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Created November 7, 2012 22:03
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Raid Scheduler
object Role extends Enumeration {
type Role = Value
val Tank = Value("Tank")
val Heal = Value("Heal")
val Damage = Value("Damage")
import Role._
case class Character(name: String, roles: List[Role], score: Double)
* A composition defines a mixture of tank, healer, and damage characters.
trait Composition {
def tankCount: Int
def healCount: Int
def damageCount: Int
* A standard ten man composition.
class StandardTenManComposition extends Composition {
def tankCount = 2
def healCount = 3
def damageCount = 5
* A raid is a mapping of characters to roles to perform.
case class Raid(tank: List[Character], heal: List[Character], damage: List[Character])
* A raid factory creates a raid from a list of characters and a composition.
trait RaidFactory {
def create(candidates: List[Character], composition: Composition): Option[Raid]
* A raid factory which greedily selects tank, heal, and damage in that order.
class GreedyRaidFactory {
def create(candidates: List[Character], composition: Composition): Option[Raid] = {
* Returns in score ascending order, candidates which can assume a given role excluding the characters in the diff list.
def roles(role: Role, diff: List[Character]) = (candidates.filterNot(diff.contains)).filter(_.roles.contains(role)).sortWith(_.score < _.score)
val tank = roles(Tank, Nil)
val heal = roles(Heal, tank)
val damage = roles(Damage, tank ::: heal)
try {
Some(Raid(tank.take(composition.tankCount), heal.take(composition.healCount), damage.take(composition.damageCount)))
} catch {
case thrown => None
* Entrypoint
object Main {
private def readCharacter(input: String): Character = {
val data = input.split(":")
val name = data(0).trim
val score = data(1).toDouble
val roles = createRoleList(data(2))
Character(name, roles, score)
private def createRoleList(role: String): List[Role] = {
val tank = if (role.contains("T")) List(Tank) else Nil
val heal = if (role.contains("H")) List(Heal) else Nil
val damage = if (role.contains("D")) List(Damage) else Nil
tank ::: heal ::: damage
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val lines ="Attendance.txt").getLines.toList
val characters = lines.last.split(",").map(readCharacter(_)).toList
val raidFactory = new GreedyRaidFactory
raidFactory.create(characters, new StandardTenManComposition) match {
case Some(raid) => {
println("attending tanks")
println("attending healers")
println("attending dps")
case None => {
println("could not form a raid!")
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