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Created January 20, 2015 20:26
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qsubbing using factorie
object ProcessSlotFillingCorpusParallel {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
implicit val random = new scala.util.Random(0)
val opts = new ProcessSlotFillingCorpusParallelOpts
/* Load data files */
if (opts.dataDirs.wasInvoked && opts.dataFiles.wasInvoked) {
println("Please specify either a list of data directories or files but not both.")
assert(opts.dataDirs.wasInvoked || opts.dataFiles.wasInvoked || opts.dataFilesFile.wasInvoked)
val allDataFileNames = {
if (opts.dataDirs.wasInvoked)
else if (opts.dataFilesFile.wasInvoked)
else opts.dataFiles.value
// divide all documents into numJobs sets of equal size
val numJobs = opts.numJobs.value
val memory = opts.memPerJob.value
val numCores = opts.numThreads.value
val dividedDocuments = Utilities.cut(util.Random.shuffle(allDataFileNames), numJobs)
// write filelists
val fnamePrefix = "tmp-filelist-"
val fnames = (0 until numJobs).map(i => Paths.get(s"$fnamePrefix$i").toAbsolutePath().toString)
dividedDocuments.zipWithIndex.foreach{case(doclist,idx) => {
val writer = new PrintWriter(fnames(idx))
doclist.foreach{fname => writer.println(fname)}
println(s"Distributed ${allDataFileNames.length} data files into ${numJobs} sets of ${}-${} files")
val docsParam = DistributorParameter[String](opts.dataFilesFile, fnames)
val qs = new cc.factorie.util.QSubExecutor(memory, "edu.umass.cs.iesl.tackbp2014.process.ProcessSlotFillingCorpus", numCores)
val qsOpts = opts.writeInto(new ProcessSlotFillingCorpusOpts)
val distributor = new cc.factorie.util.JobDistributor(qsOpts, Seq(docsParam), qs.execute, 60)
val result = distributor.distribute
println(s"Finished running $result jobs")
// remove created filelists
fnames.foreach{fname => Files.delete(Paths.get(fname))}
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That "edu.umass.cs.iesl.tackbp2014.process.ProcessSlotFillingCorpus" parameter is the class you want each job to run, it needs to extend HyperparameterMain, which basically means instead of "main" it has a function called "evaluateParameters" which returns a double (since you are not actually optimizing, the value it returns is irrelevant).

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