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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Ruby Nokogiri: returning node sets by sub elements or nested text strings
xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<book id = "1">
<title lang="en">Harry Potter</title>
Harry Potter is great!
<book id = "2">
<title lang="en">Learning XML</title>
This has nothing to do with Harry Potter
require 'nokogiri'
require 'pp'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(xml)
puts "Should return book id 2 and its title"
nodeset1 = doc.xpath("//book[price>35.00]")
nodeset1_sub_element = nodeset1.xpath(".//title").text
puts nodeset1
puts nodeset1_sub_element
puts ''
puts "Should return book id 1 and its title"
nodeset2 = doc.xpath("//*[text()[normalize-space(.)='Harry Potter is great!']]")
nodeset2_sub_element = nodeset2.xpath(".//title").text
puts nodeset2
puts nodeset2_sub_element
puts ''
puts 'Should return book ids 1 and 2 as both have substrings with "Harry Potter"in them'
all_nodesets = doc.xpath("//*[text()[contains(.,'Harry Potter')]]")
all_nodesets_sub_elements = all_nodesets.xpath(".//title")
puts all_nodesets
all_nodesets_sub_elements.each { | node | puts node.text }
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