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Created July 15, 2023 21:42
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  • Save stphnt/3fcd14412a0a2ac77edc936df8fa6ba0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save stphnt/3fcd14412a0a2ac77edc936df8fa6ba0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Prints the length of each item's name in a DistributedSlice. The first lenght of the first element's name is wildly wrong and "random" (changes with each execution)
.def @feat.00;
.scl 3;
.type 0;
.globl @feat.00
.set @feat.00, 0
.intel_syntax noprefix
.file "status_access_violation.e59d84ea29ccfa64-cgu.0"
.def std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace;
.scl 3;
.type 32;
.section .text,"xr",one_only,std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
.p2align 4, 0x90
.cv_func_id 0
.seh_proc _ZN3std10sys_common9backtrace28__rust_begin_short_backtrace17h0f4dfb1988a98a6aE
sub rsp, 40
.seh_stackalloc 40
.cv_inline_site_id 1 within 0 inlined_at 1 135 0
call rcx
.cv_inline_site_id 2 within 0 inlined_at 1 138 0
add rsp, 40
.def std::rt::lang_start;
.scl 2;
.type 32;
.section .text,"xr",one_only,std::rt::lang_start
.globl std::rt::lang_start
.p2align 4, 0x90
.cv_func_id 3
.seh_proc _ZN3std2rt10lang_start17he98a08ff99d3588bE
sub rsp, 56
.seh_stackalloc 56
mov rax, r8
mov r8, rdx
mov qword ptr [rsp + 48], rcx
mov byte ptr [rsp + 32], r9b
lea rdx, [rip + __unnamed_1]
lea rcx, [rsp + 48]
mov r9, rax
call std::rt::lang_start_internal
add rsp, 56
.def std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}};
.scl 3;
.type 32;
.section .text,"xr",one_only,std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}
.p2align 4, 0x90
.cv_func_id 4
.seh_proc _ZN3std2rt10lang_start28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h30316fa57f54d06cE
sub rsp, 40
.seh_stackalloc 40
mov rcx, qword ptr [rcx]
call std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
xor eax, eax
add rsp, 40
.def <&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt;
.scl 3;
.type 32;
.section .text,"xr",one_only,<&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
.p2align 4, 0x90
<&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt:
.cv_func_id 5
.seh_proc _ZN42_$LT$$RF$T$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Debug$GT$3fmt17hb0234ac14b972a66E
push r15
.seh_pushreg r15
push r14
.seh_pushreg r14
push rsi
.seh_pushreg rsi
push rdi
.seh_pushreg rdi
push rbx
.seh_pushreg rbx
sub rsp, 64
.seh_stackalloc 64
mov r14, qword ptr [rcx]
mov r15, qword ptr [rcx + 8]
lea rcx, [rsp + 48]
.cv_inline_site_id 6 within 5 inlined_at 5 2268 0
call core::fmt::Formatter::debug_list
.cv_inline_site_id 7 within 6 inlined_at 5 2496 0
.cv_inline_site_id 8 within 7 inlined_at 7 632 0
test r15, r15
je .LBB3_3
lea rsi, [rip + __unnamed_2]
lea rdi, [rsp + 48]
lea rbx, [rsp + 40]
.p2align 4, 0x90
mov qword ptr [rsp + 40], r14
.cv_inline_site_id 9 within 8 inlined_at 6 59 0
.cv_inline_site_id 10 within 9 inlined_at 6 90 0
.cv_inline_site_id 11 within 10 inlined_at 9 463 0
inc r14
mov rcx, rdi
mov rdx, rbx
mov r8, rsi
call core::fmt::builders::DebugList::entry
dec r15
jne .LBB3_2
lea rcx, [rsp + 48]
call core::fmt::builders::DebugList::finish
add rsp, 64
pop rbx
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop r14
pop r15
.def <&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt;
.scl 3;
.type 32;
.section .text,"xr",one_only,<&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
.p2align 4, 0x90
<&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt:
.cv_func_id 12
.seh_proc _ZN42_$LT$$RF$T$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Debug$GT$3fmt17hf069c4c2036fb894E
push rsi
.seh_pushreg rsi
push rdi
.seh_pushreg rdi
sub rsp, 40
.seh_stackalloc 40
mov rsi, rdx
mov rdi, qword ptr [rcx]
.cv_inline_site_id 13 within 12 inlined_at 5 2268 0
mov rcx, rdx
call core::fmt::Formatter::debug_lower_hex
test al, al
je .LBB4_1
mov rcx, rdi
mov rdx, rsi
add rsp, 40
pop rdi
pop rsi
jmp core::fmt::num::<impl core::fmt::LowerHex for u8>::fmt
mov rcx, rsi
call core::fmt::Formatter::debug_upper_hex
mov rcx, rdi
mov rdx, rsi
test al, al
je .LBB4_4
add rsp, 40
pop rdi
pop rsi
jmp core::fmt::num::<impl core::fmt::UpperHex for u8>::fmt
add rsp, 40
pop rdi
pop rsi
jmp core::fmt::num::imp::<impl core::fmt::Display for u8>::fmt
.def <&T as core::fmt::Display>::fmt;
.scl 3;
.type 32;
.section .text,"xr",one_only,<&T as core::fmt::Display>::fmt
.p2align 4, 0x90
<&T as core::fmt::Display>::fmt:
.cv_func_id 14
mov r8, rdx
mov rax, qword ptr [rcx]
mov rdx, qword ptr [rcx + 8]
mov rcx, rax
jmp <str as core::fmt::Display>::fmt
.def core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}};
.scl 3;
.type 32;
.section .text,"xr",one_only,core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}
.p2align 4, 0x90
.cv_func_id 15
.seh_proc _ZN4core3ops8function6FnOnce40call_once$u7b$$u7b$vtable.shim$u7d$$u7d$17h4865b4ac1363095dE
sub rsp, 40
.seh_stackalloc 40
mov rcx, qword ptr [rcx]
.cv_inline_site_id 16 within 15 inlined_at 2 250 0
.cv_inline_site_id 17 within 16 inlined_at 2 250 0
call std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
xor eax, eax
add rsp, 40
.def core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once;
.scl 3;
.type 32;
.section .text,"xr",one_only,core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
.p2align 4, 0x90
.cv_func_id 18
.seh_proc _ZN4core3ops8function6FnOnce9call_once17hc67d52552141aaf2E
push r15
.seh_pushreg r15
push r14
.seh_pushreg r14
push r13
.seh_pushreg r13
push r12
.seh_pushreg r12
push rsi
.seh_pushreg rsi
push rdi
.seh_pushreg rdi
push rbp
.seh_pushreg rbp
push rbx
.seh_pushreg rbx
sub rsp, 152
.seh_stackalloc 152
.cv_inline_site_id 19 within 18 inlined_at 2 250 0
.cv_inline_site_id 20 within 19 inlined_at 12 34 0
.cv_inline_site_id 21 within 20 inlined_at 12 36 0
movups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rip + status_access_violation::ITEMS+32]
movaps xmmword ptr [rsp + 128], xmm0
movups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rip + status_access_violation::ITEMS+16]
movaps xmmword ptr [rsp + 112], xmm0
movups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rip + status_access_violation::ITEMS]
movaps xmmword ptr [rsp + 96], xmm0
.cv_inline_site_id 22 within 21 inlined_at 11 293 0
lea rax, [rip + status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK_STOP]
lea rcx, [rip + status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK_START+8]
cmp rcx, rax
jae .LBB7_2
lea rax, [rsp + 96]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 80], rax
lea rax, [rip + <&T as core::fmt::Display>::fmt]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 88], rax
.cv_inline_site_id 23 within 22 inlined_at 11 257 0
lea rax, [rip + __unnamed_3]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 32], rax
mov qword ptr [rsp + 40], 2
mov qword ptr [rsp + 64], 0
lea rax, [rsp + 80]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 48], rax
mov qword ptr [rsp + 56], 1
lea rdx, [rip + __unnamed_4]
lea rcx, [rsp + 32]
call core::panicking::panic_fmt
.cv_inline_site_id 24 within 20 inlined_at 12 36 0
lea rax, [rip + status_access_violation::ITEMS::LINKME_START]
lea rdi, [rip + status_access_violation::ITEMS::LINKME_STOP]
sub rdi, rax
cmp rdi, 16
jb .LBB7_6
lea rbx, [rsp + 80]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 96], rbx
lea rcx, [rip + core::fmt::num::imp::<impl core::fmt::Display for usize>::fmt]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 104], rcx
mov qword ptr [rsp + 112], rax
lea rax, [rip + <&T as core::fmt::Display>::fmt]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 120], rax
.cv_inline_site_id 25 within 20 inlined_at 12 42 0
lea rax, [rip + __unnamed_5]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 32], rax
mov qword ptr [rsp + 40], 3
mov qword ptr [rsp + 64], 0
lea r13, [rsp + 96]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 48], r13
mov qword ptr [rsp + 56], 2
lea rcx, [rsp + 32]
call std::io::stdio::_print
mov qword ptr [rsp + 80], r13
lea r12, [rip + <&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 88], r12
.cv_inline_site_id 26 within 20 inlined_at 12 43 0
lea rsi, [rip + __unnamed_6]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 32], rsi
mov qword ptr [rsp + 40], 2
mov qword ptr [rsp + 64], 0
mov qword ptr [rsp + 48], rbx
mov qword ptr [rsp + 56], 1
lea rcx, [rsp + 32]
call std::io::stdio::_print
and rdi, -16
cmp rdi, 16
je .LBB7_6
add rdi, -16
lea rax, [rip + status_access_violation::ITEMS::LINKME_START+16]
.p2align 4, 0x90
.cv_inline_site_id 27 within 24 inlined_at 6 59 0
.cv_inline_site_id 28 within 27 inlined_at 6 90 0
.cv_inline_site_id 29 within 28 inlined_at 9 463 0
lea rcx, [rax + 16]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 144], rcx
mov r14, r12
mov r12, qword ptr [rax]
mov rbp, qword ptr [rax + 8]
.cv_inline_site_id 30 within 20 inlined_at 12 42 0
mov qword ptr [rsp + 80], rbp
mov qword ptr [rsp + 96], rbx
lea rcx, [rip + core::fmt::num::imp::<impl core::fmt::Display for usize>::fmt]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 104], rcx
mov qword ptr [rsp + 112], rax
lea rax, [rip + <&T as core::fmt::Display>::fmt]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 120], rax
lea rax, [rip + __unnamed_5]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 32], rax
mov qword ptr [rsp + 40], 3
mov qword ptr [rsp + 64], 0
mov qword ptr [rsp + 48], r13
mov qword ptr [rsp + 56], 2
lea r15, [rsp + 32]
mov rcx, r15
call std::io::stdio::_print
.cv_inline_site_id 31 within 20 inlined_at 12 43 0
mov qword ptr [rsp + 96], r12
mov r12, r14
mov qword ptr [rsp + 104], rbp
mov qword ptr [rsp + 80], r13
mov qword ptr [rsp + 88], r14
mov qword ptr [rsp + 32], rsi
mov qword ptr [rsp + 40], 2
mov qword ptr [rsp + 64], 0
mov qword ptr [rsp + 48], rbx
mov qword ptr [rsp + 56], 1
mov rcx, r15
call std::io::stdio::_print
mov rax, qword ptr [rsp + 144]
add rdi, -16
jne .LBB7_5
.cv_inline_site_id 32 within 20 inlined_at 14 61 0
lea rax, [rip + __unnamed_7]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 32], rax
mov qword ptr [rsp + 40], 1
lea rax, [rip + __unnamed_8]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 48], rax
xorps xmm0, xmm0
movups xmmword ptr [rsp + 56], xmm0
lea rdx, [rip + __unnamed_9]
lea rcx, [rsp + 32]
call core::panicking::panic_fmt
.def core::ptr::drop_in_place<&u8>;
.scl 3;
.type 32;
.section .text,"xr",one_only,core::ptr::drop_in_place<&u8>
.p2align 4, 0x90
.cv_func_id 33
.def status_access_violation::main;
.scl 3;
.type 32;
.section .text,"xr",one_only,status_access_violation::main
.p2align 4, 0x90
.cv_func_id 34
lea rcx, [rip + __unnamed_10]
mov edx, 1
jmp test::test_main_static
.def main;
.scl 2;
.type 32;
.section .text,"xr",one_only,main
.globl main
.p2align 4, 0x90
.seh_proc main
sub rsp, 56
.seh_stackalloc 56
mov r9, rdx
movsxd r8, ecx
lea rax, [rip + status_access_violation::main]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 48], rax
mov byte ptr [rsp + 32], 0
lea rdx, [rip + __unnamed_1]
lea rcx, [rsp + 48]
call std::rt::lang_start_internal
add rsp, 56
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_1
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad core::ptr::drop_in_place<&u8>
.asciz "\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\b\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.quad core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}
.quad std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}
.quad std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_2
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad core::ptr::drop_in_place<&u8>
.asciz "\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\b\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.quad <&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_8
.p2align 3, 0x0
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_11
.ascii "duplicate #[distributed_slice] with name \""
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_12
.byte 34
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_3
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad __unnamed_11
.asciz "*\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.quad __unnamed_12
.asciz "\001\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_13
.ascii "C:\\Users\\steph\\projects\\rust\\linkme\\src\\"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_4
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad __unnamed_13
.asciz "<\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\001\000\000\r\000\000"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_14
.ascii "ITEMS"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,status_access_violation::ITEMS
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad __unnamed_14
.asciz "\005\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.quad status_access_violation::ITEMS::LINKME_START
.quad status_access_violation::ITEMS::LINKME_STOP
.quad status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK_START
.quad status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK_STOP
.section .linkme_ITEMS$a,"dr"
.p2align 3, 0x0
.section .linkme_ITEMS$c,"dr"
.p2align 3, 0x0
.section .linkm2_ITEMS$a,"dr"
.section .linkm2_ITEMS$c,"dr"
.section .linkm2_ITEMS$b,"dr"
.p2align 3, 0x0
.asciz "\001\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_15
.ascii "tests\\"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_16
.byte 32
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_17
.byte 10
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_5
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad __unnamed_8
.zero 8
.quad __unnamed_16
.asciz "\001\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.quad __unnamed_17
.asciz "\001\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_6
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad __unnamed_8
.zero 8
.quad __unnamed_17
.asciz "\001\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_18
.ascii "end"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_7
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad __unnamed_18
.asciz "\003\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_9
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad __unnamed_15
.asciz " \000\000\000\000\000\000\000-\000\000\000\005\000\000"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_19
.ascii "item3"
.section .linkme_ITEMS$b,"dr"
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad __unnamed_19
.asciz "\005\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_20
.ascii "item2"
.section .linkme_ITEMS$b,"dr"
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad __unnamed_20
.asciz "\005\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_21
.ascii "item1"
.section .linkme_ITEMS$b,"dr"
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad __unnamed_21
.asciz "\005\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_22
.ascii "test_failure"
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_23
.p2align 3, 0x0
.zero 8
.zero 16
.zero 1
.zero 7
.quad __unnamed_22
.asciz "\f\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.zero 8
.quad __unnamed_15
.asciz " \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
.zero 8
.ascii "\"\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\"\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\020\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001"
.zero 4
.zero 8
.quad core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
.zero 8
.section .rdata,"dr",one_only,__unnamed_10
.p2align 3, 0x0
.quad __unnamed_23
.section .debug$S,"dr"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 4
.long 241
.long .Ltmp97-.Ltmp96
.short .Ltmp99-.Ltmp98
.short 4353
.long 0
.byte 0
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp101-.Ltmp100
.short 4412
.long 21
.short 208
.short 1
.short 71
.short 0
.short 0
.short 16005
.short 0
.short 0
.short 0
.asciz "clang LLVM (rustc version 1.71.0 (8ede3aae2 2023-07-12))"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 246
.long .Ltmp103-.Ltmp102
.long 0
.long 4102
.cv_filechecksumoffset 2
.long 250
.long 4111
.cv_filechecksumoffset 3
.long 292
.long 4185
.cv_filechecksumoffset 5
.long 2495
.long 4208
.cv_filechecksumoffset 7
.long 627
.long 4234
.cv_filechecksumoffset 6
.long 131
.long 4237
.cv_filechecksumoffset 6
.long 83
.long 4240
.cv_filechecksumoffset 9
.long 455
.long 4244
.cv_filechecksumoffset 8
.long 915
.long 4248
.cv_filechecksumoffset 10
.long 189
.long 4255
.cv_filechecksumoffset 2
.long 250
.long 4260
.cv_filechecksumoffset 4
.long 166
.long 4312
.cv_filechecksumoffset 12
.long 34
.long 4314
.cv_filechecksumoffset 12
.long 34
.long 4349
.cv_filechecksumoffset 11
.long 292
.long 4355
.cv_filechecksumoffset 11
.long 255
.long 4441
.cv_filechecksumoffset 5
.long 307
.long 4466
.cv_filechecksumoffset 6
.long 131
.long 4468
.cv_filechecksumoffset 6
.long 83
.long 4471
.cv_filechecksumoffset 9
.long 455
.long 4474
.cv_filechecksumoffset 8
.long 915
.long 4478
.cv_filechecksumoffset 13
.long 160
.long 4480
.cv_filechecksumoffset 13
.long 325
.long 4483
.cv_filechecksumoffset 5
.long 297
.p2align 2, 0x0
.section .debug$S,"dr",associative,std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 4
.long 241
.long .Ltmp105-.Ltmp104
.short .Ltmp107-.Ltmp106
.short 4422
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long .Lfunc_end0-std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4485
.secrel32 std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
.secidx std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
.byte 0
.asciz "std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace<void (*)(),tuple$<> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp109-.Ltmp108
.short 4114
.long 40
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.short 0
.long 1138696
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp111-.Ltmp110
.short 4414
.long 4099
.short 1
.asciz "f"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin0 .Ltmp1, reg, 330
.short .Ltmp113-.Ltmp112
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4102
.cv_inline_linetable 1 2 250 .Lfunc_begin0 .Lfunc_end0
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp115-.Ltmp114
.short 4414
.long 4099
.short 1
.byte 0
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin0 .Ltmp1, reg, 330
.short 2
.short 4430
.short .Ltmp117-.Ltmp116
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4111
.cv_inline_linetable 2 3 292 .Lfunc_begin0 .Lfunc_end0
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4431
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_linetable 0, std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace, .Lfunc_end0
.section .debug$S,"dr",associative,std::rt::lang_start
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 4
.long 241
.long .Ltmp119-.Ltmp118
.short .Ltmp121-.Ltmp120
.short 4423
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long .Lfunc_end1-std::rt::lang_start
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4490
.secrel32 std::rt::lang_start
.secidx std::rt::lang_start
.byte 0
.asciz "std::rt::lang_start<tuple$<> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp123-.Ltmp122
.short 4114
.long 56
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.short 0
.long 1138688
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp125-.Ltmp124
.short 4414
.long 4099
.short 1
.asciz "main"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin1 .Ltmp6, reg, 330
.short .Ltmp127-.Ltmp126
.short 4414
.long 19
.short 1
.asciz "argc"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin1 .Ltmp5, reg, 331
.cv_def_range .Ltmp5 .Ltmp8, reg, 336
.short .Ltmp129-.Ltmp128
.short 4414
.long 4487
.short 1
.asciz "argv"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin1 .Ltmp4, reg, 336
.cv_def_range .Ltmp4 .Ltmp8, reg, 328
.short .Ltmp131-.Ltmp130
.short 4414
.long 32
.short 1
.asciz "sigpipe"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin1 .Ltmp7, reg, 345
.short 2
.short 4431
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_linetable 3, std::rt::lang_start, .Lfunc_end1
.section .debug$S,"dr",associative,std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 4
.long 241
.long .Ltmp133-.Ltmp132
.short .Ltmp135-.Ltmp134
.short 4422
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long .Lfunc_end2-std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4260
.secrel32 std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}
.secidx std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}
.byte 0
.asciz "std::rt::lang_start::closure$0<tuple$<> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp137-.Ltmp136
.short 4114
.long 40
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.short 0
.long 1138720
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp139-.Ltmp138
.short 4414
.long 4099
.short 0
.asciz "main"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp10 .Ltmp11, reg_rel, 330, 0, 0
.short 2
.short 4431
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_linetable 4, std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}, .Lfunc_end2
.section .debug$S,"dr",associative,<&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 4
.long 241
.long .Ltmp141-.Ltmp140
.short .Ltmp143-.Ltmp142
.short 4422
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long .Lfunc_end3-<&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4495
.secrel32 <&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
.secidx <&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
.byte 0
.asciz "core::fmt::impl$53::fmt<slice2$<u8> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp145-.Ltmp144
.short 4114
.long 64
.long 0
.long 0
.long 40
.long 0
.short 0
.long 1138704
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp147-.Ltmp146
.short 4414
.long 4492
.short 1
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin3 .Ltmp14, reg, 330
.short .Ltmp149-.Ltmp148
.short 4414
.long 4116
.short 1
.asciz "f"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin3 .Ltmp15, reg, 331
.short .Ltmp151-.Ltmp150
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4185
.cv_inline_linetable 6 5 2495 .Lfunc_begin3 .Lfunc_end3
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp153-.Ltmp152
.short 4414
.long 4116
.short 1
.asciz "f"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp13 .Ltmp15, reg, 331
.short .Ltmp155-.Ltmp154
.short 4414
.long 4125
.short 0
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp13 .Ltmp17, subfield_reg, 343, 8
.cv_def_range .Ltmp13 .Ltmp17, subfield_reg, 342, 0
.short .Ltmp157-.Ltmp156
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4208
.cv_inline_linetable 7 7 627 .Lfunc_begin3 .Lfunc_end3
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp159-.Ltmp158
.short 4414
.long 4194
.short 257
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp161-.Ltmp160
.short 4414
.long 4201
.short 0
.asciz "entries"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp15 .Ltmp17, subfield_reg, 342, 0
.short .Ltmp163-.Ltmp162
.short 4414
.long 4201
.short 0
.asciz "iter"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp15 .Ltmp21, subfield_reg, 342, 0
.short .Ltmp165-.Ltmp164
.short 4414
.long 1568
.short 0
.asciz "entry"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp19 .Ltmp21, frame_ptr_rel, 40
.short .Ltmp167-.Ltmp166
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4234
.cv_inline_linetable 8 6 131 .Lfunc_begin3 .Lfunc_end3
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp169-.Ltmp168
.short 4414
.long 4211
.short 257
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp171-.Ltmp170
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4237
.cv_inline_linetable 9 6 83 .Lfunc_begin3 .Lfunc_end3
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp173-.Ltmp172
.short 4414
.long 4211
.short 257
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp175-.Ltmp174
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "offset"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp177-.Ltmp176
.short 4414
.long 4204
.short 0
.asciz "old"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp18 .Ltmp19, reg, 342
.short .Ltmp179-.Ltmp178
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4240
.cv_inline_linetable 10 9 455 .Lfunc_begin3 .Lfunc_end3
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp181-.Ltmp180
.short 4414
.long 4204
.short 1
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp18 .Ltmp19, reg, 342
.short .Ltmp183-.Ltmp182
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "delta"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp185-.Ltmp184
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4244
.cv_inline_linetable 11 8 915 .Lfunc_begin3 .Lfunc_end3
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp187-.Ltmp186
.short 4414
.long 1568
.short 1
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp18 .Ltmp19, reg, 342
.short .Ltmp189-.Ltmp188
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "count"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4431
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_linetable 5, <&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt, .Lfunc_end3
.section .debug$S,"dr",associative,<&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 4
.long 241
.long .Ltmp191-.Ltmp190
.short .Ltmp193-.Ltmp192
.short 4422
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long .Lfunc_end4-<&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4498
.secrel32 <&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
.secidx <&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
.byte 0
.asciz "core::fmt::impl$53::fmt<u8>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp195-.Ltmp194
.short 4114
.long 40
.long 0
.long 0
.long 16
.long 0
.short 0
.long 1138688
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp197-.Ltmp196
.short 4414
.long 4487
.short 1
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin4 .Ltmp26, reg, 330
.short .Ltmp199-.Ltmp198
.short 4414
.long 4116
.short 1
.asciz "f"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin4 .Ltmp27 .Ltmp30 .Ltmp31, reg, 331
.cv_def_range .Ltmp27 .Ltmp30 .Ltmp31 .Ltmp34 .Ltmp35 .Ltmp37, reg, 332
.short .Ltmp201-.Ltmp200
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4248
.cv_inline_linetable 13 10 189 .Lfunc_begin4 .Lfunc_end4
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp203-.Ltmp202
.short 4414
.long 1568
.short 1
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp25 .Ltmp29 .Ltmp31 .Ltmp33 .Ltmp35 .Ltmp36, reg, 333
.cv_def_range .Ltmp29 .Ltmp31, reg, 330
.short .Ltmp205-.Ltmp204
.short 4414
.long 4116
.short 1
.asciz "f"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp25 .Ltmp30 .Ltmp31 .Ltmp34 .Ltmp35 .Ltmp37, reg, 332
.cv_def_range .Ltmp30 .Ltmp31, reg, 331
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4431
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_linetable 12, <&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt, .Lfunc_end4
.section .debug$S,"dr",associative,<&T as core::fmt::Display>::fmt
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 4
.long 241
.long .Ltmp207-.Ltmp206
.short .Ltmp209-.Ltmp208
.short 4422
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long .Lfunc_end5-<&T as core::fmt::Display>::fmt
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4502
.secrel32 <&T as core::fmt::Display>::fmt
.secidx <&T as core::fmt::Display>::fmt
.byte 0
.asciz "core::fmt::impl$55::fmt<str$>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp211-.Ltmp210
.short 4114
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.short 0
.long 1056768
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp213-.Ltmp212
.short 4414
.long 4363
.short 1
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin5 .Ltmp41, reg, 330
.short .Ltmp215-.Ltmp214
.short 4414
.long 4116
.short 1
.asciz "f"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin5 .Ltmp40, reg, 331
.cv_def_range .Ltmp40 .Ltmp42, reg, 336
.short 2
.short 4431
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_linetable 14, <&T as core::fmt::Display>::fmt, .Lfunc_end5
.section .debug$S,"dr",associative,core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 4
.long 241
.long .Ltmp217-.Ltmp216
.short .Ltmp219-.Ltmp218
.short 4422
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long .Lfunc_end6-core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4503
.secrel32 core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}
.secidx core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}
.byte 0
.asciz "core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once<std::rt::lang_start::closure_env$0<tuple$<> >,tuple$<> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp221-.Ltmp220
.short 4114
.long 40
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.short 0
.long 1138736
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp223-.Ltmp222
.short 4414
.long 4257
.short 1
.byte 0
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin6 .Ltmp44, reg, 330
.short .Ltmp225-.Ltmp224
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4255
.cv_inline_linetable 16 2 250 .Lfunc_begin6 .Lfunc_end6
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp227-.Ltmp226
.short 4414
.long 4253
.short 1
.byte 0
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp44 .Ltmp45, reg, 330
.short .Ltmp229-.Ltmp228
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4260
.cv_inline_linetable 17 4 166 .Lfunc_begin6 .Lfunc_end6
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4431
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_linetable 15, core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}, .Lfunc_end6
.section .debug$S,"dr",associative,core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 4
.long 241
.long .Ltmp231-.Ltmp230
.short .Ltmp233-.Ltmp232
.short 4422
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long .Lfunc_end7-core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4506
.secrel32 core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
.secidx core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
.byte 0
.asciz "core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once<status_access_violation::test_failure::closure_env$0,tuple$<> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp235-.Ltmp234
.short 4114
.long 152
.long 0
.long 0
.long 64
.long 0
.short 0
.long 1138736
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp237-.Ltmp236
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4312
.cv_inline_linetable 19 12 34 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp239-.Ltmp238
.short 4414
.long 4264
.short 257
.byte 0
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp241-.Ltmp240
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4314
.cv_inline_linetable 20 12 34 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp243-.Ltmp242
.short 4359
.long 4130
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "last_address"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp245-.Ltmp244
.short 4414
.long 4325
.short 0
.asciz "iter"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp56 .Ltmp61 .Ltmp72 .Ltmp73, subfield_reg, 328, 0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp73 .Ltmp74, subfield_reg, 330, 0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp74 .Ltmp89, reg_rel, 335, 1, 144
.short .Ltmp247-.Ltmp246
.short 4414
.long 4322
.short 0
.asciz "item"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp73 .Ltmp79, reg, 328
.short .Ltmp249-.Ltmp248
.short 4414
.long 35
.short 0
.asciz "address"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp73 .Ltmp79, reg, 328
.short .Ltmp251-.Ltmp250
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4349
.cv_inline_linetable 21 11 292 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp253-.Ltmp252
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4355
.cv_inline_linetable 22 11 255 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp255-.Ltmp254
.short 4414
.long 4331
.short 1
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp48 .Ltmp54, frame_ptr_rel, 96
.short .Ltmp257-.Ltmp256
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4441
.cv_inline_linetable 23 5 307 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp259-.Ltmp258
.short 4359
.long 4357
.byte 0x02, 0x00
.asciz "pieces"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp261-.Ltmp260
.short 4359
.long 4359
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "args"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short .Ltmp263-.Ltmp262
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4466
.cv_inline_linetable 24 6 131 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp265-.Ltmp264
.short 4414
.long 4443
.short 257
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp267-.Ltmp266
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4468
.cv_inline_linetable 27 6 83 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp269-.Ltmp268
.short 4414
.long 4443
.short 257
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp271-.Ltmp270
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "offset"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp273-.Ltmp272
.short 4414
.long 4334
.short 0
.asciz "old"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp72 .Ltmp79, reg, 328
.short .Ltmp275-.Ltmp274
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4471
.cv_inline_linetable 28 9 455 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp277-.Ltmp276
.short 4414
.long 4334
.short 1
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp72 .Ltmp79, reg, 328
.short .Ltmp279-.Ltmp278
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "delta"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp281-.Ltmp280
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4474
.cv_inline_linetable 29 8 915 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp283-.Ltmp282
.short 4414
.long 4322
.short 1
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp72 .Ltmp79, reg, 328
.short .Ltmp285-.Ltmp284
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "count"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short .Ltmp287-.Ltmp286
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4441
.cv_inline_linetable 25 5 307 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp289-.Ltmp288
.short 4359
.long 4357
.byte 0x03, 0x00
.asciz "pieces"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp291-.Ltmp290
.short 4359
.long 4359
.byte 0x02, 0x00
.asciz "args"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short 2
.short 4430
.short .Ltmp293-.Ltmp292
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4441
.cv_inline_linetable 26 5 307 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp295-.Ltmp294
.short 4359
.long 4357
.byte 0x02, 0x00
.asciz "pieces"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp297-.Ltmp296
.short 4359
.long 4359
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "args"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short 2
.short 4430
.short .Ltmp299-.Ltmp298
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4478
.cv_inline_linetable 30 13 160 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp301-.Ltmp300
.short 4414
.long 4341
.short 0
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp77 .Ltmp89, subfield_reg, 334, 8
.short 2
.short 4430
.short .Ltmp303-.Ltmp302
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4480
.cv_inline_linetable 31 13 325 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp305-.Ltmp304
.short 4414
.long 4341
.short 0
.asciz "self"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp76 .Ltmp83, subfield_reg, 340, 0
.cv_def_range .Ltmp82 .Ltmp89, subfield_reg, 334, 8
.short 2
.short 4430
.short .Ltmp307-.Ltmp306
.short 4429
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4483
.cv_inline_linetable 32 5 297 .Lfunc_begin7 .Lfunc_end7
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp309-.Ltmp308
.short 4359
.long 4357
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "pieces"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4430
.short 2
.short 4431
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_linetable 18, core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once, .Lfunc_end7
.section .debug$S,"dr",associative,core::ptr::drop_in_place<&u8>
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 4
.long 241
.long .Ltmp311-.Ltmp310
.short .Ltmp313-.Ltmp312
.short 4422
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long .Lfunc_end8-core::ptr::drop_in_place<&u8>
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4510
.secrel32 core::ptr::drop_in_place<&u8>
.secidx core::ptr::drop_in_place<&u8>
.byte 0
.asciz "core::ptr::drop_in_place<ref$<u8> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp315-.Ltmp314
.short 4114
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.short 0
.long 1056800
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp317-.Ltmp316
.short 4414
.long 4487
.short 257
.byte 0
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short 2
.short 4431
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_linetable 33, core::ptr::drop_in_place<&u8>, .Lfunc_end8
.section .debug$S,"dr",associative,status_access_violation::main
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 4
.long 241
.long .Ltmp319-.Ltmp318
.short .Ltmp321-.Ltmp320
.short 4422
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long .Lfunc_end9-status_access_violation::main
.long 0
.long 0
.long 4511
.secrel32 status_access_violation::main
.secidx status_access_violation::main
.byte 0
.asciz "status_access_violation::main"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp323-.Ltmp322
.short 4114
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.short 0
.long 1056768
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short 2
.short 4431
.p2align 2, 0x0
.cv_linetable 34, status_access_violation::main, .Lfunc_end9
.section .debug$S,"dr"
.long 241
.long .Ltmp325-.Ltmp324
.short .Ltmp327-.Ltmp326
.short 4364
.long 4515
.secrel32 __unnamed_1
.secidx __unnamed_1
.asciz "impl$<std::rt::lang_start::closure_env$0<tuple$<> >, core::ops::function::Fn<tuple$<> > >::vtable$"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp329-.Ltmp328
.short 4364
.long 4519
.secrel32 __unnamed_2
.secidx __unnamed_2
.asciz "impl$<ref$<u8>, core::fmt::Debug>::vtable$"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp331-.Ltmp330
.short 4364
.long 4331
.secrel32 status_access_violation::ITEMS
.secidx status_access_violation::ITEMS
.asciz "status_access_violation::ITEMS"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp333-.Ltmp332
.short 4364
.long 4521
.secrel32 status_access_violation::ITEMS::LINKME_START
.secidx status_access_violation::ITEMS::LINKME_START
.asciz "status_access_violation::ITEMS::LINKME_START"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp335-.Ltmp334
.short 4364
.long 4521
.secrel32 status_access_violation::ITEMS::LINKME_STOP
.secidx status_access_violation::ITEMS::LINKME_STOP
.asciz "status_access_violation::ITEMS::LINKME_STOP"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp337-.Ltmp336
.short 4364
.long 4108
.secrel32 status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK_START
.secidx status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK_START
.asciz "status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK_START"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp339-.Ltmp338
.short 4364
.long 4108
.secrel32 status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK_STOP
.secidx status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK_STOP
.asciz "status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK_STOP"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp341-.Ltmp340
.short 4364
.long 35
.secrel32 status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK
.secidx status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK
.asciz "status_access_violation::ITEMS::DUPCHECK"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp343-.Ltmp342
.short 4364
.long 4337
.secrel32 status_access_violation::ITEM3
.secidx status_access_violation::ITEM3
.asciz "status_access_violation::ITEM3"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp345-.Ltmp344
.short 4364
.long 4337
.secrel32 status_access_violation::ITEM2
.secidx status_access_violation::ITEM2
.asciz "status_access_violation::ITEM2"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp347-.Ltmp346
.short 4364
.long 4337
.secrel32 status_access_violation::ITEM1
.secidx status_access_violation::ITEM1
.asciz "status_access_violation::ITEM1"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp349-.Ltmp348
.short 4359
.long 4137
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Variant0::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp351-.Ltmp350
.short 4359
.long 32
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Variant0::DISCR_EXACT"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp353-.Ltmp352
.short 4359
.long 4137
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Variant1::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp355-.Ltmp354
.short 4359
.long 32
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Variant1::DISCR_EXACT"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp357-.Ltmp356
.short 4359
.long 4167
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<usize> >::Variant0::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp359-.Ltmp358
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<usize> >::Variant0::DISCR_EXACT"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp361-.Ltmp360
.short 4359
.long 4167
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<usize> >::Variant1::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp363-.Ltmp362
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<usize> >::Variant1::DISCR_EXACT"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp365-.Ltmp364
.short 4359
.long 4220
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<u8> > >::Variant0::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp367-.Ltmp366
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<u8> > >::Variant0::DISCR_EXACT"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp369-.Ltmp368
.short 4359
.long 4220
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<u8> > >::Variant1::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp371-.Ltmp370
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<u8> > >::Variant1::DISCR_BEGIN"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp373-.Ltmp372
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x0a, 0x80, 0xff, 0xff
.byte 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
.byte 0xff, 0xff
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<u8> > >::Variant1::DISCR_END"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp375-.Ltmp374
.short 4359
.long 4275
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,alloc::string::String> >::Variant0::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp377-.Ltmp376
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,alloc::string::String> >::Variant0::DISCR_EXACT"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp379-.Ltmp378
.short 4359
.long 4275
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,alloc::string::String> >::Variant1::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp381-.Ltmp380
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,alloc::string::String> >::Variant1::DISCR_BEGIN"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp383-.Ltmp382
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x0a, 0x80, 0xff, 0xff
.byte 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
.byte 0xff, 0xff
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,alloc::string::String> >::Variant1::DISCR_END"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp385-.Ltmp384
.short 4359
.long 4378
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<slice2$<core::fmt::rt::Placeholder> > > >::Variant0::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp387-.Ltmp386
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<slice2$<core::fmt::rt::Placeholder> > > >::Variant0::DISCR_EXACT"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp389-.Ltmp388
.short 4359
.long 4378
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<slice2$<core::fmt::rt::Placeholder> > > >::Variant1::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp391-.Ltmp390
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<slice2$<core::fmt::rt::Placeholder> > > >::Variant1::DISCR_BEGIN"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp393-.Ltmp392
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x0a, 0x80, 0xff, 0xff
.byte 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
.byte 0xff, 0xff
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<slice2$<core::fmt::rt::Placeholder> > > >::Variant1::DISCR_END"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp395-.Ltmp394
.short 4359
.long 4420
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>::Variant0::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp397-.Ltmp396
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>::Variant0::DISCR_EXACT"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp399-.Ltmp398
.short 4359
.long 4420
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>::Variant1::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp401-.Ltmp400
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>::Variant1::DISCR_EXACT"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp403-.Ltmp402
.short 4359
.long 4420
.byte 0x02, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>::Variant2::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp405-.Ltmp404
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x02, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>::Variant2::DISCR_EXACT"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp407-.Ltmp406
.short 4359
.long 4452
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> > >::Variant0::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp409-.Ltmp408
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> > >::Variant0::DISCR_EXACT"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp411-.Ltmp410
.short 4359
.long 4452
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> > >::Variant1::NAME"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp413-.Ltmp412
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x01, 0x00
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> > >::Variant1::DISCR_BEGIN"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp415-.Ltmp414
.short 4359
.long 35
.byte 0x0a, 0x80, 0xff, 0xff
.byte 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
.byte 0xff, 0xff
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> > >::Variant1::DISCR_END"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 241
.long .Ltmp417-.Ltmp416
.short .Ltmp419-.Ltmp418
.short 4360
.long 4108
.asciz "tuple$<>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp421-.Ltmp420
.short 4360
.long 32
.asciz "u8"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp423-.Ltmp422
.short 4360
.long 4122
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp425-.Ltmp424
.short 4360
.long 35
.asciz "usize"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp427-.Ltmp426
.short 4360
.long 4125
.asciz "ref$<slice2$<u8> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp429-.Ltmp428
.short 4360
.long 117
.asciz "u32"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp431-.Ltmp430
.short 4360
.long 4133
.asciz "core::fmt::Formatter"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp433-.Ltmp432
.short 4360
.long 4140
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Variant0"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp435-.Ltmp434
.short 4360
.long 4144
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Variant1"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp437-.Ltmp436
.short 4360
.long 35
.asciz "u64"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp439-.Ltmp438
.short 4360
.long 4149
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<usize> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp441-.Ltmp440
.short 4360
.long 4156
.asciz "ref_mut$<dyn$<core::fmt::Write> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp443-.Ltmp442
.short 4360
.long 4159
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Ok"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp445-.Ltmp444
.short 4360
.long 4163
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Err"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp447-.Ltmp446
.short 4360
.long 4170
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<usize> >::Variant0"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp449-.Ltmp448
.short 4360
.long 4174
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<usize> >::Variant1"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp451-.Ltmp450
.short 4360
.long 4176
.asciz "dyn$<core::fmt::Write>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp453-.Ltmp452
.short 4360
.long 4178
.asciz "core::fmt::Error"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp455-.Ltmp454
.short 4360
.long 4180
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<usize> >::None"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp457-.Ltmp456
.short 4360
.long 4183
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<usize> >::Some"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp459-.Ltmp458
.short 4360
.long 4189
.asciz "core::fmt::builders::DebugList"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp461-.Ltmp460
.short 4360
.long 4192
.asciz "core::fmt::builders::DebugInner"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp463-.Ltmp462
.short 4360
.long 4201
.asciz "core::slice::iter::Iter<u8>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp465-.Ltmp464
.short 4360
.long 4204
.asciz "core::ptr::non_null::NonNull<u8>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp467-.Ltmp466
.short 4360
.long 4206
.asciz "core::marker::PhantomData<ref$<u8> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp469-.Ltmp468
.short 4360
.long 4217
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<u8> > >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp471-.Ltmp470
.short 4360
.long 4223
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<u8> > >::Variant0"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp473-.Ltmp472
.short 4360
.long 4227
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<u8> > >::Variant1"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp475-.Ltmp474
.short 4360
.long 4229
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<u8> > >::None"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp477-.Ltmp476
.short 4360
.long 4232
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<u8> > >::Some"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp479-.Ltmp478
.short 4360
.long 116
.asciz "i32"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp481-.Ltmp480
.short 4360
.long 4253
.asciz "std::rt::lang_start::closure_env$0<tuple$<> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp483-.Ltmp482
.short 4360
.long 4270
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,alloc::string::String> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp485-.Ltmp484
.short 4360
.long 4272
.asciz "status_access_violation::test_failure::closure_env$0"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp487-.Ltmp486
.short 4360
.long 4278
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,alloc::string::String> >::Variant0"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp489-.Ltmp488
.short 4360
.long 4282
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,alloc::string::String> >::Variant1"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp491-.Ltmp490
.short 4360
.long 4285
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,alloc::string::String> >::Ok"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp493-.Ltmp492
.short 4360
.long 4289
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,alloc::string::String> >::Err"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp495-.Ltmp494
.short 4360
.long 4293
.asciz "alloc::string::String"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp497-.Ltmp496
.short 4360
.long 4297
.asciz "alloc::vec::Vec<u8,alloc::alloc::Global>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp499-.Ltmp498
.short 4360
.long 4302
.asciz "alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<u8,alloc::alloc::Global>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp501-.Ltmp500
.short 4360
.long 4306
.asciz "core::ptr::unique::Unique<u8>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp503-.Ltmp502
.short 4360
.long 4308
.asciz "alloc::alloc::Global"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp505-.Ltmp504
.short 4360
.long 4310
.asciz "core::marker::PhantomData<u8>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp507-.Ltmp506
.short 4360
.long 4325
.asciz "core::slice::iter::Iter<status_access_violation::Item>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp509-.Ltmp508
.short 4360
.long 4331
.asciz "linkme::distributed_slice::DistributedSlice<slice2$<status_access_violation::Item> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp511-.Ltmp510
.short 4360
.long 4334
.asciz "core::ptr::non_null::NonNull<status_access_violation::Item>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp513-.Ltmp512
.short 4360
.long 4337
.asciz "status_access_violation::Item"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp515-.Ltmp514
.short 4360
.long 4339
.asciz "core::marker::PhantomData<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp517-.Ltmp516
.short 4360
.long 4341
.asciz "ref$<str$>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp519-.Ltmp518
.short 4360
.long 4344
.asciz "linkme::distributed_slice::StaticPtr<status_access_violation::Item>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp521-.Ltmp520
.short 4360
.long 4347
.asciz "linkme::distributed_slice::StaticPtr<usize>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp523-.Ltmp522
.short 4360
.long 4353
.asciz "ref$<slice2$<status_access_violation::Item> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp525-.Ltmp524
.short 4360
.long 4361
.asciz "core::fmt::Arguments"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp527-.Ltmp526
.short 4360
.long 4365
.asciz "ref$<slice2$<ref$<str$> > >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp529-.Ltmp528
.short 4360
.long 4370
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<slice2$<core::fmt::rt::Placeholder> > > >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp531-.Ltmp530
.short 4360
.long 4375
.asciz "ref$<slice2$<core::fmt::rt::Argument> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp533-.Ltmp532
.short 4360
.long 4381
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<slice2$<core::fmt::rt::Placeholder> > > >::Variant0"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp535-.Ltmp534
.short 4360
.long 4385
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<slice2$<core::fmt::rt::Placeholder> > > >::Variant1"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp537-.Ltmp536
.short 4360
.long 4393
.asciz "core::fmt::rt::Argument"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp539-.Ltmp538
.short 4360
.long 4395
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<slice2$<core::fmt::rt::Placeholder> > > >::None"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp541-.Ltmp540
.short 4360
.long 4399
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<slice2$<core::fmt::rt::Placeholder> > > >::Some"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp543-.Ltmp542
.short 4360
.long 4401
.asciz "core::fmt::rt::extern$0::Opaque"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp545-.Ltmp544
.short 4360
.long 4406
.asciz "ref$<slice2$<core::fmt::rt::Placeholder> >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp547-.Ltmp546
.short 4360
.long 4410
.asciz "core::fmt::rt::Placeholder"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp549-.Ltmp548
.short 4360
.long 4416
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp551-.Ltmp550
.short 4360
.long 4423
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>::Variant0"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp553-.Ltmp552
.short 4360
.long 4427
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>::Variant1"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp555-.Ltmp554
.short 4360
.long 4431
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>::Variant2"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp557-.Ltmp556
.short 4360
.long 4433
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>::Is"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp559-.Ltmp558
.short 4360
.long 4435
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>::Param"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp561-.Ltmp560
.short 4360
.long 4437
.asciz "enum2$<core::fmt::rt::Count>::Implied"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp563-.Ltmp562
.short 4360
.long 4449
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> > >"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp565-.Ltmp564
.short 4360
.long 4455
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> > >::Variant0"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp567-.Ltmp566
.short 4360
.long 4459
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> > >::Variant1"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp569-.Ltmp568
.short 4360
.long 4461
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> > >::None"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp571-.Ltmp570
.short 4360
.long 4464
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> > >::Some"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp573-.Ltmp572
.short 4360
.long 19
.asciz "isize"
.p2align 2, 0x0
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.short 4360
.long 4515
.asciz "impl$<std::rt::lang_start::closure_env$0<tuple$<> >, core::ops::function::Fn<tuple$<> > >::vtable_type$"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.short .Ltmp577-.Ltmp576
.short 4360
.long 4519
.asciz "impl$<ref$<u8>, core::fmt::Debug>::vtable_type$"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 241
.long .Ltmp579-.Ltmp578
.short .Ltmp581-.Ltmp580
.short 4428
.long 4525
.p2align 2, 0x0
.p2align 2, 0x0
.section .debug$T,"dr"
.p2align 2, 0x0
.long 4
.short 0x22
.short 0x1605
.long 0x0
.asciz "core::ops::function::FnOnce"
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.short 0x1201
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.short 0xe
.short 0x1008
.long 0x3
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.byte 0x0
.short 0x0
.long 0x1001
.short 0xa
.short 0x1002
.long 0x1002
.long 0x1000c
.short 0xa
.short 0x1201
.long 0x1
.long 0x1003
.short 0xe
.short 0x1008
.long 0x3
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.byte 0x0
.short 0x1
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.short 0x16
.short 0x1601
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.byte 241
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.short 0x1605
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.asciz "core::hint"
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.short 0x3e
.short 0x1505
.short 0x0
.short 0x280
.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.long 0x0
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.long 0x1008
.short 0xe
.short 0x1008
.long 0x3
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.short 0x1
.long 0x1009
.short 0x2
.short 0x1203
.short 0x3e
.short 0x1505
.short 0x0
.short 0x200
.long 0x100b
.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.short 0x0
.asciz "tuple$<>"
.asciz "1cc95088ab8eb91341f4606da8fbec59"
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.short 0x1606
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.long 0x100d
.long 0x0
.short 0x16
.short 0x1601
.long 0x1007
.long 0x100a
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.byte 241
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.asciz "core::fmt::impl$24"
.byte 241
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.short 0x1506
.short 0x0
.short 0x280
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.short 0x0
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >"
.asciz "1c63cf9cc0eb66d2e16c094542dc7e22"
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.short 0x0
.short 0x280
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.long 0x0
.long 0x0
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.byte 241
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.short 0x0
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.long 0x0
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.short 0xe
.short 0x1201
.long 0x2
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.long 0x1014
.short 0xe
.short 0x1008
.long 0x1011
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.short 0x2
.long 0x1015
.short 0x7a
.short 0x1505
.short 0x0
.short 0x288
.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.short 0x0
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Variant0"
.asciz "2076e6ab3812d103bed4805280a4cc9b"
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.byte 241
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.short 0x1505
.short 0x0
.short 0x288
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.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.short 0x0
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Variant1"
.asciz "d95ab07e895dd71ae9af6137e312f524"
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.byte 241
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.short 0x3
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.byte 241
.short 0x150d
.short 0x3
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.short 0x0
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.short 0x3
.short 0x600
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.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >"
.asciz "1c63cf9cc0eb66d2e16c094542dc7e22"
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.short 0x2a
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.short 0x3
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.byte 242
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.byte 242
.byte 241
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.short 0x1606
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.long 0x100d
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.short 0x3a
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.short 0x1502
.short 0x3
.short 0x0
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.short 0x1502
.short 0x3
.short 0x1
.asciz "Right"
.short 0x1502
.short 0x3
.short 0x2
.asciz "Center"
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.byte 242
.byte 241
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.short 0x3
.short 0x3
.asciz "Unknown"
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.byte 241
.short 0x2a
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.short 0x4
.short 0x0
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.byte 242
.byte 241
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.short 0x280
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.short 0x0
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.long 0x0
.short 0x0
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.byte 242
.byte 241
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.short 0x3
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.short 0x38
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.short 0x150d
.short 0x3
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.short 0x0
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.short 0x3
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.asciz "core::fmt::Formatter"
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.long 0x0
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.short 0x1505
.short 0x0
.short 0x288
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.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.short 0x0
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Ok"
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.short 0x1502
.short 0x3
.short 0x0
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.byte 242
.byte 241
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.short 0x3
.short 0x1
.asciz "Err"
.byte 242
.byte 241
.short 0x56
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.short 0x2
.short 0x8
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.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::VariantNames"
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.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Variant0"
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.byte 241
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.long 0x102c
.long 0x100d
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.short 0x76
.short 0x1505
.short 0x0
.short 0x288
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.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.short 0x0
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Err"
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.short 0x3
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.short 0x3
.short 0x208
.long 0x102f
.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.short 0x1
.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Variant1"
.asciz "d95ab07e895dd71ae9af6137e312f524"
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.short 0x66
.short 0x1505
.short 0x0
.short 0x288
.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.short 0x0
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<usize> >::Variant0"
.asciz "5c25911f04704f7e4c974d797187f379"
.byte 242
.byte 241
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.short 0x1505
.short 0x0
.short 0x288
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.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.short 0x0
.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<usize> >::Variant1"
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.byte 242
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.short 0x0
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.short 0x3
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.byte 241
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.short 0x3
.short 0x600
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.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<usize> >"
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.long 0x0
.long 0x0
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.short 0x18
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.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Ok"
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.asciz "enum2$<core::result::Result<tuple$<>,core::fmt::Error> >::Err"
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.short 0x3
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.short 0x3
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.long 0x0
.long 0x0
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.asciz "ddea9921ef4b33df11351a4a6ec198c8"
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.short 0x0
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.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.short 0x0
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.short 0x1
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.short 0x280
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.byte 242
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.long 0x100d
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.short 0x0
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.asciz "924704d0692dd7e33e4beeaa2429d43c"
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.short 0x1505
.short 0x0
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.byte 243
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.asciz "std::rt::lang_start"
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.short 0x1201
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.short 0x0
.short 0x200
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.short 0x208
.long 0x10b5
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.short 0x1
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.byte 242
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.long 0x0
.long 0x0
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.short 0x0
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.asciz "Implied"
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.long 0x115a
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.short 0x0
.short 0x288
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.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> > >::Variant0"
.asciz "bdb9aad2eaf9909eee3f1844a7059046"
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.byte 242
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.byte 242
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.asciz "f1ebb193d4214685a14a4bba3840482b"
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.byte 242
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.asciz "bdb9aad2eaf9909eee3f1844a7059046"
.byte 243
.byte 242
.byte 241
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.short 0x0
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.byte 241
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.short 0x4
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.byte 243
.byte 242
.byte 241
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.long 0x0
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.short 0x0
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.asciz "enum2$<core::option::Option<ref$<status_access_violation::Item> > >::Some"
.asciz "771ce58ea6c672c71e739cc9e96e3aac"
.byte 243
.byte 242
.byte 241
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.byte 0x0
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.long 0x0
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.asciz "add"
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.long 0x0
.asciz "core::str::impl$0"
.byte 242
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.byte 0x0
.short 0x1
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.short 0x16
.short 0x1601
.long 0x117b
.long 0x117f
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.byte 243
.byte 242
.byte 241
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.asciz "std::rt"
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.short 0x16
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.long 0x20
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.long 0x13
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.long 0x1189
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.short 0x1a
.short 0x1605
.long 0x0
.asciz "core::fmt::impl$53"
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.asciz "core::fmt::impl$55"
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.long 0x1011
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.asciz "call_once"
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.byte 241
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.asciz "impl$<std::rt::lang_start::closure_env$0<tuple$<> >, core::ops::function::Fn<tuple$<> > >::vtable_type$"
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.asciz "C:\\Users\\steph\\projects\\rust\\linkme"
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.byte 241
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