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Created July 11, 2013 21:24
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WORKING server.js for openshift deployment of meteor app
////////// Requires //////////
var Fiber = require("fibers");
var fs = require("fs");
var http = require("http");
var path = require("path");
var url = require("url");
// connect (and some other NPM modules) use $NODE_ENV to make some decisions;
// eg, if $NODE_ENV is not production, they send stack traces on error. connect
// considers 'development' to be the default mode, but that's less safe than
// assuming 'production' to be the default. If you really want development mode,
// set it in your wrapper script (eg, run.js). We need to run this very early,
// since connect makes this decision when it is require'd.
if (!process.env.NODE_ENV)
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';
var connect = require('connect');
var argv = require('optimist').argv;
var useragent = require('useragent');
var _ = require('underscore');
// This code is duplicated in tools/server/server.js.
var MIN_NODE_VERSION = 'v0.8.18';
if (require('semver').lt(process.version, MIN_NODE_VERSION)) {
'Meteor requires Node ' + MIN_NODE_VERSION + ' or later.\n');
// Keepalives so that when the outer server dies unceremoniously and
// doesn't kill us, we quit ourselves. A little gross, but better than
// pidfiles.
var init_keepalive = function () {
var keepalive_count = 0;
process.stdin.on('data', function (data) {
keepalive_count = 0;
setInterval(function () {
keepalive_count ++;
if (keepalive_count >= 3) {
console.log("Failed to receive keepalive! Exiting.");
}, 3000);
// #BrowserIdentification
// We have multiple places that want to identify the browser: the
// unsupported browser page, the appcache package, and, eventually
// delivering browser polyfills only as needed.
// To avoid detecting the browser in multiple places ad-hoc, we create a
// Meteor "browser" object. It uses but does not expose the npm
// useragent module (we could choose a different mechanism to identify
// the browser in the future if we wanted to). The browser object
// contains
// * `name`: the name of the browser in camel case
// * `major`, `minor`, `patch`: integers describing the browser version
// Also here is an early version of a Meteor `request` object, intended
// to be a high-level description of the request without exposing
// details of connect's low-level `req`. Currently it contains:
// * `browser`: browser identification object described above
// * `url`: parsed url, including parsed query params
// As a temporary hack there is a `categorizeRequest` function on
// __meteor_bootstrap__ which converts a connect `req` to a Meteor
// `request`. This can go away once smart packages such as appcache are
// being passed a `request` object directly when they serve content.
// This allows `request` to be used uniformly: it is passed to the html
// attributes hook, and the appcache package can use it when deciding
// whether to generate a 404 for the manifest.
// Real routing / server side rendering will probably refactor this
// heavily.
// e.g. "Mobile Safari" => "mobileSafari"
var camelCase = function (name) {
var parts = name.split(' ');
parts[0] = parts[0].toLowerCase();
for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; ++i) {
parts[i] = parts[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parts[i].substr(1);
return parts.join('');
var identifyBrowser = function (req) {
var userAgent = useragent.lookup(req.headers['user-agent']);
return {
name: camelCase(,
major: +userAgent.major,
minor: +userAgent.minor,
patch: +userAgent.patch
var categorizeRequest = function (req) {
return {
browser: identifyBrowser(req),
url: url.parse(req.url, true)
// add any runtime configuration options needed to app_html
var runtime_config = function (app_html) {
var insert = '';
if (typeof __meteor_runtime_config__ === 'undefined')
return app_html;
app_html = app_html.replace(
"__meteor_runtime_config__ = " +
JSON.stringify(__meteor_runtime_config__) + ";");
return app_html;
var htmlAttributes = function (app_html, request) {
var attributes = '';
_.each(__meteor_bootstrap__.htmlAttributeHooks || [], function (hook) {
var attribute = hook(request);
if (attribute !== null && attribute !== undefined && attribute !== '')
attributes += ' ' + attribute;
return app_html.replace('##HTML_ATTRIBUTES##', attributes);
// Serve app HTML for this URL?
var appUrl = function (url) {
if (url === '/favicon.ico' || url === '/robots.txt')
return false;
// NOTE: app.manifest is not a web standard like favicon.ico and
// robots.txt. It is a file name we have chosen to use for HTML5
// appcache URLs. It is included here to prevent using an appcache
// then removing it from poisoning an app permanently. Eventually,
// once we have server side routing, this won't be needed as
// unknown URLs with return a 404 automatically.
if (url === '/app.manifest')
return false;
// Avoid serving app HTML for declared routes such as /sockjs/.
if (__meteor_bootstrap__._routePolicy &&
return false;
// we currently return app HTML on all URLs by default
return true;
var run = function () {
var bundle_dir = path.join(__dirname, '..');
// check environment
var port = process.env.PORT ? parseInt(process.env.PORT) : 80;
// check for a valid MongoDB URL right away
if (!process.env.MONGO_URL)
throw new Error("MONGO_URL must be set in environment");
// webserver
var app = connect();
// Auto-compress any json, javascript, or text.
var static_cacheable_path = path.join(bundle_dir, 'static_cacheable');
if (fs.existsSync(static_cacheable_path))
// cacheable files are files that should never change. Typically
// named by their hash (eg meteor bundled js and css files).
// cache them ~forever (1yr)
{maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365}));
// cache non-cacheable file anyway. This isn't really correct, as
// users can change the files and changes won't propogate
// immediately. However, if we don't cache them, browsers will
// 'flicker' when rerendering images. Eventually we will probably want
// to rewrite URLs of static assets to include a query parameter to
// bust caches. That way we can both get good caching behavior and
// allow users to change assets without delay.
app.use(connect.static(path.join(bundle_dir, 'static'),
{maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24}));
var httpServer = http.createServer(app);
// read bundle config file
var info_raw =
fs.readFileSync(path.join(bundle_dir, 'app.json'), 'utf8');
var info = JSON.parse(info_raw);
var bundle = {manifest: info.manifest, root: bundle_dir};
// start up app
__meteor_bootstrap__ = {
startup_hooks: [],
app: app,
httpServer: httpServer,
// metadata about this bundle
bundle: bundle,
// function that takes a connect `req` object and returns a summary
// object with information about the request. See
// #BrowserIdentifcation
categorizeRequest: categorizeRequest,
// list of functions to be called to determine any attributes to be
// added to the '<html>' tag. Each function is passed a 'request'
// object (see #BrowserIdentifcation) and should return a string,
htmlAttributeHooks: [],
// functions to be called after all packages are loaded and we are
// ready to serve HTTP.
startup_hooks: []
__meteor_runtime_config__ = {};
if (info.release) {
__meteor_runtime_config__.meteorRelease = info.release;
Fiber(function () {
// (put in a fiber to let Meteor.db operations happen during loading)
// load app code
_.each(info.load, function (filename) {
var code = fs.readFileSync(path.join(bundle_dir, filename));
// even though the npm packages are correctly placed in
// node_modules/ relative to the package source, we can't just
// use standard `require` because packages are loaded using
// runInThisContext. see #runInThisContext
var Npm = {
// require an npm module used by your package, or one from the
// dev bundle if you are in an app or your package isn't using
// said npm module
require: function(name) {
var filePathParts = filename.split(path.sep);
if (filePathParts[0] !== 'app' || filePathParts[1] !== 'packages') { // XXX it's weird that we're dependent on the dir structure
return require(name); // current no support for npm outside packages. load from dev bundle only
} else {
var nodeModuleDir = path.join(
'..' /* get out of server/ */,
'app' /* === filePathParts[0] */,
'packages' /* === filePathParts[1] */,
filePathParts[2] /* package name */,
if (fs.existsSync(nodeModuleDir)) {
return require(nodeModuleDir);
} else {
try {
return require(name);
} catch (e) {
// XXX better message
throw new Error("Can't find npm module '" + name + "'. Did you forget to call 'Npm.depends' in package.js within the '" + filePathParts[2] + "' package?");
// \n is necessary in case final line is a //-comment
var wrapped = "(function(Npm){" + code + "\n})";
// See #runInThisContext
// it's tempting to run the code in a new context so we can
// precisely control the enviroment the user code sees. but,
// this is harder than it looks. you get a situation where []
// created in one runInContext invocation fails 'instanceof
// Array' if tested in another (reusing the same context each
// time fixes it for {} and Object, but not [] and Array.) and
// we have no pressing need to do this, so punt.
// the final 'true' is an undocumented argument to
// runIn[Foo]Context that causes it to print out a descriptive
// error message on parse error. it's what require() uses to
// generate its errors.
var func = require('vm').runInThisContext(wrapped, filename, true);
// Setting `this` to `global` allows you to do a top-level
// " = " to define global variables when using "use strict"
// (; this is the only way to do
// it in CoffeeScript., Npm);
// Actually serve HTML. This happens after user code, so that
// packages can insert connect middlewares and update
// __meteor_runtime_config__
var app_html = fs.readFileSync(path.join(bundle_dir, 'app.html'), 'utf8');
app_html = runtime_config(app_html);
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
if (! appUrl(req.url))
return next();
var request = categorizeRequest(req);
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8'});
var requestSpecificHtml = htmlAttributes(app_html, request);
// Return 404 by default, if no other handlers serve this URL.
app.use(function (req, res) {
// run the user startup hooks.
_.each(__meteor_bootstrap__.startup_hooks, function (x) { x(); });
// only start listening after all the startup code has run.
httpServer.listen(port, process.env.IP, function() {
if (argv.keepalive)
console.log("LISTENING"); // must match run.js
if (argv.keepalive)
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