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Created June 18, 2015 13:47
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Angular test task
A minimalistic todo-list web application.
A todo application with specific features, marking its purpose as a fast way to store short todo-notes:
1. Hourly: todo items measures in whole hours (i.e. we do not work with minutes at all to make scheduling faster)
2. Quick type: todo item text is limited by 20 symbols.
3. Short-termed: user is limited by the end of the next week.
0) Angular, HTML5, CSS3, EcmaScript5.1.
1) Flexible layout, should work on safary and chrome.
2) Data stored in local storage.
3) Environment:
3.1) (optional) gulp + bower for library management.
3.2) obfuscation/concatenation is not needed.
3.3) (optional) node.js + express for static server.
3.4) (optional) use browserify to manage js modularization (bundling is not needed)
4) Code should be clean, with respect of DRY and KISS principles.
Details on date switch (-1, +1 day):
1. By default, -1 button is disabled, +1 is available.
2. User can scroll up to the end of next week and back.
3. Date is stored in location hash.
4. On document load, date is retrieved from location hash, and if present, todo list for that day is loaded from local storage.
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