once enabled some grand ancient infrastructure. A lost canal lock, irrigation control center, magical gate nexus, weather control station, underground transit station, occult communications center, or some other great function was once performed here. The ruin has been unusable for ages, but remnants of its former function might still be found in the surroundings. E Sorcerer looting the wreckage, Monstrous remnant of the former inhabitants or guardians, Modern parasite-monster come to feed on the scraps F Curious arcane student, Tribal who lives in the ruin, Wayfarer forced to seek refuge there C It still works but in a dangerous and unhelpful way, It would cause a tremendous local disaster if it were re-activated, The locals are exploiting it in an unintended fashion T Control key for the original function, Relic related to the original function that does something magical, Precious component from it P Long-ruined control nexus, Collapsed service or operational area, Surrounding area scarred by the decayed remnants of its function


There’s a natural choke point in this area: a mountain pass, a land bridge, a dry ridge in a swamp, a narrow strand of untainted arratu land, a gap in a megastructure, or some other slender passage. Such a chokepoint is likely part of a feature that extends outside the hex, and it may be prohibitively difficult to cross this feature anywhere else. Such valuable, defensible areas are rarely left unoccupied. E Bandit lord who “taxes” passersby, Monstrous creature who hunts there, Ancient guardian of a long-dead polity F Trader in dire need, Explorer seeking a better way, Local currently inhabiting the chokepoint C It can be opened or blocked by a controller, It’s only recently become abnormally dangerous, It’s known of only by those who want it kept secret T Map of the passage, Token allowing safe passage, Key to controlling the passage P Perfect ambush site, Natural fortress, High observation point commanding the pass

Criminal Meet

This site is used as a meeting place for smugglers, bandits, illegal slavers, fences, or other criminals. Something about the place gives them a good view of any incoming strangers and discreet privacy for their dealings. Some few criminals may remain here at all times to maintain the place, or it might be used only as the situation requires. These criminals may be particular, dealing only with known associates, or they may be far enough from the law to feel comfortable about trading with adventurers. E Corrupt merchant grandee, Sinister black market boss, Monstrous entity that enforces the meet’s peace F Theft victim searching for their goods, Frustrated local lawman, Merchant with suspicions about a fence C The local authorities turn a knowing blind eye to it, The meet is trading in something much worse than everyone thinks it is, Significant amounts of stolen goods are stored there T Valuable smuggled contraband, Cache of stolen goods, Precious object that’s very hard to fence P Concealed cave storehouse, Rocky observation point, Sheltered glade in a thick forest

Collapsed Deep

An ancient Deep once was located here, but time, warfare, or disaster caused it to collapse. A significant portion of the surface has likely subsided to form an uneven crater. Small sections of the Deep might still be accessible from the surface, and dangerous uncollapsed passageways may still connect these smaller zones. The heirs of the survivors may still persist on the surface or they may have long since died out to natural hazards or dispersion. E Buried undying lord, Surface looter with dreams of rule, The thing that caused the collapse F Friendly survivor descendant, Curious explorer, Native guide to the ancient pit C Things below are digging their way up, The Deep is leaking something dangerous, The collapse was recent and monstrous survivors still flee T Priceless Deep treasure cast up, Exposed arcane components, Potent relic carried by survivors P Ancient vault torn in two, Crevasse cutting through a hundred ruined levels, Buckled structure fragment jutting through the surface

Cryptic Art

A vast ancient work of art has been raised here, back when the wilderness was not so wild. It may be a statue or other sculpted monument, perhaps of entities in no way human, or it may be fashioned of solid light, sound, emotions, or stranger media. The intended meaning of this art is usually incomprehensible to modern humanity and the structure is too large or too difficult to harm for ordinary vandals or time to have erode it entirely. Some ancient forms of art can be dangerous or even lethal to modern humans. E Ancient site guardian, Priest of a cult that’s made a religion of the art, Sorcerer bent on suborning a magical artwork F Reckless art connoisseur, Native living in the artwork, Historian trying to decipher it C It has a positive or negative effect on a viewer’s body or mind, It’s been warped into something monstrous by time or decay, It encodes a terrible or precious secret to those who understand it T Ancient texts that can decode the art’s meaning, Precious object used in its construction, Fragment of damaged art that’s still valuable P Intended viewing site for the art, Churning inner mechanism of a complex work, Hidden chamber revealing a different perspective of the work

Cursed Land

This site has been cursed. Rather than being a simple xenoformed arratu, some malevolent magic has laid a persistent, dangerous affliction on the area. Creatures may be warped, inhabitants may be plagued, terrible luck might strike all passers-by, or natural physical processes might be perverted. There should be something valuable or attractive here, or else few people would have any reason to engage with the location. E Vile sorcerer responsible for the curse, Hideously-warped native creature, Curse-beast that sweats the malison with its very existence F Local curse victim, Native sorcerer trying to lift it, Hapless pioneer who didn’t realize it was there C It has a seemingly positive effect as well, The seemingly obvious source of the curse isn’t at all responsible, Someone profits by the curse T Ward to protect against the curse, Precious byproduct of the magic, Key to undoing the curse P Warped and twisted natural feature, Nest of misshapen beasts, Field of grossly-mutated plant life

Demihuman Community

There’s a community of demihumans living here, likely intentionally avoiding more well-controlled lands in order to maintain their autonomy. Autonomy alone is unlikely to be all the reason they’ve avoided civilized lands, however, as few human rulers find it worth the trouble to demand more than a fixed tribute from demihumans, leaving them to control their own affairs. There may be something about this group that makes it impossible for them to live comfortably near humans. E Crazed demihuman leader, Sinister demihuman cult priest, Tyrannical government viceroy F Xenophilic local demihuman, Human trader with lasting ties, Human who’s “gone native” C They’re apart to keep humans safe from them rather than them safe from humans, They’re remnants of a former demihuman kingdom, They’re responsible for many local wilderness dangers in order to maintain their privacy T Precious good created by demihumans, Inherited relic of the ancestors, Tribute owed the local ruler P Ceremonial structure of a former age, Village hidden cunningly, Well-guarded wall against outsiders

Decayed Working

There’s an ancient Working in the area that is broken or decayed, and the original effect it was intended to produce has been twisted into something dangerous. Infrastructure Workings meant to provide good fortune, health, or swift travel might now create ill-luck, plagues, or vomit forth extradimensional horrors. Small Workings of private buildings might now create localized hazards. Completely destroying the Working might end the problem or create an even greater disaster from the magical fallout. E Working-born abomination, Ancient caretaker gone berserk, Sorcerer tearing apart the Working recklessly for lore and parts F Native who knows how to live with the blight, Ambitious would-be repairman, Curious scholar looking for details C The decay can be contained with vile or costly rituals by the locals, The decay is endured because it fends off outsiders, A local enemy wants to worsen the effect T Parts to repair the Working, Valuable magical byproducts, Precious Working fragments P Decaying Working chamber, Site twisted by the magical effect, Collapsed arcane structure

Devil Grove

While not a full-fledged arratu, there’s a glade or zone within the hex that’s infested with Outsider flora and fauna. Beasts from within prowl the surrounding area, though some circumstance is preventing the glade from growing at a very rapid pace. Some ancient Outsider device may be causing the glade, or it might be the tiny remnant of some ancient wasteland that’s shrunken with time and the constraint of the Legacy. E Hideous Outsider predator, Blighted warchief hiding in the grove, Ancient Outsider maintaining the grove F Hard-pressed pioneer, Local hunter harried by the beasts, Adventurer seeking the grove’s cause C Local rustics sacrifice to the grove to placate its denizens, The grove is valued as a natural defense against a neighboring threat, Exiles and criminals seek refuge there T Precious byproduct of alien life, Outsider relic in the heart of the grove, Valuable goods on a victim of the beasts P Glen swollen with uncanny life, Windy vale streaked with plumes of alien air, Shore of a pond full of some noxious chemical

Disused Mine

A mine of some kind once existed here. While shaft mines with tunnels and galleries are the common type for present-day delvings, ancient strip mines here may have peeled off whole mountainsides or exposed some massive megastructure that was stripped for parts in a prior, lost age. The forgotten mines of a prior era might have left tailing piles or trace deposits that are valuable to a more depleted age. E Crazed wildcat miner, Thing from delving too deep, Undead and tireless mine boss F Eager prospector, Native dwelling in the mines, Ancient friendly mining automaton C They were mining a buried civilization rather than ores, Groups are fighting over control of the mine, The mine was partially re-purposed for the needs of a group of natives T Motherlode of precious materials, Storehouse of refined product, Map to a virgin strike P Massive pitch-black subterranean gallery, Mound made of centuries worth of tailings, Still-poisoned land in a processing waste zone


A small hermitage was established here sometime in the past to provide solitude for some ascetic. Occasionally small clusters of hermits form around such a central point, meeting at times to check on each other or join in shared discipline. Such anchorites usually shun visitors who aren’t also devotees of their path, but occasionally a hermit wins such fame for sorcery or wisdom that pilgrims seek them out. Some hermits have been known to respond with great anger toward these repeated worldly interruptions. E Hermit sorcerer gone mad, Sinister villain hiding as a hermit, Alien hermit with inscrutably evil philosophical principles F Worried relative of a new hermit, Petitioner seeking holy help, Hermit rethinking solitude C The hermits have control over a local magical energy or Working, They keep themselves separate to keep others safe from them and their irrepressible powers, The hermit is hated by the local secular authorities for their aid to its foes T Precious religious relic carried by the hermit, Cast-off worldly wealth, Map to finding them P Austere wilderness cave, Hermit hole in a grave-mound in the swamps, Tall and narrow stone column for sitting on

Healing Terrain

This site borders a shrinking arratu, one being slowly driven back by the Legacy, the work of human hands, or some native life form that’s capable of successfully competing with the alien life. There are usually some pioneers or scavengers trying to take advantage of the shrinking waste, either to work the newly-arable land or plunder the ruins its receding tide reveals. E Furious and frustrated Outsider wastemaker, Monstrous beast in too small a hunting ground, Local tyrant seeking dominion over the new pioneers F Plucky new colonist, Earnest professional mender of wastes, Luckless soldier sent to defend the new locals C The shrinking wastes are revealing a lost human city below, As the waste shrinks its effects are getting more concentrated inside it, The receding zone is opening a safe path for old enemies to strike the new holdings T Treasures long lost within the waste, Possessions cherished by a now-dead pioneer, Precious product of the alien flora that now grows scarce P Half-warped glade where alien life is losing, Newly-built steading, Exposed ancient structure

Historical Survival

Some small community or remnant group of an ancient empire persists here. They may have been a colony planted before the empire’s fall, an outside group that inherited the culture after conquest or subsumption, a chronological distortion cast out of time, a group held in stasis that recently awoke, or some other remnant of a greater past. They may or may not have a clear idea of the present world, but may preserve knowledge of now-lost strongholds and points of power once held by their ancestors. E Embittered revanchist ruler, Vengeful chieftain who blames the world, Transhuman leader of incomprehensible cognition F Heritor curious about outsiders, Desperate chief in need of outside help, Determined preserver of ancient identity C The empire they belonged to was infamous, They’re only notionally human, They make deals with rebels and exiles of neighboring lands T Long-preserved ancient regalia, Now-lost relic in common use in their empire, Secret lore to unlock hidden storehouses of their people P Crumbling and dilapidated public building, Crude shrine with too-advanced salvaged ornaments, Passages kept secret from the world

Isolated Academy

A school of sorcerers, esoteric artists, hermit-scholars, or other educators is in the area. The place might once have been the heart of the ancient city where the academy was founded, or it may have special magical or aesthetic traits to attract practitioners, or the topic they study might be abhorrent to civilization. The academy is likely largely self-sufficient but its students and teachers doubtless retain some ties to the outer world. E Sinister headmaster, Powerful instructor with a dark purpose, Monstrous thing the academy serves F Sympathetic young student, Pilgrim aspiring to be admitted, Harried instructor needing help C It has two curricula with the second being much darker and known only to initiates, It’s protected by its terrible patron power, An awful sacrifice is demanded of some or all students T Tome of secret lore they’ve developed, Magical object they’ve created, Key to bypassing the academy’s defenses P Mundanely-impossible lecture hall, Artistic work of inhuman nature, Site scorched and blasted by their mistakes or training errors

Lost Battlefield

A terrible battle was fought here at some point in the past, perhaps before the wilderness became what it is now. The locals may or may not remember the event, but the battle left some pronounced effect on the area. Undead may be exceptionally common here, or an ancient weapon may have curdled the land, or the automatons that fought here may still be watchful for new enemies. E Looter-archaeologist and his minions, Undying warlord, Relentless ancient automaton F Curious scholar from afar, Heir to one of the warring sides, Ancestral caretaker of the field C The battle is reenacted by locals either ritually or in earnest every so often, A priceless item of ruling regalia was lost here, The battlefield’s full of unexploded ancient munitions T Potent weapon of ancient days, Precious treasure carried here by a slain noble warrior, Bones of a sainted hero revered by the locals P Hasty and makeshift tomb of a war leader, Land churned up by ancient war magic, Vast burial mound amid a bleak plain

Labyrinthine Tangle

The terrain is remarkably tangled and treacherous, such that it’s almost impossible to cross it without a guide or very good map. This tangle may be the result of shifting, boggy ground, wildly overgrown forest, looming cliffs that box in travel, or magical miasmas that baffle and disorient. Some regions might have spatial distortions born of ancient magic, such that only the right keys allow outsiders to pass them. E Sinister master of the labyrinth, Monstrous creature born of the wild, Savage exile hiding in the maze F Helpful local guide, Hapless soul lost within it, Friendly native of the maze C Getting lost in it can leave you very far from your entry point, An environmental hazard harms you more the longer you stay in it, Guides sacrifice certain clients to the powers within T Map of the labyrinth, Treasure lost by a victim within it, Precious object the labyrinth guards P Trail that looks like all the rest, Trees or cliffs too difficult to scale blocking out any distant view, Ancient megastructure with perfectly identical massive decorative fragments that form a maze

Lost City

There was a city here once and its remnants can still be found through the overgrowth. It may have been an ancient city of some lost empire, or it could be a community more recently destroyed by some event and consumed by the surrounding wilderness. In the former case it’s probably forgotten by all but the wisest scholars, while in the latter there’s some pressing reason that its former people don’t dare approach its site any more. E The terrible creature that destroyed it, Vengeful wraith of its last ruler, Savage chieftain who’s taken it for his seat of rule F Shy survivor of the original population, Local native who dares to enter it, Ancient city servitor who still functions C The city is plagued with magical aftershocks of the mighty sorcery that destroyed it, The city was smashed before its inhabitants could do a great evil, It’s taboo ground for the nearby locals T Ancient city vault’s treasures, Precious relic of the dead, Fragment of the thing that ruined it P Desolate street half-buried by earth and decay, City monument worn into illegibility, Wreckage of the catastrophic death of the city

Magical Springs

There’s an enchanted spring in the area, one empowered by an ancient Working or warped by ambient currents of magic. The creatures that drink from it might be blessed with some special grace, but it’s just as likely that some more sinister consequence comes from imbibing its water. The animal and plant life around it have doubtless been substantially altered by its effects. Most such springwater loses its powers if separated from the main body for very long. E Beast warped by the spring’s power, Ruthless sorcerer experimenting with its effects, Barbaric chieftain using it to advance his power F Ancestral guardian of the spring, Pioneer plagued by the spring’s effects, Scholar who thinks they can fix any negative effects of the spring C The spring grants a blessing that comes with a substantial cost, The spring’s blessing becomes a curse when over-imbibed, The spring’s created an entire ecosystem of servitor-addicts T Cure for the changes the spring forces, Vessel that can hold the springwater without losing its power, Precious fragment of the original Working P Pool of obviously uncanny water, Shore marked with the spring’s effects, Weird den of a spring-touched beast

Migration Path

A fearsome migration of dangerous creatures crosses this area at certain times of the month or year. During this migration an invincible wave of these entities crosses the site, perhaps to get from one underground entrance to another, or to move from one feeding site to the next, or to immerse themselves in some critical magical aura or ancient radiation. Despite this, there must be something valuable in this area that tempts outsiders to risk being here when the living tide arrives. E Monstrously huge alpha of the tide, Cultist who worships the creatures of the tide, Sorcerer trying to bend the swarm to his will F Treasure seeker daring the migration schedule, Scholar of these beasts, Local trapped here at the wrong time C The tide’s schedule is dangerously unpredictable, The creatures are always present but only become dangerous during the migration, The migration path changes very often T Precious animal byproduct of the swarm, Treasure found by a too-slow seeker, Key to predicting or controlling the swarm P Trail stripped bare by the tide, Massive breeding ground, Island full of cowering refugees

Military Outpost

There’s a military post located in this wilderness, one planted by an interested government, community, religion, or mercantile group. It may be guarding a trail through the wilds, monitoring dangerous natives, acting as a tripwire against invasion, or be a punishment post for troublesome officers. The outpost is likely to be reliant on regular shipments of goods. Sufficiently large outposts often form the nucleus of a pioneer settlement. E Brutal martinet commander, Wrathful native leader, Crime boss who’s suborned the isolated post F Hard-used military scout, Pioneer searching for help, Native leader looking for allies C The outpost has sparked a dispute with a bordering polity, The post is so isolated it’s effectively independent, The post has been abandoned or cut off by its patron and is in dire need of supply T Load of vital supplies, Pay for the soldiers, Weapon shipment craved by the natives P Rough-hewn log fort, Piled stone strongpoint on a naturally-defensible site, Tall wooden tower looking over the countryside


Some precious ore, rare wood, magical elixir, arcanely-potent extract, or other natural product is in great supply here. Anyone capable of extracting it without interruption would become very wealthy, though the natives, the local fauna, or rival competitors may make that ambition difficult to fulfill. The motherlode might be known only to the natives, or is perhaps known to no one at all due to its concealment or exotic nature. E Prospector devoid of moral qualms, Existing site owner who’s lethally paranoid, Local lord who intends to utterly exploit the eventual site owner F Humble laborer in the mines, Poor but talented prospector, Land-wise local who knows of it C The substance is very hazardous to the extractor, Extracting it would break a very powerful local monopoly, It was buried or sealed away for a very good reason T Sample proving the motherlode’s worth, Ancient tools that make extraction practical, Capital needed to begin extraction P The dangerous extraction site itself, Cave where prior extractors stored their equipment, Makeshift barracks where the laborers sleep

Monstrous Beast

Fearsome beasts are a commonplace in the wilderness of the Latter Earth, but there’s something here horrible enough to be remarkable even to the natives. It may be something far too dangerous for the party to have any hope of defeating; if so, it should leave plenty of evidence of its approach or presence, and give prudent heroes the chance to flee or distract it. The natives either avoid this area or must find some way to placate the thing. E Magical abomination born of ancient sorcery, Divinely-infused god-beast, Remnant-creature of a dead empire that still fulfills its duty F Glory-seeking hunter, Native with a lust for vengeance against it, Rapt arcane zoologist C The locals worship it as a god because it actually can and will help them at times, It’s guarding a particular site there, Its leavings or sheddings are a precious substance T Treasure of some luckless victim, Relic of the beast’s makers, Substance or device that can repel the beast P Site of a horrible slaughter, Monstrous lair full of remains, Gory offering-site where sacrifices are made to it

Nomad Camp

There’s a regularly-used nomad camp site in the area, a stopping place for them and their kindred. The site likely has water, a defensible position, or religious significance to them. Depending on the time of year or current raiding activities the camp might be empty, but any random day presents some chance of a group of them seeking shelter here. Wandering encounters in this hex might very likely be with such nomads. E Glory-hungry nomad raid leader, Leader who plans on turning his people into sedentary conquerors, Vision-maddened sorcerer-priest of the nomads F Peace-minded rival of the nomad leader, Local victim of their raids, Former owner of the structure they’re now using as a camp C The nomads are raiders or traders as profit suggests, The nomads are forced to move by some outside power, The camp is desperately needed by some local group for practical or religious reasons T Loot hidden in the camp, Trophy taken by the raiders, Tribute offered up to win their mercy P Once-splendid chamber now scuffed and defaced, Vigilantly-guarded oasis, Makeshift shrine to the nomad god

Outsider Enclave

A group of surviving Outsiders dwells in the area, a remnant of their former age of rule. They may rely on stealth or great isolation to preserve their numbers, or they might just be able to kill anyone who gets too close. The enclave is unlikely to have real ambitions of expansion or else it would have been wiped out by now, but it may preserve ancient relics or fell powers that could wreak havoc if used recklessly. E Bitterly vengeful Outsider leader, Human traitor in league with the enclave, Hideous thing unleashed by the enclave F Outsider who sees profit in the PCs, Naively xenophilic human, Victim of Outsider raids C The Outsiders want something that isn’t necessarily antagonistic to the PCs, They’ve only recently awoken from stasis or temporal displacement and are still exploring, They’re masquerading as a human group or have one as a front T Potent alien relic, Treasure collected from human thralls, Precious regalia of an alien king P Fetid Outsider nest with a noxious atmosphere, Eerie abandoned ruins of their former day, Maintained shrine to an Outsider god

Perilous Path

A danger-laden bridge, trail, skyway, spatial distortion, tunnel, ancient roadbed, or some other path in this area leads through an otherwise impenetrable obstacle or serves as the sole means of reaching some point of interest. This path should be fairly obvious to explorers, but its destination may not be clear. If the destination is inhabited, it might be guarded by the denizens, or there may be the remains of ancient wayposts that once served the traffic along the path. E Raubritter warrior demanding a toll, Vicious monster lairing on the path, Bandit chief lying in wait to ambush travelers F Helpful native path guide, Ancient maintenance laborer on the path, Explorer seeking the path C The path is one-way only, The path has only recently opened up, The path can be controlled with a particular key or relic T Map of the path, Ancient relic used by the path’s builders, Key to unlock the path P Ancient skyway stretching between mountaintops, Tunnel full of long-forgotten defensive traps, Transdimensional pathway through an eldritch wilderness

Overgrown Tomb

A once-honored tomb lies here, forgotten or lost to the depredations of enemies. The structure is likely elaborate enough to be a building in its own right, or an excavation beneath some surface monument. The tomb may house a single glorious hero or be the resting place of an associated group, such as a particular noble lineage, the slain of a great battle, a lost city’s municipal ossuary, or some like grave. E Long-trapped undead king, Monstrous beast fat on old corpses, Necromancer jealous of his prizes F Ancestral guardian of the tomb, Curious archaeologist, Last heir of the one entombed C It was originally a different structure turned into a mass grave due to emergency need, It’s actually just a mass casualty incident in a structure, Someone’s mining the dead for their remains T Precious funerary offerings, Regalia buried with a dead ruler, Text containing secrets lost to the present day P Crumbling monument to the dead, Fallen-in gravesite, Forest of gravestones

Pilgrimage Site

There is some important monument, place, or structure here that attracts pilgrims from far away. It may be a holy site beloved of a local faith, a mythic origin-point for a nearby culture, an oracle or other provider of widely-desired services, or a font of some special favor or benefit that can reward a pilgrim. The site may be under the control of a local government, or it may be too distant or dangerous to be effectively protected or administered by outsiders. E Raider chieftain plundering the pilgrims, Zealot who has seized control of it for their own sect, Once-benevolent holy entity that has become hostile for some reason F Desperate pilgrim from afar, Local administrator beset by woes, Young merchant providing for the pilgrims’ needs C Factions are actively struggling over the site’s control, The site is being ruined by the pilgrim traffic, The site has a strategic value quite aside from its use to pilgrims T Sacred relic of the site, Offering given by a grateful pilgrim, Token that grants access to the site’s most potent reward P Ancient temple on a holy site, Monument to a great deed, Perilous cave of an oracle

Precious Game

Some native fauna here is remarkably valuable, either for the sake of some magical blessing it grants its captor or for the benefits its flesh, pelt, or magical organs can give. Other game may be ritually important, such an animal that grants some ruling legitimacy to a successful hunter. The animal itself is probably either highly dangerous, highly rare, or carefully gamekept by some outside power if it has escaped extinction thus far. E Bloodthirsty hunter who brooks no rivals, Game animal grown warped and lethal, Guardian of the game who kills all interlopers F Sympathetic hunter with a good reason, Local deeply reliant on successful hunting, Zoologist seeking to study the beast C The benefit of hunting the game is only granted if they are captured or killed in a very troublesome way, The animals are found around a different much more dangerous beast, The beasts have multiple life stages with different traits T Trove of beast pelts, Lure for the beasts, Map to their secret breeding grounds P Ramshackle hunting camp, Altar to the beasts, Magical site where the beasts were first made

Refugee Camp

There’s a refugee camp in the area made up of people who’ve fled some calamity. It may be a bandit raid on their villages, an ethnic purge nearby, a religious schism they lost, the collapse of a functioning community, or some other disaster. The refugees have no better place to go or they’d have gone there by now; they’re probably dying off to local hazards at a greater or lesser rate, or trying to turn the camp into a functional settlement. E Brutal tyrant over the camp, Local marauder exploiting them, Horrible beast that hunts them F Sympathetic young refugee, Local governmental representative who can’t help much, Earnest religious leader C The refugees are highly undesirable to the surrounding polities, They’re demihuman or Blighted, The camp’s a hotbed of some not-too-quickly lethal but very contagious disease T Vital cache of supplies, Precious possessions of the refugees, Relic they stole or rescued in their flight P Miserable camp of crude shanties, Damp refuge caverns, Ancient ruins made into a camp

Rampant Experiment

Not every Working or spell research is a success, and some effort here went drastically wrong. Some sort of rampantly overgrown flora or monstrously altered fauna roam the place, the result of magic gone awry. They probably have some quality or trait that was useful to the creator, but it was combined with so many drawbacks or dangers that the result is a menace. E Mad sorcerer who caused it, Creature warped terribly by the experiment, Looter with no regard for the chaos their blundering is releasing F Apologetic apprentice of the culprit, Non-hostile experimental victim, Local desperately fighting the experiments C An outside power is promoting the disaster because it’s somehow to their advantage, The experiment results seem wholly beneficial at first, The experiment’s area of effect is slowly growing T Cure or tool to halt the experiment, Precious object created by the experiment, Magical tool used in the experiment P Sinister occult laboratory, Normal area terribly warped by the experiment, Local structure destroyed by the experiment

Remnant Road

Some long-lost empire laid a road here, along with the waystations that once served to guard it. The surviving remnant may just be a short segment, or it might still lead to whatever destination of significance it once served. Other ruins of this empire are likely positioned along the road, and modern inhabitants might still make use of it as a highway through rough terrain, or have positioned their own settlements along its length. E Ancient creature that guards the road from “bandits”, Bandit chief exploiting a ruined waypost, Local lord who collects cruel tolls F Merchant making use of the path, Local from a colony-village set up at one end, Remnant survivor from the culture that built it C The road is magically useful or well-maintained, The road leads through some tremendously dangerous area, The road is built as a high and stepped structure that forms a tall defensive wall on one side T Magical pass allowing use of the road, Ancient weapon stored in a waypost, Key to unlocking a waypost’s vault P Ancient watch station, Stretch of unnaturally perfect road, Monument to a forgotten king

Remote Monastery

There is a largely self-sustaining monastery, temple, hermitage, or other religious site in the area, one inhabited by clergy who have some particular need for isolation. They may be guardians of a holy site, imprisoned heretics, wardens of some refuge for travelers, or a particularly rigorous or heretical sect. They may be willing to provide services for strangers of acceptable character, and might well have problems that their limited resources can’t solve. E Sinister-minded abbot, Demonic entity warring on the clerics, Cleric of a rival faith or sect determined to destroy them and all their allies F Friendly if unworldly local cleric, Native who trades with the monastery, Cleric who seriously reconsiders their choice to come here C The monastery has been taken over by zealots or an outside power, The monastery is a cover for sinister occult doings, The place isn’t nearly as self-sufficient as it thought it would be T Sacred relic of the place, Offering made by a grateful believer, Sacred text specific to their sect P Well-guarded fields outside the walls, Heavily-fortified monastic building, Hostel for travelers kept outside the monastery itself

Savage Hamlet

There’s a village in the area, but its inhabitants are vicious or profoundly unsociable in some way. They may deal violently with outsiders, have abhorrent cultural habits, be the decadent remains of some group cast out for their evil ways, or just Blighted of a kind that get along very poorly with baselines. The party should likely have some sort of indication of their nature given to them before the first contact, or else the village should be savage in ways that don’t necessarily lead to likely immediate attack. E Brutal village chieftain, Cruel shaman of a dark god, Non-local criminal who’s gone native in a bad way F Rare better-dispositioned local, Missionary trying to civilize them, Local who sees profit in dealing with outsiders C They are remarkably talented or learned at some activity, They appear harmless at first encounter, They have considerable virtues to go with their terrible vices T Locally-produced good of value, Loot from their victims, Tribute given by frightened neighbors P Fighting pit for local entertainment, Chieftain’s barbaric hall, Ancient structure put to misuse

Ruined Fortification

This place was of great strategic importance in some prior age, and a ruined castle, outpost, waystation, or military base can be found here. It may have been destroyed by the slow march of time, or some great military catastrophe may have shattered it. The site is probably too remote or now of too little military value to attract the interest of current governments, but it may still serve as an excellent lair for a more local tyrant or bandit lord. E Failed usurper “ruling” from this new seat, Zealous rebel chief marshaling strength here, Ghostly shade of the fortress’ last commander F Native forced to take refuge here, Remnant survivor of the original garrison, Government agent sent to investigate the site for usability C The fortress was built to keep something in rather than out, Some political change has just made the site very valuable once more, The real bulk of the site is hidden from easy view T Key to open restricted areas of the site, Massive fixed weapon that still works, Precious trove guarded by the fortress P Long-broken gate, Wall slumped into a ramp, Tower snapped halfway up

Sculpted Terrain

In a former age some tyrant or artist sculpted an entire landform here into a statue, monument, or artwork that is visible for miles. A carved mountainside, a molded hill, an intricate pattern of waterways, a mesa pierced with music-emitting tunnels, or some other huge artwork is obvious here, and probably can be seen from any point nearby. Such structures likely have some form of defense to prevent their vandalism, and may contain components that are very valuable in the present age. E Priest of a sculpture-worshiping cult, Berserk guardian of the art, Chief of a sculpture-dwelling remnant of the original creators F Courageous art-seeker, Artist desperately in search of inspiration, Treasure-hunter looking for the art’s loot C The art is mobile or otherwise active somehow, The art has some very dangerous effect, The art is damaged and now causes an unintended consequence nearby T Precious fragment of the art, Magical relic used by the art, Regalia of the former keeper of the art P Viewing-site built for the art, Damaged or defaced area of the art, Pilgrim quarters meant for those coming to see the art

Seductive Peril

There’s a very appealing place, resource, or structure in the area that’s actually a dangerous snare for the unwary. Pools may be laced with slow poisons, bright flora might be carnivorous, valuable natural crystals might be radioactive, or ancient pleasure-pavilions might not let revelers go. Some natives might lurk near the peril to loot its victims, while others might intentionally drive prey into it. E Malevolent spirit of the peril, Cruel looter who uses the peril as a tool, Experimenter looking to exploit the peril F Companion or friend of a victim, Clueless seeker of the peril’s treasure, Native who knows about the peril C Dangerous as it is the peril does offer a very real reward, The peril is worshiped by locals, The danger is unintentional and related to the peril’s original function T Loot left by victims, Valuable component of the peril, Bait placed to lure victims P Hidden charnel pit for victims, Enticingly charming facade, Now-abandoned camp of former prey

Toxic Ruins

There’s a ruin in the area, but it’s poisonous or disease-infested. Such a blight may not be immediately obvious, with the effects slowly taking hold the longer an intruder remains. There’s probably something about the ruin that’s attractive to others, and the toxin isn’t quick enough to make plundering an obviously futile effort. In other cases, the toxin might be fast, but there could be some item or magic to resist it. E Toxin-warped beast within, Sorcerer exploring the toxin’s potential, Cruel plunderer using expendable help to loot the site F Native who knows a cure for the toxin, Explorer trapped within the ruin, Native life form that’s immune to the toxin C The toxin was a healthful atmosphere to the Outsider builder of the ruin, The toxin is radiation or some other invisible poison, The toxin is exuded by the substance or objects that are most valuable in the ruin T Cure or protection from the poison, Incredibly toxic weapon or object, Damaged ancient relic that’s causing the toxic effect P Eerily barren land around the ruin, Camp full of poisoned explorers, A grove of unnatural life amid the toxic stew

Taboo Territory

Part of this area is strictly off-limits. It may be restricted to a particular holy priesthood, local rulers, the heirs of a particular lineage, or to everyone. The taboo may be the product of local religious beliefs, ruling edicts, or a practical realization that intruders keep stirring up perils that the locals have to deal with. Watchers likely keep guard over the area and may or may not speak up to warn off potential trespassers. E The horrible thing within the territory, Bandit chief taking advantage of the taboo to hide there, Ancient guardian of the domain F Explorer lacking in caution, Accidental trespasser into the zone, Local who desperately needs something from inside the area C Entering the zone visibly marks trespassers for a time, A hostile force too strong for the warders is trying to get in or out, The taboo is rational but the reason the locals have is badly mistaken T Treasure unplundered within the zone, The precious relic the taboo is meant to guard, Valuable plant or animal that grows undisturbed within P Ancient ruin untouched by intruders, Watchpost with a view of the site, Sealed gate to the zone

Treacherous Terrain

A stretch of this area is naturally treacherous and dangerous in its terrain. It may be prone to sinkholes, mudslides, avalanches, quicksand, explosive flora, magical eruptions, boiling geysers, plunging crevasses, or falling stones. This terrain should block the path toward some interesting site or desired destination, or else the party likely has no reason not to simply turn around or go around it. E Malevolent nature-spirit of the place, Vile outcast who lairs amid the terrain, Monstrous beast native to the dangerous area F Native guide who knows a way through, Explorer fascinated by the terrain, Traveler forced to find a way through C The perils manifest on a particular little-known schedule, The perils sometimes uncover lodes of valuable materials, The perils are an accidental legacy of an ancient malfunction T Map of the safe way through, Device to protect against the peril, Ancient treasure hidden within the peril P Small safe zone inside the terrain, Ruined road or path amid the peril, Site of a camp destroyed by the peril

Twisted Fauna

The fauna in the area has been warped by some power, and is now dangerous to other forms of life. A lingering curse may have twisted the beasts, as might have ancient techno-sorcerous waste, Outsider manipulation, half-faded arratus, mad wizardry, religious cult manipulation, or ancient artistic goals. The beasts probably have some unifying characteristic or trait imbued by the process that warped them. E Savage beast-tamer, Hideously intelligent god-beast, The mad power that warped the beasts in the first place F Native trying to cope with the fauna, Hunter determined to bag one, Scholar trying to find the cause of the change C The beasts are very useful or valuable in some way, The beasts were once humans, The beasts masquerade as normal animals T Loot of a victim of the beasts, The thing that changed them is a treasure itself, Trove coincidentally located in their territory P Fetid lair of the beasts, Grove scarred by their activities, Tainted site that birthed them

Working Wreckage

A Working once was in the area, but has long since collapsed, decayed, or been destroyed by others. It’s at least building-sized, with some Workings being full-scale megastructures raised by ancient empires. While the Working’s original effect has long dissipated, pockets or fragments of it may still persist in the area, along with the automatons or servitor-people once charged with maintaining the site. E Animated manifestation of the Working’s power, Sorcerer-looter gutting the wreck, Brutal chief of the natives mutated by its power F Scholar dreaming of activating it once more, Treasure-hunter eager to pick its bones,Local from the surviving caretakers C It would cause a regional catastrophe if re-activated, Even its remnant effects have large consequences, It was ruined when it was re-tuned to create a different effect T Key to controlling its remaining power, Spare part that’s now priceless, Valuable fragment of wreckage P Abandoned control room, Site of massive destruction from the Working’s collapse, Nest or lair built into the ruin

Uncanny Weather

The area is affected by unnatural or magical weather conditions. It may be a pocket of snowy wasteland in a jungle, an area racked by cataclysmic storms, a shifted zone of space that overlaps with some alien world’s atmosphere, an area of perpetual balmy summer, or some other obvious anomaly. Natives may have figured out some way to exploit this condition, or it might be too dangerous for regular occupation. E Ruthless sorcerer bent on unlocking its secrets, Monstrous beast that thrives in the environment, Dangerous remnant of the zone’s creators F Native who’s learned to live in the zone, Refugee trying to hide in it, Entrepreneur trying to profit by it C The weather is controlled by a site or object, The change is very recent and is disrupting the locals, The weather leaves behind a valuable resource T Ancient weather-control relic, Texts describing how to stop or control the weather, Abandoned loot from the original inhabitants of the area P Weather-blasted natural feature, Structure built to endure the weather, Relic building from before the weather happened

Zealot Colony

There is a settlement of radical religious or ideological zealots here, ones too extreme to be tolerated in civilized lands. They may not necessarily be hostile, and they might have need of outside assistance, but their principles are likely to be bizarre or abhorrent to the PCs. Most such colonies are bent on creating new societies that may not actually be physically or psychologically possible for unaltered humanity.

E Charismatic demagogue, Iron-fisted hereditary dictator, Dreamer willing to break any number of eggs for their theoretical omelet F Local who quietly wants out, Reformer trying to temper things, Relative of a now-trapped member C They’ve recently acquired an object or an alliance that gives them great power, The ostensible leader is just a puppet of the real and more pragmatic boss, They’re beginning to purity spiral into violent factions T Desperately-necessary supply cache, Wealth given up for the group, Product manufactured by near-slave members P Grand temple or ideological hall amid shanties, Mass public meeting, Prison for deviants

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