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Last active April 15, 2022 09:47
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import { html as beautify } from 'js-beautify'
type childCallback = (builder: HTMLBuilder) => void
declare function manipulate(content: string): void
declare function manipulate(content: string, attributes: Record<string, string>): void
declare function manipulate(callback: childCallback): void
declare function manipulate(callback: childCallback, attributes: Record<string, string>): void
class Tag {
private name: string
private attributes: Record<string, string> = {}
private children: (Tag | string)[] = []
constructor(name: string = '') { = name
appendChild(child: Tag): void {
get manipulate(): typeof manipulate {
const tag = this
return <typeof manipulate>function (
content: Tag | string | childCallback,
attributes?: Record<string, string>
) {
if (attributes) {
tag.attributes = attributes
if (content instanceof Function) {
return content(new HTMLBuilder(tag))
render(): string {
const attributes = this.renderAttributes()
const children = this.renderChildren()
if (! || === 'text') {
return children
if (!children) {
return `<${}${attributes} />`
return `<${}${attributes}>${children}</${}>`
private renderAttributes(): string {
let attributes: string = ''
for (const name in this.attributes) {
attributes += ` ${name}="${this.attributes[name]}"`
return attributes
private renderChildren(): string {
return => {
if (typeof child === 'string') {
return child
return child.render()
function Builder(): new() => Pick<Tag, 'render'> & {
[key: string]: Tag['manipulate']
} {
return class {} as any
class HTMLBuilder extends Builder() {
constructor(root?: Tag) {
if (root === undefined) {
root = new Tag()
return new Proxy(this, {
get (_, prop) {
if (prop === 'render') {
return function (): string {
return beautify(root!.render())
const tag = new Tag(prop.toString())
return tag.manipulate
const builder = new HTMLBuilder()
builder.html((html) => {
html.head((head) => {
head.title('Hello World')
html.body((body) => {
body.div((div) => {
div.h1('Hello World')
div.p('Hello Kitty')
}, { id: 'app' })
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