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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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EitherT from coslice categories
-- Ever wondered where monad transformers come from?
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Control.Arrow ((+++))
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity)
-- Coslice category
-- Read Coslice e x as the type of evidence that x is
-- the underlying object of some object of e/Hask.
type Coslice e x = e -> x
-- Free/forgetful adjunction
type F e x = Either e x
fMap :: (x -> y) -> (F e x -> F e y)
fMap f = id +++ f
free :: Coslice (F e x)
free = Left
type U e x = x
uMap :: (x -> y) -> (U e x -> U e y)
uMap f = f
transposeL :: (F e x -> y) -> (x -> U e y)
transposeL f = f . Right
transposeR :: Coslice e y -> (x -> U e y) -> (F e x -> y)
transposeR c f = either c f
-- Monad (via its Kleisli category)
type T e x = U e (F e x)
data E -- fix e = E for notational convenience
type x +> y = x -> T E y
idT :: x +> x
idT = transposeL id
compT :: (y +> z) -> (x +> y) -> (x +> z)
compT f g = transposeL (transposeR' f . transposeR' g)
transposeR' :: (x -> U e (F e y)) -> (F e x -> F e y)
transposeR' = transposeR free
-- Monad transformer (similarly)
type Tr e m x = U e (m (F e x))
type M = Identity -- fix m = M for notational convenience
type x ++> y = x -> Tr E M y
idTr :: x ++> x
idTr = transposeL return
compTr :: (y ++> z) -> (x ++> y) -> (x ++> z)
compTr f g = transposeL (transposeR' f <=< transposeR' g)
transposeR' :: Monad m => (x -> U e (m (F e y))) -> (F e x -> m (F e y))
transposeR' = transposeR (return . free)
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