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Last active October 17, 2022 15:05
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CDF of a Multivariate Normal
An implementation of Genz's numerical routine for evaluating the integral of a
multivariate Gaussian within a hypercube volume as specified in:
from typing import *
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
# =============================================================================
# Two small helpers
# =============================================================================
def update_add(
tensor: tf.Tensor,
index: List[int],
update: tf.Tensor,
index = tf.convert_to_tensor([index])
update = tf.convert_to_tensor([update])
index = tf.convert_to_tensor(index)
updated = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add(
return updated
def vector_dot(a: tf.Tensor, b: tf.Tensor):
return tf.reduce_sum(a*b)
# =============================================================================
# Genz MC estimator
# =============================================================================
def single_sample_cdf(
mean: tf.Tensor,
cov: tf.Tensor,
lower: tf.Tensor,
upper: tf.Tensor,
samples: tf.Tensor,
# Identify data type to use for all calculations
dtype = mean.dtype
# Dimension of the integral
D = mean.shape[-1]
# Rename samples and limits for brevity
w = samples
a = lower - mean
b = upper - mean
# Compute cholesky of the covariance matrix
C = tf.linalg.cholesky(cov)
# Initialise transformation variables
d = tf.zeros_like(mean)
e = tf.zeros_like(mean)
f = tf.zeros_like(mean)
y = tf.zeros_like(mean)
# Initialise standard normal for computing CDFs
normal = tfp.distributions.Normal(
loc=tf.zeros(shape=(), dtype=dtype),
scale=tf.ones(shape=(), dtype=dtype),
Phi = lambda x: normal.cdf(x)
iPhi = lambda x: normal.quantile(x)
# Compute transformation variables at the first step
d = update_add(d, [0], Phi(a[0] / C[0, 0]))
e = update_add(e, [0], Phi(b[0] / C[0, 0]))
f = update_add(f, [0], e[0] - d[0])
for i in tf.range(1, D):
# Update y[i-1]
y = update_add(y, [i-1], iPhi(d[i-1] + w[i-1] * (e[i-1] - d[i-1])))
# Update d[i-1] and e[i-1]
d = update_add(
d, [i], Phi((a[i] - vector_dot(C[i, :i], y[:i])) / C[i, i])
e = update_add(
e, [i], Phi((b[i] - vector_dot(C[i, :i], y[:i])) / C[i, i])
f = update_add(f, [i], (e[i] - d[i]) * f[i-1])
return f[-1]
# =============================================================================
# Running the estimator on a toy problem
# =============================================================================
# Set random seed
# Set default data type
dtype = tf.float32
# Number of samples and dimension of Gaussian
S = 10
D = 5
# Set up the mean and covariance
mean = tf.zeros(shape=(D,), dtype=dtype)
rand = tf.random.uniform((D, D), dtype=dtype)
cov = tf.matmul(rand, rand, transpose_b=True) + tf.eye(D, dtype=dtype)
# Set up lower and upper integration limits
lower = - tf.random.uniform((D,), dtype=dtype)
upper = tf.random.uniform((D,), dtype=dtype)
# Draw samples to use within the MC estiamate
samples = tf.random.uniform(shape=(S, D))
# Equally well, you can use Sobol sequences by replacing the line above with
# samples = tf.math.sobol_sample(dim=D, num_results=S)
# Create a lambda for convenience, use tf.map_fn for speed
_single_sample_cdf = lambda x: single_sample_cdf(mean, cov, lower, upper, x)
# Compute MC estimates of truncated multivariate Gaussian integral
cdf = tf.map_fn(_single_sample_cdf, samples)
f"CDF: {tf.reduce_mean(cdf):.6f} +/- "
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