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Created July 20, 2011 12:43
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Dosbox cheating support
import sys, sqlite3
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print 'Syntax: %s gameid' % sys.argv[0]
gameid = sys.argv[1]
con = sqlite3.connect('test.db')
c = con.cursor()
sql = 'select name,addr from fields where gameid=?'
c.execute(sql, (gameid,))
res = c.fetchall()
for i,row in enumerate(res):
print i,row
fn = int(raw_input('Field number for base value: '))
basev = int(res[fn][1],16)
val = int(raw_input('Corrected address (int): '))
for i,row in enumerate(res):
d[row[0]] = (int(row[1],16) - basev) + val
print d
sql = 'update fields set offset=? where gameid=? and name=?'
for k in d:
c.execute(sql, (d[k], gameid, k))
ArtMoney table file reader
(c)2011, <>
import sys, csv
from datetime import datetime
def consume(lbls, seq):
r=dict(zip(lbls, seq))
del seq[:len(lbls)]
return r
class AMTTable:
def localizedkeys(self, lbl):
return [lbl+'%i'%i for i in range(self.langcount)]
def __init__(self, seq):
self.common = consume(['sign','fver','swver','hash1','hash2'], seq)
self.ver = int(self.common['fver'])
if self.ver >= 5: seq.pop(0)
# L10N
if self.ver >= 6:
self.langcount = int(seq.pop(0))
actlang = seq.pop(0)
self.langs = consume(self.localizedkeys('lang'), seq)
self.langs = {'lang0':'english'}
self.langcount = 1
# INFO = consume(self.localizedkeys('name'), seq)
if self.ver >= 3:['exec'] = seq.pop(0)['date'] = datetime.strptime(seq.pop(0), '%m/%d/%Y').date().isoformat()
consume(['n3','n4','n5'], seq)
if self.ver >= 9: consume(['n6','n7','n8'], seq)['e1','contrib','country','email'], seq))
if self.ver >= 4: seq.pop(0)
if self.ver >= 11: seq.pop(0) #32?
if self.ver >= 6:
seq.pop(0) #n?
if self.ver >= 7 and seq.pop(0)=='Y':
self.emuopts = consume(['sys','emu','id','desc','emuaddr','pcaddr','size'],seq)
groupsz = int(seq.pop(0))
if groupsz > 0:
self.groups = consume([None]*groupsz*(self.langcount+1), seq)
seq.pop(0) #? consume(self.localizedkeys('comment'), seq) )
if self.ver < 4:
fstruct += ['addr','val','type']
elif self.ver == 4:
fstruct += ['addr','hotkeys','val','type']
fstruct += ['addr','hotkeys','group','val','type','ev']
if self.ver >= 9: fstruct.append('freeze')
while len(seq) >= len(fstruct):
#print seq[:len(fstruct)]
fs = consume(fstruct, seq)
if self.ver >= 9 and fs['freeze'] == '3':
fs.update(consume(['min','max'], seq))
self.fields[fs['lang0']] = fs
if len(seq) > 0: print 'UNCONSUMED',len(seq),seq
def sqlitecon():
import sqlite3
con = sqlite3.connect('test.db')
with con:
c = con.cursor()
c.execute('create table if not exists games (id integer primary key, name text, hash text, by text, email text, date text)')
#c.execute('create table if not exists info (gameid int, key text, value text, FOREIGN KEY(gameid) REFERENCES games(id))')
c.execute('create table if not exists fields (gameid int, name text, origaddr text, offset text, FOREIGN KEY(gameid) REFERENCES games(id))')
c.execute('create table if not exists codes (gameid int, name text, offset int, originst text, newinst text, FOREIGN KEY(gameid) REFERENCES games(id))')
return con
if __name__ == '__main__':
#IFS=$'\n'; for FV in $(seq 1 11); do mkdir dosfv/$FV;
# for f in $(grep -lr "Table\",\"$FV\"" DOS/); do mv "$f" dosfv/$FV; done
#done; rmdir dosfv/*
#for d in dosfv/*; do echo -n "$d: "; l $d|wc -l; done
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print 'Syntax: %s file.amt' % sys.argv[0]
print '\nFor multiple files try e.g..'
print '\tfor f in *amt; do echo $f; python "$f" 2>&1; done'
con = sqlitecon()
for file in sys.argv[1:]:
print file
with open(file,'r') as f:
amt = AMTTable([unicode(s, "cp1251") for s in csv.reader(f).next()])
with con:
c = con.cursor()
c.execute("insert into games values(?,?,?,?,?,?)",
gameid = c.lastrowid
c.executemany("insert into fields (gameid,name,origaddr) values(?, ?, ?)",
[(gameid, k, amt.fields[k]['addr']) for k in amt.fields])
""" - Memory scanner and cheat management script for Dosbox
(c)2011, <>
Place in ~/.dosbox/python with a cheat.db (see
from dosboxdbg import *
import re, struct, binascii
locs = []
token = ''
runhash = None
holds = {}
def HELP(p):
ShowMsg(" commands:")
ShowMsg('-' * 74)
for c in sorted(cmds):
if cmds[c].__doc__ != None:
ShowMsg("%s\t%s" % (c, cmds[c].__doc__))
def findall(needle, haystack):
return [m.start() for m in re.finditer(re.escape(needle), haystack)]
#return ''.join( [ "%02X " % ord(x) for x in bytes ] ).strip()
def hex2bin(h):
if h.upper().startswith('0X') or ' ' in h:
h = h.upper().replace('0X','').replace(' ','')
return binascii.unhexlify(h)
#return [chr(int(h[i:i+2], 16)) for i in xrange(0, len(h), 2)]
def StrToAddr(s):
return GetAddress(*[int(i,16) for i in s.split(':')])
def MSRCH(par):
""" Search allocated memory for a value """
global locs, token
locs = []
token = hex2bin(par)
mcb = GetMCBs()
ssz = 0
for mseg in mcb:
addr = GetAddress(mseg,0)
mem = ReadMem(addr, mcb[mseg])
locs += ['%x:%x'%(mseg,n) for n in findall(token, mem)]
ssz += mcb[mseg]
ShowMsg('found %s for %i times in %ib of memory' %(repr(token), len(locs), ssz))
return True
def MFILT(par):
""" Filter previously searched locations with a new value """
global locs, token
if par.upper() == 'INC':
locs = [n for n in locs if ReadMem(StrToAddr(n), len(token)) > token]
elif par.upper() == 'DEC':
locs = [n for n in locs if ReadMem(StrToAddr(n), len(token)) < token]
if ' ' in par and par[0].isalpha():
# if "[a-z] [0-9]*" then assume a formatted value
tok = struct.unpack(*par.split(' ',1))
# otherwise simple hexvalue
tok = hex2bin(par)
if len(tok) != len(token):
ShowMsg('search token length should match original search length: %i'%len(token))
return False
#locs = [n for n in locs if ReadMem(GetAddress(*map(int,n.split(':'))), len(tok)) == tok]
locs = [n for n in locs if ReadMem(StrToAddr(n), len(tok)) == tok]
ShowMsg('%i remaining' % len(locs))
return True
def MLST(p):
""" List previously searched/filtered values """
global locs
rep = repr(locs)
for i,n in enumerate(locs):
ShowMsg('%s %s' % (n, repr(ReadMem(StrToAddr(n), len(token)))))
# split for ui output, todo: clean api
#for i in xrange(0, len(rep), 253): ShowMsg(rep[i:i+253])
return True
def MHOLD(par):
""" Watch a memory location and prevent changes (16bit values atm) """
for v in GetVars():
if v.GetName() == par.strip():
holds[v.GetAdr()] = ReadMem(v.GetAdr(),2)
ShowMsg('holding '+par+repr(holds))
ParseCommand('BPM 0:%x' % v.GetAdr())
#for bp in GetBPs(): ShowMsg('%i %x' % (bp.GetLocation(), bp.GetOffset()))
return True
ShowMsg('no such var %s?' % par)
# ShowMsg('%s %i' % (v.GetName(),v.GetAdr()))
def MSAVE(p):
""" Save current set of variables """
con = sqlitecon()
c = con.cursor()
sql = 'select id,name,(select count(*) from fields where gameid=id) as fc from games where hash=?'
c.execute(sql, (hex(binhash),))
res = c.fetchone()
if len(res) > 0:
gameid = res['id']
if int(res['fc']) > 0:
c.execute("delete from fields where gameid=?", gameid)
c.execute("insert into games (id,name,hash) values(?,?,?)", (None,'',runhash))
gameid = c.lastrowid
c.executemany("insert into fields (gameid,name,addr) values(?, ?, ?)",
[(gameid, v.GetName(), v.GetAdr()) for v in GetVars()])
def MV(par):
""" Modify variable """
var,val = par.split(' ',1)
val = hex2bin(val)
for v in GetVars():
if v.GetName() == var:
ShowMsg('Changed %s'%var)
WriteMem(v.GetAdr(), val)
return True
ShowMsg('%s not found' % var)
def CLST(p):
""" List available code changes for running binary """
if runhash == None: raise Exception('Reloading not currently supported')
con = sqlitecon()
c = con.cursor()
sql = 'select id,name,(select count(*) from codes where gameid=id) as cc from games where hash=?'
c.execute(sql, (hex(runhash),))
res = c.fetchone()
if len(res) > 0:
ShowMsg('%i code changes for %s' %(res['cc'], res['name']))
c.execute('select name,offset,originst,newinst from codes where gameid=?', (res['id'],))
res = c.fetchall()
ret = True
for c in res:
oinst = hex2bin(c['originst'])
ninst = hex2bin(c['newinst'])
cod = ReadMem(c['offset'], len(oinst))
if cod != oinst:
ShowMsg("%s: %s doesn't match expected %s" % (c['name'], repr(cod), repr(oinst)))
ret = False
ShowMsg('%s: found at offset %i' % (c['name'], c['offset']))
return ret
def loadCode(name):
c = sqlitecon().cursor()
c.execute('select * from codes where gameid=(select id from games where hash=?) and name=?', (hex(runhash),name))
return c.fetchone()
def CON(para):
""" Alter the code / apply a cheat """
if runhash == None: raise Exception('Reloading not currently supported')
c = loadCode(para)
if c == None:
ShowMsg('%s not found'%para)
oinst = hex2bin(c['originst'])
ninst = hex2bin(c['newinst'])
cod = ReadMem(c['offset'], len(oinst))
if cod != oinst:
ShowMsg("%s: %s doesn't match expected %s" % (c['name'], repr(cod), repr(oinst)))
WriteMem(c['offset'], ninst)
ShowMsg('%s applied'%para)
return True
def COFF(para):
""" Reverse previous code change """
if runhash == None: raise Exception('Reloading not currently supported')
c = loadCode(para)
if c == None:
ShowMsg('%s not found'%para)
oinst = hex2bin(c['originst'])
ninst = hex2bin(c['newinst'])
cod = ReadMem(c['offset'], len(oinst))
if cod != ninst:
ShowMsg("%s: doesn't appear to be loaded, instead %s" % (c['name'], repr(cod)))
WriteMem(c['offset'], oinst)
return True
cmds = { 'HELP':HELP, 'MV':MV,
# --------- Callbacks..
def memChange(bp):
if bp.GetLocation() in holds.keys():
if ReadMem(bp.GetLocation(),2) == holds[bp.GetLocation()]: return False
ShowMsg('memchang %i %s' % (bp.GetLocation(), repr(ReadMem(bp.GetLocation(),2))))
ShowMsg('in hold %s'% repr(holds[bp.GetLocation()]))
WriteMem(bp.GetLocation(), holds[bp.GetLocation()])
ShowMsg('now %s'% repr(ReadMem(bp.GetLocation(),2)))
return False
def cmd(cmdline):
global locs
if ' ' not in cmdline: cmdline += ' '
cmd,para = cmdline.split(' ',1)
cmd = cmd.upper()
if cmds.has_key(cmd):
return cmds.get(cmd)(para)
except Exception as e:
import traceback
return False
def sqlitecon():
import sqlite3
con = sqlite3.connect(GetScriptDir()+'/cheat.db')
con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
return con
def executed(binhash):
global runhash
if binhash == 0: return
ShowMsg('Running hash %x'%binhash)
con = sqlitecon()
c = con.cursor()
sql = '''
select id,,count( as fc,count( as cc from games as g
left join fields as f on(f.gameid=id) left join codes as c on(c.gameid=id)
where hash=?
c.execute(sql, (hex(binhash),))
res = c.fetchone()
if res['fc']>0 or res['cc']>0:
runhash = binhash
ShowMsg('%i fields and %i codes for %s' %(res['fc'], res['cc'], res['name']))
c.execute('select name,offset from fields where gameid=?', (res['id'],))
res = c.fetchall()
for c in res:
ShowMsg('%s %x' % (c['name'], c['offset']))
InsertVar(c['name'], c['offset'])
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