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Last active December 25, 2015 00:28
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Save stravawatts/6887506 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set nocursorline " don't highlight current line
" keyboard shortcuts
inoremap jj <ESC>
" map <F2> :mksession! ~/.vimsession <CR> " Quick write session with F2
" map <F3> :source ~/.vimsession <CR> " And load session with F3
" imap <F13> <Insert>
map <leader>r :NERDTreeFind<CR>
noremap <F5> :CommandTFlush<CR>
" CoffeeScript tags
let g:tlist_coffee_settings = 'coffee;f:function;v:variable'
" gui settings
if (&t_Co == 256 || has('gui_running'))
if ($TERM_PROGRAM == '')
colorscheme solarized
colorscheme desert
" highlight search matches by default
:set hlsearch
" hit return to temporarily exist highlighted search mode
:nnoremap <CR> :nohlsearch<CR><CR>
" remove trailing spaces on open/write for all files of type:
" ruby
":autocmd BufWritePre,BufRead *.rb :call whitespace#strip_trailing()<CR>
":autocmd BufWritePre,BufRead *.rb :normal <leader><space><CR>
set statusline=%t:%{fugitive#statusline()}
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