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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Script to test a few small numbers for a combinatorics problem
"""Script to test a few small versions of combinatorics problem.
from sys import stderr
from collections import Counter
from itertools import permutations
from math import factorial
from time import time
def answer(n, g):
"""Is this THE ANSWER???"""
return factorial(n) / (factorial(n / g) * pow(factorial(g), n / g))
# N is number of cards, G is size of hand
N = 10
G = 5
# sanity check
if N % G:
raise ValueError('n must be divisible by g')
# make the cards
cards = range(1, N + 1)
# this iterates over all n! permutations --- all possible ways of
# shuffling the deck
counter = Counter()
one_percent = factorial(N) / 100
start_time = time()
for permutation_index, permutation in enumerate(permutations(cards)):
# just print something out to give a clue of how long this will take
if not permutation_index % one_percent:
print >> stderr, '%is\tabout %.0f%% done\t(%i of %i permutations)' % (
time() - start_time,
(permutation_index / one_percent),
# deal into (n / g) "hands"
hands = [[] for hand in range(N / G)]
for index, card in enumerate(permutation):
hands[index % (N / G)].append(card)
# sorted the hands to count *unique* configurations
configuration = tuple(sorted(tuple(sorted(hand)) for hand in hands))
counter[configuration] += 1
# the answer is the number of unique configurations
actual_answer = len(counter)
# are we right?
if len(counter) == answer(N, G):
print 'hurray!'
print len(counter)
print 'nope.'
print len(counter), answer(N, G)
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