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Created August 22, 2011 13:52
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Backuping and restoring a single table using mysqldump
Backuping a single table from a database
mysqldump -u -p database_one -h host table_name > /var/www/backups/table_name.sql
Backuping a single table from a database with query
mysqldump -u #{user} -p#{pass} -h #{server} -nt --databases #{database} --tables #{table} --where="#{query}" > example.sql
mysqldump -u root -prootpass -h ssserver -nt --databases example_development --tables products --where="id > 7970001" > products.sql
-n -t for --no-create-db --no-create-info
mysqldump -u root -pmagrathea -h ssserver --no-create-db --no-create-info --databases marvin_real3 --tables products --where="id > 7970001" > pr2.sql
Restoring the table into another database
mysql -u -p -h host database_two < /var/www/backups/table_name.sql
default host is localhost
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