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Created March 24, 2015 17:32
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ChainNerDemo that works with unseen labels at test time
package cc.factorie.tutorial
import cc.factorie._
import cc.factorie.variable._
import cc.factorie.model.{Parameters, DotTemplateWithStatistics2, DotTemplateWithStatistics1, TemplateModel}
import cc.factorie.infer.{BPSummary, BP, IteratedConditionalModes, GibbsSampler}
/** A demonstration of training a linear-chain CRF for named entity recognition.
Prints various diagnostics suitable to a demo.
@author Andrew McCallum */
object ChainNERDemo {
// The variable classes
object TokenDomain extends CategoricalVectorDomain[String]
class Token(val word:String, features:Seq[String], labelString:String) extends BinaryFeatureVectorVariable[String] with ChainLink[Token,Sentence] {
def domain = TokenDomain
override def skipNonCategories = domain.dimensionDomain.frozen
val label: Label = new Label(labelString, this)
this ++= features
object LabelDomain extends CategoricalDomain[String]
class Label(labelname: String, val token: Token) extends LabeledCategoricalVariable(labelname) {
def domain = LabelDomain
def hasNext = token.hasNext && != null
def hasPrev = token.hasPrev && token.prev.label != null
def next =
def prev = token.prev.label
class Sentence extends Chain[Sentence,Token]
// The model
val model = new TemplateModel with Parameters {
// Bias term on each individual label
object bias extends DotTemplateWithStatistics1[Label] {
val weights = Weights(new la.DenseTensor1(LabelDomain.size))
// Transition factors between two successive labels
object transtion extends DotTemplateWithStatistics2[Label, Label] {
val weights = Weights(new la.DenseTensor2(LabelDomain.size, LabelDomain.size))
def unroll1(label: Label) = if (label.hasPrev) Factor(label.prev, label) else Nil
def unroll2(label: Label) = if (label.hasNext) Factor(label, else Nil
// Factor between label and observed token
object evidence extends DotTemplateWithStatistics2[Label, Token] {
val weights = Weights(new la.DenseTensor2(LabelDomain.size, TokenDomain.dimensionSize))
def unroll1(label: Label) = Factor(label, label.token)
def unroll2(token: Token) = throw new Error("Token values shouldn't change")
this += evidence
this += bias
this += transtion
// The training objective
val objective = new HammingTemplate[Label, Label#TargetType]
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
implicit val random = new scala.util.Random(0)
if (args.length != 2) throw new Error("Usage: ChainNERDemo trainfile testfile")
// Read in the data
val trainSentences = load(args(0))
val testSentences = load(args(1))
// Get the variables to be inferred
val trainLabels = trainSentences.flatMap( //.take(30000)
// val testLabels = testSentences.flatMap(
// val allTokens: Seq[Token] = (trainLabels ++ testLabels).map(_.token)
// Add features from next and previous tokens
// println("Adding offset features...") => {
if (t.hasPrev) t ++= t.prev.activeCategories.filter(!_.contains('@')).map(_+"@-1")
if (t.hasNext) t ++=!_.contains('@')).map(_+"@+1")
println("Using "+TokenDomain.dimensionSize+" observable features.")
// Print some significant features
//println("Most predictive features:")
//val pllo = new, (label:Label) => label.token)
//for (label <- LabelDomain.values) println(label.category+": ", 20))
// Sample and Learn!
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
// (trainLabels ++ testLabels).foreach(_.setRandomly)
val learner = new optimize.SampleRankTrainer(new GibbsSampler(model, objective) {temperature=0.1}, new cc.factorie.optimize.AdaGrad)
val predictor = new IteratedConditionalModes(model, null)
for (i <- 1 to 3) {
// println("Iteration "+i)
// predictor.processAll(testLabels);
trainLabels.take(20).foreach(printLabel _); println(); println()
//trainLabels.take(20).foreach(label => println("%30s %s %s %f".format(label.token.word, label.targetCategory, label.categoryValue, objective.currentScore(label))))
//println ("Tr50 accuracy = "+ objective.accuracy(trainLabels.take(20)))
println ("Train accuracy = "+ objective.accuracy(trainLabels))
// println ("Test accuracy = "+ objective.accuracy(testLabels))
if (false) {
// Use BP Viterbi for prediction
for (sentence <- testSentences)
BP.inferChainMax(, model).setToMaximize(null)
//BP.inferChainSum(, model).setToMaximize(null) // max-marginal inference
for (sentence <- trainSentences.take(10)) {
printTokenMarginals(sentence.asSeq, BP.inferChainSum(, model))
// printTokenMarginals(sentence.asSeq, BP.inferChainMax(, model))
println("---Gibbs Sampling---")
// predictor.processAll(testLabels, 2)
sentence.asSeq.foreach(token => printLabel(token.label))
} else {
// Use VariableSettingsSampler for prediction
//predictor.temperature *= 0.1
// predictor.processAll(testLabels, 2)
val testLabels = testSentences.flatMap( => {
if (t.hasPrev) t ++= t.prev.activeCategories.filter(!_.contains('@')).map(_+"@-1")
if (t.hasNext) t ++=!_.contains('@')).map(_+"@+1")
predictor.processAll(testLabels, 2)
println ("Final Test accuracy = "+ objective.accuracy(testLabels))
//println("norm " + model.weights.twoNorm)
println("Finished in " + ((System.currentTimeMillis - startTime) / 1000.0) + " seconds")
//for (sentence <- testSentences) BP.inferChainMax(, model); println ("MaxBP Test accuracy = "+ objective.accuracy(testLabels))
//for (sentence <- testSentences) BP.inferChainSum(, model).setToMaximize(null); println ("SumBP Test accuracy = "+ objective.accuracy(testLabels))
//predictor.processAll(testLabels, 2); println ("Gibbs Test accuracy = "+ objective.accuracy(testLabels))
def printTokenMarginals(tokens:Seq[Token], summary:BPSummary): Unit = {
for (token <- tokens)
println(token.word + " " +" "))
// Feature extraction
def wordToFeatures(word:String, initialFeatures:String*) : Seq[String] = {
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
val f = new ArrayBuffer[String]
f += "W="+word
f ++= initialFeatures
if (word.length > 3) f += "PRE="+word.substring(0,3)
if (Capitalized.findFirstMatchIn(word) != None) f += "CAPITALIZED"
if (Numeric.findFirstMatchIn(word) != None) f += "NUMERIC"
if (Punctuation.findFirstMatchIn(word) != None) f += "PUNCTUATION"
val Capitalized = "^[A-Z].*".r
val Numeric = "^[0-9]+$".r
val Punctuation = "[-,\\.;:?!()]+".r
def printLabel(label:Label) : Unit = {
println("%-16s TRUE=%-8s PRED=%-8s %s".format(label.token.word,, label.value.category, label.token.toString))
def printDiagnostic(labels:Seq[Label]) : Unit = {
for (label <- labels; if label.intValue != label.domain.index("O")) {
if (!label.hasPrev || label.value != label.prev.value)
print("%-7s %-7s ".format(if (label.value != else " ", label.value.category.drop(2)))
print(label.token.word+" ")
if (!label.hasNext || label.value != println()
def load(filename:String) : Seq[Sentence] = {
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
var wordCount = 0
var sentences = new ArrayBuffer[Sentence]
val source = Source.fromFile(new File(filename))
var sentence = new Sentence
for (line <- source.getLines()) {
if (line.length < 2) { // Sentence boundary
sentences += sentence
sentence = new Sentence
} else if (line.startsWith("-DOCSTART-")) {
// Skip document boundaries
} else {
val fields = line.split(' ')
assert(fields.length == 4)
val word = fields(0)
val pos = fields(1)
val label = fields(3).stripLineEnd
sentence += new Token(word, wordToFeatures(word,"POS="+pos), label)
wordCount += 1
println("Loaded "+sentences.length+" sentences with "+wordCount+" words total from file "+filename)
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