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Last active December 18, 2015 18:10
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scikit-image PR #1792
# This was run from a notebook (so I could choose which cells to run).
# I have also uploaded the entire notebook as skimage_fftconvolve.ipynb (via a dropbox link)
# Cell 1
from skimage.restoration import richardson_lucy
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import convolve, fftconvolve
import timeit
%matplotlib inline
# Cell 2
times = {}
for shape in [2, 3]:
times[shape] = {}
for N in Ns:
times[shape][N] = {}
Ks = np.logspace(0.5, np.log10(N), num=10, dtype=int)
Ks = np.unique(Ks)
print('## N = ' + str(N))
for k in Ns:
if k > N: continue
print('k = ' + str(k))
x = np.random.rand(*((N,)*shape))
h = np.random.rand(*((k,)*shape))
t_fft = time('fftconvolve', x, h)
t_direct = time('convolve', x, h)
times[shape][N][k] = {'t_fft':t_fft, 't_direct':t_direct}
# Cell 3
import pickle
pickle.dump(times, open( "times.p", "wb"))
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def process_shape(t_fft, t_direct, ndims=2):
t_fft = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(t_fft)
t_direct = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(t_direct)
# showing the heatmap of times
sns.heatmap(np.log2(t_fft / t_direct), center=0)
plt.title('time_fft / time_direct for {}D array'.format(ndims))
plt.xlabel('N \n(image square/cubic)')
plt.ylabel('k \n(kernel square/cubic')
# the size of the image/kernel
N, k = np.meshgrid(1.0*t_fft.columns, 1.0*t_direct.index)
# the variables in our equation
A = (ndims*(N*np.log(N) + k*np.log(k)) / (k**ndims * N**ndims)).flat[:]
b = (np.asarray(t_fft) / np.asarray(t_direct)).flat[:]
# it's nan where we didn't measure (the lower-triangle of the matrix)
i = np.isnan(b)
b, A = b[~i], A[~i]
# we assume solutions of this form; it's finding the constant out front
def predictor(x, a):
return a*x
p = curve_fit(predictor, A, b, p0=1)
plt.semilogy(predictor(A, p[0]), 'o-', label='Predicted ratio', basey=2)
plt.semilogy(b, 'o-', label='Actual ratio', basey=2)
plt.semilogy(b / b, label='Decision boundary', basey=2)
plt.title('time_fft / time_direct ratio for {}D array'.format(ndims))
# times saved as a dictionary of dictionary of the form
# times[N][k] = {'t_fft':1.0, 't_direct':10}
times = pickle.load(open("times.p", "rb"))
N_points = 7
Ns = np.logspace(0.5, 2.000, num=N_points, dtype=int)
from pprint import pprint
for shape in [2, 3]:
if shape==3:
Ns = Ns[:5]
t_fft = {N: {k: times[shape][N][k]['t_fft'] for k in Ns
if k in times[shape][N].keys()}
for N in Ns}
t_direct = {N: {k: times[shape][N][k]['t_direct'] for k in Ns
if k in times[shape][N].keys()}
for N in Ns}
process_shape(t_fft, t_direct, ndims=shape)
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This gist is for scikit-image PR #1792.

times.pkl can be found on Dropbox

EDIT: times.p can also be found on Dropbox. This is an updated version of times.pkl; it includes 2D and 3D information (not just 2D).

EDIT2: The Jupyter notebook used to develop this can be found on Dropbox as well.

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I can't run this because I get:

ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 3

Do I need to be running Python3?

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(It works on Python3 -- I'll update my libs there and try it)

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Correct, I used Python 3 to develop this.

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And I have updated this gist to include the code used to generate times.p. I included the code, as well as the Jupyter notebook I ran it in (see above for link).

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Missing variable Ns in top gist; time is undefined; richardson_lucy is unused -- so it looks like it might require some cleaning to be a proper script :) I'll take a look at the Notebook.

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Ahh, time is a IPython magic thing. I don't use notebooks so it'll require a bit of tweaking.

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I expanded the scripts a bit to work with 1D as well, and made them work without IPython -- want a PR?




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