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Created October 9, 2012 22:02
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generate-makefile example.make
; This file was auto-generated by drush make
core = 7.x
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; Modules
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; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
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projects[apigee_sso][download][url] = ""
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; and url is the url of the download.
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projects[Input Filters][download][url] = ""
projects[Input Filters][type] = "module"
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; Modules
; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
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; Libraries
; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
libraries[awssdk][download][type] = ""
libraries[awssdk][download][url] = ""
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; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
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; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
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; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
libraries[codemirror][download][type] = ""
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; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
libraries[colorpicker][download][type] = ""
libraries[colorpicker][download][url] = ""
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libraries[colorpicker][type] = "library"
; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
libraries[glip][download][type] = ""
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; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
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; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
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; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
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; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
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; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
libraries[mediaelement][download][type] = ""
libraries[mediaelement][download][url] = ""
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libraries[mediaelement][type] = "library"
; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
libraries[SolrPhpClient][download][type] = ""
libraries[SolrPhpClient][download][url] = ""
libraries[SolrPhpClient][directory_name] = "SolrPhpClient"
libraries[SolrPhpClient][type] = "library"
; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
libraries[spyc][download][type] = ""
libraries[spyc][download][url] = ""
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libraries[spyc][type] = "library"
; Please fill the following out. Type may be one of get, git, bzr or svn,
; and url is the url of the download.
libraries[tinymce][download][type] = ""
libraries[tinymce][download][url] = ""
libraries[tinymce][directory_name] = "tinymce"
libraries[tinymce][type] = "library"
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