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Last active April 14, 2021 13:55
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Quick-sort algorithm implemented in chapel, I have used Task parallelism to improve upon it.
use List;
config var n_parallel = 4;
for partition of array on a pivot(last element)
arr int[] (ref) -> array where the partition is done
l int -> left bound
r int -> right bound
returns int ->point of partition
proc partition(ref arr : [] int, l : int, r : int) : int {
var pivot : int = arr[r];
var i : int = (l - 1);
for j in l..(r-1) {
if arr[j] < pivot {
i += 1;
arr[i] <=> arr[j];
arr[i + 1] <=> arr[r];
return (i + 1);
for processing all the bounds in a range(last element)
arr int[] (ref) -> array used for sorting
bounds list((int, int)) -> list of all bounds
start int -> start of range
end int -> end of range
returns list((int, int)) -> list of new_bounds
proc process_bounds(ref arr : [] int, bounds : list((int, int)), start : int, end : int) : list((int, int)){
var new_bounds : list((int, int));
for (l, r) in bounds(start..end) {
// check if it is a valid bound
if l < r {
var partition_point : int = partition(arr, l, r);
new_bounds.append((l, partition_point - 1));
new_bounds.append((partition_point + 1, r));
return new_bounds;
iterative process of quick sort using task parallelism for all bounds formed in one level
arr int[] (ref) -> array to be sorted
proc quick_sort(ref arr : [] int){
var n : int = arr.size;
var flg : bool = true;
// intial bound 0-n-1
var bounds : list((int, int)) = [(0, n-1)];
while flg {
// to store new bounds formed in a level
var new_bounds : list((int, int));
var total_bounds : int = bounds.size;
// not enough bounds serial processing
if total_bounds < n_parallel then
new_bounds.extend(process_bounds(arr, bounds, 0, total_bounds-1));
// parallel proecessing in n_parallel stream
var gap : int = total_bounds/n_parallel;
// run n_parallel streams
coforall itr in 0..(n_parallel-1) with (ref new_bounds) {
// check end point to not exceed the range of bounds
if((itr+1)*gap >= total_bounds) then
new_bounds.extend(process_bounds(arr, bounds, itr*gap, total_bounds-1));
else new_bounds.extend(process_bounds(arr, bounds, itr*gap, (itr+1)*gap-1));
// checking is any new bounds formed
// base case
if new_bounds.size > 0 then bounds = new_bounds;
else flg = false;
var arr = [4, 6, 2, 1, 5, 2, 9, 1, 0, 12, 1 , 4, 15];
// print unsorted array
write("array : ");
for i in arr do write(i, " ");
// print sorted array
write("sorted array : ");
for i in arr do write(i, " ");
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