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Last active December 18, 2015 05:09
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Rem units with px fallback
* Output a selector with px fallback and rem values, so that modern browsers will use the rem values.
* Both multiple selectors and multiple sizes in multiple units can be provided.
* Zero values remain 0, non-px values will not be modified.
* Usage example:
.navbar {
@include rem(height line-height, 48px); // multiple selectors
@include rem(padding, 16px 8px 2% 0px); // multiple units, only px will be converted
@include rem(border-bottom, rhythm(.5) solid red); // Rhythm:
* @link:
@function px-to-rem($px) {
$return : ();
@each $var in $px {
@if type-of($var) == 'number' {
@if abs($var) > 0 {
@if unit($var) == 'px' {
$return : append($return, #{$var/$base-font-size}rem, space);
} @else {
$return : append($return, $var, space);
} @else {
$return : append($return, 0, space);
} @else {
$return : append($return, $var, space);
@return $return;
$legacy-support-for-ie: true;
@mixin rem($selectors, $size) {
@each $selector in $selectors {
@if $legacy-support-for-ie {
#{$selector}: $size;
#{$selector}: px-to-rem($size);
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