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stripe-q/ Secret

Created August 30, 2017 05:10
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오일러 프로젝트 51
from itertools import permutations
limit = 100_0000
seive = [False, False] + [True] * (limit - 1)
for i in range(2, int(limit**0.5)):
if seive[i]:
seive[i*2::i] = [False] * ((limit - i) // i)
is_prime = lambda x: seive[x]
def make_template(n):
x = '0' * (n - 3) + '111'
return permutations(x)
def make_numbers(k, template):
result = []
for i in range(10):
bucket = []
x = iter(str(k))
for j in template:
bucket.append(next(x) if j == '0' else str(i))
if bucket[0] != '0' and bucket[-1] not in '024568':
return result if len(result) > 7 else []
def p51(n=6):
for k in range(10**(n-4), 10**(n-3)):
if k % 3 is 0:
for template in make_template(n):
if template[-1] == '1':
groups = [x for x in make_numbers(k, template) if is_prime(x)]
if len(groups) == 8:
print(min(groups), groups)
return True
return False
def main():
for n in (4,5,6,7):
if p51(n):
%time main()
// Write some awesome Swift code, or import libraries like "Foundation",
// "Dispatch", or "Glibc"
import Foundation
import Glibc
func factorial(_ n: Int) -> Int {
if n < 2 { return 1 }
return (2...n).reduce(1, *)
func permutation<T>(_ list: [T], _ n: Int) -> [T] {
if n == 0 { return list }
var xs = list
let l = factorial(xs.count - 1)
let (q, r) = (n / l, n % l)
let a = xs.remove(at: q)
return [a] + permutation(xs, r)
let sieve:[Bool] = {
let limit = 100_0000
var s = [false, false] + Array(repeating: true, count: limit-1)
for i in 2..<(Int(sqrt(Double(limit))+0.5)) where s[i] {
stride(from:i*2,through:limit,by:i).forEach{ s[$0] = false }
return s
let isPrime:(Int) -> Bool = { sieve[$0] }
func makeNumbers(pattern: [Bool], with n: Int) -> [Int] {
let fixedNumbers: [Int] = {
let c = Int(log10(Double(n)))
return (0...c).map{ n / Int(pow(10, Double(c-$0))) % 10}
var temp:[Int] = []
if let last = pattern.last, last { return [] }
if [0,2,4,5,6,8].contains(n % 10) { return [] }
gen: for a in (pattern[0] ? 1...9 : 0...9) {
var x = 0
var g = fixedNumbers.makeIterator()
for b in pattern {
x = x * 10 + (b ? a :!)
return temp
func test(_ n: Int=6) -> Bool {
let lowerBound = Int(pow(10, Double(n-4)))
let upperBound = Int(pow(10, Double(n-3)))
var template = Array(repeating:false, count: n)
(0..<3).forEach{ template[$0] = true }
for k in lowerBound..<upperBound {
for i in (0..<(factorial(n))) {
let pattern = permutation(template, i)
let numbers = makeNumbers(pattern: pattern, with: k)
if !numbers.isEmpty && numbers.filter(isPrime).count == 8 {
return true
return false
func main() {
for i in 4...7 {
if test(i) { break }
func timeit(_ f:() -> ()) {
let s = Date()
print("time: \(s.timeIntervalSinceNow * -1000)")
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