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Created March 18, 2013 16:52
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Using iterative hard thresholding to recreate a signal. dtw and idwt can easily be replaced with fft and ifft.
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% Load in an image
I = double(imread('~/Desktop/not-used-frequently/pictures_for_project/lenna.jpg'));
I2 = mean(I,3);
I3 = imresize(I2,[512,512]);
% Take Measurements (pixels)
sz = size(I3);
n = sz(1)*sz(2);
p = .3;
rp = randperm(n);
% This line is the image --> pixel samples operation
% implementing the linear function A(.)
y = I3(rp(1:floor(p*n)));
% This is the operation that takes a vector of samples
% and forms the full image, placing the samples at the right places
% and zeros elsewhere. This is the adjoint of A(.)
ys = zeros(size(I3));
ys(rp(1:floor(p*n))) = y;
% Display sampled image
imagesc(I3); colormap gray
imagesc(ys); colormap gray
% Now let's implement IHT
% Note that we're going to go after the wavelet transform coefficients...
% So, my effective observation model is
% y = A(T^(-1)(T(z)))
% let T(z) = x, then
% y = A(T^(-1)(x))
% let phi = A(T^(-1)(.))
% our model is y = A(x)
iterations = 200;
s = 5000;
%h = daubcqf(2);
% initialize
xold = zeros(size(I3));
for i=1:iterations
% First compute phi(xold)
t1 = idwt2_full(xold);
temp = t1(rp(1:floor(p*n)));
% Now compute y-phi(xold)
temp2 = y-temp;
% Now compute phi*((y-phi(xold))
% (first "blow this up" into a full matrix)
temp3 = zeros(size(I3));
temp3(rp(1:floor(p*n))) = temp2;
% (then take the forward wavelet transform)
temp3 = dwt2_full(temp3);
% Now compute xold + phi*((y-phi(xold))
temp4 = xold + temp3;
% Finally do hard thresholding
s = round(5000 + i*n/1000);
if s > n s = n; end
s = 5000;
tt = reshape(temp4,n,1);
[srt,inx] = sort(abs(tt),'descend');
temp5 = zeros(size(temp4));
temp5(inx(1:s)) = tt(inx(1:s));
%ma = max(tt);
%temp5 = zeros(sz);
%cut_off = 0.01 * ma;
%i = tt < ma;
%temp5(i) = 0;
% At each step, plot the current estimate...
imagesc(idwt2_full(temp5)); colormap gray
% update
xold = temp5;
imagesc(idwt2_full(temp5)); colormap gray
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