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Last active March 7, 2024 12:11
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Hookmark script: Obsidian | New Item
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
property NSString : a reference to current application's NSString
property NSMutableCharacterSet : a reference to current application's NSMutableCharacterSet
set fileType to ".md"
set prefUrl to ""
set prefUrl to (do shell script "defaults read com.cogsciapps.hook integration.obsidian.URL.scheme")
on error errMsg
end try
-- Fix Invalid "prefUrl" value
-- (My personal preference is "hook-file", so this is my default)
set validChoices to {"hook-file", "obsidian-default", "obsidian-advanced-URI"}
if prefUrl is not in validChoices then
set prefUrl to "hook-file"
do shell script "defaults write com.cogsciapps.hook integration.obsidian.URL.scheme " & prefUrl
end if
set schemaSuccess to "hook://x-callback-url/link-to-new"
set schemaError to "hook://x-callback-url/error"
set charset to NSMutableCharacterSet's URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet's mutableCopyWithZone:(missing value)
charset's removeCharactersInString:"&=?"
set fileName to "$title"
set hookLink to "$encoded_link"
set encodedLink to "$user_link"
set fileNameTemp to NSString's stringWithString:fileName
--Remove / \ : | ^ as those cause issues with Obsidian.
set fileNameTemp to fileNameTemp's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:"/" withString:""
set fileNameTemp to fileNameTemp's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:":" withString:""
set fileNameTemp to fileNameTemp's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:"%5C" withString:""
set fileNameTemp to fileNameTemp's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:"%5E" withString:""
set fileNameTemp to fileNameTemp's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:"%7C" withString:""
set cleanFileName to fileNameTemp as string
if fileName ends with fileType then
set fileType to ""
end if
-- Build the default note content (a link to the original file)
set backLinkTemp to NSString's stringWithString:encodedLink
set backLink to backLinkTemp's stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:charset
set noteContent to "[" & cleanFileName & "](" & backLink & ")"
set urlKey to ""
-- Schema: Advanced-URI
if prefUrl is "obsidian-advanced-URI" then
set urlKey to "advanceduri"
set urlSuccess to schemaSuccess & "?plusencoded=yes&src=" & hookLink
set createUrl to "obsidian://advanced-uri?filename=" & cleanFileName & fileType & "&data=" & noteContent
if prefUrl is "hook-file" then
set urlKey to "file"
end if
set urlSuccess to schemaSuccess & "?plusencoded=yes&titleKey=name&src=" & hookLink
set createUrl to "obsidian://new?name=" & cleanFileName & fileType & "&content=" & noteContent
end if
if urlKey is not "" then
set urlSuccess to urlSuccess & "&urlKey=" & urlKey
end if
set urlSuccessTemp to NSString's stringWithString:urlSuccess
set urlSuccess to urlSuccessTemp's stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:charset
set fullUrl to createUrl & "&x-success=" & urlSuccess & "&x-error=" & schemaError
-- Create the Obsidian note
set myScript to "open " & quoted form of fullUrl
do shell script myScript
-- Focus Obsidian, so we can start writing without first clicking into the note
tell application "Obsidian" to activate
-- Hook the Obsidian note to the file
return "obsidian://hook-get-address"
Copy link

NB: The last line is important to correctly hook the .md file with the original document.

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