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Created November 14, 2015 08:30
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Bullet Chart
<div id="bullet">
<svg width=600 height=500></svg>
<script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
var chart = bullet()
.append('g').attr('transform', 'translate(0, 0)')
.datum({ ranges: [45, 80, 120], measures: [85, 150], markers: [75]})
function bullet() {
var margin = { top:20, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20 };
var width = 500;
var height = 500;
var scale = d3.scale.linear();
var axis = d3.svg.axis().orient('bottom');
var range = {};
var measure = {};
var marker = {};
function chart(g) {
g.each(function (data, index) {
var sort = function (a, b) { return b - a; };
data.ranges = data.ranges.reverse();
data.measures = data.measures.reverse();
data.markers = data.markers.reverse();
var domain = d3.entries(data).map(function (d) {
return d.value;
}).reduce(function (a, b) {
return a.concat(b);
}, []);
width = width - margin.right - margin.left;
height = height - - margin.bottom;
scale.domain([0, d3.max(domain)])
.range([0, width]);
var measureBarHeight = height / 3;
var halfHeight = height / 2;
var halfMeasureBarHeight = measureBarHeight / 2;
var g ='g')
g.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + + ')');
.attr('class', 'x axis')
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + height + ')')
var ranges = g.selectAll('rect.range')
ranges.enter().append('rect').attr('class', 'range');
.attr('x', function () { return scale(0); })
.attr('y', scale(0))
.attr('width', function (d) { return scale(d); })
.attr('height', height)
.attr('fill', range.fill || function (d, i) {
if (i === 0) return '#eee';
if (i === 1) return '#ddd';
return '#ccc';
.attr('fill-opacity', range.fillOpacity || 1)
.attr('stroke', range.stroke)
.attr('stroke-width', range.strokeWidth)
.attr('stroke-opacity', range.strokeOpacity);
var measures = g.selectAll('rect.measure')
measures.enter().append('rect').attr('class', 'measure');
.attr('x', function () { return scale(0); })
.attr('y', halfHeight - halfMeasureBarHeight)
.attr('width', function (d) { return scale(d); })
.attr('height', measureBarHeight)
.attr('fill', measure.fill || function (d, i) {
return i === 0 ? 'lightsteelblue' : 'steelblue';
.attr('fill-opacity', measure.fillOpacity || 1)
.attr('stroke', measure.stroke)
.attr('stroke-width', measure.strokeWidth)
.attr('stroke-opacity', measure.strokeOpacity);
var markers = g.selectAll('g.marker')
markers.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'marker');
.attr('transform', function (d) {
return 'translate(' + scale(d) + ',' + (halfHeight - halfMeasureBarHeight) + ')';
.attr('d', function () {
return 'M ' + -halfMeasureBarHeight + ' ' +
-measureBarHeight + ' L 0 0 ' + halfMeasureBarHeight +
' ' + -measureBarHeight + ' Z';
.attr('fill', marker.fill || 'black')
.attr('fill-opacity', marker.fillOpacity)
.attr('stroke', marker.stroke || 'none')
.attr('stroke-width', marker.strokeWidth)
.attr('stroke-opacity', marker.strokeOpacity);
// Public API
chart.margin = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return margin; = typeof !== 'undefined' ? :;
margin.right = typeof _.right !== 'undefined' ? _.right : margin.right;
margin.bottom = typeof _.bottom !== 'undefined' ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
margin.left = typeof _.left !== 'undefined' ? _.left : margin.left;
return chart;
chart.width = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return width;
width = _;
return chart;
chart.height = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return height;
height = _;
return chart;
chart.scale = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return scale;
scale = _;
return chart;
chart.range = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return range;
range.fill = typeof _.fill !== 'undefined' ? _.fill : range.fill;
range.fillOpacity = typeof _.fillOpacity !== 'undefined' ? _.fillOpacity : range.fillOpacity;
range.stroke = typeof _.stroke !== 'undefined' ? _.stroke : range.stroke;
range.strokeWidth = typeof _.strokeWidth !== 'undefined' ? _.strokeWidth : range.strokeWidth;
range.strokeOpacity = typeof _.strokeOpacity !== 'undefined' ? _.strokeOpacity : range.strokeOpacity;
return chart;
chart.measure = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return measure;
measure.fill = typeof _.fill !== 'undefined' ? _.fill : measure.fill;
measure.fillOpacity = typeof _.fillOpacity !== 'undefined' ? _.fillOpacity : measure.fillOpacity;
measure.stroke = typeof _.stroke !== 'undefined' ? _.stroke : measure.stroke;
measure.strokeWidth = typeof _.strokeWidth !== 'undefined' ? _.strokeWidth : measure.strokeWidth;
measure.strokeOpacity = typeof _.strokeOpacity !== 'undefined' ? _.strokeOpacity : measure.strokeOpacity;
return chart;
chart.measure = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return measure;
marker.fill = typeof _.fill !== 'undefined' ? _.fill : marker.fill;
marker.fillOpacity = typeof _.fillOpacity !== 'undefined' ? _.fillOpacity : marker.fillOpacity;
marker.stroke = typeof _.stroke !== 'undefined' ? _.stroke : marker.stroke;
marker.strokeWidth = typeof _.strokeWidth !== 'undefined' ? _.strokeWidth : marker.strokeWidth;
marker.strokeOpacity = typeof _.strokeOpacity !== 'undefined' ? _.strokeOpacity : marker.strokeOpacity;
return chart;
return chart;
.axis path {
display: none;
.axis line {
fill: none;
stroke: grey;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
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