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Created July 28, 2014 20:00
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Scroll Rect
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
namespace UnityEngine.UI
[AddComponentMenu ("UI/Scroll Rect", 33)]
public class ScrollRect : UIBehaviour, IBeginDragHandler, IEndDragHandler, IDragHandler
public enum MovementType
Unrestricted, // Unrestricted movement -- can scroll forever
Elastic, // Restricted but flexible -- can go past the edges, but springs back in place
Clamped, // Restricted movement where it's not possible to go past the edges
private RectTransform m_Content;
public RectTransform content { get { return m_Content; } set { m_Content = value; } }
private bool m_Horizontal = true;
public bool horizontal { get { return m_Horizontal; } set { m_Horizontal = value; } }
private bool m_Vertical = true;
public bool vertical { get { return m_Vertical; } set { m_Vertical = value; } }
private MovementType m_MovementType = MovementType.Elastic;
public MovementType movementType { get { return m_MovementType; } set { m_MovementType = value; } }
private float m_Elasticity = 0.1f; // Only used for MovementType.Elastic
public float elasticity { get { return m_Elasticity; } set { m_Elasticity = value; } }
private bool m_Inertia = true;
public bool intertia { get { return m_Inertia; } set { m_Inertia = value; } }
private float m_DecelerationRate = 0.135f; // Only used when intertia is enabled
public float decelerationRate { get { return m_DecelerationRate; } set { m_DecelerationRate = value; } }
private Scrollbar m_HorizontalScrollbar;
public Scrollbar horizontalScrollbar
return m_HorizontalScrollbar;
if (m_HorizontalScrollbar)
m_HorizontalScrollbar.onValueChanged.RemoveListener (SetHorizontalNormalizedPosition);
m_HorizontalScrollbar = value;
if (m_HorizontalScrollbar)
m_HorizontalScrollbar.onValueChanged.AddListener (SetHorizontalNormalizedPosition);
private Scrollbar m_VerticalScrollbar;
public Scrollbar verticalScrollbar
return m_VerticalScrollbar;
if (m_VerticalScrollbar)
m_VerticalScrollbar.onValueChanged.RemoveListener (SetVerticalNormalizedPosition);
m_VerticalScrollbar = value;
if (m_VerticalScrollbar)
m_VerticalScrollbar.onValueChanged.AddListener (SetVerticalNormalizedPosition);
// The offset from handle position to mouse down position
private Vector2 m_PointerStartLocalCursor =;
private Vector2 m_ContentStartPosition =;
private RectTransform m_ViewRect;
private Bounds m_ContentBounds;
private Bounds m_ViewBounds;
private bool m_AllowHorizontal;
private bool m_AllowVertical;
private Vector2 m_Velocity;
private bool m_Dragging = false;
private Vector2 m_LastPosition =;
protected ScrollRect()
protected override void OnEnable ()
base.OnEnable ();
m_ViewRect = transform as RectTransform;
if (m_HorizontalScrollbar)
m_HorizontalScrollbar.onValueChanged.AddListener (SetHorizontalNormalizedPosition);
if (m_VerticalScrollbar)
m_VerticalScrollbar.onValueChanged.AddListener (SetVerticalNormalizedPosition);
UpdateBounds ();
UpdateScrollbars (;
protected override void OnDisable ()
base.OnDisable ();
if (m_HorizontalScrollbar)
m_HorizontalScrollbar.onValueChanged.RemoveListener (SetHorizontalNormalizedPosition);
if (m_VerticalScrollbar)
m_VerticalScrollbar.onValueChanged.RemoveListener (SetVerticalNormalizedPosition);
public override bool IsActive ()
return base.IsActive () && m_Content != null;
public void OnBeginDrag (PointerEventData data)
if (!IsActive ())
m_PointerStartLocalCursor =;
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle (m_ViewRect, data.position, data.pressEventCamera, out m_PointerStartLocalCursor);
m_ContentStartPosition = m_Content.anchoredPosition;
m_Velocity =;
m_Dragging = true;
UpdateBounds ();
public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData data)
m_Dragging = false;
public void OnDrag(PointerEventData data)
if (!IsActive())
Vector2 localCursor;
if (!RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle (m_ViewRect, data.position, data.pressEventCamera, out localCursor))
UpdateBounds ();
var pointerDelta = localCursor - m_PointerStartLocalCursor;
Vector2 position = m_ContentStartPosition + pointerDelta;
// Offset to get content into place in the view.
Vector2 offset = CalculateOffset (position - m_Content.anchoredPosition);
position += offset;
if (m_MovementType == MovementType.Elastic)
if (offset.x != 0)
position.x = position.x - RubberDelta (offset.x, m_ViewBounds.size.x);
if (offset.y != 0)
position.y = position.y - RubberDelta (offset.y, m_ViewBounds.size.y);
if (!m_Horizontal || !m_AllowHorizontal)
position.x = m_Content.anchoredPosition.x;
if (!m_Vertical || !m_AllowVertical)
position.y = m_Content.anchoredPosition.y;
m_Content.anchoredPosition = position;
protected virtual void LateUpdate ()
if (!m_Content)
float deltaTime = Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
if (m_Dragging && m_Inertia)
Vector3 newVelocity = (m_Content.anchoredPosition - m_LastPosition) / deltaTime;
m_Velocity = Vector3.Lerp (m_Velocity, newVelocity, deltaTime * 10);
m_LastPosition = m_Content.anchoredPosition;
Vector2 offset = CalculateOffset (;
if (!m_Dragging && (offset != || m_Velocity !=
Vector2 position = m_Content.anchoredPosition;
for (int axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++)
// Apply spring physics if movement is elastic and content has an offset from the view.
if (m_MovementType == MovementType.Elastic && offset[axis] != 0)
float speed = m_Velocity[axis];
position[axis] = Mathf.SmoothDamp (m_Content.anchoredPosition[axis], m_Content.anchoredPosition[axis] + offset[axis], ref speed, m_Elasticity);
m_Velocity[axis] = speed;
// Else move content according to velocity with deceleration applied.
else if (m_Inertia)
m_Velocity[axis] *= Mathf.Pow (m_DecelerationRate, deltaTime);
position[axis] += m_Velocity[axis] * deltaTime;
// If we have neither elaticity or friction, there shouldn't be any velocity.
m_Velocity[axis] = 0;
if (m_Velocity !=
if (m_MovementType == MovementType.Clamped)
offset = CalculateOffset (position - m_Content.anchoredPosition);
position += offset;
if (!m_Horizontal || !m_AllowHorizontal)
position.x = m_Content.anchoredPosition.x;
if (!m_Vertical || !m_AllowVertical)
position.y = m_Content.anchoredPosition.y;
if (position != m_Content.anchoredPosition)
m_Content.anchoredPosition = position;
UpdateBounds ();
UpdateScrollbars (offset);
void UpdateScrollbars (Vector2 offset)
if (m_HorizontalScrollbar)
m_HorizontalScrollbar.size = Mathf.Clamp01 ((m_ViewBounds.size.x - Mathf.Abs (offset.x)) / m_ContentBounds.size.x);
m_HorizontalScrollbar.value = horizontalNormalizedPosition;
if (m_VerticalScrollbar)
m_VerticalScrollbar.size = Mathf.Clamp01 ((m_ViewBounds.size.y - Mathf.Abs (offset.y)) / m_ContentBounds.size.y);
m_VerticalScrollbar.value = verticalNormalizedPosition;
public Vector2 normalizedPosition
return new Vector2 (horizontalNormalizedPosition, verticalNormalizedPosition);
SetHorizontalNormalizedPosition (value.x);
SetVerticalNormalizedPosition (value.y);
public float horizontalNormalizedPosition
if (m_ContentBounds.size.x <= m_ViewBounds.size.x)
return 0;
return Mathf.Clamp01 ((m_ViewBounds.min.x - m_ContentBounds.min.x) / (m_ContentBounds.size.x - m_ViewBounds.size.x));
SetHorizontalNormalizedPosition (value);
public float verticalNormalizedPosition
if (m_ContentBounds.size.y <= m_ViewBounds.size.y)
return 0;
return Mathf.Clamp01 ((m_ViewBounds.min.y - m_ContentBounds.min.y) / (m_ContentBounds.size.y - m_ViewBounds.size.y));
SetVerticalNormalizedPosition (value);
void SetHorizontalNormalizedPosition (float value)
UpdateBounds ();
float scroll = m_ViewBounds.min.x - value * (m_ContentBounds.size.x - m_ViewBounds.size.x);
Vector2 anchoredPosition = m_Content.anchoredPosition;
anchoredPosition.x += scroll - m_ContentBounds.min.x;
m_Content.anchoredPosition = anchoredPosition;
void SetVerticalNormalizedPosition (float value)
UpdateBounds ();
float scroll = m_ViewBounds.min.y - value * (m_ContentBounds.size.y - m_ViewBounds.size.y);
Vector2 anchoredPosition = m_Content.anchoredPosition;
anchoredPosition.y += scroll - m_ContentBounds.min.y;
m_Content.anchoredPosition = anchoredPosition;
static float RubberDelta (float overStretching, float viewSize)
return (1 - (1 / ((Mathf.Abs (overStretching) * 0.55f / viewSize) + 1))) * viewSize * Mathf.Sign (overStretching);
void UpdateBounds ()
m_ContentBounds = GetBounds();
m_ViewBounds = new Bounds (, m_ViewRect.rect.size);
m_AllowHorizontal = (m_MovementType == MovementType.Unrestricted) || m_ContentBounds.size.x > m_ViewBounds.size.x;
m_AllowVertical = (m_MovementType == MovementType.Unrestricted) || m_ContentBounds.size.y > m_ViewBounds.size.y;
private readonly Vector3[] m_Corners = new Vector3[4];
private Bounds GetBounds()
var vMin = new Vector3 (float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
var vMax = new Vector3 (float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
var toLocal = m_ViewRect.worldToLocalMatrix;
m_Content.GetWorldCorners (m_Corners);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
Vector3 v = toLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4 (m_Corners[j]);
vMin = Vector3.Min (v, vMin);
vMax = Vector3.Max (v, vMax);
var bounds = new Bounds (vMin,;
bounds.Encapsulate (vMax);
return bounds;
Vector3 CalculateOffset (Vector2 delta)
Vector3 offset =;
if (m_MovementType == MovementType.Unrestricted)
return offset;
Vector2 min = m_ContentBounds.min;
Vector2 max = m_ContentBounds.max;
if (m_Horizontal)
min.x += delta.x;
max.x += delta.x;
if (!m_AllowHorizontal || min.x > m_ViewBounds.min.x)
offset.x = m_ViewBounds.min.x - min.x;
else if (max.x < m_ViewBounds.max.x)
offset.x = m_ViewBounds.max.x - max.x;
if (m_Vertical)
min.y += delta.y;
max.y += delta.y;
if (!m_AllowVertical || max.y < m_ViewBounds.max.y)
offset.y = m_ViewBounds.max.y - max.y;
else if (min.y > m_ViewBounds.min.y)
offset.y = m_ViewBounds.min.y - min.y;
return offset;
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