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Last active March 30, 2022 10:33
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Essentials-data Bugzilla Triage Workflow
flowchart TB
NewBZ["fa:fa-bug New BZ"]:::stock
NewBZ --> IsInsightsClientBZ[/Is an <b>insights-client</b> BZ?\]
IsInsightsClientBZ -. Yes .-> IsForCore[/Is an <b>insights-core data collection</b> BZ?\]:::core
IsInsightsClientBZ -. No .-> CheckDuplicatedBZ
IsForCore -. Yes .-> AssignToBob[Add <b>bfahr at</b> as assignee <br> and <b>'INSGHTCORE'</b> in the Internal Withboard BZ field <br>and let the BZ as <b>NEW</b>]:::core
IsForCore -. No .-> CheckDuplicatedBZ
NewBZ --> CheckDuplicatedBZ[/Is a duplicated BZ?\]
CheckDuplicatedBZ -->|No| NeedInfo[/Need more information from reportee?\]
CheckDuplicatedBZ -->|Yes| CloseBZAsDuplicated[Closing BZ as <b>DUPLICATED</b>]
NewBZ --> IsRFE[/Is a new RFE?\]
IsRFE -. Yes .-> SetFFFlag[Set 'FutureFeature' Keyword]
NewBZ --> IsRFEFromCustomer[Is customer asking improvements? <br>Is it reasonable?]
IsRFEFromCustomer --> AddRFEToDescription["Add <b>RFE</b> in the description of the BZ"]
AddRFEToDescription --> SetFFFlag
SetFFFlag ------> GetTriageFromPM[Request Triage from Product Manager]:::fail
NeedInfo -->|No| IsReproducible[/Is it reproducible and have enough information?\]
IsReproducible -->|Yes| AddFlagsAndFileds[Let the BZ as <b>NEW</b> but add BZ <b>Flags</b>, <b>Triaged</b> keyword, <br>set <b>Sev/Prio</b> Fields accordingly<br> and add <b>'ESSNTL-DATA'</b> in the Internal Withboard BZ field]
IsReproducible -->|No| IsReallyABug[/Is really a Bug? <br> Having difficulties to reproduce it?\]
IsReallyABug -->|Yes| NeedMoreInfo[Need more information?]
IsReallyABug -- Definitely not a Bug --> ClosedBZ[Closing BZ as NOT A BUG]
NeedMoreInfo -->|Yes| exchangeReportee
NeedInfo -->|Yes| exchangeReportee[Put a <b>NEEDINFO</b> and ask questions]
exchangeReportee -->IsReproducible
AddFlagsAndFileds ----> BugTriaged[BZ Triaged]:::stock
classDef stock fill:#f96
classDef core fill:#fff345
classDef bz fill:#f58,color:#fff
classDef fail fill:red,color:#fff
classDef succ fill:green,color:#fff
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