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Limit the available plugins and themes for networks sites in a WordPress multisite install using Paid Memberships Pro.
Plugin Name: PMPro Limit Available Plugins and Themes
Plugin URI:
Description: Limits Which Plugins are Available for Network Sites
Version: .1
Author: Stranger Studios
Author URI:
1. Place this file in wp-content/mu-plugins.
2. Update the pmpro_plugins_per_level and pmpro_themes_per_levels globals in the plugin.
3. Make sure that you have "Enable administration menus" checked in the Network Settings page of the network dashboard.
This is the array to store which plugins are available for which level
Level 1 members have access to akisment and hello dolly.
Level 2 members have access to just hello dolly.
Make sure that the plugin entry in each array is the actual path and file name of the plugin on your server
global $pmpro_plugins_per_level;
$pmpro_plugins_per_level = array(
1 => array(
2 => array(
This is the array to store which themes are available for which level
Level 1 members have access to twenetytwelve, twentyeleven and twentyten.
Level 2 members have access to twentytwelve and twentyten.
Make sure that the level entry in each array is the directory name of the theme
global $pmpro_themes_per_level;
$pmpro_themes_per_level = array(
1 => array(
2 => array(
Limit the listed plugins is the admin
function pmpro_limit_available_plugins($plugins)
//don't filter network admins
global $pmpro_plugins_per_level;
$membership_id = plap_getMembershipId();
//filter by membership level
$available_plugins = $pmpro_plugins_per_level[$membership_id];
$newplugins = array();
foreach($plugins as $plugin => $data)
if(in_array($plugin, $available_plugins))
$newplugins[$plugin] = $data; //add it
$plugins = $newplugins;
return $plugins;
//plugins weren't specified for the users membership (or he has none) so return no plugins
return array();
return $plugins;
add_filter("all_plugins", "pmpro_limit_available_plugins");
Limit the listed themes is the admin
function pmpro_limit_available_themes($themes)
//don't filter network admins
global $pmpro_themes_per_level;
$membership_id = plap_getMembershipId();
//filter by membership level
$available_themes = $pmpro_themes_per_level[$membership_id];
$newthemes = array();
foreach($themes as $theme => $data)
if(in_array($theme, $available_themes))
$newthemes[$theme] = $data; //add it
$themes = $newthemes;
return $themes;
//themes weren't specified for the users membership (or he has none) so return no themes
return array();
return $themes;
add_filter("allowed_themes", "pmpro_limit_available_themes");
Get the membership id of the current user at the main site level
function plap_getMembershipId()
global $wpdb, $current_user;
$prefix = str_replace($wpdb->blogid . "_", "", $wpdb->prefix);
$membership_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT membership_id FROM " . $prefix . "pmpro_memberships_users WHERE user_id = '" . $current_user->ID . "' AND status = 'active' ORDER BY id DESC");
return $membership_id;
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dalareo commented Apr 18, 2017

Is this plugin still working with current version of PM pro??

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I'm curious as well... I'm testing it and have it working for Themes but plugins I'm not sure....

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This recipe is included in the blog post on "Limit and Pre-Configure Themes and Plugins for Network Sites by Membership Level" at Paid Memberships Pro here:

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