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  • Save strongwong/97fb1332b813bb160e10ee1823af078c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save strongwong/97fb1332b813bb160e10ee1823af078c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
adapter_khz 1000
[523289960 bytes missing in capture file].............Open On-Chip Debugger
...> .........adapter_khz 1000
.adapter speed: 1000 kHz
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> halt
.load_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x22010000
reg pc 0x22010000
> load_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x22010000
64784 bytes written at address 0x22010000
downloaded 64784 bytes in 7.072977s (8.945 KiB/s)
> halt
> reg pc 0x22010000
.Disabling abstract command writes to CSRs.
pc (/32): 0x22010000
> resume
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mwb 0x4202c000 0x0
mwb 0x42mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
02cmwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
000 0x0
.mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 48 52 44 59
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mwb 0x4202c000 0x36
mwb 0x4202c001 0x0
mmwb 0x4202c002 0x0
mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
wb 0x4202c000 0x36
.mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
> mwb 0x4202c001 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb WaitCmd
0x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x4
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x4
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b 04 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x4
mdb WaitCmd
0x4202c000 0x4
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b 04 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202c004 0x1
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202c004 0x1
.0x4202c004: 801640ef
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mwb 0x4202c000 0x30
mwb 0x4202c001 0xb7
mmwb 0x4202c002 0x8
mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
mwb 0x4202c004 0x0
mwb 0x4202c005 0x0
mwb 0x4202c006 0x0
wmwb 0x4202c007 0x0
mwb 0x4202c008 0xaf
bmwb 0x4202c009 0x0
0x4mwb 0x4202c00a 0x0
202c000 0x30
.mwb 0x4202c00b 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c001 0xb7
mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
> mwb 0x4202c002 0x8
> mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c004 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c005 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c006 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c007 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c008 0xaf
> mwb 0x4202c009 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c00a 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c00b 0x0
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
dw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> load_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
lmwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
oad_immwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
age openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
.mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
184 bytes written at address 0x4202c000
downloaded 184 bytes in 0.022195s (8.096 KiB/s)
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0xWaitCmd
4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mwb 0x4202c000 0x3a
mmwb 0x4202c001 0x0
mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
wb 0x4mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
202c000 0x3a
.mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
> mwb 0x4202c001 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
dw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mwb 0x4202c000 0x60
mmwb 0x4202c001 0x0
wb 0x4202c000 0mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
.mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
> mwb 0x4202c001 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
db 0x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mwb 0x4202c000 0x3e
mwb 0mwb 0x4202c001 0xb8
x4202c0mwb 0x4202c002 0x8
mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
00 0x3e
.mwb 0x4202c004 0x0
mwb 0x4202c005 0x0
mwb 0x4202c006 0x0
mwb 0x4202c007 0x0
mwb 0x4202c008 0xb0
mwb 0x4202c009 0x0
mwb 0x4202c00a 0x0
mwb 0x4202c00b 0x0
mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
> mwb 0x4202c001 0xb8
> mwb 0x4202c002 0x8
> mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c004 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c005 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c006 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c007 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c008 0xb0
> mwb 0x4202c009 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c00a 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c00b 0x0
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb WaitCmd
0x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb WaitCmd
0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x4
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x4
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b 20 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x4
mdb 0x4202c000 0x4
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b 20 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202c004 0x8
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202c004 0x8
.0x4202c004: 37d20bb6 3fc78d94 5e4ef63d 83d631a8 2b904138 9a7801b3 65dd9a5d c26d683d
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mwb 0x4202c000 0x61
mwb 0x4202c001 0x0
mwb 0x4202mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
c000 0x61
mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
> mwb 0x4202c001 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
dw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mwb 0x4202c000 0x30
mwb 0x4202c001 0x87
mmwb 0x4202c002 0x8
mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
wb 0xmwb 0x4202c004 0x0
mwb 0x4202c005 0x20
mwb 0x4202c006 0x0
mwb 0x4202c007 0x0
mwb 0x4202c008 0xff
mwb 0x4202c009 0x60
mwb 0x4202c00a 0x0
4202cmwb 0x4202c00b 0x0
mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
000 0x30
.mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
> mwb 0x4202c001 0x87
> mwb 0x4202c002 0x8
> mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c004 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c005 0x20
> mwb 0x4202c006 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c007 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c008 0xff
> mwb 0x4202c009 0x60
> mwb 0x4202c00a 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c00b 0x0
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
dw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
dw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
dw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
dw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> load_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
lmwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
oad_imagmwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
e openocd_load_data.bin 0xmdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.2056 bytes written at address 0x4202c000
downloaded 2056 bytes in 0.229602s (8.745 KiB/s)
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
dw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
dw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0xWaitCmd
4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> load_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
lmwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
oad_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
.mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
2056 bytes written at address 0x4202c000
downloaded 2056 bytes in 0.273233s (7.348 KiB/s)
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
dw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> load_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
lmwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
oad_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
.mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
2056 bytes written at address 0x4202c000
downloaded 2056 bytes in 0.228581s (8.784 KiB/s)
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb WaitCmd
0x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> load_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
lmwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
oad_imwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mage openocd_lmwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
oad_data.bin 0x4202c000
.mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
2056 bytes written at address 0x4202c000
downloaded 2056 bytes in 0.224835s (8.930 KiB/s)
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
dw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
db 0x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> load_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
lmwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
oad_image openocd_load_data.binmdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.2056 bytes written at address 0x4202c000
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> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw WaitCmd
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> load_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
lmwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
oad_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
.mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
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> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> load_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
lmwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
oad_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
.mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
2056 bytes written at address 0x4202c000
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> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0xWaitCmd
4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0xWaitCmd
4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> load_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
lmwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
oad_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x42mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.2056 bytes written at address 0x4202c000
downloaded 2056 bytes in 0.247884s (8.100 KiB/s)
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 00 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0xWaitCmd
4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> load_image openocd_load_data.bin 0x4202c000
lmwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
oad_image openocd_load_data.bin 0xmdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.264 bytes written at address 0x4202c000
downloaded 264 bytes in 0.030032s (8.585 KiB/s)
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0xWaitCmd
4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mwb 0x4202c000 0x3a
mmwb 0x4202c001 0x0
mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
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mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
wb 0x420mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
2c000 0x3a
.mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
> mwb 0x4202c001 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0xWaitCmd
4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mwb 0x4202c000 0x60
mmwb 0x4202c001 0x0
mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
wb 0x4mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
202c000 0x60
.mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
> mwb 0x4202c001 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mwb 0x4202c000 0x3e
mwb 0xmwb 0x4202c001 0x69
4202c000 0mwb 0x4202c002 0x8
mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
mwb 0x4202c004 0x0
mwb 0x4202c005 0x20
.mwb 0x4202c006 0x0
mwb 0x4202c007 0x0
mwb 0x4202c008 0x0
mwb 0x4202c009 0x41
mwb 0x4202c00a 0x0
mwb 0x4202c00b 0x0
mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
> mwb 0x4202c001 0x69
> mwb 0x4202c002 0x8
> mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c004 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c005 0x20
> mwb 0x4202c006 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c007 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c008 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c009 0x41
> mwb 0x4202c00a 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c00b 0x0
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 00 00 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
db 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
dw 0x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
db 0x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0xWaitCmd
4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0xWaitCmd
4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x4
mdb 0xWaitCmd
4202c000 0x4
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b 20 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
mdb 0xWaitCmd
4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0xWaitCmd
4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x4
mdb 0WaitCmd
x4202c000 0x4
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b 20 00
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202c004 0x8
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202c004 0x8
.0x4202c004: d0017be5 ed9d46b1 9c910cae 45bde701 697d8448 5389ddc1 c12c6918 24b7e2f6
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mwb 0x4202c000 0x61
mmwb 0x4202c001 0x0
mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
wb 0xmwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
4202c000 0x61
.mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
> mwb 0x4202c001 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c002 0x0
> mwb 0x4202c003 0x0
> mwb 0x4202bff0 0x48
> mwb 0x4202bff1 0x52
> mwb 0x4202bff2 0x44
> mwb 0x4202bff3 0x59
> mdb 0x4202bff0 0x4
.0x4202bff0: 53 41 43 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdw 0x4202bff4 0x3
mdw 0WaitCmd
x4202bff4 0x3
.0x4202bff4: b5d6925c 930fde89 ce1773e3
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
mdb 0x4202c000 0x2
.0x4202c000: 4f 4b
> WaitCmd
.invalid command name "WaitCmd"
> shutdown
.shutdown command invoked
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