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Last active August 22, 2019 09:19
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vscode snippets
"require": {
"prefix": "require",
"body": [
"$1: require('../$1/$')"
"description": "Require data"
"Add row and column": {
"prefix": "row",
"body": [
"<div class=\"row\">",
"\t<div class=\"column\">$1</div>",
"\t<div class=\"column\">$2</div>",
"description": "Add Basicgrid row and column"
"Nunjucks inject": {
"prefix": "inject",
"body": [
"{% inject \"$1/$1.njk\", $1 %}"
"description": "Nunjucks inject"
"Bodytext Safe": {
"prefix": "bdt",
"body": [
"{{bodytext | safe}}"
"description": "Bodytext with safe tag"
"If target": {
"prefix": "tar",
"body": [
"target=\"{{ | default('_blank') }}\""
"description": "If target"
"href": {
"prefix": "link",
"body": [
"<a href=\"{{ item.href.value }}\" {% if %}target=\"{{ | default('_blank') }}\"{% endif %}>",
"\t{{ item.label }}",
"description": "link"
"add color": {
"prefix": "cc",
"body": [
"description": "Add color variables"
"add media": {
"prefix": "media",
"body": [
"@media (${1|min,max|}-width: ${2|$bpS,$bpM,$bpL|}) {",
"description": "Add media queries"
"transition": {
"prefix": "trans",
"body": [
"transition: $1 $$duration $$timing;",
"description": "Add Transition shorthand"
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