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Last active March 30, 2017 21:53
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#include "string.hpp"
#include "execute.hpp"
using code = decltype(
"mov ebp , esp "
"push eax " // declare four variables
"push eax "
"push eax "
"push eax "
"mov DWORD PTR [ ebp + 8 ] , 0 "
"mov DWORD PTR [ ebp + 12 ] , 1 "
"mov DWORD PTR [ ebp + 16 ] , 1 "
"mov DWORD PTR [ ebp + 4 ] , 1 "
":loop_label "
"mov eax , DWORD PTR [ ebp + 4 ] "
"mov ebx , 15 " //we want to get 15th fibonacci element
"cmp eax , ebx "
"jge .end_label "
"mov edx , DWORD PTR [ ebp + 8 ] "
"mov eax , DWORD PTR [ ebp + 12 ] "
"add eax , edx "
"mov DWORD PTR [ ebp + 16 ] , eax "
"mov eax , DWORD PTR [ ebp + 12 ] "
"mov DWORD PTR [ ebp + 8 ] , eax "
"mov eax , DWORD PTR [ ebp + 16 ] "
"mov DWORD PTR [ ebp + 12 ] , eax "
"mov eax , DWORD PTR [ ebp + 4 ] "
"mov ebx , 1 "
"add eax , ebx "
"mov DWORD PTR [ ebp + 4 ] , eax "
"jmp .loop_label "
":end_label "
"mov eax , DWORD PTR [ ebp + 16 ] "
int main()
return cai::execute_code<code>;
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