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Last active December 23, 2015 21:19
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A Pen by Stuart Trann.
Media query test

SASS media query mixin

Allows for loose syntax media queries with predefined breakpoints or custom, on the fly ones. Defaults to only screen and min-width, allows for those to be overridden. Can be expanded more.

Sept. 11, 2013 - Updated to include chained media queries, ie:

@media only screen and (min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 600px){}

A Pen by Stuart Trann on CodePen.


@import "compass";
@mixin media-query(
$query: ()
$breakpoint: ();
$media-type: only screen;
$media-feature: ();
$small0: 480px;
$small1: 568px;
$medium: 800px;
$large0: 1044px;
$large1: 1560px;
@each $i in $query
// look for our pre-defined breakpoints
@if type-of($i) == string
// from 0 - 480px (default styles):
// iphone 4 portrait
// iphone 5 portrait
// galaxy s3 portrait
@if $i == small0
// iphone 4 landscape
$breakpoint: append($breakpoint, $small0);
@else if $i == small1
// iphone 5 landscape
// galaxy s3 landscape
// ipad 2/3 portrait
// nexus 7 portrait
$breakpoint: append($breakpoint, $small1);
@else if $i == medium
// ipad 2/3 landscape
// nexus 7 landscape
$breakpoint: append($breakpoint, $medium);
@else if $i == large0
// desktop ++
$breakpoint: append($breakpoint, $large0);
@else if $i == large1
$breakpoint: append($breakpoint, $large1);
// look for media type
@else if $i == all
or $i == aural
or $i == braille
or $i == handheld
or $i == print
or $i == projection
or $i == screen
or $i == tty
or $i == tv
or $i == embossed
$media-type: $i;
// look for media feature
@else if $i == width
or $i == min-width
or $i == max-width
or $i == height
or $i == min-height
or $i == max-height
$media-feature: append($media-feature, $i);
// look for custom breakpoint value
@else if type-of($i) == number
@if unit($i) == px or unit($i) == em or unit($i) == rem
$breakpoint: append($breakpoint, $i);
// check if $media-feature is empty, if so then set min-width as default
@if length($media-feature) == 0
$media-feature: min-width;
// output the media query
// check to see if max-width or height has been defined
// if so, take 1px off the $breakpoint value
// ie: 800px becomes 799px
// this avoids media query overlap ie: min-width 800px & max-width 800px
@if nth($media-feature, 1) == max-width or nth($media-feature, 1) == max-height
@media #{$media-type} and (nth($media-feature, 1): (nth($breakpoint, 1) - 1))
// check to see if $media-feature has more than 1 value, if so then output
// a chained media query. currently it only supports 2 queries
@else if length($media-feature) > 1
@media #{$media-type} and (nth($media-feature, 1): nth($breakpoint, 1)) and (nth($media-feature, 2): nth($breakpoint, 2))
// otherwise just output a regular media query
@media #{$media-type} and (nth($media-feature, 1): nth($breakpoint, 1))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
background: #333;
padding-top: 20%;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.5);
background-color: #888;
color: #efefef;
display: inline-block;
padding: 20px;
transition: background-color .5s ease-out;
// test the media-query mixin
@include media-query(max-width 300px)
background-color: purple;
@include media-query(small0)
background-color: red;
@include media-query(600px)
background-color: green;
@include media-query(min-width 650px max-width 900px)
background-color: teal;
@include media-query(large0)
background-color: orange;
@include media-query(tv 1920px)
background-color: black;
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