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Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

std::string toString(bool b)
return b ? "true" : "false";
const std::string foo{ "foo" };
const auto bar{ 20. };
const auto baz{ 6 };"Foo: {}, bar: {}, baz: {}", foo, bar, baz);
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
template<size_t ...values>
struct values_container
namespace details
template <typename value_type, typename Is>
mov eax, 610
#include "string.hpp"
#include "execute.hpp"
using code = decltype(
"mov ebp , esp "
"push eax " // declare four variables
"push eax "
"push eax "
"push eax "
"mov DWORD PTR [ ebp + 8 ] , 0 "
template <typename stack_type, typename flags_type, typename registers_state_type>
struct machine_state
using stack_t = stack_type;
using flags_t = flags_type;
using registers_state_t = registers_state_type;
static constexpr to_flags<flags_t> flags{};
static constexpr to_register_state <registers_state_t> reg_state{};
template <typename code>
struct prepare_and_execute
using tokens = tokenize<code>;
using extract_labels_result = extract_labels<tokens>;
using tokens_without_labels = typename extract_labels_result::tokens;
using labels_metadata = typename extract_labels_result::labels;
using tokens_after_labels_substitution = substutite_labels<tokens_without_labels, labels_metadata>;
using opcodes = assemble<tokens_after_labels_substitution>;
using machine_state = startup_machine_state;
template<typename state_t, size_t ip, size_t ...rest_of_opcodes>
struct ex_instruction<state_t, inst::to_size<inst::id_t::JGE>, ip, rest_of_opcodes...>
using state = to_machine_state<state_t>;
static constexpr auto flags_v = typename state::flags_t{};
static constexpr bool should_jmp = ((static_cast<int>(flags_v.SF) ^ static_cast<int>(flags_v.OF)) == 0);
using final_regs_state = std::conditional_t<
template<typename state_t, size_t reg1, size_t val, size_t ...rest_of_opcodes>
struct ex_instruction<state_t, inst::to_size<inst::id_t::MOV_REG_VAL>, reg1, val, rest_of_opcodes...>
using state = to_machine_state<state_t>;
using new_regs_state = set_reg<typename state::registers_state_t, regs::to_id<reg1>, static_cast<uint32_t>(val)>;
using final_regs_state = adjust_eip<new_regs_state, inst::id_t::MOV_REG_VAL>;
using next_machine_state = machine_state<typename state::stack_t, typename state::flags_t, final_regs_state>;
template<typename state, size_t ...opcodes>
struct ex_instruction;