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Last active April 27, 2021 09:44
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Rx Java and If-Then-Else like behavior:
* Copyright (c) 2018 Intrepid Pursuits, Inc. All rights reserved.
package io.intrepid.bleidiom.util
import io.reactivex.Observable
import io.reactivex.ObservableSource
import io.reactivex.ObservableTransformer
import io.reactivex.functions.Function
* Creates a [RxIfThenElseTransformer] that allows emitted values to be processed over
* various 'pipelines', much like letting them flow through an 'if then else-if then else-if .. else' statement.
* Example
* val observables = Observable.fromIterable(List<Int>(100){ it })
* val ifObs = observables.compose(
* composeIf<Int,Pair<Int,Int>> {
* it % 2 == 0
* } then {
* map { it to EVEN }
* } elseif {
* it % 3 == 0
* } then {
* map { it to DIV_BY_THREE }
* } elseif {
* it % 5 == 0
* } then {
* map { it to DIV_BY_FIVE }
* } default { map { it to INTEGER } }
* )
* The code above will produce 100 Pairs whose first values are numbers from 0 through 99
* and whose second value are showing the type of the number (EVEN, DIV_BY_THREE,
* DIV_BY_FIVE or INTEGER). The result, the number of produced Pairs, will be the same when
* you run this as a simple `if then else` or `when` statement inside a loop.
fun <T, R> composeIf(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): RxIfThenElseTransformer.IfBuilder<T, R>.Then {
return RxIfThenElseTransformer.IfBuilder<T, R>().Then(predicate)
private typealias Block<T, R> = Pair<Function<in T, Boolean>, Function<Observable<T>, Observable<R>>>
class RxIfThenElseTransformer<T, R> private constructor(private val blocks: List<Block<T, R>>)
: ObservableTransformer<T, R> {
override fun apply(upstream: Observable<T>): ObservableSource<R> = upstream
.groupBy { indexOf(it) }
.flatMap { group ->
val index = group.key!!
if (index >= 0) blocks[index].second.apply(group)
else throw Exception("The 'default' clause was not specified for this RxIfThenElseTransformer")
private fun indexOf(value: T) = blocks.indexOfFirst { it.first.apply(value) }
class IfBuilder<T, R> internal constructor() {
var blocks = mutableListOf<Block<T, R>>()
infix fun elseif(predicate: (T) -> Boolean) = Then(predicate)
infix fun default(block: Observable<T>.() -> (Observable<R>)): RxIfThenElseTransformer<T, R> {
blocks.add(Function<T, Boolean> { true } to Function { it.block() })
return RxIfThenElseTransformer(blocks)
inner class Then(private val predicate: (T) -> Boolean) {
infix fun then(block: Observable<T>.() -> (Observable<R>)): IfBuilder<T, R> {
blocks.add(Function<T, Boolean> { predicate(it) } to Function { it.block() })
return this@IfBuilder
* Copyright (c) 2018 Intrepid Pursuits, Inc. All rights reserved.
package io.intrepid.bleidiom
import io.intrepid.bleidiom.util.composeIf
import io.reactivex.Observable
import io.reactivex.observers.TestObserver
import org.junit.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class RxIfThenElseTransformerTest {
fun test_if_then_else() {
val values = List(100) { it }
val observables = Observable.fromIterable(values)
val ifObs = observables.compose(
composeIf<Int,Pair<Int,Int>> {
it % 2 == 0
} then {
map { it to 1 }
} elseif {
it % 3 == 0
} then {
map { it to 2 }
} elseif {
it % 5 == 0
} then {
map { it to 3 }
} default { map { it to 4 } }
val testObserver = TestObserver<Pair<Int,Int>>()
// Test if the boolean predicates in the 'composeIf'
// yield the same result as when they are used in a
// simple for-loop with when-clauses in the same order.
testObserver.values().forEach { (value, cat) ->
when {
value % 2 == 0 -> assertEquals(1, cat)
value % 3 == 0 -> assertEquals(2, cat)
value % 5 == 0 -> assertEquals(3, cat)
else -> assertEquals(4, cat)
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