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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Education index, median age, and gdp

Bubble chart indicating the education index (y-axis), median age (x-axis), and GDP (circle size) of 175 countries.

country median_age gdp edu_index
Afghanistan 18 18949 0.354
Albania 30.2 13000 0.886
Algeria 27.1 198735 0.748
Andorra 39.9 3577 0.878
Antigua and Barbuda 30 1118 0.945
Argentina 30.3 448165 0.946
Australia 37.5 1515468 0.993
Austria 42.6 418031 0.962
Azerbaijan 28.5 63404 0.881
Bahamas, The 29.9 7788 0.878
Bahrain 30.4 25825 0.893
Bangladesh 23.5 106199 0.53
Barbados 36.2 4313 0.975
Belarus 38.8 55136 0.961
Belgium 42 514122 0.974
Belize 20.7 1474 0.762
Benin 17.3 7295 0.445
Bhutan 24.3 1725 0.533
Bolivia 22.2 23949 0.892
Bosnia and Herzegovina 40.3 18037 0.874
Botswana 22 17328 0.788
Brazil 30.5 2476651 0.891
Brunei 28.1 16360 0.891
Bulgaria 41.6 53514 0.93
Burkina Faso 16.8 10095 0.301
Burundi 16.8 2340 0.559
Cambodia 22.5 12830 0.704
Cameroon 19.3 26410 0.627
Canada 40.7 1736869 0.991
Cape Verde 22.3 1889 0.786
Central African Republic 19.1 2196 0.419
Chad 16.6 10450 0.334
Chile 31.7 248592 0.919
China 35.2 7203784 0.851
Colombia 27.6 333185 0.881
Comoros 18.9 610 0.655
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 16.5 16069 0.736
Costa Rica 28.4 41007 0.883
Cote d'Ivoire 19.4 24102 0.45
Croatia 41.2 62493 0.916
Cuba 37.8 68715 0.993
Cyprus 34.5 24994 0.91
Czech Republic 40.4 217077 0.938
Denmark 40.7 332019 0.993
Djibouti 21.4 1283 0.554
Dominica 30.3 496 0.848
Dominican Republic 25.2 55433 0.839
Ecuador 25.3 66381 0.866
Egypt 24 231222 0.697
El Salvador 23.9 23054 0.798
Equatorial Guinea 19 16139 0.787
Eritrea 18.5 2609 0.539
Estonia 40.2 22175 0.964
Ethiopia 16.8 30247 0.403
Fiji 25.8 3813 0.868
Finland 41.6 263247 0.993
France 39.7 2775518 0.968
Gabon 18.6 24146 0.843
Gambia, The 18 1225 0.439
Georgia 38.8 14367 0.902
Germany 43.7 3604061 0.954
Ghana 21.1 39200 0.627
Greece 42.2 299001 0.981
Grenada 28.2 825 0.884
Guatemala 19.7 46898 0.723
Guinea 18.5 5558 0.361
Guinea-Bissau 19.4 914 0.545
Guyana 23.6 2577 0.939
Haiti 20.5 6731 0.588
Honduras 20.7 17447 0.806
Hong Kong 42.8 243302 0.879
Hungary 41.3 138714 0.96
Iceland 35.4 14026 0.98
India 25.9 1897608 0.643
Indonesia 27.9 846834 0.84
Iran 27.6 521835 0.793
Ireland 35.4 221022 0.985
Israel 29.3 242920 0.947
Italy 44.3 2195937 0.965
Jamaica 23.9 14746 0.834
Japan 44.6 5870357 0.949
Jordan 21.8 28840 0.87
Kazakhstan 29.9 186427 0.965
Kenya 18.8 34059 0.69
Kuwait 26.4 160916 0.872
Kyrgyzstan 24.7 5919 0.918
Laos 19.5 8196 0.683
Latvia 40.4 28480 0.961
Lebanon 29.4 39039 0.857
Lesotho 22.6 2443 0.753
Liberia 18.4 1147 0.562
Libya 24.2 31373 0.898
Liechtenstein 41.4 6185 0.949
Lithuania 39.7 42872 0.968
Luxembourg 39.3 59528 0.975
Madagascar 18.1 9844 0.676
Malawi 17.1 5966 0.685
Malaysia 25.1 287934 0.851
Maldives 25.9 2050 0.885
Mali 16.2 10623 0.331
Malta 39.7 8887 0.887
Mauritania 19.3 4443 0.552
Mauritius 32.3 11313 0.839
Mexico 26.7 1155206 0.886
Moldova 35 7000 0.899
Mongolia 25.8 8567 0.913
Montenegro 37.2 4550 0.891
Morocco 26.5 100257 0.574
Mozambique 17.5 12823 0.478
Namibia 21.4 12641 0.811
Nepal 21.2 18501 0.579
Netherlands 40.8 836823 0.985
New Zealand 36.8 162783 0.993
Nicaragua 22.5 7297 0.76
Niger 15.2 6381 0.282
Nigeria 19.1 245229 0.657
Norway 39.7 485416 0.989
Oman 23.9 72680 0.79
Pakistan 21.2 208860 0.626
Palestine 17.3 8769 0.886
Panama 37.2 30677 0.888
Papua New Guinea 21.6 12586 0.521
Paraguay 24.9 22890 0.871
Peru 26.4 180464 0.891
Philippines 22.7 224754 0.888
Poland 38.2 514115 0.952
Portugal 39.7 237586 0.929
Qatar 30.8 173320 0.888
Romania 38.1 189776 0.915
Russia 38.5 1857770 0.933
Rwanda 18.6 6377 0.607
Saint Kitts and Nevis 31.5 712 0.896
Saint Lucia 30.3 1254 0.889
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 29.5 688 0.817
Samoa 21.8 667 0.905
Sao Tome and Principe 17.5 256 0.813
Saudi Arabia 21.6 597086 0.828
Senegal 18.7 14448 0.417
Serbia 41.1 41057 0.891
Seychelles 32 1014 0.886
Sierra Leone 19 2897 0.403
Singapore 39.6 259850 0.913
Slovakia 37.3 96000 0.928
Slovenia 42.1 50284 0.969
Solomon Islands 20 838 0.676
South Africa 24.7 408237 0.843
Spain 41.5 1478206 0.975
Sri Lanka 31.3 59175 0.834
Sudan 19.3 56015 0.539
Suriname 28.3 4610 0.85
Swaziland 20.1 4090 0.731
Sweden 41.7 539387 0.974
Switzerland 41.3 660762 0.936
Syria 21.5 64273 0.773
Tajikistan 22.2 6523 0.896
Tanzania 18.3 23615 0.673
Thailand 33.7 369709 0.888
Togo 18.9 3695 0.534
Tonga 22.7 453 0.92
Trinidad and Tobago 32.6 21907 0.861
Tunisia 29.7 46332 0.772
Turkey 28.1 774983 0.828
Turkmenistan 24.8 25742 0.906
Uganda 15 19271 0.698
Ukraine 39.7 165245 0.96
United Arab Emirates 30.2 338690 0.838
United Kingdom 40.5 2429184 0.957
United States 36.9 14991300 0.968
Uruguay 33.7 46710 0.955
Uzbekistan 25.2 45558 0.888
Vanuatu 24.6 778 0.729
Venezuela 25.8 315893 0.921
Vietnam 27.4 123600 0.81
Yemen 16.4 31492 0.579
Zambia 17.2 19219 0.682
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<p style="text-align: center;"><strong>World Index</strong></p>
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d3.csv("country.csv", function (data) {
data.forEach(function (d) { =;
d.gdp = +d.gdp;
d.edu_index = +d.edu_index;
d.median_age = +d.median_age;
x.domain(d3.extent(data, function (d) { return d.median_age; }));
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"Country: " + +
"<br>Education Index: " + d.edu_index +
"<br>Median Age: " + d.median_age +
"<br>GDP: $" + numberWithCommas(d.gdp) + "M"
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function numberWithCommas(x) {
return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
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