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Created June 4, 2015 12:28
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require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'rom'
require 'rom-sql'
ROM.setup(:sql, 'postgres://localhost/datsu_development')
class Players < ROM::Relation[:sql]
register_as :players
dataset :players
class Throws < ROM::Relation[:sql]
register_as :throws
dataset :throws
def for_users(users)
where(player_id: { |user| user[:id] }).order(:order).limit(2)
class PlayersMapper < ROM::Mapper
relation :players
register_as :with_throws
reject_keys true
attribute :id
attribute :name
combine :throws, on: { id: :player_id }
rom = ROM.env
puts rom.relation(:players).combine(rom.relation(:throws).for_users).as(:with_throws).to_a
# Returns an empty hash as throw
{:id=>1, :name=>"David", :throws=>[{}]}
{:id=>2, :name=>"Thomas", :throws=>[{}]}
# Removing `reject_keys true` produces the correct output
{:id=>1, :created_at=>2015-05-09 12:33:50 +0200, :updated_at=>2015-05-09 12:33:50 +0200, :name=>"David", :throws=>[{:id=>57, :match_id=>5, :player_id=>1, :is_bust=>false, :darts=>"[\"5\",\"20\",\"T20\"]", :order=>0, :created_at=>2015-05-09 12:33:50 +0200, :updated_at=>2015-05-09 12:46:10 +0200, :score=>85, :score_before_throw=>301, :score_after_throw=>216}]}
{:id=>2, :created_at=>2015-05-09 12:33:50 +0200, :updated_at=>2015-05-09 12:33:50 +0200, :name=>"Thomas", :throws=>[{:id=>58, :match_id=>5, :player_id=>2, :is_bust=>false, :darts=>"[\"2\",\"5\",\"1\"]", :order=>1, :created_at=>2015-05-09 12:33:50 +0200, :updated_at=>2015-05-09 12:46:10 +0200, :score=>8, :score_before_throw=>301, :score_after_throw=>293}]}
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