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strangerstudios / gist:3100680
Created July 12, 2012 20:18
Hidden Levels for Paid Memberships Pro
Plugin Name: PMPro Hidden Levels
Plugin URI:
Description: With this plugin, select levels are removed from the levels page but still available for checkout if you visit the checkout URL directly.
Version: .1
Author: Stranger Studios
Author URI:
strangerstudios / gist:3111478
Last active April 23, 2024 12:52
Lockdown BuddyPress with Paid Memberships Pro Example
Plugin Name: PMPro BuddyPress Customizations
Plugin URI:
Description: Example code to lock down parts of BuddyPress with PMPro
Version: 0.2
Author: Stranger Studios
Author URI:
strangerstudios / my_pmpro_members_list_csv_extra_columns.php
Last active April 7, 2018 21:10
Add Website and Nickname Fields to the Paid Memberships Pro Members List CSV Export
Plugin Name: PMPro Extra Members List CSV Export Columns
Plugin URI:
Description: Add extra fields to the Paid Memberships Pro Members List CSV Export
Version: .1
Author: Stranger Studios
Author URI:
Notes on use:
strangerstudios / gist:3137539
Last active March 28, 2016 18:03
Integrate Paid Memberships Pro with WP Affiliate Platform
We now maintain this code gist as an addon.
* On GitHub:
* Our Site:
Tips and tricks also maintains a version here:
strangerstudios / pmpro-disable-all-emails.php
Created September 7, 2012 16:24
Disable All PMPro Emails
Plugin Name: PMPro Disable All Emails
Plugin URI:
Description: Disable All PMPro Emails
Version: .1
Author: Stranger Studios
Author URI:
Add this file to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder and then activate it from the Plugins page in your WP admin.
strangerstudios / gist:3678054
Last active August 31, 2020 17:21
Extend Expiration Dates For Renewed Memberships in Paid Memberships Pro
Important note! This code is included in PMPro versions 1.5.7 and later.
Adding this code will add 2x the number of days to the end of the subscription.
//if checking out for the same level, add remaining days to the enddate
function my_pmpro_checkout_level($level)
global $pmpro_msg, $pmpro_msgt;
//does this level expire? are they an existing user of this level?
strangerstudios / gist:3700077
Created September 11, 2012 17:32
Allow + in WordPress Usernames
Allow + in usernames
Just add this code to your active theme's functions.php or a custom plugin.
function pmprorh_sanitize_user( $username, $raw_username, $strict = false )
//only check if there is a + in the raw username
if(strpos($raw_username, "+") === false)
return $username;
strangerstudios / gist:3845777
Created October 6, 2012 18:50
All Access Levels with Paid Memberships Pro and PMPro-Addon-Packages .1.2+
Set levels as "all access levels" so members of these levels will be able to view all Addon Packages.
Requires Paid Memberships Pro and the pmpro-addon-packages plugin.
function my_pmproap_all_access_levels($levels, $user_id, $post_id)
//I'm just adding the level, but I could do some calculation based on the user and post id to programatically give access to content
$levels = array(16);
return $levels;
strangerstudios / gist:4027538
Created November 6, 2012 21:06
Hide the confirm email and confirm password fields from the Paid Memberships Pro checkout page.
Don't show confirm password or email fields on the checkout page.
Add this code to your active theme's functions.php or a custom plugin.
add_filter("pmpro_checkout_confirm_password", "__return_false");
add_filter("pmpro_checkout_confirm_email", "__return_false");
strangerstudios / hide_old_posts_from_members.php
Last active May 17, 2021 15:57
Paid Memberships Pro: Hide Old Posts From New Members
This code will create a content filter for all pages and posts to remove access to posts that were published before a member's join date. Only posts or pages which require membership will be hidden. Note that pages and posts that require membership will still be hidden from non-members regardless of the publish date.
The params passed are:
$hasaccess - (bool) what PMPro thinks about whether the user has access
$thepost - (post object) the post being checked, usually the current post
$theuser - (user object) the user being checked, usually the current user
$post_membership_levels - (array of levels) the levels this post requires (if any)
add_filter("pmpro_has_membership_access_filter", "hide_old_posts_from_members", 10, 4);